

353 products

  • Kissen zu Autobox Pro 22/1-4 + Eco 1-4 - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Cushion for Pro 1 44x60x5cm

    8 in stock

    Cushion for Pro 1, size: 44x60x5cm

    8 in stock

    CHF 24.50

  • Doppelnapf Henry div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Doppelnapf Henry div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Double bowl Henry 2x23.7ml pink

    183 in stock

    swisspet double bowl Henry, 2x23.7ml, pinkIt is ideal for giving food and water at the same time. It is made of robust silicone and is practical collapsible, that is, with or without legs. When feeding with the bowl on legs, the animal has a more natural, comfortable position.

    183 in stock

    CHF 16.90

  • Melamin Hundenapf und Katzennapf rund div. Farben, 350ml - Purrfect Pets™ Melamin Hundenapf und Katzennapf rund div. Farben, 350ml - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Round melamine bowl

    165 in stock

    swisspet melamine bowl round, 350ml, whiteMelamine bowl with inner bowl made of stainless steel. Melamine tableware is becoming increasingly popular today. It is hygienic and easy to clean, also very robust, extremely scratch-resistant, dishwasher safe, durable and visually very similar to porcelain. The stainless steel inner bowl can be reordered.

    165 in stock

    CHF 9.90

  • Keramiknapf DOG - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Ceramic bowl DOG

    763 in stock

    Very nice timeless from swisspet. It is cream colored with black inscription DOG. Ceramic is very hygienic, easy to maintain, modern and durable. The bowl is available in two sizes. Size S: 300ml, ø12.5x4.5cm Size M: 500ml, ø15.1x6cm

    763 in stock

    CHF 7.95

  • Keramiknapf BONES und PAWS - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Ceramic bowl BONES & PAWS

    403 in stock

    Beautiful timeless ceramic bowls from swisspet. The bowl has a beige base color with motifs on the outside and inside. There are bones and paws printed on the outside and an inscription “I woof you” inside the bowl. Ceramic is very hygienic, easy to maintain, modern and durable and therefore very popular. Available in two sizes. Size S: 300ml, ø12.5x4.5cm Size M: 500ml, ø15.1x6cm

    403 in stock

    CHF 7.95

  • Hunde- und Katzennapf mit Silikonbecken - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Bowl with silicone basin S 160ml

    174 in stock

    swisspet bowl with silicone basin, size SThe attractive dog bowl & Cat bowl with silicone basin which muffles all noise when your pet eats. The inner bowl Made of stainless steel can be removed and washed, even in the Dishwasher. Therefore it is particularly hygienic and easy to clean. The inner bowls are also available as replacement bowls for reordering.

    174 in stock

    CHF 8.95

  • Hundekühlmantel COOL - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog cooling coat COOL

    327 in stock

    We are pleased that you have found a beautiful item of clothing for your dog in our web shop! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. So we guarantee that the coat or sweater fits your dog perfectly and is also comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding! The Cool dog cooling coat does not need a refrigerator. Activated by water, the cooling system absorbs the heat and allows it to evaporate. Ideal for traveling, hiking, sports and games. This coat relieves your dog from heat stress and increased body temperature. Available in seven lengths: 25cm, 30cm, 35cm, 40cm, 50cm, 60cm, 70cm. For daily use (regular use) or for hot summer days (for cooling) 1. Allow to soak for a while before use. 2. Can protect the pet from the heat radiated from the ground. 3. Comfortable to wear. 4. Can be used multiple times after moistening. 5. Please hand wash only. After the first wash, please use as follows: 1. Soak in tap water. 2. Gently wring out excess water and put it on the pet. 3. Adjust the dog clothing to the body size using Velcro. 1. Hand wash with neutral detergent and let dry in a shady place. 2. If used for several days, wash first, then wring out. 3. Do not use washing machines, dryers or dehydrators. 4. Do not use bleach or anything similar. Do not wash with hot water. 5. Keep away from flammable or damp objects. Avoid direct sunlight. 1. This product is intended for pets only. Please soak with fresh water. 2. The inside may have some moisture. This is a normal. 3. This may cause your pet's fur to become damp. If your animal doesn't like it, please don't wear it. 4. Indoor use is not recommended. 5. If the clothing becomes dry and hard when worn, there is no longer any cooling effect. 6. Please do not use a damaged product. 7. Do not overtighten.

    327 in stock

    CHF 28.50

  • Swisspet Edelstahlnapf Color div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Swisspet Edelstahlnapf Color div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Stainless steel bowl color

    133 in stock

    Hygienic stainless steel bowl with colored rubber rings on the bottom. Stainless steel is easy to clean, modern, timeless and durable and is therefore very popular. The colored rubber rings prevent slipping and give a modern look. The bowls are available in three sizes and three colors. Size S: 350ml, ø12x4.5cmSize M: 500ml, ø14x5.3cm Size L: 1l, ø16.5x5.7cm Colors: rose, green and blue.

    133 in stock

    CHF 6.90

  • Mighty Champer Prime - Purrfect Pets™ Mighty Champer Prime - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Mighty Champer Prime

    Out of stock

    Swisspet Hundespielzeug Mighty Champer Prime Für Hunde ist eine gute Dentalhygiene genauso wichtig wie für Menschen, da sie auch unter Mundgeruch, Zahnstein und entzündetem Zahnfleisch leiden können. Schmerzen im Gebiss können sich stark auf das Fressverhalten und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden auswirken. Um dies zu verhindern, ist es wichtig, die Zähne Ihres Hundes regelmässig zu pflegen. Eine einfache Möglichkeit, die Zahngesundheit Ihres Vierbeiners zu fördern, ist die Verwendung von Dental Clean Spielzeugen wie dem Mighty Champer Prime von Swisspet. Diese Spielzeuge regen Ihren Hund zum Kauen an, wodurch die Zähne sanft gereinigt und das Zahnfleisch massiert werden, dank der Noppen und Rillen des Spielzeugs. Die Methode des Mighty Champer Prime orientiert sich an der Natur, da Zahnreinigung in der Wildnis oft durch das Nagen an Knochen oder anderen Gegenständen erfolgt. Die Verwendung eines Spielzeugs zur Zahnpflege ist somit die natürliche Art, die Zähne Ihres Hundes zu pflegen. Das Kauen auf einem Spielzeug dient auch der Beschäftigung Ihres Hundes und hilft dabei, Langeweile und unerwünschtes Verhalten wie das Kauen an Möbeln zu vermeiden. Dadurch fördern Sie nicht nur die Zahnhygiene Ihres Hundes, sondern auch sein allgemeines Wohlbefinden. Dank der verschiedenen Grössen ist für jede Hundegrösse und -rasse der passende Kauknochen dabei. Eigenschaften: Spielzeug aus Gummi, rot Fördert gute Zahnhygiene Mit Seil für interaktives Spielen In drei Grössen verfügbar Grössen: S: ø5.3cm, Länge: 25cm M: ø7cm, Länge: 27.5cm L: ø8.3cm, Länge: 29.5cm Das Swisspet Mighty Champer Prime ist nicht nur ein Spielzeug, sondern auch ein effektives Werkzeug zur Förderung der Zahngesundheit und des Wohlbefindens Ihres Hundes.

    Out of stock

    CHF 6.90

  • Mighty Champer mit Seil - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Mighty Champer mit Seil

    Out of stock

    Mighty Champer mit Seil Das Mighty Champer mit Seil ist ein abwechslungsreiches und robustes Beschäftigungsspielzeug für Hunde. Das angebrachte Seil erleichtert das Werfen des Mighty Champers und ermöglicht es Ihrem Hund, mit Freude zu apportieren. Die Noppen am Spielzeug reinigen die Zähne und massieren das Zahnfleisch, was zur Zahngesundheit und zum allgemeinen Wohlbefinden Ihres Haustiers beiträgt. Eigenschaften: Beschäftigungsspielzeug für Hunde Abwechslungsreich und robust Mit Seil in rot/weiss Aus rotem Gummi gefertigt Erhältlich in drei Grössen: S: ø 5.5cm, Länge: 37cm M: ø 6cm, Länge: 39cm L: ø 7.5cm, Länge: 38cm Das Mighty Champer mit Seil bietet Ihrem Hund nicht nur Spass und Bewegung, sondern fördert auch seine Zahngesundheit und geistige Fitness.

    Out of stock

    CHF 6.90

  • Mighty Champer, schwimmend - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Mighty Champer, schwimmend

    Out of stock

    Swisspet Mighty Champer, schwimmend Der Mighty Champer von Swisspet ist ein robustes und abwechslungsreiches Beschäftigungsspielzeug für Hunde, das vielseitig eingesetzt werden kann. Als Wurf- und Apportierspielzeug bietet der Champer stundenlangen Spielspass. Dank seiner Form lässt er sich leicht werfen und weit werfen. Seine Hohlstruktur und das leichte Gummi machen ihn schwimmfähig, so dass er auch aus dem Wasser apportiert oder für Spiele im Wasser verwendet werden kann. Das Spielzeug kann auch als Kauspielzeug verwendet werden. Die Noppen an der Außenseite des Spielzeugs reinigen beim Kauen die Zähne und massieren das Zahnfleisch, was zur Zahnpflege beiträgt und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden des Hundes fördert. Darüber hinaus kann der Mighty Champer mit Leckerlis befüllt und als Futterball verwendet werden, was Ihrem Hund eine zusätzliche Herausforderung bietet. Aus langjähriger Erfahrung wissen wir, dass Hunde durch Spielen ihre Kondition, Reaktion, Fitness und Geschwindigkeit verbessern können. Unsere Spielsachen von Swisspet helfen dabei, Ihren Hund gesund und fit zu halten und seine gute Laune und Ausgelassenheit zu fördern. Das Spielen mit Ihrem Hund fördert auch seine Denkleistung, da er sich auf unterschiedliche Situationen einstellen und neue Strategien zum Lösen von Problemen entwickeln muss. Grössen: S: ø 5.5cm, Länge: 7.5cm M: ø 6cm, Länge: 8.5cm L: ø 7.5cm, Länge: 10,5cm Eigenschaften: Beschäftigungsspielzeug für Hunde Abwechslungsreich und robust Aus schwimmfähigem Gummi Das Swisspet Mighty Champer bietet Ihrem Hund nicht nur Spass und Bewegung, sondern fördert auch seine Zahngesundheit und geistige Fitness.

    Out of stock

    CHF 6.90

  • Mighty Champer - Purrfect Pets™ Mighty Champer - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Mighty Champer

    1284 in stock

    Varied and robust activity toy for dogs. The blue version is extra robust. The teeth are cleaned and the gums are massaged on the nubs. Dental hygiene is very important for every animal and contributes to overall well-being. Size S: ø 5.5cm, length: 7.5cmSize M: ø 6cm, length: 8.5cmSize L: ø 7.5cm, length: 10.5cm

    1284 in stock

    CHF 6.90

  • swisspet Dosiernapf für Hunde und Katzen div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ swisspet Dosiernapf für Hunde und Katzen div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet dosing bowl

    9432 in stock

    dosing bowl

    9432 in stock

    CHF 5.95

  • Antischling Melamin Futternapf in 3 Varianten - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Anti-sling melamine dog bowl

    451 in stock

    Specially designed dog bowls! Anti-sling bowl made of melamine. Melamine is a very robust plastic that is becoming increasingly popular today. It is robust, extremely scratch-resistant, dishwasher safe, durable and visually very close to porcelain. The special construction prevents the food from being swallowed hastily thanks to the internal shape. Available in 3 sizes: S: 250ml, M: 600ml, L: 1.5l. Color white.

    451 in stock

    CHF 14.90

  • 3er-Multi-Napf 250ml - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet 3-piece multi-bowl

    344 in stock

    Elegantly made from dark gray melamine. There are three removable silicone bowls in pink, blue and yellow. These are light, easy to clean, heat-resistant and timeless. The multi-bowl is non-slip. For example, it can be used for water, dry and wet food in one. ø28cm, 350ml.

    344 in stock

    CHF 26.90

  • Keramiknapf Halloween 300ml beige - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Ceramic bowl Halloween 300ml beige

    491 in stock

    Elegant ceramic food bowls with funny motifs. Suitable as a food bowl or water bowl for both small dogs and cats. Ceramic is very hygienic, easy to clean, durable and therefore very popular. The bowl is beige with a fun Halloween pattern and Punk Princess print in pink and black. Capacity: 300ml, ø12.5cm, height: 4.5cm

    491 in stock

    CHF 8.50

  • Hundetransporttasche Pet Home Linus - Purrfect Pets™ Hundetransporttasche Pet Home Linus - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog transport bag Pet Home Linus

    65 in stock

    swisspet Pet Home LinusExtra-large foldable dog or transport box made of water-repellent, robust nylon with large ventilation windows. The foldable dog box has three openings that can be closed with a zipper, two are accessible from the side and one from the top. This foldable transport box offers your dog a familiar home in the car, on the road or at home. The box is very stable, the nylon is water-repellent and very robust. The openings on the side and on the ceiling provide sufficient fresh air and can be easily closed or opened. This means your animal also has a clear view of the outside. It is foldable and can be easily transported in the included carry bag.

    65 in stock

    CHF 169.00

  • Pet Home Hundebox - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Pet Home dog enclosure

    103 in stock

    swisspet Pet HomeFoldable dog crate or transport box made of water-repellent, robust nylon with large ventilation windows. The foldable dog box has three openings that can be closed with a zipper, two are accessible from the side and one from above. The durable and easy-to-clean material and the metal frame give the enclosure the necessary stability. The generous openings offer enough ventilation options and give your pet a great view of the outside. The foldable enclosure folds up easily, making it easier to transport or store. A suitable carrying bag for transport is included.

    103 in stock

    CHF 69.00

  • Transportbox Riva - Purrfect Pets™ Transportbox Riva - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Transport box Riva S

    295 in stock

    swisspet TrExtra-large foldable dog or transport box made of water-repellent, robust nylon with large ventilation windows. The foldable dog box has three openings that can be closed with a zipper, two are accessible from the side and an oval one from above. This foldable transport box offers your dog a familiar home in the car, on the road or at home. The box is very stable, the nylon is water-repellent and very robust. The openings on the side and ceiling provide sufficient fresh air and can be easily closed or opened. This means your animal also has a clear view of the outside. It is foldable and can be easily transported in the carrying bag provided.ansportbox Riva, S

    295 in stock

    CHF 159.00

  • Hygiene Hunde Matte 50x71cm - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Hygiene dog mat 50x71cm

    5476 in stock

    Whether as a lying surface, bowl mat, car seat blanket or dog crate liner, this hygiene mat can be used universally. The front is water-absorbent and the back is waterproof thanks to a moisture protection film. Size: 50x71cm

    5476 in stock

    CHF 5.90

  • Autoschondecke SC45 - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Car seat cover SC45

    111 in stock

    The swisspet car seat cover SC45 not only protects your car seats, but also the side walls are protected from dirt. The protective blanket is dirt-repellent and tear-resistant. This means you are well prepared to keep the car clean on your next trip. Dirt can be easily wiped off. The large lying surface and the side protection complete the excellent properties of the car blanket. With the car seat cover you can protect your entire seat from dirt, scratches and dog hair. Easy assembly and installation using locking buckles. Back with anti-slip. Attention: If you are away for a long time, always take your animal with you and never leave it in a car parked in the sun!

    111 in stock

    CHF 149.00

  • Autoschondecke Sensa - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Sensa car seat cover

    260 in stock

    The swisspet Sensa car seat cover not only protects your car seats, but also the side walls are protected from dirt. The protective blanket is dirt-repellent and tear-resistant. This means you are well prepared to keep the car clean on your next trip. Dirt can be easily wiped off The large lying surface and the complete the excellent properties of the Sensa car blanket. With the Sensa car seat cover you can protect your entire seat from dirt, scratches and dog hair. Easy assembly and installation using locking buckles. Back with anti-slip. : If you are going to be away for a long time, always take your animal with you and never leave it in a car parked in the sun!

    260 in stock

    CHF 49.00

  • Autoschondecke California - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet California car seat cover

    221 in stock

    The swisspet California car seat cover not only protects your car seats, but also the side walls are protected from dirt. The protective blanket is and. This means you are well prepared to keep the car clean on your next trip. The pleasant and round off the excellent properties of the California car seat cover. With the California car seat cover you can protect your entire bench from dirt, scratches and dog hair. Easy to assemble and install using buckles and Velcro fastening system. With anti-slip and tension hooks for a good fit. : If you are going to be away for a long time, always take your animal with you and never leave it in a car parked in the sun!

    221 in stock

    CHF 79.00

  • Autoschondecke Carside - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Carside car seat cover

    268 in stock

    Premium car seat cover Carside with side protection, water and dirt resistant, suitable for the back seat of the car and the trunk. Special protective cover for Combi cars. Protects expensive car upholstery and covers. It is washable at 30°C. Thanks to the zippers, the sides can be folded down to create a flat blanket. : 121x120x30cm. : black / gray.

    268 in stock

    CHF 89.95

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