(Dog) throwing toy

60 products

  • Snack Dummy div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Snack Dummy div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Snack dummy

    587 in stock

    Snack Dummy – can be filled with snacks and treats. The swisspet Snack Dummy encourages retrieving. It helps to make sensible use of the dog's hunting instinct in training. Solving tasks and getting loot in the process strengthens team spirit immensely and allows you to support your family dog ​​physically and mentally. Positive motivation is ideal in education and training. Equipped with a throwing aid.

    587 in stock

    CHF 8.90

  • Hundespielzeug Knochen - Purrfect Petsℱ Hundespielzeug Knochen - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Dog toy bones

    729 in stock

    The non-toxic bone toy is ideal for encouraging your dog's play instinct and joy. It also strengthens the bond between humans and animals. This way your dog will be even more loyal to you. The brightly colored chew toy specifically arouses the interest of your four-legged friend and stimulates his play instinct.

    729 in stock

    CHF 5.90

  • Mighty Champer - Purrfect Petsℱ Mighty Champer - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Mighty Champer

    1284 in stock

    Varied and robust activity toy for dogs. The blue version is extra robust. The teeth are cleaned and the gums are massaged on the nubs. Dental hygiene is very important for every animal and contributes to overall well-being. Size S: Ăž 5.5cm, length: 7.5cmSize M: Ăž 6cm, length: 8.5cmSize L: Ăž 7.5cm, length: 10.5cm

    1284 in stock

    CHF 6.90

  • Mighty Champer, schwimmend - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Mighty Champer, schwimmend

    Out of stock

    Swisspet Mighty Champer, schwimmend Der Mighty Champer von Swisspet ist ein robustes und abwechslungsreiches BeschĂ€ftigungsspielzeug fĂŒr Hunde, das vielseitig eingesetzt werden kann. Als Wurf- und Apportierspielzeug bietet der Champer stundenlangen Spielspass. Dank seiner Form lĂ€sst er sich leicht werfen und weit werfen. Seine Hohlstruktur und das leichte Gummi machen ihn schwimmfĂ€hig, so dass er auch aus dem Wasser apportiert oder fĂŒr Spiele im Wasser verwendet werden kann. Das Spielzeug kann auch als Kauspielzeug verwendet werden. Die Noppen an der Außenseite des Spielzeugs reinigen beim Kauen die ZĂ€hne und massieren das Zahnfleisch, was zur Zahnpflege beitrĂ€gt und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden des Hundes fördert. DarĂŒber hinaus kann der Mighty Champer mit Leckerlis befĂŒllt und als Futterball verwendet werden, was Ihrem Hund eine zusĂ€tzliche Herausforderung bietet. Aus langjĂ€hriger Erfahrung wissen wir, dass Hunde durch Spielen ihre Kondition, Reaktion, Fitness und Geschwindigkeit verbessern können. Unsere Spielsachen von Swisspet helfen dabei, Ihren Hund gesund und fit zu halten und seine gute Laune und Ausgelassenheit zu fördern. Das Spielen mit Ihrem Hund fördert auch seine Denkleistung, da er sich auf unterschiedliche Situationen einstellen und neue Strategien zum Lösen von Problemen entwickeln muss. Grössen: S: Ăž 5.5cm, LĂ€nge: 7.5cm M: Ăž 6cm, LĂ€nge: 8.5cm L: Ăž 7.5cm, LĂ€nge: 10,5cm Eigenschaften: BeschĂ€ftigungsspielzeug fĂŒr Hunde Abwechslungsreich und robust Aus schwimmfĂ€higem Gummi Das Swisspet Mighty Champer bietet Ihrem Hund nicht nur Spass und Bewegung, sondern fördert auch seine Zahngesundheit und geistige Fitness.

    Out of stock

    CHF 6.90

  • Mighty Champer mit Seil - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Mighty Champer mit Seil

    Out of stock

    Mighty Champer mit Seil Das Mighty Champer mit Seil ist ein abwechslungsreiches und robustes BeschĂ€ftigungsspielzeug fĂŒr Hunde. Das angebrachte Seil erleichtert das Werfen des Mighty Champers und ermöglicht es Ihrem Hund, mit Freude zu apportieren. Die Noppen am Spielzeug reinigen die ZĂ€hne und massieren das Zahnfleisch, was zur Zahngesundheit und zum allgemeinen Wohlbefinden Ihres Haustiers beitrĂ€gt. Eigenschaften: BeschĂ€ftigungsspielzeug fĂŒr Hunde Abwechslungsreich und robust Mit Seil in rot/weiss Aus rotem Gummi gefertigt ErhĂ€ltlich in drei Grössen: S: Ăž 5.5cm, LĂ€nge: 37cm M: Ăž 6cm, LĂ€nge: 39cm L: Ăž 7.5cm, LĂ€nge: 38cm Das Mighty Champer mit Seil bietet Ihrem Hund nicht nur Spass und Bewegung, sondern fördert auch seine Zahngesundheit und geistige Fitness.

    Out of stock

    CHF 6.90

  • Mighty Champer Prime - Purrfect Petsℱ Mighty Champer Prime - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Mighty Champer Prime

    Out of stock

    Swisspet Hundespielzeug Mighty Champer Prime FĂŒr Hunde ist eine gute Dentalhygiene genauso wichtig wie fĂŒr Menschen, da sie auch unter Mundgeruch, Zahnstein und entzĂŒndetem Zahnfleisch leiden können. Schmerzen im Gebiss können sich stark auf das Fressverhalten und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden auswirken. Um dies zu verhindern, ist es wichtig, die ZĂ€hne Ihres Hundes regelmĂ€ssig zu pflegen. Eine einfache Möglichkeit, die Zahngesundheit Ihres Vierbeiners zu fördern, ist die Verwendung von Dental Clean Spielzeugen wie dem Mighty Champer Prime von Swisspet. Diese Spielzeuge regen Ihren Hund zum Kauen an, wodurch die ZĂ€hne sanft gereinigt und das Zahnfleisch massiert werden, dank der Noppen und Rillen des Spielzeugs. Die Methode des Mighty Champer Prime orientiert sich an der Natur, da Zahnreinigung in der Wildnis oft durch das Nagen an Knochen oder anderen GegenstĂ€nden erfolgt. Die Verwendung eines Spielzeugs zur Zahnpflege ist somit die natĂŒrliche Art, die ZĂ€hne Ihres Hundes zu pflegen. Das Kauen auf einem Spielzeug dient auch der BeschĂ€ftigung Ihres Hundes und hilft dabei, Langeweile und unerwĂŒnschtes Verhalten wie das Kauen an Möbeln zu vermeiden. Dadurch fördern Sie nicht nur die Zahnhygiene Ihres Hundes, sondern auch sein allgemeines Wohlbefinden. Dank der verschiedenen Grössen ist fĂŒr jede Hundegrösse und -rasse der passende Kauknochen dabei. Eigenschaften: Spielzeug aus Gummi, rot Fördert gute Zahnhygiene Mit Seil fĂŒr interaktives Spielen In drei Grössen verfĂŒgbar Grössen: S: Ăž5.3cm, LĂ€nge: 25cm M: Ăž7cm, LĂ€nge: 27.5cm L: Ăž8.3cm, LĂ€nge: 29.5cm Das Swisspet Mighty Champer Prime ist nicht nur ein Spielzeug, sondern auch ein effektives Werkzeug zur Förderung der Zahngesundheit und des Wohlbefindens Ihres Hundes.

    Out of stock

    CHF 6.90

  • Fitzzel Ball - Purrfect Petsℱ Fitzzel Ball - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Fitzzel ball Ăž9cm

    1354 in stock

    Funny felt ball available with or without a squeaker. Available in 2 forms. The felt is soft and there is no risk of injury. Therefore unproblematic and very popular.

    1354 in stock

    CHF 7.90

  • Hundespielzeug aus Gummi Vulcano - Purrfect Petsℱ Hundespielzeug aus Gummi Vulcano - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Vulcano rubber dog toy

    1151 in stock

    Rubber toy with ultrasonic squeaker. The ultrasonic squeaker encourages tireless play. The toy can also be thrown so that the dog can retrieve it. Playing together promotes the bond between master and animal. Available as a ball or rugby. Ball: D=7cm yellow/red. Rugby ball: Ăž5, 8.5cm.

    1151 in stock

    CHF 6.50

  • Hundespielzeuge Fooby Snack Futterautomat - Purrfect Petsℱ Hundespielzeuge Fooby Snack Futterautomat - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Dog Toys Fooby Snack Automatic Feeder

    162 in stock

    The activity toy for your dog. Thanks to its six food chambers, the Fooby offers plenty of space for food/snacks. It has a timer with which you can set an interval (15, 30, 60 and 90 minutes). When it's time, the Fooby signals play and eating time. Every time the bell rings, a feeding chamber opens. Delivery without batteries.

    162 in stock

    CHF 39.90

  • Leucht-Hundespielzeug Flash K1 - Purrfect Petsℱ Leucht-Hundespielzeug Flash K1 - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Dog toy Flash Ball K1

    1946 in stock

    With the light-up dog toy K1 from swisspet you can promote play and fun regardless of the lighting conditions, because the K1 starts flashing green upon impact. On the one hand, it encourages your dog to play and on the other hand, it allows you to play at dusk or in the dark. This means you are completely independent of the lighting conditions and can play with your darling even on the short days in winter. The K1 toys are made of robust plastic and are particularly suitable for throwing and retrieving games. We know from many years of experience that dogs grow through playing can be trained in areas such as conditioning, reaction, fitness and speed. Our toys from swisspet will help you keep your dog healthy and fit, as well as promote his good mood and exuberance. Dogs also increase their thinking performance when they play, as they have to adapt flexibly to different situations and can use newly learned strategies to solve problems. By playing with your dog, you keep him young and fit in his mind. In addition, by playing together you can get to know your dog better and the time you spend together strengthens the bond between each other, creating a harmonious relationship between you and your four-legged friend.Size rugby: 10x10x18cmDiameter ball: 11cm

    1946 in stock

    CHF 19.90

  • swisspet Hundespielzeuge Stretchy mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ swisspet Hundespielzeuge Stretchy mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Stretchy raccoon 13x12x47cm

    973 in stock

    swisspet Stretchy plush raccoon, gray

    973 in stock

    CHF 16.50

  • Hundespielzeuge PlĂŒsch Stretchy mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ Hundespielzeuge PlĂŒsch Stretchy mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Plush pig Stretchy

    1817 in stock

    Plush toys with elastic arms and legs. Monkey without squeaker, pig with squeaker. Ideal toy for throwing or tugging games as the arms and legs are stretchy. Playing together strengthens the bond between master and animal. Length: 34cm.

    1817 in stock

    CHF 14.50

  • Hundespielzeug Slugo mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ Hundespielzeug Slugo mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Slugo monkey with squeaker

    884 in stock

    Brown plush monkey and beige plush bear, with colored ears, arms and legs. Squeaky in the head and stomach.

    884 in stock

    CHF 9.90

  • Hundespielzeug aus Vinyl-Buddy - Purrfect Petsℱ Hundespielzeug aus Vinyl-Buddy - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Vinyl Buddy

    881 in stock

    The vinyl buddies dog toys from swisspet are available in three versions. They all come with a squeaker and a funny face. The squeaker inside the toy encourages both large and small dogs to play, so fun and games are guaranteed with the vinyl buddies! Vinyl is a relatively soft plastic, but is very durable, so the vinyl buddies are easy to throw or throw They can be chewed on without them breaking. Playing with your dog also promotes the relationship between humans and animals, because playing is a great way to get to know your pet particularly well. Playing is also important for dogs for other reasons, as playing develops or improves every dog's physical abilities. It also helps prevent your dog from becoming bored and prevents your dog from getting into the habit of bad habits.

    881 in stock

    CHF 4.90

  • Hundespielzeuge Ballu mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ Hundespielzeuge Ballu mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Ballu plush ox without squeaker

    1034 in stock

    swisspet Ballu plush ox, blue, without squeaker

    1034 in stock

    CHF 8.50

  • Hundespielzeuge Rovi mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ Hundespielzeuge Rovi mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Rovi plush monkey brown

    2321 in stock

    Plush toy with a round, hard belly and a squeaker. The integrated squeaker encourages tireless play. Plush is soft and has no risk of injury, so it is unproblematic and very popular, not just with animals.

    2321 in stock

    CHF 9.90

  • Trainingsball-Set fĂŒr Hundepool 24stk. - Purrfect Petsℱ Trainingsball-Set fĂŒr Hundepool 24stk. - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Dog Pool Training Ball Set

    306 in stock

    Training balls in 5 different colors. For playful training methods in the dog pool. Hide dog snacks or your dog's favorite toys under or in the play balls for optimal searching fun. The play balls simulate natural terrain and through playful training you promote the relationship with your animal!

    306 in stock

    CHF 24.00

  • Spielzeuge Tuffy-Play mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ Spielzeuge Tuffy-Play mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Tuffy Play Elephant

    1934 in stock

    Nylon and plush toy. Funny, square shapes with squeakers. These shapes are something different in the multitude of toys. The integrated squeaker encourages tireless play.

    1934 in stock

    CHF 14.50

  • Leucht-Frisbee Sili - Purrfect Petsℱ Leucht-Frisbee Sili - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Silicone light-up toys

    2132 in stock

    Exercise is good for you and for lively four-legged friends the opportunity to run around and frolic is vital. A popular form of play is playing Frisbee with your dog, a dog sport called DiscDogging. Your dog's size and breed is irrelevant to this game as long as you adjust the throws accordingly. For small dogs, the flight height and distance should be chosen so that the animals can reach the window without contortions and constant sprints. The light-up Frisbee Sili from swisspet is the perfect companion, regardless of whether you are during the day , want to play with your dog at dusk or in the dark, because the Sili light-up Frisbee has three different light functions: light-up, single-level light and three-level light. This means you can easily find the Frisbee even in the dark. This means you can play with your darling even on short days in winter, regardless of the lighting conditions. The light-up Frisbee is made of and is therefore gentle on your pet's teeth. Dogs are naturally active and playful; chasing balls or other objects, retrieving and running over obstacles are fun for four-legged friends and keep them fit and healthy. Playing trains your dog's endurance, reaction and speed. Your pet's thinking skills are also promoted, as they have to adapt flexibly to new situations while playing and find new strategies for solving problems. By playing, you keep your dog physically and mentally young and fit. The light-up Frisbee can be charged using a. 20 cm

    2132 in stock

    CHF 16.90

  • Hundespielzeug Ruff mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ Hundespielzeug Ruff mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Ruff Mouse

    1298 in stock

    The funny K-Line dog toys from swisspet ensure play and fun! Because thanks to the squeaker in the lower part of the toy, your dog will be encouraged to play tirelessly. Latex toys are also particularly suitable for young and playful dogs, as they tend not only to chew on the toys, but to completely devour them even swallow individual parts. Since latex is digestible, swallowing small pieces is not a problem for your four-legged friend. Playing with your dog also promotes the relationship between humans and animals, because playing is a great way for you to get to know your pet particularly well. Playing is also important for dogs for other reasons, as playing develops or improves every dog's physical abilities. It also helps prevent your dog from becoming bored and prevents your dog from getting into the habit of bad habits.

    1298 in stock

    CHF 8.50

  • Hundespielzeug Wingball - Purrfect Petsℱ Hundespielzeug Wingball - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Dog toy Wingball Leopard

    649 in stock

    The unique swisspet Wingballs will make your pet's heart beat faster. The amusing balls can bounce, rock, jump and even bark. Dogs love to chew and chase things, which is why our Wingball is the perfect toy for long-lasting leisure activity. The barking captures your dog's attention and the rocking of the toy can keep your four-legged friend entertained for hours. Since the outside is made of plush, it protects the dogs' gums and teeth, which makes playing even more fun. We are convinced from experience that your dog will love our swisspet Wingball.

    649 in stock

    CHF 19.90

  • Hundespielzeug Dental-Fun Spielkegel - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Dog toy Dental-Fun play cones

    2742 in stock

    White and well-groomed teeth are an indication of your four-legged friend's good health. As humans, we brush our teeth several times a day, floss and go to the dentist. Of course, your dog cannot have his teeth cleaned in this form. But dogs also suffer from bad breath, tartar, inflamed gums and tooth loss if they lack dental hygiene. To avoid these inconveniences, you should care for your dog's teeth regularly. One of the easiest ways to do this is to use teeth-cleaning toys. With these, the surface is aligned so that your dog cleans his teeth on his own when chewing on the toy. The Dental-Fun play cone is one such tooth-cleaning toy; its uneven surface with different sized knobs is perfect for gentle dental care of your dog. At the same time, your four-legged friend massages his gums, which promotes blood circulation and strengthens the gums. The cone can also be filled with snacks, which allows you to encourage him to chew on the dental toy. The toy also serves to keep your four-legged friend generally occupied, as the cone requires endurance and skill from him so that he can get the treats. So you can let your dog entertain himself and see how quickly he understands and learns. The cone consists of a, which has the advantage that, unlike bones, it does not splinter and cannot injure your dog. : 6.5cm, : 9cm

    2742 in stock

    CHF 8.95

  • Hundespielzeug Wildtiere Mini & XL - Purrfect Petsℱ Hundespielzeug Wildtiere Mini & XL - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Mini plush lion 20cm

    327 in stock

    Soft plush dog toy with squeaker (except mini giraffe). The plush is soft and has no risk of injury, so it is not a problem and very popular. The integrated squeaker encourages tireless play. There are 4 animals available in 2 sizes. Leopard, lion, tiger or giraffe. Mini: 20cm, XL: 38cm.

    327 in stock

    CHF 9.80

  • Hundespielzeug Lavy mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ Hundespielzeug Lavy mit Quietscher - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Lavy monkey 22x32cm

    798 in stock

    swisspet Lavy monkey, 22x32cm

    798 in stock

    CHF 12.50

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