(Fish) aquarium combinations

27 products

  • Aquael - Schrank Optiset, schwarz 240/ 80x121x41cm Aquael - Schrank Optiset, schwarz 240/ 80x121x41cm

    Aquael Aquael - Schrank Optiset, schwarz 240/ 80x121x41cm

    2 in stock

    Aquael - Schrank OptiSet, Schwarz 240 / 80 x 121 x 41cm Der Aquael Schrank OptiSet Schwarz 240 ist ein hochwertiger Aquariumschrank aus langlebigen, feuchtigkeitsbestĂ€ndigen Holzwerkstoffplatten. Er ist speziell fĂŒr die sichere Aufnahme grosser Lasten zertifiziert und bietet viel Stauraum im Inneren, ideal zur Unterbringung von Topffiltern und anderen technischen GerĂ€ten, um das Aquarium optisch ansprechend zu halten. Produktdetails: Material: FeuchtigkeitsbestĂ€ndige Holzwerkstoffplatten Grösse: 80 x 121 x 41cm Farbe: Schwarz Belastbarkeit: HĂ€lt hohe Lasten sicher aus Innenraum: GrosszĂŒgig, ideal fĂŒr technische Ausstattung Hinweis: Aquarium separat erhĂ€ltlich. Passend zum Aquael Aquarium Set OptiSet 240 Schwarz 2.0 (121 x 41 x 56cm) – Artikelnummer: A124307

    2 in stock

    CHF 192.00

  • Aquael - Schrank Optiset, schwarz 200/ 80x101x41cm Aquael - Schrank Optiset, schwarz 200/ 80x101x41cm

    Aquael Aquael - Schrank Optiset, schwarz 200/ 80x101x41cm

    4 in stock

    Aquael - Schrank OptiSet, Schwarz 200 / 80 x 101 x 41cm Der Aquael Schrank OptiSet Schwarz 200 ist ein universeller Aquariumschrank, gefertigt aus robusten, feuchtigkeitsbestĂ€ndigen Holzwerkstoffplatten. Der Schrank ist zertifiziert und eignet sich fĂŒr die sichere Aufnahme grosser Lasten. Sein gerĂ€umiger Innenbereich bietet ausreichend Platz fĂŒr die Unterbringung von Topffiltern und weiterer technischer Ausstattung, um das Aquarium sauber und ordentlich wirken zu lassen. Produktdetails: Material: FeuchtigkeitsbestĂ€ndige Holzwerkstoffplatten Grösse: 80 x 101 x 41cm Farbe: Schwarz Belastbarkeit: Geeignet fĂŒr hohe Lasten Innenraum: GrosszĂŒgig fĂŒr technische GerĂ€te und Zubehör Hinweis: Aquarium separat erhĂ€ltlich. Passend zum Aquael Aquarium Set OptiSet 200 Schwarz 2.0 (101 x 41 x 56cm) – Artikelnummer: A124305

    4 in stock

    CHF 177.00

  • Aquael - Schrank Optiset, weiss 125/ 80x81x36cm Aquael - Schrank Optiset, weiss 125/ 80x81x36cm

    Aquael Aquael - Schrank Optiset, weiss 125/ 80x81x36cm

    2 in stock

    Aquael - Schrank OptiSet, Weiss 125 / 80 x 81 x 36cm Der Aquael Schrank OptiSet ist ein universeller, robuster Aquariumschrank, der aus feuchtigkeitsbestĂ€ndigen Holzwerkstoffplatten gefertigt ist. Er ist widerstandsfĂ€hig und fĂŒr grosse Lasten zertifiziert, was ihn zur idealen Lösung fĂŒr alle gĂ€ngigen Aquarien macht. Im gerĂ€umigen Inneren lassen sich Topffilter und andere technische GerĂ€te problemlos verstauen, um fĂŒr eine aufgerĂ€umte und ansprechende Optik zu sorgen. Produktdetails: Material: FeuchtigkeitsbestĂ€ndige Holzwerkstoffplatten Grösse: 80 x 81 x 36 cm Farbe: Weiss Belastbarkeit: HĂ€lt grosse Lasten aus Innenraum: GerĂ€umig fĂŒr technische Ausstattung wie Topffilter Hinweis: Aquarium separat erhĂ€ltlich. Passend zum Aquael Aquarium Set OptiSet 125 Weiss 2.0 (81 x 36 x 51cm) – Artikelnummer: A124302

    2 in stock

    CHF 149.00

  • Aquael - Schrank Optiset, weiss 200/ 80x101x41cm Aquael - Schrank Optiset, weiss 200/ 80x101x41cm

    Aquael Aquael - Schrank Optiset, weiss 200/ 80x101x41cm

    3 in stock

    Aquael - Schrank OptiSet, Weiss 200 / 80 x 101 x 41cm Der Aquael Schrank OptiSet in Weiss 200 ist ein stabiler und universeller Aquariumschrank, der aus widerstandsfĂ€higen und feuchtigkeitsbestĂ€ndigen Holzwerkstoffplatten gefertigt ist. Der Schrank ist zertifiziert und hĂ€lt auch grosse Lasten sicher. Das gerĂ€umige Innere bietet ausreichend Platz zur Unterbringung von technischen GerĂ€ten wie Topffiltern, um das Aquarium optisch sauber und organisiert zu halten. Produktdetails: Material: FeuchtigkeitsbestĂ€ndige Holzwerkstoffplatten Grösse: 80 x 101 x 41cm Farbe: Weiss Belastbarkeit: Geeignet fĂŒr grosse Aquarien, belastbar fĂŒr schwere Lasten Innenraum: Bietet Platz fĂŒr technische Ausstattung wie Topffilter Hinweis: Aquarium separat erhĂ€ltlich. Passend zum Aquael Aquarium Set OptiSet 200 Weiss 2.0 (101 x 41 x 56cm) – Artikelnummer: A124304

    3 in stock

    CHF 176.00

  • Aquael - Aquarium-Set Optiset, schwarz 2.0 Aquael - Aquarium-Set Optiset, schwarz 2.0

    Aquael Aquael - Aquarium-Set Optiset, schwarz 2.0

    9 in stock

    Aquael - Aquarium-Set OptiSet, Schwarz 2.0 Das Aquael OptiSet Aquarium-Set eröffnet Ihnen einen kristallklaren Blick in die Unterwasserwelt. Mit hochwertigem Opti-Glas und polierten Kanten sorgt es fĂŒr eine brillante Übersichtlichkeit. Die satinierte Abdeckung rundet das edle Design ab und macht es zu einem Ă€sthetischen Highlight in jedem Raum. Im Set enthalten ist eine moderne Leddy Tube Day & Night Beleuchtung, die das Aquarium rund um die Uhr in passendem Licht erstrahlen lĂ€sst und auf bis zu 9 Module erweiterbar ist. Produktdetails: Material: Opti-Glas mit polierten Kanten Beleuchtung: Leddy Tube Day & Night (erweiterbar) Design: Satinierte Abdeckung, elegante Optik Hinweis: Schrank separat erhĂ€ltlich. Passende SchrĂ€nke: Schrank OptiSet Schwarz 125 (80 x 81 x 36cm) – Artikelnummer: A123420 Schrank OptiSet Schwarz 200 (80 x 101 x 41cm) – Artikelnummer: A123422 Schrank OptiSet Schwarz 240 (80 x 121 x 41cm) – Artikelnummer: A123425

    9 in stock

    CHF 255.00

  • Aquael - Aquarium-Set Optiset, weiss 2.0 Aquael - Aquarium-Set Optiset, weiss 2.0

    Aquael Aquael - Aquarium-Set Optiset, weiss 2.0

    17 in stock

    Aquael - Aquarium-Set OptiSet, Weiss 2.0 Das Aquael OptiSet Aquarium-Set in Weiss bietet Ihnen eine faszinierende und klare Sicht auf die Unterwasserwelt. Mit seinem Opti-Glas und den polierten Kanten ermöglicht es eine aussergewöhnliche Übersichtlichkeit. Die satinierte Abdeckung verleiht dem Set eine edle und minimalistische Optik. Zum Lieferumfang gehört die innovative Leddy Tube Day & Night Beleuchtung, die das Aquarium je nach Tageszeit perfekt beleuchtet und auf bis zu 9 Module erweiterbar ist. Produktdetails: Material: Hochwertiges Opti-Glas mit polierten Kanten Beleuchtung: Leddy Tube Day & Night (erweiterbar) Design: Satinierte Abdeckung, modernes und stilvolles Design Hinweis: Schrank separat erhĂ€ltlich. Passende SchrĂ€nke: Schrank OptiSet Weiss 125 (80 x 81 x 36cm) – Artikelnummer: A123421 Schrank OptiSet Weiss 200 (80 x 101 x 41cm) – Artikelnummer: A123423 Schrank OptiSet Weiss 240 (80 x 121 x 41cm) – Artikelnummer: A123427

    17 in stock

    CHF 255.00

  • Aquael - Schrank Optiset, schwarz 125/ 80x81x36cm Aquael - Schrank Optiset, schwarz 125/ 80x81x36cm

    Aquael Aquael - Schrank Optiset, schwarz 125/ 80x81x36cm

    2 in stock

    Aquael - Schrank OptiSet, Schwarz 125 / 80 x 81 x 36cm Der Aquael Schrank OptiSet Schwarz 125 ist ein universeller Aquariumschrank aus widerstandsfĂ€higen und feuchtigkeitsbestĂ€ndigen Holzwerkstoffplatten. Zertifiziert und robust, hĂ€lt er auch grosse Lasten sicher aus. Der gerĂ€umige Innenbereich bietet Platz fĂŒr Topffilter und andere technische GerĂ€te, wodurch das Aquarium optisch ordentlich bleibt. Produktdetails: Material: FeuchtigkeitsbestĂ€ndige Holzwerkstoffplatten Grösse: 80 x 81 x 36cm Farbe: Schwarz Belastbarkeit: Hohe Tragkraft fĂŒr schwere Aquarien Innenraum: GerĂ€umig, ideal zur Unterbringung von technischen GerĂ€ten Hinweis: Aquarium separat erhĂ€ltlich. Passend zum Aquael Aquarium Set OptiSet 125 Schwarz 2.0 (81 x 36 x 51cm) – Artikelnummer: A124303

    2 in stock

    CHF 149.00

  • Aquael - Schrank Optiset, weiss 240/ 80x121x41cm Aquael - Schrank Optiset, weiss 240/ 80x121x41cm

    Aquael Aquael - Schrank Optiset, weiss 240/ 80x121x41cm

    3 in stock

    Aquael - Schrank OptiSet, Weiss 240 / 80 x 121 x 41cm Der Aquael Schrank OptiSet Weiss 240 ist ein hochwertiger Aquariumschrank, der speziell fĂŒr grosse Aquarien entwickelt wurde. Hergestellt aus widerstandsfĂ€higen und feuchtigkeitsbestĂ€ndigen Holzwerkstoffplatten, bietet dieser Schrank die nötige StabilitĂ€t, um auch schwere Lasten sicher zu tragen. Das gerĂ€umige Innere des Schranks ermöglicht die einfache Aufbewahrung von Topffiltern und anderen technischen GerĂ€ten, wodurch eine saubere und aufgerĂ€umte Optik erhalten bleibt. Produktdetails: Material: FeuchtigkeitsbestĂ€ndige Holzwerkstoffplatten Grösse: 80 x 121 x 41cm Farbe: Weiss Belastbarkeit: Hohe TragfĂ€higkeit fĂŒr grosse Aquarien Innenraum: GrosszĂŒgig gestaltet, ideal zur Unterbringung von technischem Zubehör Hinweis: Aquarium separat erhĂ€ltlich. Passend zum Aquael Aquarium Set OptiSet 240 Weiss 2.0 (121 x 41 x 56cm) – Artikelnummer: A124306

    3 in stock

    CHF 192.00

  • Diversa - AquariumSet FineLine schwarz/weiss

    Diversa Diversa - AquariumSet FineLine schwarz/weiss

    5 in stock

    Diversa - AquariumSet FineLine schwarz/weiss Die Diversa Aquarium-Kombination im Fine-Line Design bietet ein elegantes Komplettset fĂŒr anspruchsvolle Aquarianer, die auf QualitĂ€t und Optik Wert legen. Das Set umfasst ein modernes Aquarium mit LED-Beleuchtung, passendem Unterschrank und Thermounterlage. Inhalt des Sets: Aquarium (mit Abmessungen je nach Wahl, siehe Optionen) Unterschrank mit „Push-to-open“ TĂŒren LED-Beleuchtung Kiesblende Thermomatte Design: Aluminiumimitat-Abdeckung und moderne Kiesblende Das Aquarium eignet sich sowohl fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser- als auch fĂŒr Meerwasseraquarien. Es besteht aus hochwertigem Glas mit einer nach DIN-Normen ausgewĂ€hlten StĂ€rke, um Sicherheit und StabilitĂ€t zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Die feine Kombination aus Aquarium und Schrank ĂŒberzeugt durch die moderne Optik und FunktionalitĂ€t. Wichtige Hinweise:Das Fassungsvermögen wird aus den Aussenabmessungen des Aquariums berechnet und entspricht nicht dem tatsĂ€chlichen FĂŒllvolumen. Das Aquarium sollte nur bis zur Unterkante der Verkleidung mit Wasser gefĂŒllt werden. Grösse: 80x35x47cm / 132 l  100x40x57cm / 228 l 100x50x57cm / 285 l 120x40x57cm / 274 l 120x50x57cm / 342 l

    5 in stock

    CHF 598.00

  • Diversa - AquariumSet FineLine trĂŒffel/weiss

    Diversa Diversa - AquariumSet FineLine trĂŒffel/weiss

    2 in stock

    Diversa - AquariumSet FineLine trĂŒffel/weiss Die Diversa Fine-Line Aquarium-Kombination im eleganten Design „TrĂŒffel/Weiss“ bietet alles, was anspruchsvolle Aquarianer suchen. Dieses Komplettset enthĂ€lt ein hochwertiges Aquarium, eine LED-Beleuchtung, einen stilvollen Unterschrank und eine Thermounterlage – perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt fĂŒr eine moderne und optisch ansprechende Aquarienlösung. Inhalt des Sets: Aquarium (je nach ausgewĂ€hlter Grösse, siehe Optionen) Unterschrank (mit „Push-to-open“ TĂŒren) LED-Beleuchtung Kiesblende (Dekorativer Streifen fĂŒr einen modernen Look) Thermomatte (FĂŒr sicheren Stand und Schutz) Merkmale: Design: Modernes Aquarium im „TrĂŒffel/Weiss“-Look, kombiniert mit einer Aluminiumimitat-Abdeckung und LED-Beleuchtung. FlexibilitĂ€t: Geeignet fĂŒr SĂŒss- und Meerwasseraquarien. QualitĂ€t: Hergestellt aus starkem Glas, das den europĂ€ischen DIN-Normen entspricht. Mit Silikonfugen verklebt, bietet es höchste Sicherheit. Optik: Das Aquarium hat eine dekorative Kiesblende und wird durch die Kunststoffabdeckung modern und stilvoll ergĂ€nzt. Beleuchtung: Die LED Expert Lampe sorgt fĂŒr eine ideale Ausleuchtung des Aquariums. Robust: Der Schrank besteht aus 18-mm Möbelbrettern und ist speziell fĂŒr das Gewicht eines komplett eingerichteten Aquariums ausgelegt. Wichtige Hinweise:Das angegebene Fassungsvermögen basiert auf den Aussenmassen des Aquariums. Die tatsĂ€chliche Wassermenge ist geringer. FĂŒllen Sie das Aquarium nur bis zur Unterkante der Verkleidung. Grösse: 80x35x47cm / 132 l 100x40x57cm / 228 l 100x50x57cm / 285 l 120x40x57cm / 274 l 120x50x57cm / 342 l

    2 in stock

    CHF 598.00

  • Diversa - AquariumSet FineLine weiss/schwarz

    Diversa Diversa - AquariumSet FineLine weiss/schwarz

    6 in stock

    Diversa - AquariumSet FineLine weiss/schwarz Die Diversa Fine-Line Aquarium-Kombination besticht durch ihr modernes Design und hochwertige Verarbeitung. Dieses Set richtet sich an anspruchsvolle Aquarianer, die Wert auf Optik, QualitĂ€t und FunktionalitĂ€t legen. Das Komplettset beinhaltet ein stilvolles Aquarium mit LED-Beleuchtung, passenden Unterschrank mit „Push-to-open“ TĂŒren und einer Thermounterlage. Inhalt des Sets: Aquarium (je nach Grösse, siehe Optionen) Unterschrank LED-Beleuchtung Kiesblende Thermomatte Design: Aluminiumimitat-Abdeckung und moderne Kiesblende fĂŒr einen zeitgemĂ€ssen Look Das Aquarium eignet sich sowohl fĂŒr SĂŒss- als auch fĂŒr Meerwasseraquarien. Hergestellt aus robustem Glas, das gemĂ€ss europĂ€ischen DIN-Normen ausgewĂ€hlt wurde, garantiert es StabilitĂ€t und Sicherheit. Mit der Kiesblende und der eleganten Abdeckung wird das Aquarium zum optischen Highlight. Wichtige Hinweise:Das angegebene Volumen entspricht den Außenabmessungen des Aquariums und nicht dem tatsĂ€chlichen FĂŒllvolumen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Aquarium nur bis zur Unterkante der Verkleidung mit Wasser gefĂŒllt werden sollte. Grösse: 80x35x47cm / 132 l 100x40x57cm / 228 l 100x50x57cm / 285 l 120x40x57cm / 274 l 120x50x57cm / 342 l

    6 in stock

    CHF 598.00

  • Eheim Vivaline 126 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Eheim Vivaline 126 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Eheim Eheim Vivaline 126 LED Kombination div. Farben

    2 in stock

    EHEIM aquarium combination Vivaline. This EHEIM aquarium is a wonderful combination consisting of one Aquarium with 126 liters and a timeless, but still Trendy design in 3 different colors (white, anthracite and oak grey) available base cabinet. Would you like the closet to match your apartment's color? spice up? No problem, change the decorative board in the middle of the Cabinet with one of the separately available colors Bordeaux, Candy, Lemon, Sky or Urban (concrete look). The decorative board is screwed and can be replaced even when the aquarium is full. That's how it works the EHEIM aquarium combination Vivaline is perfect for you Coordinate home furnishings. The EHEIM aquarium will be more energy efficient and Powerful LED lighting supplied. The LED light is free positionable and movable. Glued cover frame with openings for all supply lines. Sliding cover made of high quality Aluminum composite panels. Completely equipped with high-quality EHEIM technology and including all necessary biological filter media. Everything is perfectly coordinated with this one “All-inclusive program” from aquarium with EHEIM LED lighting, Base cabinet, filter, heater and biological filter media. You need to Now it's just a matter of equipping it with fish, plants and other things Decor care. Your EHEIM aquarium will be a feast for the eyes and a feel-good zone be. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    2 in stock

    CHF 599.00

  • Eheim Vivaline 240 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Eheim Vivaline 240 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Eheim Eheim Vivaline 240 LED Kombination div. Farben

    3 in stock

    EHEIM aquarium combination Vivaline. This EHEIM aquarium is a wonderful combination consisting of one Aquarium with 240 liters capacity and a timeless, but still Trendy design in 3 different colors (white, anthracite and oak grey) available base cabinet. Would you like the color of the closet to match your apartment? spice up? No problem, change the decorative board in the middle of the Cabinet with one of the separately available colors Bordeaux, Candy, Lemon, Sky or Urban (concrete look). The decorative board is screwed and can be replaced even when the aquarium is full. That's how it works the EHEIM aquarium combination Vivaline is perfect for you Coordinate home furnishings. The EHEIM aquarium will be more energy efficient and Powerful LED lighting supplied. The LED light is free positionable and movable. Glued cover frame with openings for all supply lines. Sliding cover made of high quality Aluminum composite panels. Completely equipped with high-quality EHEIM technology and including all necessary biological filter media. Everything is perfectly coordinated with this one “All-inclusive program” from aquarium with EHEIM LED lighting, Base cabinet, filter, heater and biological filter media. You need to Now it's just a matter of equipping it with fish, plants and other things Decor care. Your EHEIM aquarium will be a feast for the eyes and a feel-good zone be. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    3 in stock

    CHF 899.00

  • Eheim Vivaline 180 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Eheim Vivaline 180 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Eheim Eheim Vivaline 180 LED Kombination div. Farben

    3 in stock

    EHEIM aquarium combination Vivaline. This EHEIM aquarium is a wonderful combination consisting of one Aquarium with 180 liters capacity and a timeless, but still Trendy design in 3 different colors (white, anthracite and oak grey) available base cabinet. Would you like the color of the closet to match your apartment? spice up? No problem, change the decorative board in the middle of the Cabinet with one of the separately available colors Bordeaux, Candy, Lemon, Sky or Urban (concrete look). The decorative board is screwed and can be replaced even when the aquarium is full. That's how it works the EHEIM aquarium combination Vivaline is perfect for you Coordinate home furnishings. The EHEIM aquarium will be more energy efficient and Powerful LED lighting supplied. The LED light is free positionable and movable. Glued cover frame with openings for all supply lines. Sliding cover made of high quality Aluminum composite panels. Completely equipped with high-quality EHEIM technology and including all necessary biological filter media. Everything is perfectly coordinated with this one “All-inclusive program” from aquarium with EHEIM LED lighting, Base cabinet, filter, heater and biological filter media. You need to Now it's just a matter of equipping it with fish, plants and other things Decor care. Your EHEIM aquarium will be a feast for the eyes and a feel-good zone be. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    3 in stock

    CHF 749.00

  • Eheim Incpiria 200 LED 2x20W, Schwarz-Silber - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Eheim Eheim Incpiria 200 LED 2x20W, Schwarz-Silber

    4 in stock

    EHEIM aquarium combination Incpiria. This EHEIM aquarium is the perfect combination, consisting of one Aquarium with 200 liters capacity and the matching base cabinet. The Doors with dampened “push to open” door hinge technology underlined the timeless, modern design. The EHEIM aquarium combination Incpiria is available in 3 different colors (white, black and black-silver) available. The EHEIM Aquarium Incpiria with 55cm depth provides for the design and creativity of the underwater world extra space. The comfortable one Sliding cover made of black glass and the internal lighting the aquarium Incpiria is very attractive. At a later, individual Hoses and cables as well as other installations can be expanded Extensions are well hidden thanks to a built-in recess in the furniture be installed; which further enhances your EHEIM Incpiria. The EHEIM aquarium Incpiria is delivered in 2 versions, including energy-efficient and powerful LED lighting or T5. The The lamp can be freely positioned and moved. The sliding cover consists of high-quality black glass. All components are perfect coordinated with this EHEIM Aquarium Incpiria: Aquarium, Base cabinet and lighting. The equipment with fish, plants and other decor becomes yours Give your imagination plenty of scope and the EHEIM aquarium will become Incpiria a feast for the eyes and a feel-good zone in your home. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    4 in stock

    CHF 1,299.00

  • Eheim Incpiria 430 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Eheim Incpiria 430 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Eheim Eheim Incpiria 430 LED Kombination div. Farben

    2 in stock

    The new depth of 60cm gives you plenty of space for design the underwater world.The aquarium cover made of high-quality black glass can be easily pushed aside for care and cleaning (and remove). Hoses and power cables are well hidden in one Supply shaft or through a ground hole so that the Aquarium combination also looks good from the back and as a room divider can be used. High-quality, distortion-free float glass Diamond-cut, mirror-welded edges allow a clear view the underwater world and ensures maximum safety. Covert ones Reinforcements additionally stabilize the pelvis. Well thought out Construction, the best materials and impeccable workmanship make EHEIM incpiria not only becomes a beautiful, elegant room object, but also a practical system for demanding aquarists. Likewise is The base cabinet is very stable, solidly built and for the heavy weight of the filled aquarium well laid out. Also the high-gloss surface or The modern wooden front of the furniture - as elegant as it looks - is very durable. The furniture also contains atmospheric lighting with 640,000 colors, 20 automatic programs and higher quality Remote control with touch sensor. Modern, handle-free opening doors. Sliding panes with ventilation holes provide great access to the interior Pool. Piping pre-assembled.

    2 in stock

    CHF 2,999.00

  • Eheim Incpiria 330 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Eheim Incpiria 330 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Eheim Eheim Incpiria 330 LED Kombination div. Farben

    1 review

    5 in stock

    The new depth of 60cm gives you plenty of space for design the underwater world.The aquarium cover made of high-quality black glass can be easily pushed aside for care and cleaning (and remove). Hoses and power cables are well hidden in one Supply shaft or through a ground hole so that the Aquarium combination also looks good from the back and as a room divider can be used. High-quality, distortion-free float glass Diamond-cut, mirror-welded edges allow a clear view the underwater world and ensures maximum safety. Covert ones Reinforcements additionally stabilize the pelvis. Well thought out Construction, the best materials and impeccable workmanship make EHEIM incpiria not only becomes a beautiful, elegant room object, but also a practical system for demanding aquarists. Likewise is The base cabinet is very stable, solidly built and for the heavy weight of the filled aquarium well laid out. Also the high-gloss surface or The modern wooden front of the furniture - as elegant as it looks - is very durable. The furniture also contains atmospheric lighting with 640,000 colors, 20 automatic programs and higher quality Remote control with touch sensor. Modern, handle-free opening doors. Sliding panes with ventilation holes provide great access to the interior Pool. Piping pre-assembled.

    5 in stock

    CHF 2,299.00

  • Aquatlantis Aquarium Aquatable Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Aquatlantis Aquarium Aquatable Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Aquatlantis Aquatlantis Aquarium Aquatable Kombination div. Farben

    11 in stock

    The Aquatable series, whose name indicates its dual function, arouses the curiosity of every aquarium lover. The Aquatable models have a great visual impact and a diverse visualization of the interior, elegantly complementing the decoration of your room and providing a unique habitat for your fish. The models are based on a modern design and result in original models and remarkable decorative pieces. Includes the EASY LED 2.0 LED lighting units with two independent light channels, an excellent improvement that increases the quality of the equipment. LED technology ensures a high quality of the emitted light thanks to its high performance. With aluminum structure for increased strength and safety. Also included is the highly efficient compact filter Biobox 2 with excellent biological, mechanical and chemical filter properties, which ensures thorough cleaning of the water thanks to the effect of the EasyBox filter refills. Attention: Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator

    11 in stock

    CHF 1,499.00

  • Juwel Aquarium Vision 260 Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Aquarium Vision 260 Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Juwel Aquarium Vision 260 Kombination div. Farben

    4 in stock

    Juwel Aquarium Vision 260, white A beautiful eye-catcher in your living room. With a tank volume of 260L, you can easily maintain the water quality and fresh, cold and brackish water fish feel comfortable in it. Complete aquarium set including filter, filter material, heater, thermometer and lighting. With a width of 121 cm, the Vision 260 LED is a great aquarium from the Vision Line. Thanks to the particularly secure stand, the high-quality materials, the perfectly coordinated technology and a maximum of quality and safety, it promises longevity. The temperature in the Vision 260 LED is controlled by the Juwel control heater with 300 watts, which is integrated in the water circuit of the Bioflow L filter system. This also meets the highest safety standards. The powerful Bioflow L filter system, which has been tried and tested millions of times, ensures optimal filtering. The heart of a Juwels aquarium filters the water with five powerful filter media and a powerful Eccoflow 1000 circulation pump. Juwel's modern MultiLux LED lighting technology offers perfectly tailored illumination and excellent plant growth. The Day and Nature LED tubes, which are 100 percent waterproof, produce an optimal light spectrum and energy savings. These are interchangeable and can be replaced quickly. The Vision 260 is available in both the T5 and energy-saving LED versions. The aquarium is available in white, black, dark and light wood. IMPORTANT! For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. Attention: Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    4 in stock

    CHF 1,198.00

  • Juwel Aquarium Vision 180 Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Aquarium Vision 180 Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Juwel Aquarium Vision 180 Kombination div. Farben

    3 in stock

    Juwel Aquarium Vision 180, black A beautiful eye-catcher in your living room. With a tank volume of 180L, you can easily maintain the water quality and fresh, cold and brackish water fish feel comfortable in it. Complete aquarium set including filter, filter material, heater, thermometer and lighting. With a width of 92 cm, the Vision 180 LED is the smallest aquarium in the Vision Line. Thanks to the particularly secure stand, the high-quality materials, the perfectly coordinated technology and a maximum of quality and safety, it promises longevity. The temperature in the Vision 180 LED is controlled by the Juwel control heater with 200 watts, which is integrated in the water circuit of the Bioflow M filter system. This also meets the highest safety standards. The powerful Bioflow M filter system, which has been tried and tested millions of times, ensures optimal filtering. The heart of a Juwels aquarium filters the water with five powerful filter media and a powerful Eccoflow 500 circulation pump. Juwel's modern MultiLux LED lighting technology offers perfectly tailored illumination and excellent plant growth. The 19 watt LED tubes Day and Nature, which are 100 percent waterproof, produce an optimal light spectrum and energy savings. These are interchangeable and can be replaced quickly. The Vision 180 is available in both the T5 and energy-saving LED versions. The aquarium is available in white, black, dark and light wood. IMPORTANT! For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. Attention: Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    3 in stock

    CHF 818.00

  • Juwel Aquarium Trigon 190 Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Aquarium Trigon 190 Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Juwel Aquarium Trigon 190 bright

    2 in stock

    Juwel Aquarium Trigon 190, light The corner model is space-saving, fits harmoniously into every corner of the room and offers a wonderful deep view of the pool. With a tank volume of 190L, you can easily maintain the water quality and fresh, cold and brackish water fish feel comfortable in it. Thanks to the particularly secure stand, the high-quality materials, the perfectly coordinated technology and a maximum of quality and safety, it promises longevity. Complete set including filter, filter material, heater, thermometer and lighting. Juwel's modern MultiLux LED lighting technology provides excellent illumination and supports plant growth. The 19 watt LED tubes Day and Nature, which are 100% waterproof, produce an optimal light spectrum and are energy-saving. These are interchangeable and can be replaced quickly. The powerful internal filter Bioflow M is the heart of a Juwel aquarium. This stands for effectiveness and safety and has five powerful filter media and a powerful Eccoflow 600 circulation pump, making it the safest way to filter an aquarium. The temperature in the Trigon LED 190 is controlled by the Juwel control heater with 200 watts, which is integrated in the water circuit of the Bioflow M filter system. This also meets the highest safety standards. The perfectly coordinated base cabinet offers the aquarium a firm and secure stand and can be set up effortlessly. IMPORTANT! For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. Attention: Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    2 in stock

    CHF 1,008.00

  • Juwel Aquarium Trigon 350 Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Aquarium Trigon 350 Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Juwel Aquarium Trigon 350 Kombination div. Farben

    12 in stock

    Juwel Aquarium Trigon 350, black The corner model is space-saving, fits harmoniously into every corner of the room and offers a wonderful deep view of the pool. With a tank volume of 350L, you can easily maintain the water quality and fresh, cold and brackish water fish feel comfortable in it. Thanks to the particularly secure stand, the high-quality materials, the perfectly coordinated technology and a maximum of quality and safety, it promises longevity. Complete set including filter, filter material, heater, thermometer and lighting. Juwel's modern MultiLux LED lighting technology provides excellent illumination and supports plant growth. The LED tubes Day and Nature, which are 100% waterproof, produce an optimal light spectrum and are energy-saving. These are interchangeable and can be replaced quickly. The powerful internal filter Bioflow XL is the heart of a Juwel aquarium. This stands for effectiveness and safety and has five powerful filter media and a powerful Eccoflow 1000 circulation pump, making it the safest way to filter an aquarium. The temperature in the Trigon LED 350 is controlled by the Juwel control heater with 300 watts, which is integrated in the water circuit of the Bioflow XL filter system. This also meets the highest safety standards. The perfectly coordinated base cabinet offers the aquarium a firm and secure stand and can be set up effortlessly. IMPORTANT! For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. Attention: Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    12 in stock

    CHF 1,788.00

  • Juwel Aquarium Rio 350 Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Aquarium Rio 350 Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Aquarium Rio 350 dark brown

    3 in stock

    Juwel Aquarium Rio 350, dark brown With its footprint of 121 x 51 cm and the rectangular classic design, RIO 350 LED is a great aquarium from the RIO LED line. Thanks to the particularly secure stand, the high-quality materials, the perfectly coordinated technology and a maximum of quality and safety, this aquarium promises long-term fun for your aquarium inhabitants. The powerful internal filter Bioflow L is the heart of a Juwel aquarium. This stands for effectiveness and safety, has five powerful filter media and a powerful Eccoflow 1000 circulation pump. The Juwel control heater with 300 watts is responsible for the right temperature. This is located in the water circuit of the Bioflow L filter system. The aquarium is available in white, black, dark and light wood. IMPORTANT! For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. Attention: Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    3 in stock

    CHF 1,198.00

  • Juwel Aquarium Rio 125 Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Aquarium Rio 125 Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Aquarium Rio 125 combination

    13 in stock

    Juwel Aquarium Rio 125 combination, gray With its footprint of 81 x 36 cm and the rectangular classic design, RIO 125 LED is the smallest aquarium in the RIO LED line. Thanks to the particularly secure stand, the high-quality materials, the perfectly coordinated technology and a maximum of quality and safety, this aquarium promises long-term fun for your aquarium inhabitants. The powerful internal filter Bioflow M is the heart of a Juwel aquarium. This stands for effectiveness and safety, has five powerful filter media and a powerful Eccoflow 500 circulation pump. The Juwel control heater with 100 watts is responsible for the right temperature. This is located in the water circuit of the Bioflow M filter system. The aquarium is available in white, black, dark and light wood. IMPORTANT! For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. Attention: Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    13 in stock

    CHF 558.00

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