(Dog) Shoes & Socks

14 products

  • Trixie - Pfotenschutz Walker Active Long, schwarz, 2Stk. Trixie - Pfotenschutz Walker Active Long, schwarz, 2Stk.

    Trixie Trixie - Pfotenschutz Walker Active Long, schwarz, 2Stk.

    88 in stock

    Trixie Pfotenschutz Walker Active Long – Komfort und Schutz fĂŒr empfindliche Pfoten Der Trixie Pfotenschutz Walker Active Long in Schwarz bietet optimalen Schutz fĂŒr die Pfoten Ihres Hundes. Mit einer rutschfesten Profilsohle aus robustem PVC, einem langen Schaft mit Gummizug und KlettverschlĂŒssen sitzt der Schuh sicher und bequem. Das atmungsaktive Polyester-Material sorgt fĂŒr hohen Tragekomfort, wĂ€hrend reflektierende Elemente die Sichtbarkeit erhöhen. Perfekt fĂŒr SpaziergĂ€nge auf steinigem, heissem oder winterlichem Untergrund – und zur UnterstĂŒtzung bei Verletzungen. VerfĂŒgbare Grössen und Masse: XS-S (Ø 4-4,5 cm): FĂŒr Zwergpinscher S (Ø 4,5-5 cm): FĂŒr Jack Russell Terrier S-M (Ø 5-5,5 cm): FĂŒr Shelties M (Ø 5,5-6 cm): FĂŒr Cocker Spaniels M-L (Ø 6-6,5 cm): FĂŒr Australian Shepherds L (Ø 6,5-7 cm): FĂŒr Labrador Retriever L-XL (Ø 7-7,5 cm): FĂŒr Golden Retriever XL (Ø 7,5-8 cm): FĂŒr Rhodesian Ridgebacks Produktvorteile: Profilsohle: Rutschfest und robust fĂŒr sicheren Halt Perfekte Passform: Langer Schaft, Gummizug und KlettverschlĂŒsse Atmungsaktiv: Polyester-Material fĂŒr Komfort Vielseitig: Schutz vor Hitze, KĂ€lte, Streusalz, Splitt und Verletzungen Sichtbarkeit: Reflektierende Elemente fĂŒr mehr Sicherheit

    88 in stock

    CHF 24.60

  • Trixie - Hundesocken, AntiRutsch 2Stk. Trixie - Hundesocken, AntiRutsch 2Stk.

    Trixie Trixie - Hundesocken, AntiRutsch 2Stk.

    113 in stock

    Trixie Hundesocken, Anti-Rutsch (2 Stk.) Die Anti-Rutsch-Hundesocken von Trixie bieten Hunden, insbesondere Ă€lteren Tieren, besseren Halt auf glatten Böden. Sie bestehen aus einer Baumwollmischung mit Elasthan fĂŒr eine flexible und bequeme Passform. Die Sohle ist mit einer speziellen Anti-Rutsch-Beschichtung ausgestattet. Material: Baumwolle, Elasthan Option Grösse Grössenangaben XXS-XS 2.5cm - 6cm Kleiner Hund XS-S 3cm - 7.5cm Kleiner Hund S-M 3.5cm - 9cm Mittelgrosser Hund M-L 4cm - 11cm Grosser Hund L 4.5cm - 14cm Sehr grosser Hund Farbe: Grau

    113 in stock

    CHF 3.20

  • Trixie - Walker Schutzstiefel, schwarz 2Stk. Trixie - Walker Schutzstiefel, schwarz 2Stk.

    Trixie Trixie - Walker Schutzstiefel, schwarz 2Stk.

    63 in stock

    Trixie Walker Schutzstiefel – Effektiver Schutz fĂŒr verletzte Pfoten Die Trixie Walker Schutzstiefel bieten optimalen Schutz und UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr die Heilung von Verletzungen. Sie sind aus strapazierfĂ€higem Polyester mit einem robusten VinylrĂŒcken und -sohle gefertigt. Der Klettverschluss sorgt fĂŒr einen sicheren Sitz, wobei ab Grösse M zwei KlettverschlĂŒsse verwendet werden. Produktdetails: UnterstĂŒtzt die Heilung von Verletzungen Robuster VinylrĂŒcken und -sohle Klettverschluss (ab Grösse M mit 2 KlettverschlĂŒssen) Material: Polyester Farbe: Schwarz Inhalt: 2 StĂŒck

    63 in stock

    CHF 6.40

  • Trixie - Pfotenschutz Walker Active 2Stk. Trixie - Pfotenschutz Walker Active 2Stk.

    Trixie Trixie - Pfotenschutz Walker Active 2Stk.

    43 in stock

    Trixie Pfotenschutz Walker Active – Sicherer Halt fĂŒr aktive Hunde Der Trixie Pfotenschutz Walker Active bietet mit seiner rutschfesten PVC-Profilsohle und atmungsaktivem Mesh-Material optimalen Schutz auf steinigem, heissem Untergrund sowie vor Streusalz im Winter. Dank Klettverschluss und reflektierenden Elementen ist er sicher und gut sichtbar, ab Grösse XS–S mit zwei VerschlĂŒssen. Produktdetails: Rutschfeste PVC-Profilsohle Atmungsaktives Mesh-Material SchĂŒtzt vor Hitze, Steinen, Streusalz und Splitt Reflektierende Elemente und Klettverschluss Farbe: Schwarz Inhalt: 2 StĂŒck

    43 in stock

    CHF 19.90

  • Trixie - Walker Care Comfort Schutzstiefel, Nylon 2Stk. Trixie - Walker Care Comfort Schutzstiefel, Nylon 2Stk.

    Trixie Trixie - Walker Care Comfort Schutzstiefel, Nylon 2Stk.

    58 in stock

    Trixie - Walker Care Comfort Schutzstiefel – Sicherer Schutz fĂŒr verletzte Pfoten Die Walker Care Comfort Schutzstiefel bieten Ihrem Hund den perfekten Schutz und Komfort bei Verletzungen oder empfindlichen Pfoten. Mit robustem Nylon, weichem Fleecefutter und reflektierenden Streifen sorgen sie fĂŒr eine sichere und bequeme Passform. Der Klettverschluss erleichtert das An- und Ausziehen, wĂ€hrend die Vinylsohle fĂŒr zusĂ€tzlichen Schutz sorgt. Produktdetails: StrapazierfĂ€higer Nylonstoff mit VinylrĂŒcken und -sohle Weiches Fleecefutter fĂŒr extra Komfort Praktischer Klettverschluss Reflektierender Streifen fĂŒr bessere Sichtbarkeit UnterstĂŒtzt die Heilung von Verletzungen Farbe: Schwarz Inhalt: 2 StĂŒck

    58 in stock

    CHF 7.50

  • Pfotenschutzschuhe Professional - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Paw protection shoes PROFESSIONAL

    863 in stock

    We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return paw protection shoes that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back paw protection shoes that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect paw protection shoe for your dog. We guarantee that the shoe will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding! Universal dog protective shoes made of waterproof neoprene with anti-slip lightweight all-terrain sole. Suitable for healing paw injuries. Preventive paw protection for sharp-edged surfaces (shards, ice splinters, etc.) or the use of road salt. Size 2: max. width: 40mm, e.g. for Yorkshire, Rehpinscher, Chihuahua, puppiesSize 3: max. width: 45mm, e.g. for Yorkshire, Rehpinscher, Chihuahua, puppiesSize 9: max. width : 83mm, e.g. for Airdeal Terrier, Labrador, Retriever, Boxer, German Shepherd, HovawartSize 10: max. Width: 95mm, e.g. for Irish Wolfhound, Great Dane, Rottweiler, Leonberger Width: measured at the widest point, under full load

    863 in stock

    CHF 29.80

  • Pfotenschutzschuhe Pro-Active - Purrfect Petsℱ Pfotenschutzschuhe Pro-Active - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Pro-Active paw protection shoes

    1046 in stock

    Made of waterproof neoprene material with anti-slip tread rubber sole and double safety Velcro fastener for a secure hold when romping around or doing active sports. Increased night safety thanks to sewn reflective material on the Velcro fastener. Pro-Active sports protective shoes offer reliable protection against sharp-edged ground (shards, ice splinters, etc.). Also suitable for active sports in winter ice & snow conditions. Suitable protective shoe to support healing for paw injuries. Size 70mm suitable for e.g. Dachshund, Fox Terrier, Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, BeagleSize M: max. width: 70mm, max. length: 85mm suitable for e.g. Airdeal Terrier, Labrador, Retriever, Boxer, Shepherd ferhund, HovawartSize L: max. Width: 80mm, max. Length: 100mm suitable for e.g. Airdeal Terrier, Labrador, Retriever, Boxer, German Shepherd, HovawartSize XL: max .Length: 123mm suitable for e.g. Irish Wolfhound, Great Dane, Rottweiler, Leonberger Width: measured at the widest point, under full load. Length: measured from the tip of the claw to the last ball of the foot. We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return paw protection shoes that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back paw protection shoes that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect paw protection shoe for your dog. We guarantee that the shoe will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!

    1046 in stock

    CHF 32.50

  • Pfotenschutzschuhe „Sun“ - Purrfect Petsℱ Pfotenschutzschuhe „Sun“ - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Paw protection shoes “Sun”

    161 in stock

    Dog protective shoes made of soft mesh with anti-slip tread rubber sole and double safety Velcro fastener for a secure hold. Suitable for summer! The material soft mesh allows for good ventilation of the paw. Protects against hot tar roads, risk of broken glass and cracks. Width = measured at the widest point, under full load. Length = measured from the tip of the claw to the last ball of the foot. Size XS: max. width 4.5cm, max .B. Toy Poodle, Jack Russel, Cairn Terrier, WestiSize M: max. width 7cm, max. length 8cm suitable for e.g. Dachshund, Fox Terrier, Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, BeagleSize L: max. width 8cm, max .Length 9cm suitable for e.g. Airdeal Terrier, Labrador, Retriever, Boxer, German Shepherd, HovawartSize XL: max. width 9cm, max. length 10cm suitable for e.g. Irish Wolfhound, Great Dane, Rottweiler, Leonberger We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return paw protection shoes that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back paw protection shoes that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect paw protection shoe for your dog. We guarantee that the shoe will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!

    161 in stock

    CHF 20.50

  • Pfotenschutzschuhe UNIVERSAL - Purrfect Petsℱ Pfotenschutzschuhe UNIVERSAL - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Paw protection shoes UNIVERSAL

    962 in stock

    Universal dog protective shoes made of neoprene with anti-slip and reflective Velcro fastener. Suitable for healing paw injuries. Preventative paw protection in the event of sharp-edged surfaces (shards, ice picks, etc.) or the use of road salt. Size S: L=11.5cm/W=3.5cm suitable for e.g. Yorkshire, Rehpinscher, Chihuahua, puppiesSize M: L=14.5cm/W=6cm suitable for e.g. Toy Poodle, Jack Russel, Cairn Terrier , Westi size L: L=18cm/W=6cm suitable for e.g. Dachshund, Fox Terrier, Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, Beagle Size XL: L=19.5cm/W=7.5cm suitable for e.g. Airdeal Terrier , Labrador, Retriever, Boxer, German Shepherd, HovawartSize XXL: L=22.5cm/W=8cm suitable for e.g. Irish Wolfhound, Great Dane, Rottweiler, Leonberger We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return paw protection shoes that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back paw protection shoes that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect paw protection shoe for your dog. We guarantee that the shoe will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!

    962 in stock

    CHF 14.50

  • Pfotenschutzschuhe BALU - Purrfect Petsℱ Pfotenschutzschuhe BALU - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Paw protection shoes BALU S 4 pieces.

    48 in stock

    We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return paw protection shoes that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back paw protection shoes that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect paw protection shoe for your dog. We guarantee that the shoe will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding! These dog shoes offer effective paw protection for your animal. They are easy to put on and fit perfectly, without a zipper. They are worn like socks and have a close to natural feel as they are not bulky. Areas of application: Hot tar, snow, salt, ice, injuries, paw care, allergies. Please note: If the claws are sharp, the natural rubber can tear. Must not be worn all day! They are not only waterproof but also airtight, which means the paws can no longer breathe and the dog can no longer sweat on their paws.

    48 in stock

    CHF 8.90

  • Schnee- und VeterinĂ€rhundeschuh - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Snow and veterinary dog ​​shoes

    843 in stock

    Made of water-repellent fabric with a sturdy rubber sole. Practical and very easy to put on thanks to two reflective Velcro fasteners. Ideal protection for injuries with bandages. The height of the shoes makes it practically impossible for the dog to take off the shoes. Size S: Height 18cm, e.g. for Beagle, Schnauzer, Welsh Terrier Size M: Height 28cm, e.g. for Border Collie, Airdale Terrier Size L: Height 30.5cm, e.g ; for Labrador, German Shepherd Size XL: Height 33cm, e.g. for Leonberger, Bernese Mountain Dog We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return paw protection shoes that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back paw protection shoes that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect paw protection shoe for your dog. We guarantee that the shoe will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!

    843 in stock

    CHF 32.50

  • Pfotenschutzschuhe Swap - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Paw protection shoes swap

    857 in stock

    Made of waterproof neoprene material with anti-slip tread rubber sole and double safety Velcro fastener for a secure hold when romping around or doing active sports. Swisspet Swap paw protection shoes offer reliable protection against sharp-edged surfaces (shards, ice splinters, etc.). Also suitable for active sports in winter ice & snow conditions. Protects on hot tar roads, risk of broken glass and cracks. Protective shoe to support healing for paw injuries. Waterproof shoes before use. Size Size M: L=8.5cm/W=8cm suitable for e.g. Dachshund, Fox Terrier, Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, Beagle Size L: L=10cm/W=8cm suitable for e.g. Airdeal Terrier, Labrador, Retriever, Boxer, German Shepherd, HovawartSize XL: L=12.3cm/W=9cm suitable for e.g. Irish Wolfhound, Great Dane, Rottweiler, Leonberger We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return paw protection shoes that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back paw protection shoes that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect paw protection shoe for your dog. We guarantee that the shoe will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!

    857 in stock

    CHF 32.50

  • Ferplast Trekking Schuhe 4Stk. - Purrfect Petsℱ Ferplast Trekking Schuhe 4Stk. - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Ferplast Ferplast Trekking Shoes S 4pcs

    26 in stock

    Ferplast Trekking Shoes S 4 pcs 7x6cm h 10cm

    26 in stock

    CHF 36.00

  • Hundesocken mit Anti-Slip Grey-Step - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Dog socks with anti-slip gray step

    4283 in stock

    Guarantees a secure hold even on smooth surfaces such as tiles, laminate or parquet. Size XS: Chihuahua, YorkshireSize S: Beagle, Cairn Terrier, PugSize M: Pomeranian, French BulldogSize L: Schnauzer, Terrier, SpanielSize XL: Labrador, Retriever, Boxer

    4283 in stock

    CHF 7.90

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