

40 products

  • Aquael - Leddy Slim Actinic 2.0 div. Farben Aquael - Leddy Slim Actinic 2.0 div. Farben

    Aquael Aquael - Leddy Slim Actinic 2.0 div. Farben

    12 in stock

    Aquael - Leddy Slim Actinic 2.0 Aquael - Leddy Slim Actinic Schwarz 2.0 bietet eine moderne LED-Lampenlösung fĂŒr Aquarien, die durch ihre innovative Technologie ĂŒberzeugt. Diese LED-Leuchten sorgen mit ihrem speziell abgestimmten Lichtspektrum fĂŒr eine perfekte Ausleuchtung des Beckens. Dies unterstĂŒtzt nicht nur das einwandfreie Wachstum von Pflanzen, sondern verbessert auch die Farbwiedergabe der Aquarienbewohner und schafft eine lebendige, natĂŒrliche AtmosphĂ€re. Die Leddy Slim Actinic kann flexibel in Aquarien unterschiedlicher GrĂ¶ĂŸe eingesetzt werden. Dank der modularen Bauweise eignet sich diese Beleuchtung auch fĂŒr Becken mit ÜberlĂ€nge, was sie zu einer idealen Wahl fĂŒr verschiedenste Aquariumtypen macht. Die LED-Technologie dieser Lampen zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Energieeffizienz und Langlebigkeit aus. Aquael kombiniert in diesem Produkt fortschrittliches Design mit praktischer FunktionalitĂ€t, um den BedĂŒrfnissen von Aquarienliebhabern gerecht zu werden. Hergestellt in Polen, steht Aquael seit Jahrzehnten fĂŒr QualitĂ€t und Innovation im Bereich der Aquaristik. Mit der Leddy Slim Actinic bringen Sie die Schönheit Ihres Aquariums zum Leuchten. Hauptmerkmale: Lichtspektrum: Optimiert fĂŒr Farbwiedergabe und Pflanzenwachstum FlexibilitĂ€t: Geeignet fĂŒr Aquarien unterschiedlicher LĂ€nge, auch ÜberlĂ€nge Energieeffizienz: Langlebige und stromsparende LED-Technologie Design: Modern und funktional Farben: Weiss Schwarz Grössen: 32 W: FĂŒr Aquarien mit 80-107 cm LĂ€nge 36 W: FĂŒr Aquarien mit 100-127 cm LĂ€nge

    12 in stock

    CHF 118.00

  • Aquael - Leddy Smart Sunny Day & Night 4,8 Watt div. Farben Aquael - Leddy Smart Sunny Day & Night 4,8 Watt div. Farben

    Aquael Aquael - Leddy Smart Sunny Day & Night 4,8 Watt div. Farben

    16 in stock

    Aquael - Leddy Smart Sunny Day & Night 4,8 Watt div. Farben Aquael - Leddy Smart Sunny Day & Night ist eine innovative und kompakte LED-Leuchte, die speziell fĂŒr Nano-Aquarien entwickelt wurde. Mit der einzigartigen Day & Night-Funktion können Sie zwischen drei Beleuchtungsmodi wĂ€hlen: DAY, DAYBREAK und NIGHT. Diese Modi sind ideal, um den individuellen BedĂŒrfnissen Ihrer Aquarienbewohner und Pflanzen gerecht zu werden. Zwei verschiedene TageslichtstĂ€rken sowie ein beruhigendes, blaues Nachtlicht simulieren die natĂŒrliche Umgebung im Aquarium. Neben der universellen Sunny-Version ist die Leddy Smart auch in der Plant-Version erhĂ€ltlich, die ein rot-blaues Lichtspektrum bietet, das das Wachstum von Aquarienpflanzen optimal unterstĂŒtzt. Die Beleuchtungsmodi können entweder manuell oder bequem per Fernsteuerung ĂŒber das SteuergerĂ€t Socket Link Duo geĂ€ndert werden, das durch die Aquael Aquarium App gesteuert wird. Das SteuergerĂ€t ist ebenfalls bei Aquael erhĂ€ltlich und ermöglicht eine einfache Anpassung der LichtverhĂ€ltnisse. Die Leddy Smart Sunny Day & Night Leuchte zeichnet sich durch ihre beeindruckende Langlebigkeit aus – sie bietet bis zu 50.000 Stunden Licht. Ihre Montage ist besonders einfach, da sie sicher auf Aquarienscheiben mit einer Dicke von bis zu 4 Millimetern befestigt werden kann. ZusĂ€tzlich ĂŒberzeugt die Leuchte durch ihr futuristisches, superflaches Design, das jedem Aquarium einen modernen Touch verleiht. Entwickelt und hergestellt in Polen, bietet Aquael seit ĂŒber 38 Jahren durchdachte Lösungen fĂŒr Aquarianer. Mit der Leddy Smart Day & Night verleihen Sie Ihrem Aquarium zu jeder Zeit einen faszinierenden und beeindruckenden Look. Hauptmerkmale: Beleuchtungsmodi: DAY, DAYBREAK, NIGHT Langlebigkeit: Bis zu 50.000 Stunden Montage: Geeignet fĂŒr Aquarienscheiben bis 4 mm Dicke Design: Futuristisch, superflach Steuerung: Manuell oder per Aquael App Speziell fĂŒr Pflanzen: Rot-blaues Lichtspektrum zur Förderung des Pflanzenwachstums (in der Plant-Version) Vorteile: Flexibles Beleuchtungssystem fĂŒr Aquarien Langlebige LED-Technologie fĂŒr dauerhafte Nutzung Einfach zu montieren und anzupassen Schafft eine natĂŒrliche Umgebung fĂŒr Aquarienbewohner Farbe: Weiss Schwarz

    16 in stock

    CHF 32.50

  • Aquael - Leddy Smart Day & Night LED Leuchte fĂŒr Nano-Aquarien 4,8 Watt div. Farben Aquael - Leddy Smart Day & Night LED Leuchte fĂŒr Nano-Aquarien 4,8 Watt div. Farben

    Aquael Aquael - Leddy Smart Day & Night LED Leuchte fĂŒr Nano-Aquarien 4,8 Watt div. Farben

    27 in stock

    Aquael - Leddy Smart Day & Night LED Leuchte fĂŒr Nano-Aquarien 4,8 Watt Aquael - Leddy Smart Day & Night LED Leuchte fĂŒr Nano-Aquarien ist eine moderne, kompakte LED-Leuchte, die sowohl in der Sunny- als auch in der Plant-Version erhĂ€ltlich ist. Die Plant-Version bietet ein rot-blaues Lichtspektrum, das speziell das Wachstum von Aquarienpflanzen fördert. Mit der Day & Night Funktion können Sie je nach Bedarf zwischen drei Beleuchtungsmodi wĂ€hlen: DAY, DAYBREAK und NIGHT. Diese Modi bieten zwei verschiedene TageslichtstĂ€rken und ein blaues Nachtlicht, das ideal fĂŒr die Nacht ist. Die Beleuchtungsmodi können entweder manuell oder aus der Ferne mit dem Socket Link Duo SteuergerĂ€t geĂ€ndert werden, das ĂŒber die Aquael App gesteuert wird. Das SteuergerĂ€t ist ebenfalls bei Aquael erhĂ€ltlich. Dank der langlebigen LED-Technologie hat die Leuchte eine Lebensdauer von bis zu 50.000 Stunden und kann problemlos auf Aquarienscheiben mit einer Dicke von bis zu 4 mm montiert werden. Die Leuchte besticht durch ihr futuristisches Design mit einer superflachen Form, die sowohl funktional als auch Ă€sthetisch ansprechend ist. Hauptmerkmale: Beleuchtungsmodi: DAY, DAYBREAK, NIGHT Langlebigkeit: Bis zu 50.000 Stunden Montage: Geeignet fĂŒr Aquarienscheiben bis 4 mm Dicke Design: Futuristische, superflache Form Steuerung: Per Aquael App Speziell fĂŒr Pflanzen: rot-blaues Lichtspektrum zur UnterstĂŒtzung des Pflanzenwachstums Farben zur Auswahl: Weiss Schwarz Leistung: 4,8 Watt Die Leuchte wurde in Polen im Aquael-Werk entwickelt und hergestellt. Aquael beliefert seit 38 Jahren Aquarianer mit durchdachten und innovativen Lösungen, die die Pflege und Gestaltung von Aquarien erleichtern. Mit der Leddy Smart Day & Night Leuchte wird Ihr Aquarium zu jeder Zeit in bestem Licht erstrahlen und sorgt sowohl fĂŒr ein gesundes Pflanzenwachstum als auch fĂŒr eine stimmungsvolle AtmosphĂ€re.

    27 in stock

    CHF 38.40

  • Glas-Nuggets div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Glas-Nuggets div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Orbit Orbit glass nuggets 0.75kg

    Out of stock

    The glass nuggets are well suited as decoration. They are about 19mm tall. Rinse before use. The substrate can be designed with sand, gravel or a mixture of both. The needs of the fish must be taken into account. The average gravel should be rounded and have a maximum grain size of 2-3mm. A height of 6-8cm is recommended as a gravel layer so that the plants can form sufficient roots. Amazonas Gravel offers fair and natural substrate for all fish species and their habitat. You can use the following formula to calculate how much gravel you need for your aquarium: (length x width x gravel height x 1.6) / 1000

    Out of stock

    CHF 12.95

  • Quarzsand div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Quarzsand div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Quartz sand

    58 in stock

    The quartz sand is a natural product and lime-free. With a grain size of only 0-1mm it is very fine. Available in three colors. The substrate can be sand, gravel or a mixture of both be designed. The needs of the fish must be taken into account. The average gravel should be rounded and have a grain size of Have a maximum of 2-3mm. A height of . is recommended as a gravel layer 6-8cm so that the plants can form enough roots. Amazon gravel offers fair conditions for all types of fish and their habitat and natural substrate. You can use the following formula to calculate how much gravel you need for your Aquarium need: (length x width x gravel height x 1.6) / 1000

    58 in stock

    CHF 11.50

  • Amazonas Aqua Light - Unterwasser LED-Spot 0.4W div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Amazonas Aqua Light - Unterwasser LED-Spot 0.4W div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Amazonas Aqua Light - Unterwasser LED-Spot 0.4W div. Farben

    353 in stock

    Underwater LED spot, swivels 180°. Use to close the aquarium illuminate. Low voltage, safe to use, suitable for Freshwater and saltwater aquariums.

    353 in stock

    CHF 14.90

  • Aquatlantis Aquarium Volga 450 - Purrfect Petsℱ Aquatlantis Aquarium Volga 450 - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Aquatlantis Aquatlantis Aquarium Volga 450

    10 in stock

    Too many empty rooms in your apartment? Here is the aquarium solution, that combines practicality with exclusive design and fine materials and both the most demanding lovers and the most relaxed satisfies people. Minimalist and modern design in one high-quality aluminum profile, which forms a filter system ensures effective cleaning of your aquarium and ensures that it stays in great condition for much longer. It leads one biological, mechanical and chemical filtering of the water, both on the surface and at the bottom of the aquarium. Filter system that effectively cleans your aquarium guaranteed and ensures that it stays in excellent condition for much longer Condition remains. It carries out a biological, mechanical and chemical Filtering the water, both on the surface and at the bottom of the aquarium. A modern wooden cabinet with soft lines fits. Choose your favorite aquarium from five sizes and three different ones Colors. With BIOBOXÂź system including water pump, heater and effective Filter media and EASY LED 2.0 lighting system. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    10 in stock

    CHF 1,229.00

  • Eheim Vivaline 126 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Eheim Vivaline 126 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Eheim Eheim Vivaline 126 LED Kombination div. Farben

    Out of stock

    EHEIM aquarium combination Vivaline. This EHEIM aquarium is a wonderful combination consisting of one Aquarium with 126 liters and a timeless, but still Trendy design in 3 different colors (white, anthracite and oak grey) available base cabinet. Would you like the closet to match your apartment's color? spice up? No problem, change the decorative board in the middle of the Cabinet with one of the separately available colors Bordeaux, Candy, Lemon, Sky or Urban (concrete look). The decorative board is screwed and can be replaced even when the aquarium is full. That's how it works the EHEIM aquarium combination Vivaline is perfect for you Coordinate home furnishings. The EHEIM aquarium will be more energy efficient and Powerful LED lighting supplied. The LED light is free positionable and movable. Glued cover frame with openings for all supply lines. Sliding cover made of high quality Aluminum composite panels. Completely equipped with high-quality EHEIM technology and including all necessary biological filter media. Everything is perfectly coordinated with this one “All-inclusive program” from aquarium with EHEIM LED lighting, Base cabinet, filter, heater and biological filter media. You need to Now it's just a matter of equipping it with fish, plants and other things Decor care. Your EHEIM aquarium will be a feast for the eyes and a feel-good zone be. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    Out of stock

    CHF 599.00

  • Eheim Vivaline 150 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Eheim Vivaline 150 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Eheim Eheim Vivaline 150 LED Kombination div. Farben

    Out of stock

    EHEIM aquarium combination Vivaline. This EHEIM aquarium is a wonderful combination consisting of one Aquarium with 150 liters capacity and a timeless, but still Trendy design in 3 different colors (white, anthracite and oak grey) available base cabinet. Would you like the color of the closet to match your apartment? spice up? No problem, change the decorative board in the middle of the Cabinet with one of the separately available colors Bordeaux, Candy, Lemon, Sky or Urban (concrete look). The decorative board is screwed and can be replaced even when the aquarium is full. That's how it works the EHEIM aquarium combination Vivaline is perfect for you Coordinate home furnishings. The EHEIM aquarium will be more energy efficient and Powerful LED lighting supplied. The LED light is free positionable and movable. Glued cover frame with openings for all supply lines. Sliding cover made of high quality Aluminum composite panels. Completely equipped with high-quality EHEIM technology and including all necessary biological filter media. Everything is perfectly coordinated with this one “All-inclusive program” from aquarium with EHEIM LED lighting, Base cabinet, filter, heater and biological filter media. You need to Now it's just a matter of equipping it with fish, plants and other things Decor care. Your EHEIM aquarium will be a feast for the eyes and a feel-good zone be. This 150 liter aquarium stands out from the EHEIM range Vivaline LED combinations stand out due to their shape - at 60 centimeters Length and 50 centimeters deep, it is almost square. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    Out of stock

    CHF 699.00

  • Eheim Vivaline 240 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Eheim Vivaline 240 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Eheim Eheim Vivaline 240 LED Kombination div. Farben

    Out of stock

    EHEIM aquarium combination Vivaline. This EHEIM aquarium is a wonderful combination consisting of one Aquarium with 240 liters capacity and a timeless, but still Trendy design in 3 different colors (white, anthracite and oak grey) available base cabinet. Would you like the color of the closet to match your apartment? spice up? No problem, change the decorative board in the middle of the Cabinet with one of the separately available colors Bordeaux, Candy, Lemon, Sky or Urban (concrete look). The decorative board is screwed and can be replaced even when the aquarium is full. That's how it works the EHEIM aquarium combination Vivaline is perfect for you Coordinate home furnishings. The EHEIM aquarium will be more energy efficient and Powerful LED lighting supplied. The LED light is free positionable and movable. Glued cover frame with openings for all supply lines. Sliding cover made of high quality Aluminum composite panels. Completely equipped with high-quality EHEIM technology and including all necessary biological filter media. Everything is perfectly coordinated with this one “All-inclusive program” from aquarium with EHEIM LED lighting, Base cabinet, filter, heater and biological filter media. You need to Now it's just a matter of equipping it with fish, plants and other things Decor care. Your EHEIM aquarium will be a feast for the eyes and a feel-good zone be. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    Out of stock

    CHF 899.00

  • Eheim Vivaline 180 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Eheim Vivaline 180 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Eheim Eheim Vivaline 180 LED Kombination div. Farben

    Out of stock

    EHEIM aquarium combination Vivaline. This EHEIM aquarium is a wonderful combination consisting of one Aquarium with 180 liters capacity and a timeless, but still Trendy design in 3 different colors (white, anthracite and oak grey) available base cabinet. Would you like the color of the closet to match your apartment? spice up? No problem, change the decorative board in the middle of the Cabinet with one of the separately available colors Bordeaux, Candy, Lemon, Sky or Urban (concrete look). The decorative board is screwed and can be replaced even when the aquarium is full. That's how it works the EHEIM aquarium combination Vivaline is perfect for you Coordinate home furnishings. The EHEIM aquarium will be more energy efficient and Powerful LED lighting supplied. The LED light is free positionable and movable. Glued cover frame with openings for all supply lines. Sliding cover made of high quality Aluminum composite panels. Completely equipped with high-quality EHEIM technology and including all necessary biological filter media. Everything is perfectly coordinated with this one “All-inclusive program” from aquarium with EHEIM LED lighting, Base cabinet, filter, heater and biological filter media. You need to Now it's just a matter of equipping it with fish, plants and other things Decor care. Your EHEIM aquarium will be a feast for the eyes and a feel-good zone be. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    Out of stock

    CHF 749.00

  • Eheim Incpiria 430 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Eheim Incpiria 430 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Eheim Eheim Incpiria 430 LED Kombination div. Farben

    Out of stock

    The new depth of 60cm gives you plenty of space for design the underwater world.The aquarium cover made of high-quality black glass can be easily pushed aside for care and cleaning (and remove). Hoses and power cables are well hidden in one Supply shaft or through a ground hole so that the Aquarium combination also looks good from the back and as a room divider can be used. High-quality, distortion-free float glass Diamond-cut, mirror-welded edges allow a clear view the underwater world and ensures maximum safety. Covert ones Reinforcements additionally stabilize the pelvis. Well thought out Construction, the best materials and impeccable workmanship make EHEIM incpiria not only becomes a beautiful, elegant room object, but also a practical system for demanding aquarists. Likewise is The base cabinet is very stable, solidly built and for the heavy weight of the filled aquarium well laid out. Also the high-gloss surface or The modern wooden front of the furniture - as elegant as it looks - is very durable. The furniture also contains atmospheric lighting with 640,000 colors, 20 automatic programs and higher quality Remote control with touch sensor. Modern, handle-free opening doors. Sliding panes with ventilation holes provide great access to the interior Pool. Piping pre-assembled.

    Out of stock

    CHF 2,999.00

  • Eheim Incpiria 330 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Eheim Incpiria 330 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Eheim Eheim Incpiria 330 LED Kombination div. Farben

    1 review

    5 in stock

    The new depth of 60cm gives you plenty of space for design the underwater world.The aquarium cover made of high-quality black glass can be easily pushed aside for care and cleaning (and remove). Hoses and power cables are well hidden in one Supply shaft or through a ground hole so that the Aquarium combination also looks good from the back and as a room divider can be used. High-quality, distortion-free float glass Diamond-cut, mirror-welded edges allow a clear view the underwater world and ensures maximum safety. Covert ones Reinforcements additionally stabilize the pelvis. Well thought out Construction, the best materials and impeccable workmanship make EHEIM incpiria not only becomes a beautiful, elegant room object, but also a practical system for demanding aquarists. Likewise is The base cabinet is very stable, solidly built and for the heavy weight of the filled aquarium well laid out. Also the high-gloss surface or The modern wooden front of the furniture - as elegant as it looks - is very durable. The furniture also contains atmospheric lighting with 640,000 colors, 20 automatic programs and higher quality Remote control with touch sensor. Modern, handle-free opening doors. Sliding panes with ventilation holes provide great access to the interior Pool. Piping pre-assembled.

    5 in stock

    CHF 2,299.00

  • Eheim Incpiria 530 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Eheim Incpiria 530 LED Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Eheim Incpiria 530 LED graphite

    Out of stock

    The new depth of 60cm gives you extra space for the Design of the underwater world. The aquarium cover made of high quality Black glass can be easily removed for care and cleaning push (and remove). Hoses and power cables run well hidden in a supply shaft or through a ground hole, so that the aquarium combination also looks good from behind and as Room divider can be used. High-quality, distortion-free float glass with diamond-cut, mirror-welded edges leaves a clear view into the underwater world and ensures maximum safety. Covert ones Reinforcements additionally stabilize the pelvis. Well thought out Construction, the best materials and impeccable workmanship make EHEIM incpiria not only becomes a beautiful, elegant room object, but also a practical system for demanding aquarists. Likewise is the base cabinet is very stable, solidly built and for the heavy weight of the filled aquarium well laid out. Also the high-gloss surface or The modern wooden front of the furniture - as elegant as it looks - is very durable. The furniture also contains atmospheric lighting with 640,000 colors, 20 automatic programs and higher quality Remote control with touch sensor. Modern, handle-free opening doors. Sliding panes with ventilation holes provide great access to the interior Pool. Piping pre-assembled.

    Out of stock

    CHF 3,499.00

  • Aquatlantis Aquarium Aquatable Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Aquatlantis Aquarium Aquatable Kombination div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Aquatlantis Aquatlantis Aquarium Aquatable Kombination div. Farben

    11 in stock

    The Aquatable series, whose name indicates its dual function, arouses the curiosity of every aquarium lover. The Aquatable models have a great visual impact and a diverse visualization of the interior, elegantly complementing the decoration of your room and providing a unique habitat for your fish. The models are based on a modern design and result in original models and remarkable decorative pieces. Includes the EASY LED 2.0 LED lighting units with two independent light channels, an excellent improvement that increases the quality of the equipment. LED technology ensures a high quality of the emitted light thanks to its high performance. With aluminum structure for increased strength and safety. Also included is the highly efficient compact filter Biobox 2 with excellent biological, mechanical and chemical filter properties, which ensures thorough cleaning of the water thanks to the effect of the EasyBox filter refills. Attention: Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator

    11 in stock

    CHF 1,499.00

  • Juwel Aquarium Vision 260 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Aquarium Vision 260 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Juwel Aquarium Vision 260 div. Farben

    4 in stock

    A beautiful eye-catcher in your living room. With 260L pool volume you can easily maintain the water quality and fresh, cold and Brackish water fish feel comfortable in it. Complete aquarium set including filter, filter material, heater, thermometer and lighting. The Vision 260 LED is a great aquarium with a width of 121 cm the Vision Line. Thanks to the particularly secure stand, the high-quality materials perfectly coordinated technology and maximum quality and safety, this promises longevity. The temperature in the Vision 260 LED is controlled by the Juwel control heater with 300 watts, which is in the water circuit of the Bioflow L filter system is integrated, controlled. This also meets the highest demands Security. The powerful Bioflow L filter system which Tried and tested millions of times, ensures optimal filtering. The The heart of a Juwels aquarium filters the water with five powerful filter media and a powerful Eccoflow 1000 circulation pump. The modern MultiLux LED lighting technology from Juwel offers perfectly fitting lighting as well as excellent Plant growth. The LED tubes Day and Nature are 100 percent are waterproof, produce an optimal light spectrum and a Energy saving. These are interchangeable and can be replaced quickly. The Vision 260 is both T5 and energy-saving LED version available. The aquarium is available in the colors white, black, Dark and light wood available. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    4 in stock

    CHF 899.00

  • Juwel Aquarium Vision 180 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Aquarium Vision 180 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Juwel Aquarium Vision 180 div. Farben

    Out of stock

    A beautiful eye-catcher in your living room. With 180L pool volume you can easily maintain the water quality and fresh, cold and Brackish water fish feel comfortable in it. Complete aquarium set including filter, filter material, heater, thermometer and lighting. The Vision 180 LED is the smallest aquarium with a width of 92 cm the Vision Line. Thanks to the particularly secure stand, the high-quality materials perfectly coordinated technology and maximum quality and safety, this promises longevity. The temperature in the Vision 180 LED is controlled by the Juwel control heater with 200 watts, which is in the water circuit of the Bioflow M filter system is integrated, controlled. This also meets the highest demands Security. The powerful Bioflow M filter system which Tried and tested millions of times, ensures optimal filtering. The The heart of a Juwels aquarium filters the water with five powerful filter media and a powerful Eccoflow 500 circulation pump. The modern MultiLux LED lighting technology from Juwel offers perfectly fitting lighting as well as excellent Plant growth. The 19 watt LED tubes Day and Nature the 100th are percent waterproof, produce an optimal light spectrum and an energy saving. These are interchangeable and can be replaced quickly. The Vision 180 is available in both T5 and energy-saving LED versions Version available. The aquarium is available in the colors white, black, Dark and light wood available. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    Out of stock

    CHF 559.00

  • Juwel Schrank SBX Vision 260 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Schrank SBX Vision 260 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Cabinet 121x46cm oak

    Out of stock

    A beautiful eye-catcher in your living room. With 260L pool volume you can easily maintain the water quality and fresh, cold and Brackish water fish feel comfortable in it. Complete aquarium set including filter, filter material, heater, thermometer and lighting. The Vision 260 LED is a great aquarium with a width of 121 cm the Vision Line. Thanks to the particularly secure stand, the high-quality materials perfectly coordinated technology and maximum quality and safety, this promises longevity. The temperature in the Vision 260 LED is controlled by the Juwel control heater with 300 watts, which is in the water circuit of the Bioflow L filter system is integrated, controlled. This also meets the highest demands Security. The powerful Bioflow L filter system which Tried and tested millions of times, ensures optimal filtering. The The heart of a Juwels aquarium filters the water with five powerful filter media and a powerful Eccoflow 1000 circulation pump. The modern MultiLux LED lighting technology from Juwel offers perfectly fitting lighting as well as excellent Plant growth. The LED tubes Day and Nature are 100 percent are waterproof, produce an optimal light spectrum and a Energy saving. These are interchangeable and can be replaced quickly. The Vision 260 is both T5 and energy-saving LED version available. The aquarium is available in the colors white, black, Dark and light wood available. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    Out of stock

    CHF 299.00

  • Juwel Schrank SBX Vision 180 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Schrank SBX Vision 180 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Cabinet 92x41cm

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    A beautiful eye-catcher in your living room. With 180L pool volume you can easily maintain the water quality and fresh, cold and Brackish water fish feel comfortable in it. Complete aquarium set including filter, filter material, heater, thermometer and lighting. The Vision 180 LED is the smallest aquarium with a width of 92 cm the Vision Line. Thanks to the particularly secure stand, the high-quality materials perfectly coordinated technology and maximum quality and safety, this promises longevity. The temperature in the Vision 180 LED is controlled by the Juwel control heater with 200 watts, which is in the water circuit of the Bioflow M filter system is integrated, controlled. This also meets the highest demands Security. The powerful Bioflow M filter system which Tried and tested millions of times, ensures optimal filtering. The The heart of a Juwels aquarium filters the water with five powerful filter media and a powerful Eccoflow 500 circulation pump. The modern MultiLux LED lighting technology from Juwel offers perfectly fitting lighting as well as excellent Plant growth. The 19 watt LED tubes Day and Nature the 100th are percent waterproof, produce an optimal light spectrum and an energy saving. These are interchangeable and can be replaced quickly. The Vision 180 is available in both T5 and energy-saving LED versions Version available. The aquarium is available in the colors white, black, Dark and light wood available. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    Out of stock

    CHF 259.00

  • Juwel Aquarium Vision 450, 4xLed div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Aquarium Vision 450, 4xLed div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Juwel Aquarium Vision 450, 4xLed div. Farben

    7 in stock

    Juwel Aquarium Vision 450, white

    7 in stock

    CHF 1,369.00

  • Juwel Aquarium Vision 450, 2xLed div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Aquarium Vision 450, 2xLed div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Juwel Aquarium Vision 450, 2xLed div. Farben

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    A beautiful eye-catcher in your living room. With 450L pool volume you can easily maintain the water quality and fresh, cold and Brackish water fish feel comfortable in it. Complete aquarium set including filter, filter material, heater, thermometer and lighting. The Vision 450 LED is a great aquarium with a width of 151 cm the Vision Line. Thanks to the particularly secure stand, the high-quality materials perfectly coordinated technology and maximum quality and safety, this promises longevity. The temperature in the Vision 450 LED is controlled by the Juwel control heater with 300 watts, which is in the water circuit of the Bioflow XL filter system is integrated, controlled. This also meets the highest demands Security. The powerful Bioflow XL filter system which Tried and tested millions of times, ensures optimal filtering. The The heart of a Juwels aquarium filters the water with five powerful filter media and a powerful Eccoflow 1000 circulation pump. The modern MultiLux LED lighting technology from Juwel offers perfectly fitting lighting as well as excellent Plant growth. The LED tubes Day and Nature are 100 percent are waterproof, produce an optimal light spectrum and a Energy saving. These are interchangeable and can be replaced quickly. The Vision 450 is both T5 and energy-saving LED version available. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    Out of stock

    CHF 1,369.00

  • Juwel Aquarium Rio 450 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Aquarium Rio 450 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Aquarium Rio 450 Oak

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    With its footprint of 151 x 51 cm and the rectangular classic design, RIO 450 LED is a great aquarium from the RIO LED line. Thanks to the particularly secure stand, the high-quality materials perfectly coordinated technology and maximum quality and safety, This aquarium promises long-term fun for your aquarium inhabitants. This is the powerful internal filter Bioflow XL Centerpiece of a jewel aquarium. This stands for effectiveness and Security, has five powerful filter media and a powerful Eccoflow 1000 circulation pump. The Juwel control heater with 300 watts is responsible for the right temperature. This is located in the water circuit of the Bioflow XL filter system. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    Out of stock

    CHF 1,199.00

  • Juwel Aquarium Rio 125 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Aquarium Rio 125 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Juwel Aquarium Rio 125 div. Farben

    21 in stock

    With its footprint of 81 x 36 cm and the rectangular classic design, RIO 125 LED is the smallest aquarium in the RIO LED line. Thanks to the particularly secure stand, the high-quality materials perfectly coordinated technology and maximum quality and safety, This aquarium promises long-term fun for your aquarium inhabitants. This is the powerful internal filter Bioflow M Centerpiece of a jewel aquarium. This stands for effectiveness and Security, has five powerful filter media and a powerful Eccoflow 500 circulation pump. The Juwel control heater with 100 watts is responsible for the right temperature. This is located in the water circuit of the Bioflow M filter system. The aquarium is available in white, black, dark and light wood. For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. : Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    21 in stock

    CHF 369.00

  • Juwel Aquarium Rio 240 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel Aquarium Rio 240 div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Juwel Aquarium Rio 240 div. Farben

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    Jewel Aquarium Rio 240 With its footprint of 121 x 41 cm and the rectangular classic design, RIO 240 LED is a great aquarium from the RIO LED line. Thanks to the particularly secure stand, the high-quality materials, the perfectly coordinated technology and a maximum of quality and safety, this aquarium promises long-term fun for your aquarium inhabitants. The powerful internal filter Bioflow M is the heart of a Juwel aquarium. This stands for effectiveness and safety, has five powerful filter media and a powerful Eccoflow 600 circulation pump. The Juwel control heater with 200 watts is responsible for the right temperature. This is located in the water circuit of the Bioflow M filter system. The aquarium is available in white, black, gray, dark and light wood. The RIO 180 LED Aquarium is a super aquarium from the RIO series. With its compact footprint of 101 x 41 cm and the classic rectangular design, the RIO 180 LED aquarium can be easily combined with any furnishing style. The safety base guarantees particularly secure stability and allows the aquarium to be set up easily without special brackets. Careful manufacturing in Germany, high-quality materials and perfectly coordinated technology guarantee the highest level of quality and safety and thus the longevity of the RIO 180 LED aquarium. IMPORTANT! For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator. Attention: Pay attention to stocking density for the benefit of your fish! Gross content - 10% = usable volume for animals/fish For a correct calculation of your fish stock, we recommend the VZFS fish stock calculator.

    Out of stock

    CHF 569.00

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