
4pets Autobox Pro 3
Single box for cars. Equipped with a sturdy aluminum frame and practical plastic tray. The stability gives your animal the protection and security it needs when traveling. The box is delivered pre-assembled in a cardboard box. Easy to assemble using the included Allen key. You can also buy a matching cushion or a dog box carpet. The Pro 3 model is ideal. Please note: If you are away for a long period of time, you should always take the animal with you and never leave it in a car parked in the sun! Matching comfortable and soft insert mats are also available. Size information in cm. The last product image shows what the size information refers to. Box size A b 4pets Autobox Pro 3, size S 74 38 66 18 18 68 4pets Autobox Pro 3, size M 84 48 66 18 18 68 4pets Autobox Pro 3, size L 94 58 66 13 13 68
CHF 619.00
Ferplast Plastic bowl Magnus 3 3L black
Ferplast Bowl Magnus 3 – BlackMagnus feeding bowls for dogs and cats are made of very thick plastic (3 times thickness) manufactured to give you extra strong support and stability to grant. Magnus food bowls have a round opening and at the bottom a broad base. The anti-slip base prevents the item from slipping Bowl while your pet eats the food. The bowls can be used for both water and feed. thanks to the Available in a variety of colors, the bowl will fit into any room in your home fit. The smaller sizes, such as Mini and Small, are also for cats suitable.
CHF 12.90
Swisspet Bowl with silicone basin S 160ml
swisspet bowl with silicone basin, size SThe attractive dog bowl & Cat bowl with silicone basin which muffles all noise when your pet eats. The inner bowl Made of stainless steel can be removed and washed, even in the Dishwasher. Therefore it is particularly hygienic and easy to clean. The inner bowls are also available as replacement bowls for reordering.
CHF 8.95
RedDingo Hundeleinen Swiss Cross
RedDingo Leine Design Swiss Cross Die RedDingo Leine Design Swiss Cross bietet nicht nur ein stilvolles Design, sondern auch herausragende Qualität und Funktionalität. Hergestellt aus hochwertigem Nylon und robusten Edelstahl D-Ringen, ist diese Multifunktionsleine ideal für tägliche Spaziergänge und Outdoor-Abenteuer. Eigenschaften: Die Leine besteht aus erstklassigem, gewebtem Nylon, das eine weiche und angenehme Oberfläche bietet. Dank der dichten Webkanten ist sie besonders strapazierfähig und langlebig. Das Material erfüllt hohe ISO-Standards in Bezug auf Waschbarkeit und UV-Beständigkeit. Die spezielle Webtechnik auf Vorder- und Rückseite sorgt für eine geringe Abnutzung und lässt die Farben in vollem Glanz erstrahlen. Die rostfreien Edelstahl D-Ringe sind robust und verfärben das Fell nicht. Größen: Grösse Durchmesser Länge XS 12mm 2m S 15mm 2m M 20mm 2m L 25mm 2m
CHF 16.90
RedDingo Hundehalsband Swiss Cross
RedDingo Hundehalsband Swiss Cross Das RedDingo Halsband Design Swiss Cross bietet eine hochwertige Konstruktion und Materialien für den Komfort und die Sicherheit Ihres Haustiers: Gewebe: Das Halsband und die Leine bestehen aus erstklassigem Nylon, das fein gewebt ist, um eine weiche und angenehme Oberfläche zu bieten. Die Kanten sind besonders dicht gewebt, um einen schnellen Verschleiss zu verhindern. Es übertrifft die ISO-Standards für Waschen und UV-Beständigkeit. Design Band: Die spezielle Webtechnik auf Vorder- und Rückseite macht das RedDingo Band zu einem der strapazierfähigsten auf dem Markt. Es wird nur Hochglanzfaden verwendet, damit die Farben in vollem Glanz erstrahlen. D-Ringe: Die D-Ringe sind aus rostfreiem Stahl gefertigt und komplett verschweisst. Dadurch sind sie rostfrei und verfärben das Fell nicht. Bucklebone-Verschluss: Der Bucklebone-Verschluss ist eine geschützte Markenbezeichnung von RedDingo und einer der stärksten Verschlüsse in der Haustierindustrie. Er besteht aus reinem Acetal-Plastik für höchste Qualität und Langlebigkeit. Grösse Bandbreite Halsumfang (cm) XS 12mm 20-32 S 15mm 24-36 M 20mm 31-47 L 25mm 41-63
CHF 16.90
RedDingo Dog harness Swiss Cross XS
RedDingo dog harnesses are made of pure, woven nylon and solid stainless steel D-rings. The closure of the collar is in the shape of a bone. - First class nylon finely woven creates a soft and comfortable surface. The edges are specially tightly woven to prevent rapid wear. Exceeds ISO standards in terms of washing and UV resistance.Design Band - The special weaving technique of the front and back ensures that the Red Dingo Band is the least wear-resistant band on the market. To ensure that the colors come into their own, only high-gloss thread is used. - Made of stainless steel. Completely welded. The Red Dingo D-rings are rustproof and therefore do not discolor the fur. - The bucklebone closure is a trademark registered and protected by Red Dingo. Not only does the Bucklebone look good, but it is also one of the strongest closures in the pet industry. To ensure quality, only pure acetal plastic is used. Sizes of dishes: XS: 12mm, neck 25-39cm, body 30-44cmS: 15mm, neck 30-48cm, body 36-54cmM: 20mm, neck 36-59cm, body 45-66cmL: 25mm, neck 46-76 , body 56-80cm Sizes leashes: XS: 12mm x 2mS: 15mm x 2mM: 20mm x 2mL: 25mm x 2m
CHF 16.90
Hurtta Cooling vest
With the refreshing cooling vest through the hot summer. Simply immerse in cold water - wring out - put on - cool down! Ideal for walks, training and dog shows. Sizes XXS, XS and S have an additional attachment for the lines. The cooling vest is washable at 30°C.
CHF 36.50
Hurtta Cooling vest purple XS
With the refreshing cooling vest through the hot summer. Simply immerse in cold water - wring out - put on - cool down! Ideal for walks and training on hot days. The light blue cooling vest protects the heart and chest region, which is vital for circulation. Your dog will thank you for cooling off with the hurtta cooling vest. Furthermore, this dog vest offers twice the absorption capacity compared to other terry cloth clothing. Sizes XXS, XS and S have an additional attachment for the leash. The cooling vest is washable at 30°C.
CHF 36.50
Swisspet Dog cooling coat COOL
We are pleased that you have found a beautiful item of clothing for your dog in our web shop! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. So we guarantee that the coat or sweater fits your dog perfectly and is also comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding! The Cool dog cooling coat does not need a refrigerator. Activated by water, the cooling system absorbs the heat and allows it to evaporate. Ideal for traveling, hiking, sports and games. This coat relieves your dog from heat stress and increased body temperature. Available in seven lengths: 25cm, 30cm, 35cm, 40cm, 50cm, 60cm, 70cm. For daily use (regular use) or for hot summer days (for cooling) 1. Allow to soak for a while before use. 2. Can protect the pet from the heat radiated from the ground. 3. Comfortable to wear. 4. Can be used multiple times after moistening. 5. Please hand wash only. After the first wash, please use as follows: 1. Soak in tap water. 2. Gently wring out excess water and put it on the pet. 3. Adjust the dog clothing to the body size using Velcro. 1. Hand wash with neutral detergent and let dry in a shady place. 2. If used for several days, wash first, then wring out. 3. Do not use washing machines, dryers or dehydrators. 4. Do not use bleach or anything similar. Do not wash with hot water. 5. Keep away from flammable or damp objects. Avoid direct sunlight. 1. This product is intended for pets only. Please soak with fresh water. 2. The inside may have some moisture. This is a normal. 3. This may cause your pet's fur to become damp. If your animal doesn't like it, please don't wear it. 4. Indoor use is not recommended. 5. If the clothing becomes dry and hard when worn, there is no longer any cooling effect. 6. Please do not use a damaged product. 7. Do not overtighten.
CHF 28.50
Swisspet Stainless steel bowl color
Hygienic stainless steel bowl with colored rubber rings on the bottom. Stainless steel is easy to clean, modern, timeless and durable and is therefore very popular. The colored rubber rings prevent slipping and give a modern look. The bowls are available in three sizes and three colors. Size S: 350ml, ø12x4.5cmSize M: 500ml, ø14x5.3cm Size L: 1l, ø16.5x5.7cm Colors: rose, green and blue.
CHF 6.90
Swisspet Mighty Champer Prime
Swisspet Hundespielzeug Mighty Champer Prime Für Hunde ist eine gute Dentalhygiene genauso wichtig wie für Menschen, da sie auch unter Mundgeruch, Zahnstein und entzündetem Zahnfleisch leiden können. Schmerzen im Gebiss können sich stark auf das Fressverhalten und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden auswirken. Um dies zu verhindern, ist es wichtig, die Zähne Ihres Hundes regelmässig zu pflegen. Eine einfache Möglichkeit, die Zahngesundheit Ihres Vierbeiners zu fördern, ist die Verwendung von Dental Clean Spielzeugen wie dem Mighty Champer Prime von Swisspet. Diese Spielzeuge regen Ihren Hund zum Kauen an, wodurch die Zähne sanft gereinigt und das Zahnfleisch massiert werden, dank der Noppen und Rillen des Spielzeugs. Die Methode des Mighty Champer Prime orientiert sich an der Natur, da Zahnreinigung in der Wildnis oft durch das Nagen an Knochen oder anderen Gegenständen erfolgt. Die Verwendung eines Spielzeugs zur Zahnpflege ist somit die natürliche Art, die Zähne Ihres Hundes zu pflegen. Das Kauen auf einem Spielzeug dient auch der Beschäftigung Ihres Hundes und hilft dabei, Langeweile und unerwünschtes Verhalten wie das Kauen an Möbeln zu vermeiden. Dadurch fördern Sie nicht nur die Zahnhygiene Ihres Hundes, sondern auch sein allgemeines Wohlbefinden. Dank der verschiedenen Grössen ist für jede Hundegrösse und -rasse der passende Kauknochen dabei. Eigenschaften: Spielzeug aus Gummi, rot Fördert gute Zahnhygiene Mit Seil für interaktives Spielen In drei Grössen verfügbar Grössen: S: ø5.3cm, Länge: 25cm M: ø7cm, Länge: 27.5cm L: ø8.3cm, Länge: 29.5cm Das Swisspet Mighty Champer Prime ist nicht nur ein Spielzeug, sondern auch ein effektives Werkzeug zur Förderung der Zahngesundheit und des Wohlbefindens Ihres Hundes.
CHF 6.90
Swisspet Mighty Champer mit Seil
Mighty Champer mit Seil Das Mighty Champer mit Seil ist ein abwechslungsreiches und robustes Beschäftigungsspielzeug für Hunde. Das angebrachte Seil erleichtert das Werfen des Mighty Champers und ermöglicht es Ihrem Hund, mit Freude zu apportieren. Die Noppen am Spielzeug reinigen die Zähne und massieren das Zahnfleisch, was zur Zahngesundheit und zum allgemeinen Wohlbefinden Ihres Haustiers beiträgt. Eigenschaften: Beschäftigungsspielzeug für Hunde Abwechslungsreich und robust Mit Seil in rot/weiss Aus rotem Gummi gefertigt Erhältlich in drei Grössen: S: ø 5.5cm, Länge: 37cm M: ø 6cm, Länge: 39cm L: ø 7.5cm, Länge: 38cm Das Mighty Champer mit Seil bietet Ihrem Hund nicht nur Spass und Bewegung, sondern fördert auch seine Zahngesundheit und geistige Fitness.
CHF 6.90
Ferplast Mira dog bowl
The Mira bowls for dogs and cats are stable and durable, equipped with anti-slip rubber and with an anti-splash edge so that neither food nor water can spill over. Made of stainless steel, they are very hygienic and also versatile: the ideal bowl for water, but also suitable for all types of food, wet and dry, pasta, rice or even biscuits. Available in four sizes: 250ml, ø15.2cm, 600ml, ø19cm, 1l, ø23.6cm, 1.95l, ø29.6cm.
CHF 8.95
Swisspet Mighty Champer, schwimmend
Swisspet Mighty Champer, schwimmend Der Mighty Champer von Swisspet ist ein robustes und abwechslungsreiches Beschäftigungsspielzeug für Hunde, das vielseitig eingesetzt werden kann. Als Wurf- und Apportierspielzeug bietet der Champer stundenlangen Spielspass. Dank seiner Form lässt er sich leicht werfen und weit werfen. Seine Hohlstruktur und das leichte Gummi machen ihn schwimmfähig, so dass er auch aus dem Wasser apportiert oder für Spiele im Wasser verwendet werden kann. Das Spielzeug kann auch als Kauspielzeug verwendet werden. Die Noppen an der Außenseite des Spielzeugs reinigen beim Kauen die Zähne und massieren das Zahnfleisch, was zur Zahnpflege beiträgt und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden des Hundes fördert. Darüber hinaus kann der Mighty Champer mit Leckerlis befüllt und als Futterball verwendet werden, was Ihrem Hund eine zusätzliche Herausforderung bietet. Aus langjähriger Erfahrung wissen wir, dass Hunde durch Spielen ihre Kondition, Reaktion, Fitness und Geschwindigkeit verbessern können. Unsere Spielsachen von Swisspet helfen dabei, Ihren Hund gesund und fit zu halten und seine gute Laune und Ausgelassenheit zu fördern. Das Spielen mit Ihrem Hund fördert auch seine Denkleistung, da er sich auf unterschiedliche Situationen einstellen und neue Strategien zum Lösen von Problemen entwickeln muss. Grössen: S: ø 5.5cm, Länge: 7.5cm M: ø 6cm, Länge: 8.5cm L: ø 7.5cm, Länge: 10,5cm Eigenschaften: Beschäftigungsspielzeug für Hunde Abwechslungsreich und robust Aus schwimmfähigem Gummi Das Swisspet Mighty Champer bietet Ihrem Hund nicht nur Spass und Bewegung, sondern fördert auch seine Zahngesundheit und geistige Fitness.
CHF 6.90
Swisspet Mighty Champer
Varied and robust activity toy for dogs. The blue version is extra robust. The teeth are cleaned and the gums are massaged on the nubs. Dental hygiene is very important for every animal and contributes to overall well-being. Size S: ø 5.5cm, length: 7.5cmSize M: ø 6cm, length: 8.5cmSize L: ø 7.5cm, length: 10.5cm
CHF 6.90
Swisspet dosing bowl
dosing bowl
CHF 5.95
Swisspet Anti-sling melamine dog bowl
Specially designed dog bowls! Anti-sling bowl made of melamine. Melamine is a very robust plastic that is becoming increasingly popular today. It is robust, extremely scratch-resistant, dishwasher safe, durable and visually very close to porcelain. The special construction prevents the food from being swallowed hastily thanks to the internal shape. Available in 3 sizes: S: 250ml, M: 600ml, L: 1.5l. Color white.
CHF 14.90
Swisspet 3-piece multi-bowl
Elegantly made from dark gray melamine. There are three removable silicone bowls in pink, blue and yellow. These are light, easy to clean, heat-resistant and timeless. The multi-bowl is non-slip. For example, it can be used for water, dry and wet food in one. ø28cm, 350ml.
CHF 26.90
Hurtta Extreme Warmer Coral Camo
Hurtta Extreme Warmer Coral Camo Der Extreme Warmer von Hurtta hält den Hund auch unter schwierigen Bedingungen warm. Die einzigartige Folienbeschichtung auf der Jackeninnenseite reflektiert die Körperwärme des Hundes, was den Kälteschutz der Jacke zusätzlich deutlich steigert. Die wichtigsten Muskelgruppen des Hundes werden durch die Passform der Jacke optimal geschützt. Das wasserabweisende Obermaterial ist strapazierfähig und zugleich angenehm weich. Die hohe Trikotkapuze wärmt den Hals, vermindert den Eintritt kalter Luft und lässt sich bei Bedarf auch zum Ohrenschutz hochziehen. Die sichtbaren 3M-Reflektoren der Jacke verbessern die Sicherheit bei Dunkelheit. Eigenschaften: Körperwärme-reflektierende Innenbeschichtung Wasserabweisendes und atmungsaktives Material Einstellbare Rückenlänge Schützende Kapuze Leistungsfähige 3M-Reflektoren Wassersäule: 3'000mm Vorteile: Wasserabweisend und atmungsaktiv Mit schützender Kapuze Körperwärme-reflektierende Innenbeschichtung In verschiedenen Grössen erhältlich: Grösse 40: Rückenlänge 40cm, Hals 54cm, Brust 45-72cm Grösse 50: Rückenlänge 50cm, Hals 65cm, Brust 54-85cm Grösse 55: Rückenlänge 55cm, Hals 73cm, Brust 56-91cm Grösse 60: Rückenlänge 60cm, Hals 76cm, Brust 58-96cm Grösse 65: Rückenlänge 65cm, Hals 75cm, Brust 58-106cm
CHF 94.00
Hurtta Mudventure Overall Eco
The Hurtta company from Finland has been developing functional dog clothing for over 10 years. Hurtta dog clothing is made of breathable, windproof and waterproof material and therefore provides optimal protection against cold and wet conditions. All garments are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Thanks to the special fit and the availability of different sizes, the clothing not only protects the dog's back, but also the entire chest/abdomen area. Advantages: Warm and soft For city walks and day trips Highly visible reflectors Available in different sizes Available in the following sizes: Size 25S: Papillon, Toy Poodle Size 30S: Jack Russell Terrier, Havanese Size 30M: Bichon Frisé, Minature Pinscher Size 35S: Border Terrier, Mini Schnauzer Size 35M: Westie, American Cocker Spaniel Size 40M: Cocker Spaniel, Lagotto Size 45M: Pumi, Spanish Water Dog Size 50M: Schnauzer, Giant Poodle Size 55M: Collie, Labrador Retriever Size 60M: Golden Retriever, Dalmatian Size 65M: Giant Schnauzer, Flat-coated Retriever Customer note: We are pleased that you have found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, we are unable to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. We guarantee that the coat or sweater will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 89.95
Swisspet Ceramic bowl Halloween 300ml beige
Elegant ceramic food bowls with funny motifs. Suitable as a food bowl or water bowl for both small dogs and cats. Ceramic is very hygienic, easy to clean, durable and therefore very popular. The bowl is beige with a fun Halloween pattern and Punk Princess print in pink and black. Capacity: 300ml, ø12.5cm, height: 4.5cm
CHF 8.50
Hurtta Swimmer Vest orange size. XS
Hurtta Swimmer VestThe Hurtta company from Finland has been developing functional dog clothing for over 10 years. Hurtta dog clothing is made of breathable, windproof & waterproof material and therefore optimally protects against cold and wet. All garments are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Due to the special fit and the availability of different sizes, the clothing not only protects the back, but also the entire chest/abdomen area of the dog. The swim vest is a durable and warming high-visibility vest for outdoor activities, swimming, SUP paddling, water rescue, rehabilitation and hunting. The vest is made of elastic and non-absorbent neoprene. The material is durable and quiet in use. Thanks to its excellent thermal insulation, the neoprene vest is particularly suitable for water rescue dogs that work in cool temperatures and for hunting dogs that retrieve game from the water. The vest has floats that support the dog when swimming. The vest's belly flap protects the dog's sensitive abdominal area. This product contains a Clariant Sanitized® treatment. The active substance in the treatment is permethrin, which protects against insects such as mosquitoes, horseflies and ticks. The treatment is dermatologically tested and safe for use on dogs, but may cause a reaction on sensitive skin. NOT SUITABLE FOR CATS. Permethrin is toxic to cats.• Durable neoprene fabric for extra warmth and comfort• Comfortable and close-fitting model• Highly visible 3M® reflectors• Floats that support the dog while swimmingWe are pleased that you can find a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop found the dog! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. We guarantee that the coat or sweater will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 74.00
Trendline Ceramic bowl Prince 350ml
Trendline ceramic bowl Prince, blackTrendy dog bowl made of ceramic. Ceramic is easy to clean and very hygienic, which is why it is very popular. The bowl has a beautiful motif with a crown.
CHF 9.95
Hurtta Casual Quilted Overal, heather
The company has been developing functional dog clothing for over 10 years. Hurtta dog clothing is made of wind & waterproof material and therefore optimally protects against cold and wet. All garments are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Through the special fit and the availability of different sizes The clothing not only protects the back, but also the entire body Chest/abdomen area of the dog.Hurtta Casual Quilted overal is a soft and warm quilted overalls for everyday and city walks short-haired and hairless dogs. The L fit is a special design for dogs and other slim breeds. The overall offers ideal protection in cold and windy weather. The water and dirt repellent Surface material is pleasantly soft and supple and quiet in use. The product features Ultra Sonic quilting and a warm padded lining. Warm and soft For city walks and day trips L fit for slim dogs Highly visible reflectors Available in the following sizes:Size 30L: Russian ToySize 35L: Toy PoodleSize 40L: Standard PoodleSize 45L: Peruvian Hairless Dog, largeSize 50L: Pharaoh HoundSize 55L: Standard Poodle, AzawakhSize 60L: Afghan HoundSize 65L: Galgo EspanolG Size 70L: BorzoiWe are pleased that you are in Found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop have! We would like to point out to you at this point that you Cannot send back ordered dog clothing. Out of For hygienic reasons, it is not possible for us to wear items that have already been tried on Coats and sweaters can be taken back. We therefore recommend that you first purchase the model you want in one to try on in our branches. Our expert staff can help We would be happy to help you find the perfect piece of clothing for your dog. So We guarantee that the coat or sweater will suit your dog Fits perfectly and is also comfortable for your darling. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 85.00