Dennerle BodendĂŒnger Deonit-Mix
Dennerle BodendĂŒnger Deonit-Mix: Die perfekte Grundlage fĂŒr Ihre Wasserpflanzen Der Dennerle BodendĂŒnger Deonit-Mix wurde speziell entwickelt, um ein sicheres Anwachsen und eine krĂ€ftige Wurzelbildung Ihrer Wasserpflanzen zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Basierend auf umfangreichen Kenntnissen der Naturstandorte populĂ€rer Wasserpflanzen hat die Dennerle Aquarienpflanzen-GĂ€rtnerei diesen humusreichen Langzeit-Mineral-NĂ€hrboden in jahrelangen Versuchsreihen entwickelt. Eigenschaften und Vorteile: Konzentriertes NĂ€hreisen in Depotform fĂŒr sattgrĂŒne BlĂ€tter Hochwertige Quarzsande fĂŒr ein optimales Bodenklima AusgewĂ€hlte Tonmineralien, darunter hochwertiges Montmorillonit, zur Regulation des NĂ€hrstoffhaushalts Huminreiche Naturtorfe fĂŒr ein leicht saures Bodenmilieu und optimale NĂ€hrstoffaufnahme Depotformel mit Sofort- und Langzeitwirkung fĂŒr alle NĂ€hrstoffe und Spurenelemente Sicher fĂŒr alle Pflanzen, Fische, Garnelen, Krebse, Schnecken und andere Aquarienbewohner Naturfeuchte Mischung mit sofort biologisch aktiven Mikroorganismen Hochporöses Spezialgranulat als aktiver Bio-Filter fĂŒr bessere WasserqualitĂ€t Weisse, biologisch abbaubare Aktivatorperlen fördern wichtige Humusbakterien und erhöhen die Bodenfruchtbarkeit In verschiedenen Grössen erhĂ€ltlich: 2.4kg fĂŒr 50-70 Liter4.8kg fĂŒr 100-140 Liter9.6kg fĂŒr 160-250 Liter Mit dem Dennerle BodendĂŒnger Deonit-Mix schaffen Sie die ideale Umgebung fĂŒr gesunde und krĂ€ftige Wasserpflanzen, wĂ€hrend Sie gleichzeitig unerwĂŒnschten Algenwachstum wirksam vorbeugen.
CHF 21.50
Dennerle Natural Gravel Rio Xingu 2-22mm, 500g
Dennerle Natural Gravel Rio Xingu: NatĂŒrlicher Kies fĂŒr Ihr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarium Der Dennerle Natural Gravel Rio Xingu ist ein natĂŒrlicher Kies, der speziell fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien entwickelt wurde. Mit einer Körnung von 2-22mm bietet er eine vielseitige Textur und eignet sich perfekt fĂŒr natĂŒrliche und kreative Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten in Ihrem Aquarium. Eigenschaften: NatĂŒrlicher Kies fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien Ideal fĂŒr natĂŒrliche und kreative Akzente Licht- und CO2-bestĂ€ndig Passt gut zu: Kieselsteinen, Mini-Landschaft, Drachensteinen, Seegebirge Inhalt: 500g
CHF 9.90
Dennerle Natural Gravel Bairaman 0.1-0.3mm, 500g
Dennerle Natural Gravel Bairaman: NatĂŒrlicher Sand fĂŒr Ihr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarium Der Dennerle Natural Gravel Bairaman ist ein natĂŒrlicher Sand, der speziell fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien entwickelt wurde. Mit einer Körnung von 0,1-0,3mm bietet er eine feine Textur und eignet sich perfekt fĂŒr natĂŒrliche und kreative Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten in Ihrem Aquarium. Eigenschaften: NatĂŒrlicher Sand fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien Ideal fĂŒr natĂŒrliche und kreative Akzente Licht- und CO2-bestĂ€ndig Passt gut zu: Kieselsteinen, Mini-Landschaft, Heller Pagode, Seegebirge Inhalt: 500g
CHF 11.90
Dennerle Natural Gravel Kongo 500g
Dennerle Natural Gravel Kongo: NatĂŒrlicher Kies fĂŒr Ihr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarium Der Dennerle Natural Gravel Kongo ist ein natĂŒrlicher Kies, der sich ideal fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien eignet. Mit einer Körnung von 3-8mm oder 10-30mm bietet er eine natĂŒrliche und kreative Gestaltungsmöglichkeit fĂŒr Ihr Aquarium. Eigenschaften: NatĂŒrlicher Kies fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien Ideal fĂŒr natĂŒrliche und kreative Akzente Licht- und CO2-bestĂ€ndig Passt gut zu: Grauem Schiefer, Mini-Landschaft, Drachensteinen, Seegebirge Inhalt: 500g
CHF 9.90
Dennerle Natural Gravel Rio Branco 0.1-0.3mm, 500g
Dennerle Natural Gravel Rio Branco: NatĂŒrlicher Kies fĂŒr Ihr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarium Der Dennerle Natural Gravel Rio Branco ist ein natĂŒrlicher Kies, der sich ideal fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien eignet. Mit einer Körnung von 0,1-0,3mm bietet er eine natĂŒrliche und kreative Gestaltungsmöglichkeit fĂŒr Ihr Aquarium. Eigenschaften: NatĂŒrlicher Kies fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien Ideal fĂŒr natĂŒrliche und kreative Akzente Licht- und CO2-bestĂ€ndig Passt gut zu: Schwarzer Lava, Mini-Landschaft, grauem Schiefer, Seegebirge Inhalt: 500g
CHF 9.90
Dennerle Natural Gravel Mekong 0.1-0.6mm, 500g
Dennerle Natural Gravel Mekong: NatĂŒrlicher Sand fĂŒr Ihr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarium Der Dennerle Natural Gravel Mekong ist ein natĂŒrlicher Sand, der sich ideal fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien eignet. Mit einer Körnung von 0,1-0,6mm bietet er eine natĂŒrliche und kreative Gestaltungsmöglichkeit fĂŒr Ihr Aquarium. Eigenschaften: NatĂŒrlicher Sand fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien Ideal fĂŒr natĂŒrliche und kreative Akzente Licht- und CO2-bestĂ€ndig Passt gut zu: Schwarzer Lava, Mini-Landschaft, grauem Schiefer, Seegebirge Inhalt: 500g
CHF 9.90
Dennerle Nano shrimp gravel Sunda 2kg
The nano shrimp gravel Sunda from Dennerle is hardness-free. It also reacts neutrally to water and is lightfast. The shrimp gravel is also CO2-resistant. The grains are rounded and their diameter is between 0.7mm and 1.2mm. The edges are deliberately rounded so that there is no risk of bottom fish injuring themselves.
CHF 13.95
Dennerle Bacto Elixir FB7 â clear water filter bacteria
DENNERLE Bacto Elixir FB7 is a highly effective, concentrated mixed culture of selected, live cleaning bacteria. When added to the aquarium, they become active immediately and start breaking down pollutants. Powerful nitrification bacteria eliminate dangerous ammonia and nitrite. Sludge-degrading bacteria use hydrolytic enzymes to reduce the organic sludge on the ground and in the filter. Other types of bacteria bred specifically for aquariums feed on plant and food residues, fish excrement and organic turbidity. Bacto Elixir FB7 sustainably strengthens the self-cleaning powers of all freshwater aquariums. The optimized water conditions reduce stress. Fish live healthier and feel better. The water stays clearer. • when introducing new fish• when setting up new aquariums• during filter commissioning/cleaning• after drug treatment• after every water change• with increased ammonia or nitrite levels• to strengthen the self-cleaning power• with higher fish populations• for problems with water quality• with higher sludge volumes
CHF 16.50
Dennerle Trocal LED
Optimized illumination and color rendering: Beam angle 130°, for the best possible illumination Optimum color temperature for plants and fish (5,500 K) Spectrum for very good plant growth With pleasant âsun curlâ effect Excellent performance values: Particularly high power density: 60 W/m or 5,600 lm/m (board length) High energy efficiency: 120 lm / W (LED module) One Trocal LED replaces two T5 tubes Trocal LED 40cm: power 18W, aquarium width 38-55cm, aquarium volume 50-80l, lumen 1680Trocal LED 50cm: power 24W, aquarium width 48-65cm, aquarium volume 70-110l, lumen 2240Trocal LED 60cm: power 30W , aquarium width 58-75cm, aquarium volume 90-140l, lumen 2800Trocal LED 70cm: power 36W, aquarium width 68-85cm, aquarium volume 110-170l, lumen 3360Trocal LED 80cm: power 42W, aquarium width 78- 95cm, aquarium volume 130-200l, lumen 3920Trocal LED 90cm: power 48W, aquarium width 88-105cm, aquarium volume 150-220l, lumen 4480Trocal LED 100cm: power 54W, aquarium width 98-115cm, aquarium volume 170 -250l, Lumen 5040Trocal LED 110cm: power 60W, aquarium width 108-125cm, aquarium volume 190-280l, Lumen 5600Trocal LED 120cm: power 66W, aquarium width 118-135cm, aquarium volume 200-300l, lumen 6160T rocal LED 130cm: performance 72W, aquarium width 128â145cm, aquarium volume 220-330L, Lumen 6720trocal LED 140cm: power 78W, aquarium width 138â155cm, aquarium volume 240-360L, Lumen 7280Trocal LED 150cm: performance 84W, aquariums -Width 148-165cm, aquarium volume 260-400l, lumen 7840Trocal LED 160cm: power 90W, aquarium width 158-175cm, aquarium volume 280-420l, lumen 8400
CHF 198.00
Dennerle Nano DepositMix
Special breeding ground for mini aquariums. The foundation for magnificent plant growth. Ready mix. Nano DeponitMix was specially developed for the sensitive nutrient situation of mini aquariums and supplies aquarium plants with vital nutrients via the roots. It is introduced as the lowest layer at a height of approx. 2 cm. With all important nutrients and trace elements Plus iron for lush green healthy leaves Depot effect for many years of magnificent plant growth Guarantee - Safe for invertebrates The content of 1kg is enough for 10-20 liters (aquarium size).
CHF 12.95
Dennerle Nano Shrimp Gravel Sulawesi 2 Kg
Excellent optics â perfect biofunction. Grains rounded, grain size 0.7 - 1.2 mm 2kg is enough for 10 liters
CHF 13.95
Dennerle Crystal quartz gravel
Dennerle quartz gravel is suitable for bottom fish. Since they are through their sensitive barbels while foraging on sharp edges The fine gravel grains that could cause serious injury are the gravel grains from Dennerle suitable. The gravel grains are hardness-free; Grain: 1-2mm; in the ball mill rounded; and colored with food coloring. Before Rinse clear for use.
CHF 25.00
Dennerle Dennerle Trocal Style Two LED
Let there be light! Modern and compact design. With the new Trocal Style Two in 6 or 8 watts, aquarium inhabitants show off their full, natural colors. Thanks to a color temperature of 6,500 Kelvin (daylight) and 800/1,280 lumens, the new Trocal Style Two provide excellent growth light for aquarium plants. The new cooling fins on the back reduce the temperature of the light and make the LED even more durable! Dennerle Trocal Style Two 6 Watt Dimensions: 17x8.5x5 cm Voltage: 100-240V AC Power consumption: 6W Average lifespan: 50,000 hours Bulb shape: LED Luminous flux: 800 lm CRI: 85 Beam angle: 120° Energy efficiency class: C Color temperature: 6500K LED module: 5W Total power consumption: 5.5 W Plug type: Type C - 2 pin (Europlug) Module cable length: 1.50 m
CHF 99.00
Dennerle Dennerle Nano Power LED 5.0
Clip-on light for mini aquariums (10-30L)
CHF 109.00
Dennerle BodendĂŒnger Deonit-Mix Black
Ideal in combination with dark gravelComplete nutrient supply plus depot nutrition for lush green leavesFor secure rooting and optimal soil climateNaturally moist mixture - microorganisms are immediately biologically activePromotes the natural bio-filter function of the substrateClay minerals (montmorillonite) regulate the nutrient balanceHumin-rich natural peat ensures optimal soil pH valueGuarantee: Safe for Fish, shrimp, snails & CoMade from selected, natural raw materialsActive nutrients for up to 8 years of magnificent plant growthPackaging made from 100% recycled plastic, 90% CO Black long-term mineral breeding ground for all planted aquariums. Specially developed to combine with black gravel. Following the example nature and with all the know-how from over 50 years Aquarium plant research. Fine-grained basalt granules create an optimal soil climate. Concentrated sewing iron in depot form ensures lush green leaves. Selected clay minerals (montmorillonite) regulate the Nutrient balance: They release and absorb nutrients when needed An oversupply of humin-rich natural peat ensures a slightly acidic soil environment and absorbs nutrients in a way that is suitable for plants. Highly porous lava granules promote the natural bio-filter function of the substrate: For better water quality and healthier fishNaturally moist mixture - clay minerals and humus substances are already fully effective. Humus and filter bacteria do not dry out and are Immediately biologically activeHighly effective thanks to professional nutrient formula. For a quick âstartâ of all aquarium plants All nutrients and trace elements are in depot form with immediate and long-term effects. Deponit-Mix Black ensures safe growth and strong root formation, even in sensitive species. The Culture medium does not contain any additional phosphates and nitrates and is therefore not conducive to algae. Guaranteed safe for all plants, Fish, shrimp, crabs, snails and other aquarium inhabitants. Growth power made in Germany. So that you have full growth and lushness Experience the splendor of the tropics at home in your own aquarium.
CHF 24.00