(Reptile) Terrariums

21 products

  • Diversa - Terraset Desert 45 Diversa - Terraset Desert 45

    Diversa Diversa - Terraset Desert 45

    21 in stock

    Diversa - Terraset Desert 45 Terrarienset gerade Das Diversa Terraset Desert 45 ist ein kompaktes Terrarienset, das speziell fĂŒr die Haltung von WĂŒstenreptilien entwickelt wurde. Mit einer hochwertigen Verarbeitung, einem durchdachten BelĂŒftungssystem und integrierter Beleuchtung bietet es eine ideale Umgebung fĂŒr Ihre Terrarientiere. Das Set enthĂ€lt: Kunststoffabdeckung mit integrierter, energiesparender Beleuchtung (2x11W / Fassung E27) Terrarium aus hochwertigem Glas Fels fĂŒr eine natĂŒrliche Gestaltung Thermometer zur Temperaturkontrolle Futterschale fĂŒr eine hygienische FĂŒtterung Wasserschale fĂŒr eine ausreichende FlĂŒssigkeitsversorgung Produktdetails: Gesamtmasse: 45 x 32,5 x 35 cm (LĂ€nge x Breite x Höhe) GlasstĂ€rke: 3 mm Geteilte SchiebetĂŒren fĂŒr eine einfache Handhabung BelĂŒftungssystem fĂŒr eine optimale Luftzirkulation Hintere Sicherheitsöffnung fĂŒr eine sichere Verkabelung Spezifikationen: Das Diversa Terraset Desert 45 wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit professionellen Terrarianern entwickelt, um eine artgerechte Umgebung fĂŒr Terrarientiere zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Die grossen SchiebetĂŒren ermöglichen eine bequeme Pflege und FĂŒtterung. Das prĂ€zise ausgefĂŒhrte BelĂŒftungssystem sorgt fĂŒr eine optimale Luftzirkulation und verhindert gleichzeitig das Entweichen der Tiere. Das Terrarium besteht aus hochwertigem Floatglas mit geschliffenen Kanten fĂŒr maximale Sicherheit. Die Verbindungen sind doppelt mit speziellem Silikon verklebt und entsprechen den europĂ€ischen Sicherheitsnormen.

    21 in stock

    CHF 109.00

  • Diversa - Terraset Desert 60 Diversa - Terraset Desert 60

    Diversa Diversa - Terraset Desert 60

    5 in stock

    Diversa - Terraset Desert 60 Terrarienset gerade Das Diversa Terraset Desert 60 ist ein durchdachtes Terrarienset, das speziell fĂŒr die Haltung von WĂŒstenreptilien entwickelt wurde. Mit seiner robusten Konstruktion, einem effizienten BelĂŒftungssystem und integrierter Beleuchtung schafft es optimale Bedingungen fĂŒr Ihre Terrarientiere. Das Set enthĂ€lt: Kunststoffabdeckung mit integrierter, energiesparender Beleuchtung (2x11W / Fassung E27) Terrarium aus hochwertigem Glas Fels fĂŒr eine natĂŒrliche Umgebung Thermometer zur Temperaturkontrolle Futterschale fĂŒr eine hygienische FĂŒtterung Wasserschale fĂŒr eine ausreichende FlĂŒssigkeitszufuhr Produktdetails: Gesamtmasse: 60 x 40 x 45 cm (LĂ€nge x Breite x Höhe) GlasstĂ€rke: 4 mm Geteilte SchiebetĂŒren fĂŒr eine einfache Handhabung BelĂŒftungssystem fĂŒr eine optimale Luftzirkulation Hintere Sicherheitsöffnung fĂŒr die Verkabelung von Technik Spezifikationen: Das Diversa Terraset Desert 60 wurde mit UnterstĂŒtzung professioneller Terrarianer entwickelt, um eine artgerechte Umgebung fĂŒr Terrarientiere zu schaffen. Die grossen SchiebetĂŒren ermöglichen eine einfache Pflege und FĂŒtterung. Das prĂ€zise ausgefĂŒhrte BelĂŒftungssystem sorgt fĂŒr eine optimale Luftzirkulation und verhindert gleichzeitig das Entweichen der Tiere. Das Terrarium besteht aus hochwertigem Floatglas mit geschliffenen Kanten fĂŒr maximale Sicherheit. Die Silikonverbindungen sind doppelt verklebt und entsprechen den europĂ€ischen Sicherheitsnormen.

    5 in stock

    CHF 205.00

  • Diversa - Terraset Forest 45 Diversa - Terraset Forest 45

    Diversa Diversa - Terraset Forest 45

    2 in stock

    Diversa - Terraset Desert 45 Terrarienset gerade Das Diversa Terraset Desert 45 ist ein hochwertiges Terrarienset, das speziell fĂŒr die BedĂŒrfnisse von WĂŒstenreptilien entwickelt wurde. Mit durchdachten Funktionen wie einer integrierten Beleuchtung, einem effizienten BelĂŒftungssystem und sicheren SchiebetĂŒren bietet es die ideale Umgebung fĂŒr Ihre Terrarientiere. Das Set enthĂ€lt: Kunststoffabdeckung mit integrierter, energiesparender Beleuchtung (2x11W / Fassung E27) Terrarium aus hochwertigem Glas Fels fĂŒr eine natĂŒrliche Umgebung Thermometer zur Temperaturkontrolle Futterschale fĂŒr eine hygienische FĂŒtterung Wasserschale fĂŒr eine ausreichende FlĂŒssigkeitszufuhr Produktdetails: Gesamtmasse: 45 x 32,5 x 35 cm (LĂ€nge x Breite x Höhe) GlasstĂ€rke: 3 mm Geteilte SchiebetĂŒren fĂŒr eine einfache Handhabung BelĂŒftungssystem fĂŒr ein optimales Klima Hintere Sicherheitsöffnung fĂŒr die Verkabelung von Technik Spezifikationen: Das Diversa Terraset Desert 45 wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit professionellen Terrarianern entwickelt, um eine artgerechte Haltung zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Die grossen SchiebetĂŒren ermöglichen eine einfache Pflege und FĂŒtterung. Das prĂ€zise ausgefĂŒhrte BelĂŒftungssystem sorgt fĂŒr eine optimale Luftzirkulation, wĂ€hrend die BelĂŒftungsgitter so konzipiert sind, dass Tiere nicht entweichen können. Das Terrarium besteht aus hochwertigem Floatglas mit geschliffenen Kanten fĂŒr maximale Sicherheit. Die Silikonverbindungen sind doppelt verklebt und entsprechen den europĂ€ischen Sicherheitsnormen.

    2 in stock

    CHF 170.00

  • Diversa - Terraset Turtle 60 Diversa - Terraset Turtle 60

    Diversa Diversa - Terraset Turtle 60

    Out of stock

    Diversa - Terraset Turtle 60 Terrarienset gerade Das Diversa Terraset Turtle 60 ist ein hochwertiges Komplettset fĂŒr Wasserschildkröten, das durch seine durchdachte Konstruktion und hochwertige Verarbeitung ĂŒberzeugt. Es bietet eine optimale Umgebung fĂŒr Terrarientiere und erleichtert die tĂ€gliche Pflege. Das Set enthĂ€lt: Kunststoffabdeckung mit integrierter, energiesparender Beleuchtung (2x11W / Fassung E27) Terrarium aus hochwertigem Glas Fels fĂŒr eine natĂŒrliche Umgebung Thermometer zur Temperaturkontrolle Futterschale fĂŒr eine hygienische FĂŒtterung Filter fĂŒr sauberes Wasser Produktdetails: Gesamtmasse: 60 x 40 x 45 cm (LĂ€nge x Breite x Höhe) GlasstĂ€rke: 4 mm Geteilte SchiebetĂŒren fĂŒr eine einfache Handhabung BelĂŒftungssystem fĂŒr ein optimales Klima Hintere Sicherheitsöffnung fĂŒr die Verkabelung von Technik

    Out of stock

    CHF 209.00

  • Zekia - Terrarium mit FalltĂŒre, 4mm Zekia - Terrarium mit FalltĂŒre, 4mm

    Zekia Zekia - Terrarium mit FalltĂŒre, 4mm

    6 in stock

    Zekia - Terrarium mit FalltĂŒre, 4mm Dieses Glas-Terrarium wurde speziell fĂŒr die BedĂŒrfnisse von Reptilien und Amphibien entwickelt und bietet zahlreiche Vorteile, die sowohl den Tieren als auch den Haltern zugutekommen. Mit einer hervorragenden BelĂŒftung, grossem Zugang und stabiler Bauweise ist es die ideale Wahl fĂŒr alle, die ihre Tiere artgerecht halten möchten. Vorteile des Glasterrariums: Exzellente BelĂŒftung: Zwei Lochbleche aus Aluminium und eine KaminlĂŒftung sorgen fĂŒr eine gleichmĂ€ssige Luftzirkulation, ohne dass Zugluft entsteht. Grosser Zugang: Dank der FalltĂŒren können Tiere problemlos ins Terrarium gelangen. Hochwertige Bauweise: Das Terrarium besteht aus stabilen 4mm Glas, das nach den europĂ€ischen Normen gefertigt wird. Wasserdicht bis zur FalltĂŒr: Der untere Teil des Terrariums ist wasserdicht verklebt, um den Tieren eine sichere Umgebung zu bieten. Leichte Pflege: Das Terrarium lĂ€sst sich mĂŒhelos reinigen und ist ideal fĂŒr die Haltung von Reptilien oder Amphibien. Artgerechte Haltung: Das Zekia Glasterrarium wurde nach den Empfehlungen von Experten entwickelt und bietet eine artgerechte Haltung fĂŒr Reptilien und Amphibien. Die FalltĂŒren sind auf stabilen Kunststoffschienen gefĂŒhrt, sodass ein einfaches Öffnen und Schliessen gewĂ€hrleistet ist. Die Tiere können in einer sicheren und gut belĂŒfteten Umgebung leben, die das Risiko von Krankheiten und ErkĂ€ltungen reduziert. Dank der stabilen Bauweise können Sie das Terrarium sogar zur Zucht von Reptilien und Amphibien nutzen. Grössenoptionen: 4mm / 20x20x20 cm 4mm / 20x20x40 cm 4mm / 30x30x25 cm 4mm / 30x30x40 cm Spezifikationen: Material: 4mm Glas Ventilationssystem: Aluminium-Lochbleche und KaminlĂŒftung fĂŒr ausgezeichnete BelĂŒftung FalltĂŒren: Grosse, leicht zu öffnende FalltĂŒren fĂŒr einfachen Zugang Wasserdichte Verklebung: Der untere Bereich ist wasserdicht verklebt, um eine saubere und sichere Umgebung zu gewĂ€hrleisten

    6 in stock

    CHF 29.00

  • Terrarium T-40 weiss - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Terrarium T-40 weiss

    159 in stock

    This is without a doubt the most important aspect of successfully keeping reptiles and amphibians. The many species have different requirements, making a versatile and easily customizable terrarium essential. In order to meet these demands and requirements, Amazonas has developed its modular system terrariums. The Amazonas Terrarium T-40 is the ideal home for reptiles and amphibians. There is a large door at the front of the terrarium, which allows easy access for care and feeding. The door is equipped with a terrarium lock, which prevents escapes and accidental opening. This and also has a cover made of fine-meshed metal mesh with a prefabricated opening for lamps. This cover ensures full ventilation and can be easily removed for decoration or cleaning purposes. The bottom of the terrarium is raised to allow a substrate heater to be fitted to heat part of the base area. Due to the waterproof base, the terrarium is also suitable for water features. The extra high, fixed front window is ideal for thick substrate layers, water surfaces, paludariums or for assembling a reptile cave. Advantages of Amazon terrariums: Folding door: The large door at the front allows easy access for care and feeding. The pivoting door is far superior to sliding doors, as sand and other foreign bodies usually make it difficult to handle sliding doors. Safety for people and animals: All Amazonas terrariums are equipped with a terrarium lock, which prevents your animal from being accidentally opened and thus from escaping. It is important to know that reptiles and amphibians often do not survive for long when they escape outdoors. Removable cover: The cover made of fine-meshed metal mesh guarantees optimal ventilation. It is removable and therefore guarantees easy access when decorating or cleaning. It also has a prefabricated opening for lamps. Waterproof base: The extra high front window allows deep substrate layers or offers space for glass decorations. The terrarium also has a waterproof floor, which is why the terrarium is also suitable for water features. Raised floor frame: The base frame is raised to facilitate mounting a substrate heater or heating cable and to avoid problems with heating accessories. This ensures good circulation of air throughout the entire base plate to ensure optimal heat and cold zones in the terrarium. The terrariums from Amazonas are designed as a modular system, so you have to assemble them yourself after delivery. Delivered as a kit without furnishings or decorative back panel IMPORTANT! The size of the enclosure must depend on the body length of the individual kept, partly because of the sometimes enormous differences between adult and juvenile animals. When purchasing a reptile or amphibian enclosure, please note the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance (TSchV 455.1).

    159 in stock

    CHF 179.00

  • Terrarium T-40 schwarz - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Terrarium T-40 schwarz

    180 in stock

    This is without a doubt the most important aspect of successfully keeping reptiles and amphibians. The many species have different requirements, making a versatile and easily customizable terrarium essential. In order to meet these demands and requirements, Amazonas has developed its modular system terrariums. The Amazonas Terrarium T-40 is the ideal home for reptiles and amphibians. There is a large door at the front of the terrarium, which allows easy access for care and feeding. The door is equipped with a terrarium lock, which prevents escapes and accidental opening. This and also has a cover made of fine-meshed metal mesh with a prefabricated opening for lamps. This cover ensures full ventilation and can be easily removed for decoration or cleaning purposes. The bottom of the terrarium is raised to allow a substrate heater to be fitted to heat part of the base area. Due to the waterproof base, the terrarium is also suitable for water features. The extra high, fixed front window is ideal for thick substrate layers, water surfaces, paludariums or for assembling a reptile cave. Advantages of Amazon terrariums: Folding door: The large door at the front allows easy access for care and feeding. The pivoting door is far superior to sliding doors, as sand and other foreign bodies usually make it difficult to handle sliding doors. Safety for people and animals: All Amazonas terrariums are equipped with a terrarium lock, which prevents your animal from being accidentally opened and thus from escaping. It is important to know that reptiles and amphibians often do not survive for long when they escape outdoors. Removable cover: The cover made of fine-meshed metal mesh guarantees optimal ventilation. It is removable and therefore guarantees easy access when decorating or cleaning. It also has a prefabricated opening for lamps. Waterproof base: The extra high front window allows deep substrate layers or offers space for glass decorations. The terrarium also has a waterproof floor, which is why the terrarium is also suitable for water features. Raised floor frame: The base frame is raised to facilitate mounting a substrate heater or heating cable and to avoid problems with heating accessories. This ensures good circulation of air throughout the entire base plate to ensure optimal heat and cold zones in the terrarium. The terrariums from Amazonas are designed as a modular system, so you have to assemble them yourself after delivery. Delivered as a kit without furnishings or decorative back panel IMPORTANT! The size of the enclosure must depend on the body length of the individual kept, partly because of the sometimes enormous differences between adult and juvenile animals. When purchasing a reptile or amphibian enclosure, please note the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance (TSchV 455.1).

    180 in stock

    CHF 179.00

  • Terrarium T-32 - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Terrarium T-32

    79 in stock

    This is without a doubt the most important aspect of successfully keeping reptiles and amphibians. The many species have different requirements, making a versatile and easily customizable terrarium essential. In order to meet these demands and requirements, Amazonas has developed its modular system terrariums. The Amazonas Terrarium T-32 is the ideal home for reptiles and amphibians. There is a large door at the front of the terrarium, which allows easy access for care and feeding. The door is equipped with a terrarium lock, which prevents escapes and accidental opening. This and also has a cover made of fine-meshed metal mesh with a prefabricated opening for lamps. This cover ensures full ventilation and can be easily removed for decoration or cleaning purposes. The bottom of the terrarium is raised to allow a substrate heater to be fitted to heat part of the base area. Due to the waterproof base, the terrarium is also suitable for water features. The extra high, fixed front window is ideal for thick substrate layers, water surfaces, paludariums or for assembling a reptile cave. Advantages of Amazon terrariums: Folding door: The large door at the front allows easy access for care and feeding. The pivoting door is far superior to sliding doors, as sand and other foreign bodies usually make it difficult to handle sliding doors. Safety for people and animals: All Amazonas terrariums are equipped with a terrarium lock, which prevents your animal from being accidentally opened and thus from escaping. It is important to know that reptiles and amphibians often do not survive for long when they escape outdoors. Removable cover: The cover made of fine-meshed metal mesh guarantees optimal ventilation. It is removable and therefore guarantees easy access when decorating or cleaning. It also has a prefabricated opening for lamps. Waterproof base: The extra high front window allows deep substrate layers or offers space for glass decorations. The terrarium also has a waterproof floor, which is why the terrarium is also suitable for water features. Raised floor frame: The base frame is raised to facilitate mounting a substrate heater or heating cable and to avoid problems with heating accessories. This ensures good circulation of air throughout the entire base plate to ensure optimal heat and cold zones in the terrarium. The terrariums from Amazonas are designed as a modular system, so you have to assemble them yourself after delivery. 30x30x32cm Delivered as a kit without furnishings or decorative back panel IMPORTANT! The size of the enclosure must depend on the body length of the individual kept, partly because of the sometimes enormous differences between adult and juvenile animals. When purchasing a reptile or amphibian enclosure, please note the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance (TSchV 455.1).

    79 in stock

    CHF 99.00

  • Terrarium T-100 - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Terrarium T-100

    113 in stock

    This is without a doubt the most important aspect of successfully keeping reptiles and amphibians. The many species have different requirements, making a versatile and easily customizable terrarium essential. In order to meet these demands and requirements, Amazonas has developed its modular system terrariums. The Amazonas Terrarium T-100 is the ideal home for reptiles and amphibians. There is a large door at the front of the terrarium, which allows easy access for care and feeding. The door is equipped with a terrarium lock, which prevents escapes and accidental opening. This and also has a cover made of fine-meshed metal mesh with a prefabricated opening for lamps. This cover ensures full ventilation and can be easily removed for decoration or cleaning purposes. The bottom of the terrarium is raised to allow a substrate heater to be fitted to heat part of the base area. Due to the waterproof base, the terrarium is also suitable for water features. The extra high, fixed front window is ideal for thick substrate layers, water surfaces, paludariums or for assembling a reptile cave. Advantages of Amazon terrariums: Folding door: The large door at the front allows easy access for care and feeding. The pivoting door is far superior to sliding doors, as sand and other foreign bodies usually make it difficult to handle sliding doors. Safety for people and animals: All Amazonas terrariums are equipped with a terrarium lock, which prevents your animal from being accidentally opened and thus from escaping. It is important to know that reptiles and amphibians often do not survive for long when they escape outdoors. Removable cover: The cover made of fine-meshed metal mesh guarantees optimal ventilation. It is removable and therefore guarantees easy access when decorating or cleaning. It also has a prefabricated opening for lamps. Waterproof base: The extra high front window allows deep substrate layers or offers space for glass decorations. The terrarium also has a waterproof floor, which is why the terrarium is also suitable for water features. Raised floor frame: The base frame is raised to facilitate mounting a substrate heater or heating cable and to avoid problems with heating accessories. This ensures good circulation of air throughout the entire base plate to ensure optimal heat and cold zones in the terrarium. The terrariums from Amazonas are designed as a modular system, so you have to assemble them yourself after delivery. Delivered as a kit without furnishings or decorative back panel IMPORTANT! The size of the enclosure must depend on the body length of the individual kept, partly because of the sometimes enormous differences between adult and juvenile animals. When purchasing a reptile or amphibian enclosure, please note the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance (TSchV 455.1).

    113 in stock

    CHF 365.00

  • Terrarium Texas, 6mm - Purrfect Petsℱ Terrarium Texas, 6mm - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Texas Terrarium Texas, 6mm

    50 in stock

    This is undoubtedly the case with that of reptiles and amphibians. Many species have different needs; so a versatile and easily customizable terrarium is necessary. You can set up the Texas terrarium according to your own taste and the needs of your reptiles or amphibians. Two front-opening doors for access without “breakouts” Built-in ventilation made of rust-proof material Extra high front windows Waterproof floor This glass terrarium offers the possibility of an all-round view of its inhabitants and is the ideal housing for reptiles and amphibians. The two front-opening doors allow easy access for feeding and cleaning. They also make it more difficult for the terrarium inhabitants to escape, as they can only be opened on one side and thus offer a smaller escape area. The stainless steel material ensures that the interior of the terrarium is protected and prevents the front windows from fogging up. They are ideal for thick layers of substrate (so that reptiles can bury themselves), for watering holes (paludarium) or for assembling a reptile cave. Thanks to the waterproof base, the Texas terrarium can be used as both a dry and wet terrarium. IMPORTANT! The size of the enclosure must depend on the body length of the individual kept, partly because of the sometimes enormous differences between adult and juvenile animals. When purchasing a reptile or amphibian enclosure, please note the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance (TSchV 455.1).

    50 in stock

    CHF 219.00

  • Terrarium Texas, 4mm - Purrfect Petsℱ Terrarium Texas, 4mm - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Texas Terrarium Texas, 4mm

    12 in stock

    This is undoubtedly the case with that of reptiles and amphibians. Many species have different needs; so a versatile and easily customizable terrarium is necessary. You can set up the Texas terrarium according to your own taste and the needs of your reptiles or amphibians. Two front-opening doors for access without “breakouts” Built-in ventilation made of rust-proof material Extra high front windows Waterproof floor This glass terrarium offers the possibility of an all-round view of its inhabitants and is the ideal housing for reptiles and amphibians. The two front-opening doors allow easy access for feeding and cleaning. They also make it more difficult for the terrarium inhabitants to escape, as they can only be opened on one side and thus offer a smaller escape area. The stainless steel material ensures that the interior of the terrarium is protected and prevents the front windows from fogging up. They are ideal for thick layers of substrate (so that reptiles can bury themselves), for watering holes (paludarium) or for assembling a reptile cave. Thanks to the waterproof base, the Texas terrarium can be used as both a dry and wet terrarium. IMPORTANT! The size of the enclosure must depend on the body length of the individual kept, partly because of the sometimes enormous differences between adult and juvenile animals. When purchasing a reptile or amphibian enclosure, please note the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance (TSchV 455.1).

    12 in stock

    CHF 98.00

  • Terrarium Dart Frog - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Terrarium Dart Frog

    3 in stock

    The Exo Terra Dart Frog Terrarium can be set up as a bioactive habitat for poison dart frogs. Includes a floor water drain, a 1.2m hose, an elbow and a tap valve. Effortless water changes and removal of excess water.

    3 in stock

    CHF 249.00

  • Terrarien Unterschrank - Purrfect Petsℱ Terrarien Unterschrank - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Terrarium cabinet 45.4x45.4cm

    2 in stock

    With the modern black finish and glass doors, these cabinets put your terrarium in the spotlight. Thanks to the magnetic closures and smooth metal hinges, the door(s) open easily.

    2 in stock

    CHF 189.00

  • KunststoffbehĂ€lter Oakland - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Plastic container Oakland

    278 in stock

    They can be used for various purposes, for example you can use them as transport containers for various animals or as accommodation for feeding insects. The one from is cheap and has everything you can expect from a faunarium. The Faunarium Oakland is made of transparent, easy-to-clean plastic, which is of course free of harmful substances. Thanks to its good workmanship, this faunarium is stable and extremely robust, so that it is also resistant to scratches. This makes it perfect for the temporary accommodation or transport of reptiles, amphibians, insects or rodents. It can also be used as a home for feeding insects. The ones on the lid and on the sides ensure that no heat builds up in the container and that there is always a good climate, thus ensuring good air circulation. The transparent flap in the lid of the fauna box allows you to see what's going on in the faunarium from every angle. This also gives you particularly easy access to the fauna box if you have your terrarium animals, for example. B. want to feed. Everything has been thought of in this inexpensive yet ingenious faunarium. Only suitable for temporary holding. Ie for transport or for exhibitions. Do not keep animals in this container for an unnecessarily long time.

    278 in stock

    CHF 6.95

  • Faunarium - Purrfect Petsℱ Faunarium - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Faunarium

    22 in stock

    Faunariums can be used for various purposes, for example you can use them as transport containers for various animals or as accommodation for feeding insects. Advantages: Ideal for transporting terrarium animals or live food Excellent as temporary housing or for quarantine Transparent plastic door for easy access Easy to clean and disinfect Exo Terra's fauna boxes have everything you could expect from a faunarium. The Exo Terra Faunarium is made of transparent, easy-to-clean plastic. Of course, all materials used are free of harmful substances. The faunarium is extremely robust, which makes it resistant to scratches. This makes the Exo Terra Faunarium perfect for housing reptiles, amphibians, insects or rodents. The lid of this faunarium is really secure, which ensures additional safety. Nevertheless, that of terrarium animals is always the same: ventilation slots on the lid and bottom of the fauna box ensure that no heat can build up in the faunarium and that there is always a good climate. By the way, this also applies if you want to stack the faunaria on top of each other. The transparent flap in the lid of the fauna box allows you to see what's going on in the faunarium from every angle. This also gives you particularly easy access to the fauna box if you have your terrarium animals, for example. B. want to feed. Everything has been thought of in this ingenious faunarium. The faunarium is delivered. Only suitable for temporary holding. Ie for transport or for exhibitions. Do not keep animals in this container for an unnecessarily long time.

    22 in stock

    CHF 26.95

  • Repti-Box Transportbox - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Repti-Box transport box

    115 in stock

    They can be used for various purposes, for example you can use them as transport containers for various animals or as accommodation for feeding insects. The Repti-Box from Amazonas offers everything you could want from a transport box for reptiles, insects or rodents. The materials used are all free of harmful substances and thus guarantee the health of the animals. Thanks to the transparent and easy-to-clean plastic, you can always observe the animals. This faunarium is sturdily manufactured and particularly robust, so that it is resistant to scratches. The lid and sides of the faunarium are equipped with so that the heat does not build up in the container and there is always a good climate. The lid also has a magnetic closure, which prevents breakouts and accidental opening. The Repti-Box is, thanks to the slight elevation on the bottom, good air circulation is ensured even in this condition. Only suitable for temporary holding. Ie for transport or for exhibitions. Do not keep animals in this container for an unnecessarily long time.

    115 in stock

    CHF 46.90

  • Terrarium Nano - Purrfect Petsℱ Terrarium Nano - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Terrarium Nano

    22 in stock

    The terrarium is without a doubt the most important aspect of keeping reptiles and amphibians. Many species have different needs; so a versatile and easily customizable terrarium is necessary. In order to meet the demands of herpetologists and, more importantly, to satisfy the needs of reptiles and amphibians, Exo Terra has developed many different terrariums, each with their own special properties. All of our terrariums can be used in different ways and different setups are possible: from temporary housing to natural terrariums that are state-of-the-art. Advantages of Terrarium Nano: Ventilation through the front window Waterproof floor Raised floor frame Top made of fine-mesh stainless steel Lock to prevent “breakouts” Mesh cover can be easily attached Lockable holes for hoses and/or cables Cutouts on the back for hoses and/or cables The Exo Terra Terrarium is the ideal housing for reptiles and amphibians, designed by European herpetologists. These allow easy access for feeding and care. A special lock prevents “breakouts” and the doors can be opened independently. This and the associated good ventilation allows UVB and infrared light to penetrate the terrarium. The top can easily be completely removed for decoration or cleaning purposes. There are on both sides to attach heat stones, waterfalls, sensors, etc. inside the terrarium. That of the terrarium is so that you can install a substrate heater to heat part of the enlarged floor space. The extra ones are ideal for thick substrate layers (so that reptiles can bury themselves), for watering holes (paludarium) or for assembling a reptile cave. The lifelike background is in the same color as all other Exo Terra decorative items (water bowls, waterfalls, heat stones, etc.) and offers extra space for climbing. Secure combination lock Prevents accidental opening Suitable for all Exo Terra glass terrariums IMPORTANT! The size of the enclosure must depend on the body length of the individual kept, partly because of the sometimes enormous differences between adult and juvenile animals. When purchasing a reptile or amphibian enclosure, please note the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance (TSchV 455.1).

    22 in stock

    CHF 59.00

  • Terrarium Mini - Purrfect Petsℱ Terrarium Mini - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Terrarium mini

    9 in stock

    The terrarium is without a doubt the most important aspect of keeping reptiles and amphibians. Many species have different needs; so a versatile and easily customizable terrarium is necessary. In order to meet the demands of herpetologists and, more importantly, to satisfy the needs of reptiles and amphibians, Exo Terra has developed many different terrariums, each with their own special properties. All of our terrariums can be used in different ways and different setups are possible: from temporary housing to natural terrariums that are state-of-the-art. Ventilation through the front window Waterproof floor Raised floor frame Top made of fine-mesh stainless steel Lock to prevent “breakouts” Mesh cover can be easily attached Lockable holes for hoses and/or cables Cutouts on the back for hoses and/or cables The Exo Terra Terrarium is the ideal housing for reptiles and amphibians, designed by European herpetologists. These allow easy access for feeding and care. A special lock prevents “breakouts” and the doors can be opened independently. This and the associated good ventilation allows UVB and infrared light to penetrate the terrarium. The top can easily be completely removed for decoration or cleaning purposes. There are on both sides to attach heat stones, waterfalls, sensors, etc. inside the terrarium. That of the terrarium is so that you can install a substrate heater to heat part of the enlarged floor space. The extra ones are ideal for thick substrate layers (so that reptiles can bury themselves), for watering holes (paludarium) or for assembling a reptile cave. The lifelike background is in the same color as all other Exo Terra decorative items (water bowls, waterfalls, heat stones, etc.) and offers extra space for climbing. Secure combination lock: Prevents accidental opening Suitable for all Exo Terra glass terrariums IMPORTANT! The size of the enclosure must depend on the body length of the individual kept, partly because of the sometimes enormous differences between adult and juvenile animals. When purchasing a reptile or amphibian enclosure, please note the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance (TSchV 455.1).

    9 in stock

    CHF 109.00

  • Terrarium Small - Purrfect Petsℱ Terrarium Small - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Terrarium Small

    23 in stock

    The terrarium is without a doubt the most important aspect of keeping reptiles and amphibians. Many species have different needs; so a versatile and easily customizable terrarium is necessary. In order to meet the demands of herpetologists and, more importantly, to satisfy the needs of reptiles and amphibians, Exo Terra has developed many different terrariums, each with their own special properties. All of our terrariums can be used in different ways and different setups are possible: from temporary housing to natural terrariums that are state-of-the-art. Ventilation through the front window Waterproof floor Raised floor frame Top made of fine-mesh stainless steel Lock to prevent “breakouts” Mesh cover can be easily attached Lockable holes for hoses and/or cables Cutouts on the back for hoses and/or cables The Exo Terra Terrarium is the ideal housing for reptiles and amphibians, designed by European herpetologists. These allow easy access for feeding and care. A special lock prevents “breakouts” and the doors can be opened independently. This and the associated good ventilation allows UVB and infrared light to penetrate the terrarium. The top can easily be completely removed for decoration or cleaning purposes. There are on both sides to attach heat stones, waterfalls, sensors, etc. inside the terrarium. That of the terrarium is so that you can install a substrate heater to heat part of the enlarged floor space. The extra ones are ideal for thick substrate layers (so that reptiles can bury themselves), for watering holes (paludarium) or for assembling a reptile cave. The lifelike background is in the same color as all other Exo Terra decorative items (water bowls, waterfalls, heat stones, etc.) and offers extra space for climbing. Secure combination lock: Prevents accidental opening Suitable for all Exo Terra glass terrariums IMPORTANT! The size of the enclosure must depend on the body length of the individual kept, partly because of the sometimes enormous differences between adult and juvenile animals. When purchasing a reptile or amphibian enclosure, please note the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance (TSchV 455.1).

    23 in stock

    CHF 159.00

  • Terrarium Medium - Purrfect Petsℱ Terrarium Medium - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Terrarium medium

    25 in stock

    The terrarium is without a doubt the most important aspect of keeping reptiles and amphibians. Many species have different needs; so a versatile and easily customizable terrarium is necessary. In order to meet the demands of herpetologists and, more importantly, to satisfy the needs of reptiles and amphibians, Exo Terra has developed many different terrariums, each with their own special properties. All of our terrariums can be used in different ways and different setups are possible: from temporary housing to natural terrariums that are state-of-the-art. Ventilation through the front window Waterproof floor Raised floor frame Top made of fine-mesh stainless steel Lock to prevent “breakouts” Mesh cover can be easily attached Lockable holes for hoses and/or cables Cutouts on the back for hoses and/or cables The Exo Terra Terrarium is the ideal housing for reptiles and amphibians, designed by European herpetologists. These allow easy access for feeding and care. A special lock prevents “breakouts” and the doors can be opened independently. This and the associated good ventilation allows UVB and infrared light to penetrate the terrarium. The top can easily be completely removed for decoration or cleaning purposes. There are on both sides to attach heat stones, waterfalls, sensors, etc. inside the terrarium. That of the terrarium is so that you can install a substrate heater to heat part of the enlarged floor space. The extra ones are ideal for thick substrate layers (so that reptiles can bury themselves), for watering holes (paludarium) or for assembling a reptile cave. The lifelike background is in the same color as all other Exo Terra decorative items (water bowls, waterfalls, heat stones, etc.) and offers extra space for climbing. Secure combination lock: Prevents accidental opening Suitable for all Exo Terra glass terrariums IMPORTANT! The size of the enclosure must depend on the body length of the individual kept, partly because of the sometimes enormous differences between adult and juvenile animals. When purchasing a reptile or amphibian enclosure, please note the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance (TSchV 455.1).

    25 in stock

    CHF 269.00

  • Terrarium Large - Purrfect Petsℱ Terrarium Large - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Terrarium Large

    21 in stock

    The terrarium is without a doubt the most important aspect of keeping reptiles and amphibians. Many species have different needs; so a versatile and easily customizable terrarium is necessary. In order to meet the demands of herpetologists and, more importantly, to satisfy the needs of reptiles and amphibians, Exo Terra has developed many different terrariums, each with their own special properties. All of our terrariums can be used in different ways and different setups are possible: from temporary housing to natural terrariums that are state-of-the-art. Ventilation through the front window Waterproof floor Raised floor frame Top made of fine-mesh stainless steel Lock to prevent “breakouts” Mesh cover can be easily attached Lockable holes for hoses and/or cables Cutouts on the back for hoses and/or cables The Exo Terra Terrarium is the ideal housing for reptiles and amphibians, designed by European herpetologists. These allow easy access for feeding and care. A special lock prevents “breakouts” and the doors can be opened independently. This and the associated good ventilation allows UVB and infrared light to penetrate the terrarium. The top can easily be completely removed for decoration or cleaning purposes. There are on both sides to attach heat stones, waterfalls, sensors, etc. inside the terrarium. That of the terrarium is so that you can install a substrate heater to heat part of the enlarged floor space. The extra ones are ideal for thick substrate layers (so that reptiles can bury themselves), for watering holes (paludarium) or for assembling a reptile cave. The lifelike background is in the same color as all other Exo Terra decorative items (water bowls, waterfalls, heat stones, etc.) and offers extra space for climbing. Secure combination lock: Prevents accidental opening Suitable for all Exo Terra glass terrariums IMPORTANT! The size of the enclosure must depend on the body length of the individual kept, partly because of the sometimes enormous differences between adult and juvenile animals. When purchasing a reptile or amphibian enclosure, please note the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance (TSchV 455.1).

    21 in stock

    CHF 389.00

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