Domus Molinari - WellensittichkÀfig Gabri 32-47 Schale
Der Domus Molinari WellensittichkĂ€fig Gabri 32-47 Schale bietet einen grosszĂŒgigen Lebensraum fĂŒr deine Wellensittiche. Mit einer Grösse von 70x50x79 cm bietet der KĂ€fig ausreichend Platz fĂŒr deine Vögel, um sich zu bewegen und zu fliegen. Der KĂ€fig ist in einer blau-weissen Farbe gehalten und passt sich perfekt in dein Zuhause ein. Ideal fĂŒr die Haltung von Wellensittichen und anderen kleinen Vögeln.
Grösse: 70x50x79 cm
Farbe: Blau-Weiss
GerĂ€umiger Lebensraum fĂŒr Wellensittiche
Stabile Konstruktion
Mit Schale, um den KĂ€fig leicht zu reinigen
Einfache Handhabung und Pflege
Grösse: 70 à 50 à 79 cm
Imac - Vogelvoliere Pervinca, Blau mit Rollen
Die Imac Pervinca Vogelvoliere ist eine gerĂ€umige und stabile Voliere, ideal fĂŒr Vögel, die viel Platz und Bewegungsfreiheit benötigen. Die attraktive blaue Farbe und die praktische Rollfunktion machen sie sowohl funktional als auch Ă€sthetisch ansprechend.
Material: Robuster Metallrahmen mit pulverbeschichteten Gittern
Farbe: Blau
Ausstattung: Rollen fĂŒr einfache MobilitĂ€t
Geeignet fĂŒr: Verschiedene Vogelarten
Abmessungen (L Ă B Ă H): 100,5 Ă 72,5 Ă 167cm
Imac - Vogelvoliere Tasha Double mit StÀnder, Verzinkt/Anthrazit
Die Imac Tasha Double Vogelvoliere ist eine stilvolle und funktionale Lösung fĂŒr Ihre gefiederten Freunde. Mit ihrem stabilen StĂ€nder und dem attraktiven anthrazitfarbenen Design bietet sie einen optimalen Lebensraum fĂŒr Vögel. Die grosszĂŒgigen Abmessungen sorgen fĂŒr ausreichend Platz zum Fliegen und Spielen.
Material: Verzinkter Metallrahmen
Farbe: Anthrazit
Geeignet fĂŒr: Verschiedene Vogelarten
Besonderheiten: Inklusive StÀnder
Abmessungen (L Ă B Ă H): 81 Ă 49 Ă 112cm
Imac - VogelkÀfig Tasha ohne StÀnder, Schale, chrom/taupe, 81 x 49 x 65,5cm
Der Imac Tasha KleintierkĂ€fig ohne StĂ€nder ist perfekt fĂŒr Haustiere wie Kleinnager. Der KĂ€fig in Taupe und Chrom-Optik ist hochwertig verarbeitet und bietet eine robuste Schale fĂŒr einfaches Reinigen und eine sichere Umgebung.
Material: Chrombeschichtetes Gitter, Kunststoffschale
Farbe: Chrom/Taupe
Besonderheiten: Ohne StÀnder, platzsparendes Design
Abmessungen (L Ă B Ă H): 81 Ă 49 Ă 65,5cm
Imac - Vogel Ginevra 80
Der Imac VogelkĂ€fig Ginevra 80 bietet einen gerĂ€umigen Lebensraum fĂŒr Vögel und ist ideal fĂŒr die Haltung von kleinen bis mittelgrossen Vögeln. Mit einer Grösse von 5x49x94 cm ist der KĂ€fig perfekt fĂŒr deine Vögel, die viel Platz zum Fliegen und Bewegen benötigen. Die weisse Farbe sorgt fĂŒr ein modernes und stilvolles Aussehen in deinem Zuhause.
Grösse: 5x49x94 cm
Farbe: Weiss
GerĂ€umiger KĂ€fig fĂŒr kleine bis mittelgrosse Vögel
Stabil und leicht zu pflegen
Einfache Handhabung
Ideal fĂŒr die Vogelhaltung
Vogelvoliere fĂŒr Grosssittiche, 120 x 60 x 124cm Blau/Verzinkt
Diese grosszĂŒgige Voliere bietet viel Platz und eine sichere Umgebung fĂŒr Grosssittiche. Das verzinkte Metall sorgt fĂŒr StabilitĂ€t und Langlebigkeit, wĂ€hrend die blaue Akzentfarbe eine attraktive Optik verleiht. Ideal fĂŒr artgerechte Tierhaltung und Bewegung.
Material: Verzinktes Metall
Farbe: Blau mit verzinkten GitterstÀben
Geeignet fĂŒr: Grosssittiche und andere mittelgrosse Vögel
Abmessungen (L Ă B Ă H): 120 Ă 60 Ă 124cm
Wilma is a sophisticated and spacious aviary for canaries, budgies and exotics. The bird shelter is solid and robust, made of FSC⹠certified wood, i.e. from forests that are responsibly managed according to strict ecological, social and economic standards, and other controlled sources. The wood is protected against UV rays and water-repellent by an ecologically harmless and mold-inhibiting impregnation varnish. The special flow coating technology offers perfect protection of the product over a long period of time. The grille is made of painted metal.The habitat has a modern, bright finish and a detailed structure with a slightly sloping roof. It is also suitable for housing multiple birds and comes complete with all the essential accessories: perches, water dispenser and Brava 6-swivel feeders. These bowls are equipped with a mechanism that allows them to be rotated 180° and filled with food quickly and easily from the outside. They are made of washable plastic and can be removed from the anchorage without leaving an opening for the bird to escape from. The special locking system prevents the birds from using this mechanism. The aviary has a large front door, which is closed with a safety locking hook, and two side flaps, which are also useful for daily maintenance work. At the bottom, the cage has a large removable plastic FSC⹠lifting drawer which perfectly catches dirt and food residue and which can also be blocked with a hook. For greater mobility, Wilma is equipped with wheels and the entire aviary is delivered disassembled in a space-saving package.
Wilma is a sophisticated and spacious aviary for canaries, budgies and exotics. The bird shelter is solid and robust, made of FSCÂź-certified wood, meaning forests that are managed responsibly according to strict ecological, social and economic standards. The wood is protected against UV rays and water-repellent by an ecologically harmless and mold-inhibiting impregnation varnish. The special flow coating technology offers perfect protection of the product over a long period of time. The grille is made of painted metal.
The Habitat has a modern, bright finish and a detailed structure with a gently sloping roof. It is also suitable for housing multiple birds and comes complete with all the essential accessories: perches, water dispenser and Brava 6-swivel feeders. These bowls are equipped with a mechanism that allows them to be rotated 180° and filled with food quickly and easily from the outside. They are made of washable plastic and can be removed from the anchorage without leaving an opening for the bird to escape from. The special locking system prevents the birds from triggering and opening this mechanism themselves.
The aviary has a large front door, which closes with a safety locking hook, and two side flaps, which are also useful for daily maintenance tasks.
At the bottom, the cage is equipped with a large, removable plastic FSCÂź drawer, which perfectly catches dirt and food residue and which can also be blocked with a hook. For greater mobility, Wilma is equipped with wheels and the entire aviary is delivered disassembled in a space-saving package.
Expert Bird Cages: Ideal home for parrot experts and enthusiasts!
The Expert bird cages were designed specifically for parrot experts and lovers. With a solid metal frame and very robust wiring of 4-5 mm diameter, they offer the highest quality and safety. The scratch-resistant paint on the wiring ensures longevity.
Available in size: (124.5x100x156cm)
Large front door for easy access
Safety locking system with hook and safety lock for securely locking the doors
Side protective panels with pivoting feeding bowls for easy filling from the outside
Security system prevents the bird from escaping
Removable roof allows the bird to rest on the top wooden perch
Removable dirt trap tray under the lower protective grille for easier cleaning
All-round dirt flaps on the floor, additionally protected corners to avoid accidents
Stable wiring with scratch-resistant paint
Save-space system for volume reduction
Equipped with wheels for easy mobility
Treat your feathered friend to the best with an Expert bird cage and create a safe and comfortable home!