(Cat) Litter Boxes

21 products

  • Cat's Best - Original Granulat a. Weichholzfasern 4,3Kg - 17,2Kg

    Cat's Best Cat's Best - Original Granulat a. Weichholzfasern 4,3Kg - 17,2Kg

    761 in stock

    Cat's Best - Original Granulat aus Weichholzfasern Cat's Best Original Granulat ist ein hochwertiges Katzenstreu, das aus natĂŒrlichen Weichholzfasern hergestellt wird. Es bietet eine hervorragende SaugfĂ€higkeit, reduziert unangenehme GerĂŒche und sorgt fĂŒr eine trockene und angenehme Umgebung fĂŒr Ihre Katze. Das Granulat ist biologisch abbaubar und kann kompostiert werden, was es zu einer umweltfreundlichen Wahl macht. Produktmerkmale: SaugfĂ€higkeit: Hohe FlĂŒssigkeitsaufnahme fĂŒr optimale Hygiene. Geruchsbindung: Effektive Kontrolle von unangenehmen GerĂŒchen. NatĂŒrliche Inhaltsstoffe: Hergestellt aus nachhaltigen Weichholzfasern. Umweltfreundlich: Biologisch abbaubar und kompostierbar. Grössenoptionen: 10 L / 4,3 kg 20 L / 8,6 kg 40 L / 17,2 kg

    761 in stock

    CHF 13.95

  • Cat's Best - Smart Pellets aus Weichholzfasern 5kg - 10kg Cat's Best - Smart Pellets aus Weichholzfasern 5kg - 10kg

    Cat's Best Cat's Best - Smart Pellets aus Weichholzfasern 5kg - 10kg

    687 in stock

    Cat's Best - Smart Pellets aus Weichholzfasern Cat's Best Smart Pellets sind aus hochwertigen Weichholzfasern hergestellt und bieten eine effektive und nachhaltige Lösung fĂŒr die Katzentoilette. Diese Pellets zeichnen sich durch ihre hervorragende SaugfĂ€higkeit und ihre FĂ€higkeit aus, GerĂŒche zu neutralisieren. Sie sind biologisch abbaubar und umweltfreundlich, was sie zur idealen Wahl fĂŒr umweltbewusste Tierbesitzer macht. Produktmerkmale: Hervorragende SaugfĂ€higkeit: Effektive Aufnahme von FlĂŒssigkeiten fĂŒr eine saubere Umgebung. Geruchsneutralisation: Reduziert unangenehme GerĂŒche effektiv. Biologisch abbaubar: Umweltfreundlich und kompostierbar. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Ideal fĂŒr Katzen sowie fĂŒr andere Kleintiere. Grössenoptionen: 10 L / 5,0kg 20 L / 10,0kg

    687 in stock

    CHF 18.50

  • Cat's Best - Universal Pellets aus Weichholzfasern 5,5kg - 22kg

    Cat's Best Cat's Best - Universal Pellets aus Weichholzfasern 5,5kg - 22kg

    777 in stock

    Cat's Best - Universal Pellets aus Weichholzfasern Cat's Best Universal Pellets sind ein vielseitiges Produkt, das aus natĂŒrlichen Weichholzfasern hergestellt wird. Diese Pellets sind ideal fĂŒr die Katzentoilette, aber auch fĂŒr andere Haustiere und Anwendungen geeignet. Sie bieten eine hervorragende SaugfĂ€higkeit, neutralisieren GerĂŒche und sorgen fĂŒr eine hygienische Umgebung. Die Pellets sind biologisch abbaubar und umweltfreundlich. Produktmerkmale: SaugfĂ€higkeit: Effektive FlĂŒssigkeitsaufnahme fĂŒr eine saubere Umgebung. Geruchsbindung: Reduziert unangenehme GerĂŒche. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Geeignet fĂŒr Katzen, Kleintiere, Vögel und andere Anwendungen. Umweltfreundlich: Biologisch abbaubar und kompostierbar. Grössenoptionen: 10 L / 5,5kg 40 L / 22kg

    777 in stock

    CHF 6.90

  • Trixie - Be Eco Katzentoilette Carlo Trixie - Be Eco Katzentoilette Carlo

    Trixie Trixie - Be Eco Katzentoilette Carlo

    17 in stock

    Trixie - Be Eco Katzentoilette Carlo Die Katzentoilette Carlo aus der Trixie "Be Eco"-Serie bietet eine umweltfreundliche Option fĂŒr Katzenbesitzer. Sie wird aus recyceltem Kunststoff hergestellt, was einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeit leistet. Das schlichte, moderne Design in Anthrazit passt in jedes Zuhause, wĂ€hrend die robuste Bauweise fĂŒr eine lange Lebensdauer sorgt. Die Toilette ist in zwei Grössen erhĂ€ltlich, um den BedĂŒrfnissen verschiedener Katzenrassen gerecht zu werden. Sie lĂ€sst sich leicht reinigen und sorgt fĂŒr eine hygienische Umgebung fĂŒr Ihre Katze. VerfĂŒgbare Grössen: 31 × 14 × 43cm 38 × 17 × 58cm Farbe: Anthrazit

    17 in stock

    CHF 7.90

  • Katzenhaustoilette Levin - Purrfect Petsℱ Katzenhaustoilette Levin - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Levin cat house toilet

    245 in stock

    Some cats prefer to be able to do their business in security in order to hide from other cats or so that they do not feel like they are being watched. A closed litter box not only benefits your pet, but is also less odorous and more hygienic for the cat owner. In addition, the carbon filter eliminates bad smells. Assorted, in the colors blue, gray and burgundy. The colors are delivered randomly. If you have a preferred color, please specify the desired color when placing your order.

    245 in stock

    CHF 32.50

  • Katzenhaustoilette Lilo - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Lilo cat house toilet

    496 in stock

    Practical cat toilet with visor opening. In trendy shape and color. The visor opening makes cleaning the Lilo cat litter box much easier. If you need to remove the hood to change the litter, there is a practical handle on the hood and 2 click locks on each side (left & right) for easy opening of the cat toilet. Make sure you slowly get your cat used to the new toilet. First leave the visor opening with the door open and show her the cat house toilet open first. Then show her what the door is for and how it works, simply push the toilet door a few times. A closed litter box not only benefits your cat, but is less odorous and more hygienic for you.

    496 in stock

    CHF 69.90

  • Katzenhaustoilette Makon div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Katzenhaustoilette Makon div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Cat house toilet Makon pink

    287 in stock

    Cat house toilet with litter scoop, waste bag and filter. With entry and exit sieve for clean cat paws! Cats love cleanliness. Design shape fits perfectly into a modern household. Practical handle for easily removing the hood and moving it when cleaning the floor. Some cats prefer to be able to do their business in security in order to hide from other cats or so that they do not feel like they are being watched. A closed litter box not only benefits your pet, but is also less odorous and more hygienic for the cat owner.

    287 in stock

    CHF 59.90

  • Katzenhaustoilette Prima - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Ferplast Great cat house toilet

    62 in stock

    Prima is a very practical plastic litter box with a hood. It is equipped with everything necessary to give your cat the maximum amount of privacy and peace while it goes about its daily business. Prima has a handle that allows you to place it wherever you want. It contains an activated carbon filter to neutralize odors. Thanks to its simple locking system, it is easy to clean. The round shape gives your cat more space and comfort inside.

    62 in stock

    CHF 29.90

  • Katzenhaustoilette Prima Cabrio - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Ferplast Prima Cabrio cat house toilet

    12 in stock

    Prima is a very practical plastic litter box with a hood. It is equipped with everything necessary to give your cat the maximum amount of privacy and peace while it goes about its daily business. Prima has a handle that allows you to place it wherever you want. It contains an activated carbon filter to neutralize odors. Thanks to its simple locking system, it is easy to clean. The round shape gives your cat more space and comfort inside.

    12 in stock

    CHF 39.90

  • Katzenhaustoilette Lola div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Katzenhaustoilette Lola div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Lola cat house toilet

    1460 in stock

    Includes double carbon filter, which neutralizes bad odors, and door. Some cats prefer to be able to do their business in security in order to hide from other cats or so that they do not feel like they are being watched. A closed litter box not only benefits your pet, but is also less odorous and more hygienic for the cat owner.

    1460 in stock

    CHF 28.90

  • Katzenhaustoilette Capri div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Katzenhaustoilette Capri div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Capri pink cat house toilet

    711 in stock

    The closed cat litter box Capri from swisspet has one practical handling including carbon filter, which eliminates bad smells filters. Some cats prefer to do their business in secret To be able to do something to hide from other people or with it they don't feel like they're being watched. A closed litter box Not only does it bring benefits to your pet, but it also has less odor and more hygienic for the cat owner. The Capri cat house toilet thermoplastic provides the perfect space for your Four-legged friends to pursue their daily needs in peace. The The lower bowl is slightly higher to prevent the litter from falling out possible to prevent, and the practical carrying handle makes it possible easy to move the toilet. Inside there are also special carbon filters that neutralize odors. They are also available as an accessory. The Capri cat litter box is through the Stable, side locking clips easy for cleaning on top and lower part to separate. A spreading scoop is included. The toilet is especially suitable for large cats. The Capri cat house toilet is available in two colors: pink and blue available. Choose the color that suits you better.

    711 in stock

    CHF 32.50

  • Katzenhaustoilette Clear Cat 20 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Katzenhaustoilette Clear Cat 20 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Ferplast Cat house toilet Clear Cat 20 –

    16 in stock

    Ferplast cat toilet Clear Cat 20 - BlueClear Cat is a cat toilet with a hood made of robust made of thermoplastic resin and equipped with a sieve, which eliminates litter waste. The perforated bottom can be used for remove the cleaning. Cleaning and maintaining the cat litter box This makes it easier because the top is attached thanks to the special clips the side of the lid can be easily opened. The toilet has that Dimensions 39.5x52.5x38cm and is available in black and blue.

    16 in stock

    CHF 28.90

  • Katzenhaustoilette Clear Cat 10 - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Ferplast Cat house toilet Clear Cat 10 -

    72 in stock

    Clear Cat is a hooded litter box made from durable thermoplastic resin and equipped with a strainer that eliminates litter waste. The perforated base can be lifted out for cleaning. Cleaning and maintaining the litter box is made easier as the top can be easily opened thanks to the special clips on the side of the lid. The toilet measures 36x47x35cm and is available in black and burgundy.

    72 in stock

    CHF 24.90

  • Katzenhaustoilette Maxi Bella Cabrio div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Katzenhaustoilette Maxi Bella Cabrio div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Ferplast Cat house toilet Maxi Bella Convertible

    25 in stock

    Ferplast Maxi Bella Cabrio cat toilet, blueBella is a very practical plastic cat toilet with a hood. It is equipped with everything you need to give your cat that Treat yourself to maximum privacy and peace while you go about your daily business business done. Bella has a handle that you use to place her can wherever you want. It contains an activated carbon filter neutralize odors. Thanks to their simple locking system easy to clean them. The round shape gives your cat more space and Comfort inside. The toilet is available in black and blue.

    25 in stock

    CHF 79.90

  • Ersatz-Kohlefilter L135 - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Replacement carbon filter L135 2 pieces.

    97 in stock

    Carbon filter L135, 2 pieces.

    97 in stock

    CHF 4.20

  • Katzenhaustoilette Bella div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Katzenhaustoilette Bella div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Ferplast Bella cat toilet

    32 in stock

    Bella is a very practical plastic litter box with a hood. It is equipped with everything necessary to give your cat the maximum amount of privacy and peace while it goes about its daily business. Bella has a handle that allows you to place her wherever you want. It contains an activated carbon filter to neutralize odors. Thanks to its simple locking system, it is easy to clean. The round shape gives your cat more space and comfort inside. The toilet is available in black and blue.

    32 in stock

    CHF 49.90

  • Crystal Rocks Plus Katzenstreu 10l - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Crystal Rocks Crystal Rocks Plus Katzenstreu 10l

    1254 in stock

    Crystal Rocks Plus, 10l - Revolutionary silicate cat litter for ultimate freshness Discover the latest generation of cat litter with Crystal Rocks Plus! This clumping silicate cat litter offers a revolutionary solution to the hygiene of your litter box and ensures maximum freshness in your home. Characteristics: 100% natural: Crystal Rocks Plus is made from natural materials and is free of artificial additives. Maximum odor neutralization: Thanks to its unique formula, this cat litter stops odors in seconds and ensures a fresh environment. Extreme Absorbency: Despite its small volume, Crystal Rocks Plus effectively absorbs liquids and forms solid clumps. Antibacterial and Compostable: The litter is antibacterial and fully compostable, allowing for safe and easy disposal. Paw-friendly: The fine texture of the litter is particularly gentle on your cat's paws and ensures a pleasant usage experience. Experience the revolution in cat litter box hygiene with Crystal Rocks Plus and enjoy lasting freshness and cleanliness in your home.

    1254 in stock

    CHF 21.95

  • Katzenstreu Clumping White Cotton fresh 10L - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Sanicat Cat litter Clumping White Cotton fresh 10L

    958 in stock

    Sanicat Clumping White, Cotton fresh, 10L - freshness and odor control for your cat litter box The Sanicat Clumping White in the Cotton fresh version offers you an effective solution for a low-odor and hygienic cat toilet. This high-quality cat litter naturally forms white, solid clumps that trap bad odors as they absorb liquid. This ensures maximum odor control and provides a fresh environment for your cat. Product features: Natural clumping: The litter automatically forms solid, white clumps that provide effective odor control. Cotton fresh scent: The freshness of cotton gives the cat litter box a pleasant scent. Easy to clean: The clumps are easy to scoop out, making the litter box clean and easy to maintain. Long-lasting freshness: Regular removal of lumps ensures lasting freshness and hygiene. Dust-free: The dust-free formula contributes to a clean environment. No dust: The litter does not cause dust, ensuring a dust-free application. Enjoy the freshness of Cotton fresh and the practical benefits of Sanicat Clumping White to meet your cat's needs and your own cleanliness and odor control requirements.

    958 in stock

    CHF 12.95

  • Katzenstreu Clumping White neutral 10L - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Sanicat Cat litter Clumping White neutral 10L

    438 in stock

    Cat litter Clumping White, neutral, 10L - effective odor control and easy cleaning With the Clumping White cat litter you get a high-quality solution for a low-odor cat litter box. This litter naturally forms solid, white clumps that trap bad odors as they absorb liquid. This ensures maximum odor control and a fresh environment for your cat. Characteristics: Natural clumping: Automatically forms solid, white clumps that provide effective odor control. Easy to clean: The clumps can be scooped out effortlessly, making the litter box clean and easy to maintain. Long-lasting freshness: By regularly removing the lumps, the cat litter box stays hygienic and fresh. Dust-free: The dust-free formula contributes to a clean environment. No Dust: Does not cause dust, ensuring a dust-free application. The Clumping White cat litter offers a reliable solution for cat owners looking for effective odor control and easy cleaning. Create a pleasant environment for your cat and at the same time ensure easy care of the litter box.

    438 in stock

    CHF 12.95

  • Biokat’s Micro classic 14kg - Purrfect Petsℱ Biokat’s Micro classic 14kg - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Biokats Biokat's Micro classic 14kg

    186 in stock

    Biokat's Micro Classic 14kg - clumping cat litter with extra-fine grain and strong odor retention Biokat's Micro Classic is a high-quality clumping cat litter with an extra fine grain that is 4 times more productive than conventional litter. With extremely strong odor retention, it offers almost dust-free and gentle paw care. The litter consists of natural tones that are mined in Germany in an environmentally friendly way. Product features: High absorbency: 1 liter of Biokat's Micro Classic binds at least 3 liters of liquid, with an impressive absorbency of up to 300%. Extra-fine grain: The fine texture makes the litter 4x more productive than conventional cat litter. Maximum odor control: Biokat's Micro Classic offers extremely strong odor control for a fresh litter box. Almost completely dust-free: With a dust reduction of 99.8%, this litter is gentle on paws and ensures a clean environment. Environmentally friendly manufacturing: The litter is made from high quality German raw clay, which is environmentally friendly and sustainable. Made in Germany: Biokat's Micro Classic stands for German quality standards. Application: It is recommended to use a filling height of about 5 cm. Cats that scratch intensely may need more litter. Removing clumps from the litter box daily will maintain its freshness, and refilling the litter regularly is advisable. Biokat's Micro Classic - The ideal choice for economical cat lovers who value quality and environmental friendliness.

    186 in stock

    CHF 19.80

  • Biokat’s Micro fresh 14kg - Purrfect Petsℱ Biokat’s Micro fresh 14kg - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Biokats Biokat's Micro fresh 14kg

    264 in stock

    Biokat's Micro Fresh 14kg - Clumping cat litter with a summer scent Biokat's Micro Fresh is a high-quality clumping cat litter with extra fine grains and a refreshing summer scent. Made from German raw clay, this litter is characterized by short transport routes and maximum odor retention. Product features: High absorbency: 1 liter of Biokat's Micro Fresh binds at least 3 liters of liquid, which makes the litter extremely productive. Extra-fine grain: The fine texture makes the litter 4x more productive than conventional cat litter. Maximum odor control: Biokat's Micro Fresh offers effective odor control that ensures freshness in the cat litter box. Low dust: With a dust reduction of 99.8%, this litter is almost dust-free and contributes to your cat's well-being. Summer scent: A pleasant scent of fresh flowers and citrus creates a refreshing environment. Environmentally friendly production: The litter is made in an environmentally friendly manner from the best German raw clay. Application: It is recommended to use a filling height of about 5 cm. Cats that scratch intensively may require a higher layer of litter. Removing clumps from the litter box daily is recommended to maintain freshness. Biokat's Micro Fresh - The ideal choice for thrifty cat lovers who value quality and freshness.

    264 in stock

    CHF 21.50

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