Hurtta Extreme Warmer Coral Camo
Hurtta Extreme Warmer Coral Camo Der Extreme Warmer von Hurtta hĂ€lt den Hund auch unter schwierigen Bedingungen warm. Die einzigartige Folienbeschichtung auf der Jackeninnenseite reflektiert die KörperwĂ€rme des Hundes, was den KĂ€lteschutz der Jacke zusĂ€tzlich deutlich steigert. Die wichtigsten Muskelgruppen des Hundes werden durch die Passform der Jacke optimal geschĂŒtzt. Das wasserabweisende Obermaterial ist strapazierfĂ€hig und zugleich angenehm weich. Die hohe Trikotkapuze wĂ€rmt den Hals, vermindert den Eintritt kalter Luft und lĂ€sst sich bei Bedarf auch zum Ohrenschutz hochziehen. Die sichtbaren 3M-Reflektoren der Jacke verbessern die Sicherheit bei Dunkelheit. Eigenschaften: KörperwĂ€rme-reflektierende Innenbeschichtung Wasserabweisendes und atmungsaktives Material Einstellbare RĂŒckenlĂ€nge SchĂŒtzende Kapuze LeistungsfĂ€hige 3M-Reflektoren WassersĂ€ule: 3'000mm Vorteile: Wasserabweisend und atmungsaktiv Mit schĂŒtzender Kapuze KörperwĂ€rme-reflektierende Innenbeschichtung In verschiedenen Grössen erhĂ€ltlich: Grösse 40: RĂŒckenlĂ€nge 40cm, Hals 54cm, Brust 45-72cm Grösse 50: RĂŒckenlĂ€nge 50cm, Hals 65cm, Brust 54-85cm Grösse 55: RĂŒckenlĂ€nge 55cm, Hals 73cm, Brust 56-91cm Grösse 60: RĂŒckenlĂ€nge 60cm, Hals 76cm, Brust 58-96cm Grösse 65: RĂŒckenlĂ€nge 65cm, Hals 75cm, Brust 58-106cm
CHF 94.00
Hurtta Worker Vest
Hurtta Worker Vest - Die Leichte und Gut Sichtbare Weste fĂŒr Outdoor-AktivitĂ€ten und Jagd Die Hurtta Worker Vest ist die ideale Begleitung fĂŒr Outdoor-AktivitĂ€ten und die Jagd. Hier sind die herausragenden Merkmale und Vorteile dieser Weste: Eigenschaften: Bequemes und enganliegendes Modell: Die Weste bietet einen bequemen und enganliegenden Sitz fĂŒr Ihren Hund. Abnehmbare Schlaufen fĂŒr GPS-Halsband: Die Weste verfĂŒgt ĂŒber abnehmbare Schlaufen, um ein GPS-Halsband zu befestigen, was besonders praktisch bei Outdoor-AktivitĂ€ten ist. Gut sichtbare 3MÂź-Reflektoren: Zahlreiche reflektierende Drucke und 3M-Reflexstreifen sorgen fĂŒr eine ausgezeichnete Sichtbarkeit Ihres Hundes, insbesondere bei schlechten LichtverhĂ€ltnissen. Haltbares CorduraÂź auf Brust und Bauch: Die Bauchklappe besteht aus haltbarem, abriebfestem CorduraÂź-Gewebe, das extremen Beanspruchungen standhĂ€lt. Wetterfestes und atmungsaktives HoundtexÂź: Die Weste besteht aus einem elastischen und atmungsaktiven Strickgewebe mit einer wetterfesten Houndtex-Schicht. Clariant SanitizedÂź-AusrĂŒstung mit Permethrin: Die Weste enthĂ€lt eine Clariant SanitizedÂź-AusrĂŒstung mit Permethrin, die vor Insekten wie StechmĂŒcken, Bremsen und Zecken schĂŒtzt. Dies ist dermatologisch getestet und sicher in der Anwendung bei Hunden. ErhĂ€ltlich in den folgenden Grössen: Grösse XS: Yorkshire Terrier Grösse S: Malteser Grösse M: West Highland Terrier Grösse L: Boxer Grösse XL: Labrador Retriever Grösse XXL: Rottweiler
CHF 54.00
Hurtta Drizzle Coat Currant Lila
Hurtta Drizzle Coat in Eleganten Currant-Lila Farbe â Funktionale Hundebekleidung fĂŒr jedes Wetter Der Hurtta Drizzle Coat in Currant-Lila ist ein unverzichtbares Outfit fĂŒr Ihren Hund bei Regen, Wind oder Schlamm. Hier sind die herausragenden Merkmale und Vorteile dieses Mantels: Eigenschaften: Wetterfestes und atmungsaktives HoundtexÂź laminiertes Aussenmaterial: Der Mantel besteht aus einem elastischen, gerĂ€uscharmen und atmungsaktiven Gewebe mit einer wetterfesten Houndtex-Schicht. Gut sichtbare 3MÂź-Reflektoren: Die Reflektoren sorgen fĂŒr eine gute Sichtbarkeit Ihres Hundes, insbesondere in dunklen VerhĂ€ltnissen. Aluminiumfoliendruck auf dem Futter: Das Futter des Mantels verfĂŒgt ĂŒber einen Aluminiumfoliendruck, der die KörperwĂ€rme des Hundes reflektiert und so die Blutzirkulation anregt und effizient wĂ€rmt. Verstellbarer Kragen, Taille und RĂŒckenlĂ€nge: Der Mantel ist an Kragen, Taille und RĂŒckenlĂ€nge verstellbar, um eine optimale Passform zu gewĂ€hrleisten. ErhĂ€ltlich in den folgenden Grössen: Grösse 45: Pumi, Schnauzer, Pyrenean Shepherd Grösse 50: Spanish Water Dog, Border Collie Grösse 55: Golden Retriever, Australian Shepherd Grösse 60: Labrador Retriever, Bearded Collie Grösse 65: Bernese Mountain Dog, Giant Schnauzer
CHF 54.00
Hurtta Expedition Parka Blackberry
Hurtta Expedition Parka - Schutz und WĂ€rme fĂŒr Abenteuer bei kaltem Wetter (Blackberry) Die Hundebekleidung von Hurtta aus Finnland bietet bereits seit ĂŒber 10 Jahren funktionale Lösungen fĂŒr den Schutz vor KĂ€lte und NĂ€sse. Der Expedition Parka wurde speziell entwickelt, um Hunden bei kaltem Wetter Schutz und WĂ€rme zu bieten. Hier sind die wichtigsten Merkmale und Vorteile dieses Hundemantels: Eigenschaften: Material und Konstruktion: Atmungsaktives, wind- und wasserdichtes Material sorgt fĂŒr optimalen Schutz. Die KleidungsstĂŒcke sind leicht anzuziehen und bequem zu tragen. Speziell fĂŒr kaltes Wetter: Der Expedition Parka eignet sich besonders fĂŒr kurzhaarige Hunde und solche ohne UnterwĂ€sche. Ideal fĂŒr verschiedene AktivitĂ€ten, auch fĂŒr Hunde nach dem Training oder Ă€ltere Hunde, die zusĂ€tzliche WĂ€rme benötigen. Technisches OberflĂ€chenmaterial: Leicht zu handhabendes Fellmaterial, das auch den anspruchsvollsten Spielen standhĂ€lt. Flexibles Schutzmodell: Der Parka ermöglicht einen erweiterten Bewegungsspielraum beim Laufen und Spielen. Die wasser- und winddichten, elastischen Segmente auf der Vorderseite passen sich den Bewegungen des Hundes an. Verstellbarer Halsausschnitt, RĂŒckenlĂ€nge und Kragenumfang: Eine individuelle Anpassung fĂŒr eine optimale Passform. 3M Âź -Reflektoren: Gut sichtbare Reflektoren erhöhen die Sicherheit bei Dunkelheit und schlechten LichtverhĂ€ltnissen. Wiederverschliessbare Ăffnung fĂŒr Geschirr (Grösse 30â80 cm): Ermöglicht das einfache Anlegen eines Hundegeschirrs. Integriertes Geschirr in kleinen Grössen (20â25 cm): ZusĂ€tzlicher Komfort fĂŒr kleine Hunde. ErhĂ€ltlich in den folgenden Grössen: Grösse 20: Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier Grösse 25: Chihuahua, Bichon FrisĂ©, Affenpinscher Grösse 30: Shih Tzu, Tibet Spaniel, Westie Grösse 30XL: Franz. Bulldogge, Mops Grösse 35: Australian Terrier, Cocker Spaniel Grösse 35XL: Zwergbullterrier, Franz. Bulldogge Grösse 40: Beagle, Bedlington Terrier Grösse 40XS: Zwergdackel, Dachshund Grösse 45: American Water Spaniel, Welsh Corgi Grösse 45XS: Dachshund, Drever Grösse 50: Border Collie, American Staffordshire Grösse 55: Boxer, Dalmantiner, Vizsla Grösse 60: Golden Retriver, Riesenschnauzer Grösse 65: Rottweiler, Weimaraner
CHF 82.00
Hurtta Drizzle Coat Raven
Hurtta Drizzle Coat in eleganter Rabenschwarz-Farbe â Funktionale Hundebekleidung fĂŒr jedes Wetter Der Hurtta Drizzle Coat ist ein unverzichtbares Outfit fĂŒr Ihren Hund bei Regen, Wind oder Schlamm. Hier sind die herausragenden Merkmale und Vorteile dieses Mantels: Eigenschaften: Wetterfestes und atmungsaktives HoundtexÂź laminiertes Aussenmaterial: Der Mantel besteht aus einem elastischen, gerĂ€uscharmen und atmungsaktiven Gewebe mit einer wetterfesten Houndtex-Schicht. Gut sichtbare 3MÂź-Reflektoren: Die Reflektoren sorgen fĂŒr eine gute Sichtbarkeit Ihres Hundes, insbesondere in dunklen VerhĂ€ltnissen. Aluminiumfoliendruck auf dem Futter: Das Futter des Mantels verfĂŒgt ĂŒber einen Aluminiumfoliendruck, der die KörperwĂ€rme des Hundes reflektiert und so die Blutzirkulation anregt und effizient wĂ€rmt. Verstellbarer Kragen, Taille und RĂŒckenlĂ€nge: Der Mantel ist an Kragen, Taille und RĂŒckenlĂ€nge verstellbar, um eine optimale Passform zu gewĂ€hrleisten. ErhĂ€ltlich in den folgenden Grössen: Grösse 20: Chihuahua, Russian Toy Grösse 25: Chihuahua, Toy Poodle, Silky Terrier Grösse 35: Border Terrier, Mittelspitz, Bichon FrisĂ© Grösse 40: Shetland Sheepdog, Cockerspaniel Grösse 45: Pumi, Schnauzer, Pyrenean Shepherd Grösse 50: Spanish Water Dog, Border Collie Grösse 55: Golden Retriever, Australian Shepherd Grösse 65: Bernese Mountain Dog, Giant Schnauzer
CHF 94.00
Hurtta Extreme warmer Eco hedge
Hurtta Extreme warmer Eco hedge in grĂŒn â Maximale WĂ€rme, Minimaler ökologischer Fussabdruck Der Extreme Warmer Eco in der trendigen Farbe hedge setzt neue MassstĂ€be fĂŒr Hundethermojacken und ist sowohl fĂŒr SpaziergĂ€nge als auch fĂŒr Hundesportler geeignet. Hier sind die herausragenden Merkmale und Vorteile dieser Jacke: Eigenschaften: WĂ€rmerĂŒckhaltung: Das Folienmuster reflektiert die körpereigene WĂ€rme des Hundes, und das wasser- und winddichte OberflĂ€chenmaterial macht die Jacke besonders warm. Hochgezogene Thermokapuze: Die Jacke verfĂŒgt ĂŒber eine thermische Trikotkapuze, die hochgezogen werden kann, um Ohren und Kopf zu wĂ€rmen. Umfassender Schutz: Die Jacke schĂŒtzt die wichtigsten Muskeln fĂŒr die WĂ€rmeproduktion, sowie Hals, Bauch und Brustkorb. Bewegungsfreiheit: Das angenehm weiche, leicht flexible Material schrĂ€nkt die Bewegungsfreiheit nicht ein, selbst bei empfindlichen Hunden. Optimale Passform: Die Jacke ist so dimensioniert, dass der kĂ€lteempfindliche Bauch bestmöglich abgedeckt wird. Sichtbarkeit: 3MÂź-Reflexpaspeln und grosse Reflexdrucke verbessern die Sichtbarkeit des Hundes in der Dunkelheit. Neue Details fĂŒr verbesserten Nutzen: Verstellbare RĂŒckenlĂ€nge und Kapuze, Druckknöpfe am hinteren Saum fĂŒr vielseitige Nutzung. Nachhaltige Materialien: Bei der ECO-Version sind Oberstoff, Wattierung und GĂŒrtel aus 100 % recyceltem Material hergestellt. Das Futter besteht aus 50% recyceltem Polyester. Wasserdichtes Material: Das laminierte Material ist wasserdicht bis zu 10.000 mm. Verschweisste NĂ€hte: Die NĂ€hte sind verschweisst, was die Jacke wasserdicht macht. Fluorcarbonfreie Behandlung: Rudolf ECO wasserabweisende Behandlung ohne Fluorcarbone. Grössen: Grösse 25: RĂŒckenlĂ€nge 25cm, Hals 31cm, Brust 30-50cm Grösse 30: RĂŒckenlĂ€nge 30cm, Hals 39cm, Brust 36-62cm Grösse 35: RĂŒckenlĂ€nge 35cm, Hals 52cm, Brust 43-67cm Grösse 40: RĂŒckenlĂ€nge 40cm, Hals 54cm, Brust 45-72cm Grösse 45: RĂŒckenlĂ€nge 45cm, Hals 60cm, Brust 50-82cm Grösse 50: RĂŒckenlĂ€nge 50cm, Hals 65cm, Brust 54-85cm Grösse 55: RĂŒckenlĂ€nge 55cm, Hals 73cm, Brust 56-91cm Grösse 60: RĂŒckenlĂ€nge 60cm, Hals 76cm, Brust 58-96cm Grösse 65: RĂŒckenlĂ€nge 65cm, Hals 75cm, Brust 58-106cm
CHF 94.00
Hurtta Monsoon Coat Eco Rosehip
Hurtta Monsoon Coat Eco â ZuverlĂ€ssiger Regenschutz in elegantem Rosehip Der Monsoon Regenmantel ist ein unverzichtbares Outfit fĂŒr Hunde bei regnerischem, windigem oder schlammigem Wetter. Hier sind die herausragenden Merkmale und Vorteile dieses Mantels in der eleganten Rosehip-Farbe: Eigenschaften: Verbesserter Kragen: Der technisch verbesserte Kragen ermöglicht eine umfassendere Abdichtung der NĂ€hte. Im Vergleich zu VorgĂ€ngermodellen sind die KragennĂ€hte senkrecht angeordnet, was eine vollstĂ€ndige wasserdichte Abdeckung ermöglicht. Ein Regenkragen aus wasserdichtem Trikot am Kragen verhindert das Eindringen von Wasser am Hals des Hundes in den Mantel. Sicherheit im Dunkeln: GroĂe, attraktive Reflexdrucke am hinteren Mantelsaum und 3M-Reflektorpaspel auf dem RĂŒcken erhöhen die Sichtbarkeit und Sicherheit bei schlechten LichtverhĂ€ltnissen. Optimale Passform: Die hervorragende GröĂenanpassung garantiert eine gute Passform fĂŒr die meisten Hunderassen. Die breite Bauchklappe hĂ€lt den Mantel an Ort und Stelle und schĂŒtzt den Bauch vor Schlamm und Sand, ohne die Bewegungsfreiheit des Hundes einzuschrĂ€nken. Elastisches und gerĂ€uscharmes Material: Der Mantel ist aus elastischem und gerĂ€uscharmem Stoff gefertigt, was einen bequemen Tragekomfort und ein einfaches An- und Ausziehen gewĂ€hrleistet. Wetterfestes und atmungsaktives Material: Das mit HoundtexÂź laminierte AuĂenmaterial ist wetterfest und atmungsaktiv. Wasserdichte NĂ€hte: Die NĂ€hte sind verschweiĂt, was den Mantel wasserdicht macht. Verstellbarer Kragen, Taille und RĂŒckenlĂ€nge: Individuelle Anpassung fĂŒr eine optimale Passform. ErhĂ€ltlich in den folgenden Grössen: Grösse 20: Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier Grösse 25: Malteser, Zwergspaniel, Kleinspitz Grösse 35: Havaneser, Lhasa Apso, Englische Bulldogge Grösse 40: Beagle, Zwergdackel, Englische Bulldogge Grösse 45: Drever, Welsh Corgi Cardigan, Dackel Grösse 50: Chow Chow, Basset Hound, Elchhund Grösse 55: Englischer Vorstehhund, Saluki Grösse 60: Bearded Collie Grösse 65: Rottweiler
CHF 54.00
Hurtta Cooling vest
With the refreshing cooling vest through the hot summer. Simply immerse in cold water - wring out - put on - cool down! Ideal for walks, training and dog shows. Sizes XXS, XS and S have an additional attachment for the lines. The cooling vest is washable at 30°C.
CHF 36.50
Hurtta Midlayer overall blackberry
The Hurtta company from Finland has been developing functional dog clothing for over 10 years. Hurtta dog clothing is made of breathable, windproof and waterproof material and therefore provides optimal protection against cold and wet conditions. All garments are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Thanks to the special fit and the availability of different sizes, the clothing not only protects the dog's back, but also the entire chest/abdomen area. Advantages: Warm and soft For city walks and day trips Highly visible reflectors Available in different sizes Available in the following sizes: Size 25S: Papillon, Toy Poodle Size 30S: Jack Russell Terrier, Havanese Size 30M: Bichon Frisé, Minature Pinscher Size 35S: Border Terrier, Mini Schnauzer Size 35M: Westie, American Cocker Spaniel Size 40M: Cocker Spaniel, Lagotto Size 45M: Pumi, Spanish Water Dog Size 50M: Schnauzer, Giant Poodle Size 55M: Collie, Labrador Retriever Size 60M: Golden Retriever, Dalmatian Size 65M: Giant Schnauzer, Flat-coated Retriever Customer note: We are pleased that you have found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, we are unable to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. We guarantee that the coat or sweater will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 68.00
Hurtta Mudventure Overall Eco
The Hurtta company from Finland has been developing functional dog clothing for over 10 years. Hurtta dog clothing is made of breathable, windproof and waterproof material and therefore provides optimal protection against cold and wet conditions. All garments are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Thanks to the special fit and the availability of different sizes, the clothing not only protects the dog's back, but also the entire chest/abdomen area. Advantages: Warm and soft For city walks and day trips Highly visible reflectors Available in different sizes Available in the following sizes: Size 25S: Papillon, Toy Poodle Size 30S: Jack Russell Terrier, Havanese Size 30M: Bichon Frisé, Minature Pinscher Size 35S: Border Terrier, Mini Schnauzer Size 35M: Westie, American Cocker Spaniel Size 40M: Cocker Spaniel, Lagotto Size 45M: Pumi, Spanish Water Dog Size 50M: Schnauzer, Giant Poodle Size 55M: Collie, Labrador Retriever Size 60M: Golden Retriever, Dalmatian Size 65M: Giant Schnauzer, Flat-coated Retriever Customer note: We are pleased that you have found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, we are unable to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. We guarantee that the coat or sweater will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 89.95
Hurtta Cooling vest purple XS
With the refreshing cooling vest through the hot summer. Simply immerse in cold water - wring out - put on - cool down! Ideal for walks and training on hot days. The light blue cooling vest protects the heart and chest region, which is vital for circulation. Your dog will thank you for cooling off with the hurtta cooling vest. Furthermore, this dog vest offers twice the absorption capacity compared to other terry cloth clothing. Sizes XXS, XS and S have an additional attachment for the leash. The cooling vest is washable at 30°C.
CHF 36.50
Hurtta Monsoon Coat bilberry size 20
The Monsoon raincoat is an essential outfit for every dog ââin rainy, windy or muddy weather. Thanks to the completely new technical structure of the collar, the seams can be taped even more extensively than before. In contrast to previous models, the collar seams on Monsoon are vertical, so that the collar can be taped completely waterproof. There is also a rain collar made of waterproof jersey on the edge of the collar, which prevents water from getting into the inside of the coat on the dog's neck. The pleasantly soft collar can be tightened around the dog's neck to protect the chest and neck area. The large, attractive reflective prints on the back hem of the coat and the 3M reflector piping on the back increase safety and visibility in the dark. The Monsoon coat's excellent sizing ensures a good fit for most breeds. The wide belly flap keeps the coat in place and ensures it stays on without restricting the dog's freedom of movement, even during playful play. The flap covers the dog's stomach and effectively protects it from mud and sand. Monsoon is made of an elastic and quiet fabric, making it comfortable to wear and quick to put on.âą Weatherproof and breathable HoundtexÂź laminated outer materialâą The seams are welded, making the coat waterproofâą Highly visible 3MÂź reflectorsâą Adjustable collar , waist and back length size. 20: Chihuahua, Yorkshire TerrierGr. 25: Maltese, miniature spaniel, small SpitzGr. 30: Pug, Pekingese, Boston TerrierGr. 35: Havanese, Lhasa Apso, English BulldogGr. 40: Beagle, Miniature Dachshund, English BulldogGr. 45: Drever, Welsh Corgi Cardigan, Dachshund Gr. 50: Chow Chow, Basset Hound, ElkhoundGr. 55: English Pointer, SalukiGr. 60: Bearded CollieGr. 65: RottweilerWe are pleased that you have found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. We guarantee that the coat or sweater will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 72.00
Hurtta Extremely warm blackberry size 25
The Extreme Warmer Eco blackberry has taken the requirements of thermal dog jackets to a new level, for both dog walkers and dog athletes. The foil pattern, which reflects the dog's own body heat back to the dog, as well as the waterproof and windproof surface material make the jacket particularly warm but also comfortable to use. The Extreme Warmer is the warmest jacket in the Hurtta range. In addition to the high collar, the jacket has a thermal tricot hood that can be pulled up to warm the ears and head. The jacket protects the muscles most important for heat production, as well as the neck, stomach and chest. The pleasantly soft, slightly flexible material does not restrict freedom of movement, even for a sensitive dog. The abdominal area of ââthe jacket was sized so that the cold-sensitive stomach is optimally covered. The effective 3M reflective piping and the large reflective prints on the front and back hem of the jacket improve the dog's visibility in the dark. In the renewed version of the Extreme Warmer, some details have been added that improve the utility of the jacket compared to before: The adjustable The back length and the adjustable area in the hood were inconspicuously attached to the inside of the jacket. Snaps have been attached to the back hem, allowing the protective back hem to be folded under the jacket if necessary. In addition, the warmth of the jacket has been renewed with softer, thicker padding. In the ECO version, the outer fabric, padding and belt are made from 100% recycled material. The lining is made from 50% recycled polyesterWaterproof laminated material: waterproof up to 10,000 mm100% PES technical 180g knit lining, with heat-reflecting aluminum foil patternâąWelded back and back seamsâąFluorocarbon-free Rudolf ECO water-repellent treatmentâąAdjustable back lengthSize 25: back length 25cm, neck 31cm, Breast 30-50cm size 30: back length 30cm, neck 36-62cm size 35: back length 35cm, neck 52cm, chest 43-67cm size 40: back length 40cm, neck 54cm, chest 45-72cm size 30: back length 45cm, neck 50, chest 50 -82cmSize 30: back length 50cm, neck 65cm, chest 54-85cmSize 30: back length 55cm, neck 73cm, chest 56-91cmSize 30: back length 60cm, neck 76cm, chest 58-96cmSize 30: back length 65cm, neck 75cm, chest 58-106 cmWe We are pleased that you have found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. We guarantee that the coat or sweater will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 94.00
Hurtta Expedition Parka bilberry size 20
The company has been developing functional dog clothing for over 10 years. Hurtta dog clothing is made of wind & waterproof material and therefore optimally protects against cold and wet. All garments are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Through the special fit and the availability of different sizes The clothing not only protects the back, but also the entire body Chest/abdomen area of ââthe dog. Expedition Parka is an excellent choice for cold weather adventures large and small. The Expedition Parka was specially developed for short-haired dogs and dogs without an undercoat, but is also suitable for all other dogs in cold weather. He is suitable for additional warmth, for example for agility dogs after training or for dogs who, due to their age or their Health conditions require heat. The technical surface material of the easy-to-handle fur is ideal for even the toughest games. The protection model The Expedition Parka is designed to provide an extended Allows freedom of movement when the dog runs and plays. The waterproof and windproof, soft, elastic segments on the The front adapts flexibly to the dog's movements. The Neckline, back length and collar circumference Expedition parkas are adjustable. Breathable and water-repellent material Adjustable back length Resealable opening for dishes on the back in sizes 30-80cm Protects the chest and important muscle groups Integrated harness in small sizes 20-25cm Available in the following sizes: Size 20: Chihuahua, Yorkshire TerrierSize 25: Chihuahua, Bichon FrisĂ©, AffenpinscherSize 30: Shih Tzu, Tibetan Spaniel, WestieSize 30XL: French Bulldog, PugSize 35: Australian Terrier, Cocker Spaniel Size 35 XL: Dwarf Bull Terrier, French BulldogSize 40: Beagle , Bedlington TerrierSize 40 XS: Miniature Dachshund, DachshundSize 45: American Water Spaniel, Welsh CorgiSize 45 Rottweilers, Weimaraners Customer note: We are pleased that you are in our Have found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our online shop! We At this point you would like to point out that you have ordered Cannot send dog clothing back. From hygienic For reasons it is not possible for us to sell coats that have already been tried on To take back the sweater.
CHF 82.00
Hurtta Razzle-Dazzle blackberry size 25
Hurtta Razzle-Dazzle The Hurtta company from Finland has been developing functional dog clothing for over 10 years. Hurtta dog clothing is made of breathable, windproof & waterproof material and therefore optimally protects against cold and wet. All garments are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Due to the special fit and the availability of different sizes, the clothing not only protects the back, but also the entire chest/abdomen area of ââthe dog. Available in the following sizes: Size 20: Chihuahua, Russian Toy Size 25: Chihuahua, Toy Poodle, Silky Terrier size 30: Jack Russell Terrier, Lhasa ApsoSize 35: Border Terrier, Spitz, Bichon FrisĂ©Size 40: Shetland Sheepdog, Cocker SpanielSize 45: Pumi, Schnauzer, Pyrenean ShepherdSize 50: Spanish Water Dog, Border CollieSize 55: Golden Retriever, Australian ShepherdSize 60: Labrador Retriver , Bearded CollieSize 65: Bernese Mountain Dog, Giant SchnauzerWe are pleased that you have found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. We guarantee that the coat or sweater will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 54.00
Hurtta Swimmer Vest orange size. XS
Hurtta Swimmer VestThe Hurtta company from Finland has been developing functional dog clothing for over 10 years. Hurtta dog clothing is made of breathable, windproof & waterproof material and therefore optimally protects against cold and wet. All garments are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Due to the special fit and the availability of different sizes, the clothing not only protects the back, but also the entire chest/abdomen area of ââthe dog. The swim vest is a durable and warming high-visibility vest for outdoor activities, swimming, SUP paddling, water rescue, rehabilitation and hunting. The vest is made of elastic and non-absorbent neoprene. The material is durable and quiet in use. Thanks to its excellent thermal insulation, the neoprene vest is particularly suitable for water rescue dogs that work in cool temperatures and for hunting dogs that retrieve game from the water. The vest has floats that support the dog when swimming. The vest's belly flap protects the dog's sensitive abdominal area. This product contains a Clariant SanitizedÂź treatment. The active substance in the treatment is permethrin, which protects against insects such as mosquitoes, horseflies and ticks. The treatment is dermatologically tested and safe for use on dogs, but may cause a reaction on sensitive skin. NOT SUITABLE FOR CATS. Permethrin is toxic to cats.âą Durable neoprene fabric for extra warmth and comfortâą Comfortable and close-fitting modelâą Highly visible 3MÂź reflectorsâą Floats that support the dog while swimmingWe are pleased that you can find a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop found the dog! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. We guarantee that the coat or sweater will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 74.00
Hurtta Casual Quilted Overal, heather
The company has been developing functional dog clothing for over 10 years. Hurtta dog clothing is made of wind & waterproof material and therefore optimally protects against cold and wet. All garments are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Through the special fit and the availability of different sizes The clothing not only protects the back, but also the entire body Chest/abdomen area of ââthe dog.Hurtta Casual Quilted overal is a soft and warm quilted overalls for everyday and city walks short-haired and hairless dogs. The L fit is a special design for dogs and other slim breeds. The overall offers ideal protection in cold and windy weather. The water and dirt repellent Surface material is pleasantly soft and supple and quiet in use. The product features Ultra Sonic quilting and a warm padded lining. Warm and soft For city walks and day trips L fit for slim dogs Highly visible reflectors Available in the following sizes:Size 30L: Russian ToySize 35L: Toy PoodleSize 40L: Standard PoodleSize 45L: Peruvian Hairless Dog, largeSize 50L: Pharaoh HoundSize 55L: Standard Poodle, AzawakhSize 60L: Afghan HoundSize 65L: Galgo EspanolG Size 70L: BorzoiWe are pleased that you are in Found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop have! We would like to point out to you at this point that you Cannot send back ordered dog clothing. Out of For hygienic reasons, it is not possible for us to wear items that have already been tried on Coats and sweaters can be taken back. We therefore recommend that you first purchase the model you want in one to try on in our branches. Our expert staff can help We would be happy to help you find the perfect piece of clothing for your dog. So We guarantee that the coat or sweater will suit your dog Fits perfectly and is also comfortable for your darling. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 85.00
Hurtta Razzle-Dazzle beetroot size 25
Hurtta Razzle-Dazzle The Hurtta company from Finland has been developing functional dog clothing for over 10 years. Hurtta dog clothing is made of breathable, windproof & waterproof material and therefore optimally protects against cold and wet. All garments are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Due to the special fit and the availability of different sizes, the clothing not only protects the back, but also the entire chest/abdomen area of ââthe dog. Available in the following sizes: Size 20: Chihuahua, Russian Toy Size 25: Chihuahua, Toy Poodle, Silky Terrier size 30: Jack Russell Terrier, Lhasa ApsoSize 35: Border Terrier, Spitz, Bichon FrisĂ©Size 40: Shetland Sheepdog, Cocker SpanielSize 45: Pumi, Schnauzer, Pyrenean ShepherdSize 50: Spanish Water Dog, Border CollieSize 55: Golden Retriever, Australian ShepherdSize 60: Labrador Retriver , Bearded CollieSize 65: Bernese Mountain Dog, Giant SchnauzerWe are pleased that you have found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. We guarantee that the coat or sweater will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 54.00