(Cat) Cat sleeping places

Discover stylish cat sleeping places for maximum comfort. From cozy beds to luxurious lying mats - give your cat the perfect resting place. Browse now and pamper yourself!

22 products

  • Dharma Karma - DDKC Katzenhöhle PurraBoo div. Farben Dharma Karma - DDKC Katzenhöhle PurraBoo div. Farben

    Dharma Karma Dharma Karma - DDKC Katzenhöhle PurraBoo div. Farben

    7 in stock

    Dharma Karma - DDKC Katzenhöhle PurraBoo, 36x25x36cm, verschiedene Farben Schaffen Sie einen gemütlichen Rückzugsort für Ihre Katze mit der DDKC Katzenhöhle PurraBoo von Dharma Karma! Diese stilvolle und funktionale Katzenhöhle bietet Ihrer Katze nicht nur einen sicheren Platz zum Entspannen, sondern fügt sich auch harmonisch in Ihr Zuhause ein. Produktmerkmale: Optimale Grösse: Mit den Massen von 36x25x36cm bietet die PurraBoo Katzenhöhle ausreichend Platz für Katzen aller Grössen, sodass sie sich bequem zurückziehen und ausruhen kann. Vielseitige Farboptionen: Die Katzenhöhle ist in mehreren attraktiven Farben erhältlich: Hellblau, Dunkelblau, Grün und Grau. So können Sie die perfekte Farbe wählen, die zu Ihrer Einrichtung passt und die Vorlieben Ihrer Katze berücksichtigt. Hochwertige Materialien: Die Katzenhöhle besteht aus robusten und langlebigen Materialien, die sowohl Komfort als auch Stabilität gewährleisten. Die weiche Innenausstattung sorgt für ein angenehmes Liegegefühl und lädt zum Kuscheln ein. Stylisches Design: Das moderne und ansprechende Design der PurraBoo Katzenhöhle macht sie zu einem stilvollen Akzent in jedem Raum, während sie gleichzeitig den Bedürfnissen Ihrer Katze gerecht wird. Vorteile auf einen Blick: Sicherer Rückzugsort: Die geschützte Höhle bietet Ihrer Katze einen ruhigen Platz zum Entspannen und Schlafen, ideal für schüchterne oder empfindliche Tiere. Pflegeleicht: Die Materialien sind einfach zu reinigen und pflegen, sodass die Katzenhöhle stets hygienisch bleibt. Stilvolle Ergänzung: Durch die Auswahl an Farben können Sie die Höhle nahtlos in Ihr Zuhause integrieren. Gönnen Sie Ihrer Katze den perfekten Rückzugsort mit der DDKC Katzenhöhle PurraBoo in der Farbe Ihrer Wahl!

    7 in stock

    CHF 119.00

  • Dharma Karma - DDKC Katzenkorb mit Griffen, div. Farben Dharma Karma - DDKC Katzenkorb mit Griffen, div. Farben

    Dharma Karma Dharma Karma - DDKC Katzenkorb mit Griffen, div. Farben

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    Dharma Karma - DDKC Katzenkorb mit Griffen, div. Farben Der Dharma Karma DDKC Katzenkorb bietet Ihrem Haustier einen komfortablen, temperaturregulierenden Rückzugsort aus 100% lanolinreicher Wolle. Diese Wolle pflegt das Fell und hält es geschmeidig. Der Korb ist nicht nur ein gemütlicher Ruheplatz, sondern auch ein idealer Spielbereich für Ihre Katze oder kleine Hunde. Dank der praktischen seitlichen Griffe lässt sich der Korb einfach transportieren, sodass Ihr Haustier seinen Lieblingsplatz überall geniessen kann. Produktmerkmale: Material: 100% lanolinreiche Wolle – für eine natürliche Fellpflege und Temperaturregulierung. Vielseitig: Perfekt als Ruhe- und Spielplatz für Ihr Haustier, geeignet für Katzen und kleine Hunde. Grössenoptionen: S: 36x36x10cm – Ideal für Katzen und kleine Hunde. M: 50x50x15cm – Für grössere Haustiere bis 12kg oder kleine Tiergruppen. Farbauswahl: Hellbraun Weiss Schwarz Braun Lila Hellblau Navy Vorteile: Komfort & Pflege: Die lanolinreiche Wolle sorgt für ein angenehmes Gefühl und pflegt das Fell Ihres Haustiers. Praktisch & Mobil: Dank der seitlichen Griffe lässt sich der Korb einfach bewegen und überall verwenden. Stilvolle Farben: Wählen Sie aus einer Reihe von Farben, die zu Ihrem Zuhause passen.

    Out of stock

    CHF 77.80

  • Dharma Karma - DDKC Matte Achat für Haustiere div. Farben Dharma Karma - DDKC Matte Achat für Haustiere div. Farben

    Dharma Karma Dharma Karma - DDKC Matte Achat für Haustiere div. Farben

    Out of stock

    Dharma Karma - DDKC Matte Achat für Haustiere, div. Farben Die kuschelige DDKC Matte Achat von Dharma Karma bietet Haustieren ein komfortables Plätzchen und setzt gleichzeitig stilvolle Akzente in Ihrem Zuhause. Die 0,6 cm dicke Wollmatte ist perfekt, um Ihren Liebling auf Stühlen, Betten, in Autos oder Kisten zu verwöhnen. Hergestellt aus 100% lanolinreicher Wolle, reguliert diese Matte auf natürliche Weise die Temperatur und sorgt dafür, dass die Pfoten und das Fell Ihres Haustieres geschmeidig und gesund bleiben. Produktmerkmale: Hochwertige Materialien: 100% lanolinreiche Wolle für eine natürliche Temperaturregulierung und sanfte Pflege von Pfoten und Fell. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Ideal für Haustiere in verschiedenen Bereichen – ob zu Hause oder unterwegs. Grössenoptionen: S: 45x45cm – Für Haustiere bis zu 7 kg, wie Katzen und kleine Hunderassen. M: 66x66cm – Geeignet für mittelgrosse Hunde bis zu 14 kg. Farbauswahl: Rot/Braun Blau Grün Schwarz Vorteile: Natürliche Pflege: Lanolin hält das Fell geschmeidig und die Pfoten gesund. Stilvolle Farbauswahl: Wählen Sie die Farbe, die am besten zu Ihrem Stil und Zuhause passt.

    Out of stock

    CHF 47.60

  • Katzenhöhlen Tulip div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Katzenhöhlen Tulip div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Ferplast Cat Caves Tulip

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    In the Tulip cat and dog cave, your cat can retreat and enjoy the warmth on the reversible cushion made of fabric. The cave is water-repellent and available in two colors and sizes. The caves are also washable at 30°C and can be reused immediately after cleaning.

    Out of stock

    CHF 45.00

  • Bett Luana div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Bett Luana div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed Luana

    169 in stock

    swisspet dog & Cat bed Luana, blueThe dog bed & The Luana cat bed is made of soft velor on the outside and cozy soft plush on the inside. The bed also contains a reversible pillow which is also made of velor and a soft plush. Your darling will love snuggling up in this bed! Both the walls and the reversible cushion are well padded. The bottom part of the cat and dog bed is made of an anti-slip fabric and is equipped with a zipper so that the cover can be kept separately can be washed.The bed is available in pink and blue. It can also be washed at 30°C.

    169 in stock

    CHF 49.00

  • Puppy Softbettchen P1 div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Puppy Softbettchen P1 div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Puppy bed P1

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    Puppy bed P1, M, blue

    Out of stock

    CHF 49.00

  • Soft Katzenbett Pfote div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Soft Katzenbett Pfote div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Soft cat bed paw

    262 in stock

    swisspet soft cat bed paw, blue/greyWith the versatile swisspet cat bed “paw” your cat take a break and recover. Because our cat bed comes with it Equipped with four snap fasteners, it can be used as a bed or blanket be used. The soft cuddly bed can be washed at 30°C and is easy to clean. It can also be a whole day for your cat can sometimes be tiring and tiring, which is why we recommend ours swisspet soft cat bed “paw” where your cat can breathe deeply and relax can relax. The cat bed is available in five colors.

    262 in stock

    CHF 29.90

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Prinzi div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Prinzi div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed Prinzi

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    The Prinzi dog and cat bed is an ideal place to cuddle and sleep for your pet. It is made of nylon and features a reversible plush and nylon cushion with a zipper. Thanks to the reversible cushion, you can choose the right fabric depending on the season. In summer the cool nylon fabric, in winter the warm and soft plush. Cats and dogs sleep and rest for many hours a day. It is therefore important to provide your four-legged friend with a comfortable and, above all, large enough place to sleep. in three sizes. S: 45x40x19cmM: 55x50x20cmL: 65x60x21cm. Very easy to clean Washable at 30°C Cover removable and washable separately Please do not tumble dry

    Out of stock

    CHF 39.00

  • Hunde- & Katzenliegen Pawi - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenliegen Pawi - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Pawi Memo S lounger pink

    36 in stock

    swisspet dog and cat loungers Pawi Memo The Swisspet Pawi Memo dog and cat loungers are made of high-quality nylon. Since the loungers are also made of memory foam, they always offer enough warmth and comfort. The loungers are available in pink and blue and each have several paw patterns. Swisspet loungers are available in sizes S and M. The loungers each have an anti-slip base, which ensures a perfect grip. Don't worry about stains because the loungers can be washed at 30°C.

    36 in stock

    CHF 45.00

  • Hunde- & Katzen Maxi-Donut Pawi div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzen Maxi-Donut Pawi div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Maxi donut Pawi

    10 in stock

    swisspet dog & Cat Maxi Donut PawiDer Dog & Cat maxi donut Pawi from swisspet is super cuddly and comfortable! Thanks to its extra high edge and the soft plush on the inside, the cat and dog donut is the right place to snuggle up. In addition, both the edge and base are thickly padded, so that your darling will feel incredibly comfortable in them. The cuddly donut is available in the colors blue and pink. It can also be easily washed at 30°C. Size: 42x42x33cm

    10 in stock

    CHF 49.00

  • Hunde- & Katzenbetten Pawi div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbetten Pawi div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Hunde- & Katzenbetten Pawi div. Farben

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    Swisspet Hunde- & Katzenbetten Pawi – Bequemer Rückzugsort mit vielseitigem Design Das Hunde- & Katzenbett Pawi von Swisspet vereint Komfort und Robustheit in einem. Der Rand des Bettes eignet sich perfekt zum Anlehnen und Einkuscheln, während das gut gepolsterte Wendekissen beidseitig verwendbar ist. Das gesamte Bett kann ebenfalls gewendet werden, sodass Sie je nach Lust und Laune zwischen edlem schwarzen Plüsch und gemustertem Nylonstoff wählen können. Die Unterseite des Bettchens ist mit rutschfestem Material versehen, um ein Verrutschen zu verhindern. Das Bett ist in zwei verschiedenen Farben, Blau und Pink, sowie Grössen erhältlich, um sich optimal in Ihr Interieur einzufügen. Die Liege ist bei 30°C waschbar, was eine einfache Pflege gewährleistet und sicherstellt, dass Ihr Haustier stets einen sauberen Rückzugsort hat. Eigenschaften: Bequemer Rückzugsort mit vielseitigem Design. Robuste Kombination aus Plüsch und Nylon. Wendekissen und umkehrbares Gesamtbett für Abwechslung. Rutschfeste Unterseite für stabilen Halt. Grössen: S: 50x40x15cm M: 60x50x17cm Farben: Blau Pink Bieten Sie Ihrem Haustier mit dem Swisspet Hunde- & Katzenbett Pawi einen gemütlichen Rückzugsort mit stilvollem Design.

    Out of stock

    CHF 39.95

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Tropical div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Tropical div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed Tropical S

    99 in stock

    The swisspet Tropical dog and cat bed is very cozy and soft. The cover is made of cotton, which has the advantage that the material is skin-friendly and allergy-friendly. Thanks to the polyester filling, the bed is easy to transport and yet particularly comfortable for your little one. The bed is available in two colors: blue and purple. It is also available in three different sizes. The beautiful bed can be opened up and can therefore also be used as a sofa. This can also make it easier for older dogs or dogs with joint or back problems to get in and out of the bed. The non-slip base prevents the bed from slipping unintentionally. The duvet cover can be removed and washed at 30°C. Advantages: Cotton fabric with print Polyester filling - light and comfortable Non-slip base Duvet cover can be removed for washing The front can be folded in and out Sizes: S = 50x40x15cm M = 60x50x18cm L = 80x60x22cm

    99 in stock

    CHF 55.00

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Feely, eckig div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Feely, eckig div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed Feely, square, various colors

    166 in stock

    Swisspet dog and cat bed Feely square - comfort meets style The Swisspet Feely square dog and cat bed combines robust cotton with a well thought-out design. With a reversible cushion, which is also made of cotton, it not only offers comfort but also a stylish look. The front of the cushion has an attractive inscription, while the back is simple and plain. The practical product features make this bed an optimal choice for pet lovers. The zipper allows for easy cleaning and care, while the anti-slip base ensures a stable grip. The use of robust cotton ensures durability and the bed is washable at 30°C to ensure hygienic use. Product features: Material: Robust cotton for durability. Reversible cushion: coziness thanks to cotton, front with inscription. Zipper: Easy to clean and maintain. Anti-Slip: Stable hold thanks to the non-slip base. Washable: Washable at 30°C for hygienic use. Size: S: 50x40x15cm M: 60x50x18cm Colors: Gray Blue beige

    166 in stock

    CHF 59.00

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Feely, oval div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Feely, oval div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed Feely, oval various colors

    166 in stock

    Swisspet Feely oval dog and cat bed – comfort in robust cotton The Feely Oval dog and cat bed from Swisspet offers a perfect combination of robustness and coziness. The bed is made of durable cotton and has a reversible pillow, also made of cotton. The front of the cushion has an inscription while the back is plain. The zipper allows for easy cleaning, and the anti-slip base ensures a stable hold. Product features: Material: Robust cotton for durability. Reversible cushion: coziness thanks to cotton, front with inscription. Zipper: Easy to clean and maintain. Anti-Slip: Stable hold thanks to the non-slip base. Washable: Washable at 30°C for hygienic use. Sizes: S: (50x40x20cm) M: (60x50x25cm) Colors: Blue Gray Create a comfortable retreat for your pets with the Feely Oval dog and cat bed from Swisspet.

    166 in stock

    CHF 59.00

  • Hundeliege & Katzenliege Animal div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hundeliege & Katzenliege Animal div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog lounger & cat lounger Animal various colors

    534 in stock

    Swisspet Dog Lounger & Cat Lounger Animal – Cozy sleeping place for your pet The square Swisspet dog lounger and cat lounger Animal is made of soft polyester, is beautifully quilted and offers a pleasantly soft place to lie down thanks to the filling. Available in blue, silver and black, this lounger fits harmoniously into your home. Characteristics: Square shape for versatile placement Soft polyester for comfort Beautifully stitched design Anti-slip bottom for a secure hold Easy-care hand wash at 30°C Sizes: S: 50x35cm M: 100x70cm L: 140x85cm Offer your pet a comfortable place to sleep in a stylish design with the Swisspet Dog Lounger & Cat Lounger Animal.

    534 in stock

    CHF 22.90

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Leina div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Leina div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed Leina various colors

    453 in stock

    Swisspet dog bed & cat bed Leina – cooling comfort with style The square Leina dog and cat bed from Swisspet combines cooling linen material with a stylish design. Available in two different colors, blue and red, this bed blends harmoniously into any environment. The reversible cushion, made of linen in two colors and a blue-gray herringbone pattern, can be easily removed. This means you always have the right color combination for your interior. The anti-slip base prevents slipping and the bed is washable at 30°C. Characteristics: Material: Cooling Linen Colors: Blue, Red Reversible cushion: two-tone linen & blue-gray herringbone pattern Anti-slip bottom: Prevents slipping Care: Washable at 30°C Sizes: S: 45x40x20cm M: 55x50x21cm L: 65x60x22cm Offer your pet a cool and stylish retreat for maximum relaxation with the Swisspet Leina dog bed and cat bed.

    453 in stock

    CHF 39.00

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Vino div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Vino div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed Vino various colors

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    Swisspet dog and cat bed Vino – stylish comfort for your pets The Vino dog and cat bed from Swisspet offers design-conscious dog owners a simple yet elegant design. Made from high-quality imitation linen, the bed is available in brown and blue, which means it can be effortlessly integrated into any interior. Characteristics: Material: imitation linen Colors: brown, blue Reversible cushion: plush or imitation linen Anti-slip bottom: ensures a secure grip, even on smooth surfaces Care: Washable at 30 degrees Sizes: S: 45x40x19cm M: 55x50x20cm L: 65x60x21cm Give your pet a stylish and cozy resting place with the Swisspet Vino dog and cat bed that meets both your and your animal companion's needs.

    Out of stock

    CHF 49.00

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Überzug Cota28 div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Überzug Cota28 div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed cover Cota28 various colors

    1134 in stock

    Swisspet dog & cat bed cover, Cota28 - versatile comfort in three colors The Swisspet dog and cat bed cover Cota28 not only offers a comfortable place to sleep for your pet, but also the opportunity to design the look of the bed according to your wishes. The cover is available in the three popular colors turquoise, brown and copper red and can be filled with the separately available white filling material. Characteristics: Variety of colors: Choose between the colors turquoise, brown and copper red to adapt the cover to your interior or to vary it regularly. Air-permeable mesh: The cover is particularly suitable for changeable seasons such as spring and autumn. The air-permeable mesh provides sufficient ventilation on warm days, while at the same time being easy to care for and low-knit. Reversible pillow with plush: The reversible pillow offers cozy plush on one side for warmth on cooler days and air-permeable mesh on the other side for warm days. Versatile sizes: The bed is available in four different sizes to suit your pet's individual needs. The Swisspet dog and cat bed cover Cota28 allows you to regularly change your four-legged friend's sleeping place and adapt it to different seasons. The cozy and soft bed not only offers a cozy place to retreat, but also the opportunity to vary the color of the sleeping environment. Sizes: S: 50x40x15cm  M: 60x50x18cm  L: 80x60x20cm  XL: 120x80x34cm  Other color variants and designs: Nio28 coating: Black Blue petrol Pluo28 cover: Rotting Black petrol Cota28 cover: Turquoise Brown beige Please note that the filling material must be purchased separately.

    1134 in stock

    CHF 43.00

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Überzug Pluo28 div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Überzug Pluo28 div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed cover Pluo28 various colors

    313 in stock

    Swisspet dog & cat bed cover, Pluo28 - cozy warmth in three colors The Swisspet dog and cat bed cover Pluo28 not only offers a comfortable sleeping place for your pet, but also the opportunity to design the look of the bed according to your wishes. The cover is available in the three popular colors red, black and petrol and can be filled with the separately available white filling material. Characteristics: Variety of colors: Choose between the colors red, black and petrol to adapt the cover to your furnishings or to vary it regularly. Cozy plush fabric: The cover is particularly suitable for the cold winter season. The soft plush fabric on the inside of the bed and on one side of the pillow provides warmth and comfort. Stable and easy-care fabric: The outside of the bed and the other side of the reversible cushion are made of a sturdy and easy-care fabric. Versatile Size: The bed is available in four different sizes to suit your pet's individual needs. The Swisspet dog and cat bed cover Pluo28 allows you to regularly change your four-legged friend's sleeping place and adapt it to different seasons. The cozy and soft bed not only offers your pet a cozy place to retreat, but also the opportunity to vary the color of the sleeping environment. Sizes: S: 50x40x15cm M: 60x50x18cm L: 80x60x20cm XL: 120x80x34cm Other color variants and designs: Nio28 coating: Black Blue petrol Pluo28 cover: Rot Black petrol Cota28 cover: Turquoise Brown beige Please note that the filling material must be purchased separately.

    313 in stock

    CHF 32.00

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Überzug Nio28 div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Überzug Nio28 div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed cover Nio28 various colors

    1525 in stock

    Swisspet dog & cat bed cover, Nio28 - versatile comfort in three colors The Swisspet dog and cat bed cover Nio28 not only offers a comfortable place to sleep for your pet, but also the opportunity to design the look of the bed according to your wishes. The cover is available in the three popular colors black, blue and petrol and can be filled with the separate white filling material, which is also available. Characteristics: Variety of colors: Choose between the colors black, blue and petrol to adapt the cover to your furnishings or to vary it regularly. Breathable nylon: The cover is made of durable nylon, which is particularly suitable for hot summer. Nylon promotes good ventilation, moisture retention and provides a cooling effect. Versatile sizes: The bed is available in four different sizes to suit your pet's individual needs. The Swisspet Nio28 dog and cat bed cover allows you to regularly change your four-legged friend's sleeping place and adapt it to different seasons. Thanks to the breathable nylon and durable workmanship, the bed is also ideal for your pet's lively play attacks. Also discover the other color variants of the Pluo28 and Cota28 covers for even more choice. Sizes: S: 50x40x15cm M: 60x50x18cm L: 80x60x20cm XL: 120x80x34cm Other color variants and designs: Nio28 coating: Black Blue petrol Pluo28 cover: Rot Black petrol Cota28 cover: Turquoise Brown beige Please note that the filling material must be purchased separately.

    1525 in stock

    CHF 27.00

  • Bett Major div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Bett Major div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Bed Major various colors

    631 in stock

    Swisspet Dog & Cat Bed Major – Comfortable sleeping place The Swisspet Major dog and cat bed in various colors offers your pet a comfortable place to rest. The entire pillow is made of durable nylon and features a raised edge that allows your pet to rest his head comfortably. The ergonomic shape ensures a comfortable lying position. Characteristics: Cushion made of washable nylon Raised edge for head support Cozy sleeping place for dogs and cats Sizes: S (60x44x8 cm): Suitable for small pets M (70x51x9.5 cm): Ideal for medium sized pets Colors: Black Gray Violet Blue Pamper your pet with the Swisspet Major dog and cat bed and give them a cozy retreat for restful nights.

    631 in stock

    CHF 39.90

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Denim div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Denim div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed denim various colors

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    Swisspet dog bed & cat bed denim – stylish comfort all year round The square dog and cat bed Denim from Swisspet combines beauty and functionality. Made from high quality denim material, the bed is available in three different colors: red, light blue and blue. The reversible cushion, made of blue denim and white imitation sheep's wool, can be easily removed. This means you can choose the right material depending on the season - cooling denim in summer and warm, soft imitation sheep's wool in winter. Characteristics: Material: High quality denim Colors: Red, Light Blue, Blue Reversible cushion: Blue denim and white imitation sheep's wool Anti-slip bottom: Prevents slipping Care: Washable at 30°C Sizes: S: 45x40x20cm M: 55x50x21cm L: 65x60x22cm Give your pet a stylish and versatile resting place that adapts to the seasons with the Swisspet Denim Dog Bed & Cat Bed.

    Out of stock

    CHF 35.00

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