
Trixie Trixie - Fellpflege Handschuh, Mesh Material/TPR, 16 × 24 cm, pink/s
Trixie Fellpflege-Handschuh, 16×24 cm, Mesh-Material/TPR, Pink/S – Sanfte Pflege für sensible Tiere Der Trixie Fellpflege-Handschuh in Pink/S überzeugt durch seine Vielseitigkeit und seine sanfte Wirkung, die ihn besonders für sensible Tiere geeignet macht. Dank des atmungsaktiven Mesh-Materials und der TPR-Verarbeitung bietet der Handschuh eine effektive und komfortable Pflege für das Fell deines Lieblings. Produktvorteile: Für sensible Tiere: Besonders sanft und angenehm bei der Fellpflege. Fördert die Gesundheit: Regt die Durchblutung der Haut an und trägt zu einem glänzenden Fell bei. Effizient: Entfernt lose Haare mühelos und sorgt für Sauberkeit. Einfache Handhabung: Mit einem praktischen Klettverschluss für sicheren Sitz. Hochwertige Materialien: Atmungsaktives Mesh-Material und TPR sorgen für Langlebigkeit und Komfort. Hinweis:Der Fellpflege-Handschuh eignet sich ideal für die regelmässige Pflege und ist ein unverzichtbares Accessoire für die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden deines Haustiers.
CHF 5.30
Trixie Trixie - Napf Viviana, Keramik, salbei
Trixie Napf Viviana – Stilvoller Keramiknapf in Salbei Der Trixie Napf Viviana vereint stilvolles Design mit hoher Funktionalität. Hergestellt aus hochwertiger Keramik, bietet er eine langlebige und hygienische Lösung für Futter oder Wasser. Die glatte Oberfläche erleichtert die Reinigung und sorgt dafür, dass Futterreste nicht haften bleiben. Dank seines schweren Eigengewichts steht der Napf besonders stabil und verrutscht nicht so leicht, selbst bei eifrigen Fressern. Das dezente Salbei-Grün verleiht dem Napf eine elegante Optik und fügt sich harmonisch in jedes Zuhause ein. Erhältlich in drei verschiedenen Grössen, ist der Trixie Napf Viviana für kleine, mittelgrosse und grosse Haustiere geeignet. Produktmerkmale: Hochwertige Keramik – langlebig, robust und hygienisch Schwer & stabil – verhindert Verrutschen beim Fressen oder Trinken Glasierte Oberfläche – leicht zu reinigen und besonders pflegeleicht Elegantes Design – stilvolles Salbei-Grün für eine moderne Optik Vielseitig nutzbar – für Wasser, Trocken- oder Nassfutter geeignet Verfügbare Grössen: 0,3 l / ø 12 cm – ideal für kleine Hunde oder Katzen 0,8 l / ø 16 cm – perfekt für mittelgrosse Haustiere 1,4 l / ø 20 cm – optimal für grosse Hunde Verfügbare Farben: Salbei Pflegehinweise: Spülmaschinengeeignet für eine besonders einfache Reinigung Kratzfest & langlebig für langanhaltenden Gebrauch
CHF 5.30
Trixie Trixie - Napfunterlage, Vinyl, transparent
Trixie Napfunterlage Vinyl – Schutz & Sauberkeit für den Futterplatz Die Trixie Napfunterlage aus Vinyl schützt Ihren Boden zuverlässig vor Futter- und Wasserspritzern und sorgt für einen sauberen Futterplatz. Dank des transparenten Designs fügt sie sich unauffällig in jedes Wohnambiente ein. Das Material aus hochwertigem PVC ist besonders pflegeleicht und lässt sich mühelos reinigen. Die Unterlage ist rutschfest, sodass Näpfe sicher an ihrem Platz bleiben und nicht verrutschen. Mit einer Grösse von 48×30cm eignet sie sich ideal für kleine bis mittelgrosse Futternäpfe. Produktmerkmale: Transparentes Design – unauffällig und dezent für jedes Zuhause Hochwertiges PVC – langlebig und pflegeleicht Rutschfest – sorgt für stabilen Halt der Näpfe Grösse: 48×30cm – passend für kleine bis mittelgrosse Näpfe Pflegehinweise: Leicht zu reinigen – einfach mit einem feuchten Tuch abwischen Wasserabweisend – schützt den Boden zuverlässig vor Verschmutzung
CHF 5.30
Trixie Trixie - Reisenapf, Silikon, faltbar, assortiert
Trixie Reisenapf – Faltbarer Silikonnapf für Unterwegs Der Trixie Reisenapf ist die perfekte Lösung für unterwegs! Ob auf Reisen, beim Wandern oder während eines Tagesausflugs – dieser faltbare Napf aus hochwertigem TPE (Thermoplastisches Elastomer) bietet eine praktische, platzsparende und flexible Möglichkeit, Ihrem Haustier Wasser oder Futter bereitzustellen. Dank des leichten und kompakten Designs lässt sich der Napf mühelos in Taschen oder Rucksäcken verstauen. Er ist robust, langlebig und einfach zu reinigen, ideal für aktive Hundebesitzer, die viel unterwegs sind. Produktmerkmale: Platzsparend & faltbar – ideal für Reisen, Ausflüge und Outdoor-Aktivitäten Flexibles Material – aus hochwertigem, langlebigem TPE (Silikon) Leicht & kompakt – passt problemlos in Taschen oder Rucksäcke Einfache Reinigung – hygienisch & leicht abwaschbar Vielseitig einsetzbar – für Wasser und Futter geeignet Verfügbare Grössen: ø 11 cm / 0,25 l – ideal für kleine Hunde oder Katzen, Nager ø 14 cm / 0,5 l – perfekt für mittelgrosse Hunde ø 18 cm / 1 l – für grössere Hunde geeignet ø 22 cm / 2 l – ideal für sehr grosse Hunde oder längere Ausflüge Verfügbare Farben: Schwarz Rot Pflegehinweise: Leicht zu reinigen – einfach mit Wasser und mildem Reinigungsmittel abwaschbar Trocknen lassen & zusammenfalten für platzsparende Aufbewahrung
CHF 3.20
Sanal Sanal - Cat Cheese Bites 75g
Sanal - Cat Cheese Bites 75g Verwöhnen Sie Ihre Katze mit den leckeren Sanal Cat Cheese Bites! Diese knusprigen Kissen mit einer weichen cremigen Käsefüllung sind der perfekte Snack für Ihre Katze. Sie enthalten Taurin, das die Augen und das Herz Ihrer Katze unterstützt, sowie wichtige Vitamine A, D3 und E, die zur Förderung der Gesundheit und Vitalität beitragen. Die praktische, wieder verschliessbare Verpackung sorgt dafür, dass der Snack immer frisch bleibt – ideal für die tägliche Belohnung oder als Zwischenmahlzeit. Produktvorteile Knusprige Kissen mit weicher Käsefüllung Taurin unterstützt Augen und Herz Mit den Vitaminen A, D3 und E für die Gesundheit Praktische, wieder verschliessbare Verpackung für Frische Ideal für den täglichen Genuss und als Belohnung
CHF 3.90
Terra Felis Terra Felis - Getreidefreies Katzennassfutter Pute
Terra Felis - Getreidefreies Katzennassfutter mit Pute Das getreidefreie Terra-Felis-Katzennassfutter mit Pute bietet eine ausgewogene und artgerechte Ernährung für Ihre Katze. Mit 90% Fleischanteil, darunter frisches Muskelfleisch und hochwertige Innereien, liefert es essentielle Omega-6-Fettsäuren und wertvolles tierisches Protein, das für die Energieversorgung und den Stoffwechsel der Katze unverzichtbar ist. Die Rezeptur wird durch Brokkoli, Katzenminze und Rapsöl ergänzt, um die Verdauung zu fördern und die Versorgung mit Omega-3-Fettsäuren sicherzustellen. Terra Felis verwendet ausschliesslich Rohstoffe in 100% Lebensmittelqualität, wodurch das Futter nicht nur gesund, sondern auch schmackhaft und leicht verdaulich ist. Warum Terra Felis mit Pute? Hoher Fleischanteil: 90% Pute, inklusive Herz, Muskelfleisch und Leber, für eine natürliche und proteinreiche Ernährung. Getreidefrei: Optimal für Katzen mit Getreideunverträglichkeiten oder empfindlichem Magen. Natürliche Zutaten: 100% Lebensmittelqualität für höchste Frische und Qualität. Mit Taurin: Unterstützt die Gesundheit von Herz und Augen Ihrer Katze. Pute als Proteinquelle: Schmackhaft, leicht verdaulich und ideal für sensible Katzen. Zusammensetzung: Putenherz (49%) Putenleber (17%) Putenhaut (14%) Muskelfleisch von der Pute (10%) Brokkoli (4%) Tomatenpulver Rapsöl Katzenminze* (*getrocknet) Ernährungsphysiologische Zusatzstoffe/kg: Vitamin A (3a672a): 1000 IE Vitamin D3 (3a671): 200 IE Vitamin E (3a700): 60 IE Kupfer (3b405): 2,5 mg Mangan (3b502): 2,5 mg Jod (3b202): 1 mg Zink (3b603): 16 mg Taurin (3a370): 2750 mg Verhältnis: Fleisch : Gemüse/Obst/Kräuter : übrige Rohstoffe = 90 : 5 : 5 Analytische Bestandteile: Protein: 11,9 % Fettgehalt: 6,4 % Rohfaser: 0,3 % Rohasche: 1,5 % Feuchtigkeit: 79,2 % Fütterungsempfehlung: Erwachsene, normalgewichtige Katze ~60 g/kg Körpergewicht/TagBeispiel: 4 kg Katze ~240 g/Tag Vorteile für Ihre Katze Artgerechte Ernährung: Perfekt abgestimmt auf die Bedürfnisse von Fleischfressern. Hohe Akzeptanz: Dank frischer, natürlicher Zutaten und leckerem Geschmack. Gesundheit & Vitalität: Unterstützt durch Vitamine, Taurin und gesunde Fettsäuren. Gönnen Sie Ihrer Katze mit Terra Felis Kaninchen eine Mahlzeit, die in Geschmack und Nährstoffqualität unübertroffen ist!
CHF 2.20
Sanilu Clean – Cleaning products for small animal enclosures
Thanks to the optimized formula, Sanilu Clean reliably and quickly removes stubborn lime and urine scale deposits in small animal housing. As bubbles form, Sanilu Clean shows where the deposits are or are still present. After a short exposure time, the deposit can be easily removed. This makes cleaning your rodent enclosure child's play and your small animal home will shine in new splendor again. Swiss made Without fragrances Miscible with water in any ratio Short exposure time No long scrubbing Apply evenly to the dirty area. Leave to act until the solution no longer foams. Then brush through with a brush until there are no more bubbles. Then rinse thoroughly with water. If there are still urine scale deposits, let it dry and repeat the process. Check the surface for suitability and compatibility before using the product. Protect the product from frost and temperatures above 35 degrees. Important instructions: Only use on intact, acid-resistant materials. After the descaling process, rinse thoroughly with cold tap water. Always use Sanilu Clean cold. Before using Sanilu Clean, read the warnings on the product label. Do not use in combination with other cleaning products. Keep out of reach of children. water, < 10% hydrochloric acid, auxiliary agents and dyes About Sanilu: Sanilu Clean has been the Swiss quality company since 2017, specializing in urine and limestone deposits in small animal housing. Sanilu Clean proudly bears the designation Swiss Made. Sanilu Clean, the cleaning agent against urine and limestone deposits, was developed with a lot of time and passion. Animals enrich our lives every day. It is a special bond that connects us. Sanilu Clean's mission is to do everything possible to make the small animal and the owner happier. A clean small animal enclosure not only makes the small animal happy, but also the owner has reason to be happy because it is very easy to use.
CHF 19.95
Swisspet Comfort Line slicker brushes
Ergonomically curved slicker brushes with high-low pins for thorough fur cleaning; including cleaning comb. Comfort Line: With dynamic, ergonomic soft handle made of silicone for even more comfortable grooming. By regularly grooming your pet's fur with swisspet care products, you can minimize tangles in your pet's fur and thus prevent possible skin irritations. In addition to the health-promoting effect, frequent grooming also creates a deeper relationship with your pet. Combined with grooming, you always know the condition of your pet. Your pet will thank you!
CHF 12.50
Swisspet tunnel
Tunnel D=32cm/L=35cm gray. Element for scratching posts.
CHF 42.00
Swisspet Rustling tunnel XXL leopard pattern
swisspet cat toy. Rustling tunnel XXL, leopard pattern. The extra large rustling tunnel made of plush, with a leopard pattern on the outside and beige nylon on the inside, is suitable for indoor and outdoor use and is foldable. It offers one or more cats optimal playing fun! The sewn-in rustling foil and the toy ball encourage your cat to play again and again. The rustling tunnel is made of high-quality nylon and can be expanded with additional tunnels for even more fun. Size ø35x89cm.
CHF 44.50
Swisspet Cushion for wicker basket
The swisspet cushion for wicker basket is a cozy and well-padded plush cushion. It is beige with a printed black paw motif. The cushion is available in six sizes and fits all swisspet wicker baskets, but it can also be used universally.
CHF 12.90
Swisspet Ovalo wicker basket with cushions
Oval (dark) wicker baskets with braided rim; Cushion made of soft plush. Washable at 30°C. 58x42x10/17cm 74x56x13/23cm 92x72x15/23cm
CHF 69.00
Swisspet Cat toy Smile Light Ball
The swisspet Smile Light Ball lights up after impact and always welcomes you with a smile. The floating core is buoyant so that the smile is always visible at the top. Supervise your animal while playing.
CHF 6.90
Ferplast Jolly dog mat
The Ferplast dog mat or cat mat Jolly is a universally applicable mat. It is very stable and made of water-repellent and scratch-resistant material. It also insulates and offers ideal protection against moisture. It's black, so you don't see dirt quickly. If it does need cleaning, it can be washed at 30°C. All of this makes the Jolly dog mat the ideal cushion for transport boxes, car boxes or dog houses. The Ferplast Mat Jolly is available in different sizes. This means there is a suitable mat for every dog size and dog breed.Ferplast Mat Jolly 60: 60x40cmFerplast Mat Jolly 65: 65x50cm Ferplast Mat Jolly 85: 85x50cmFerplast Mat Jolly 100: 100x65cm
CHF 29.50
Swisspet Soft slicker brushes
It is equipped with extra soft and flexible metal bristles. Straight bristles on the front and curved bristles on the back. For gently removing dust, dirt, loose hair and undercoat. By regularly grooming your pet's fur, you can minimize matting and thus prevent possible skin irritations. In addition to the health benefits, frequent grooming also creates a deeper relationship with your pet. Combined with grooming, you always know the condition of your pet and we thank you for it. This includes a practical cleaning comb. The 20cm long soft slicker brush is available in 2 widths: 9.5cm and 4.3cm.
CHF 16.95
Swisspet TrimmFit replacement handle
swisspet TrimmFit replacement handle, blue
CHF 14.90
Swisspet TrimFit trimmer
A dog needs a lot of time and long-haired breeds in particular also need a lot of care. This is a new development in the field of fur care. Up to 90% less loose hair with just 1-2 treatments! Quicker than you think, your pet's undercoat can become a dense tangle of loose hair. This dead hair is the main cause of shedding. The TrimmFit is designed to grab and remove this undercoat - it does not trim - it grabs and removes the loose hair and loose undercoat from the coat without damaging the top coat or removing healthy hair. Trimfit are equipped with a replaceable blade. Grabs loose hair and undercoat without damaging the top hair and without removing healthy hair. Available in 2 sizes: 50 and 76mm wide and 4 colors: blue, ruby red, orange and green.
CHF 22.95
Swisspet Comfor Line TrimmFit trimmer
for grabbing and removing the undercoat and loose hair. Comfort Line: With dynamic, ergonomic soft handle made of silicone for even more comfortable grooming. By regularly grooming your pet's fur with swisspet care products, you can minimize tangles in your pet's fur and thus prevent possible skin irritations. In addition to the health-promoting effect, frequent grooming also creates a deeper relationship with your pet. Combined with grooming, you always know the condition of your pet. Your pet will thank you!
CHF 29.90
Pet Safe Installation adapter
Pet Safe installation adapter white
CHF 28.50
Staywell Pet Safe cat door No. 917 4-way
Pet Safe cat door No. 917, 4-wayWith 4-way lock and transparent, fixed flap. For walls up to 6cm thick: 22.4 x 22.4cm, cutout for wood: 16.9 x 16.9cm, cutout for glass: 21cm, color: white, maximum Shoulder width of the animal: 16.2cmCat door with 4-way lock. Fixed, transparent flap with removable, 6cm long tunnel. Spare parts can be purchased separately become. i.e.: 1) Entry only 2) Exit only 3) Door is completely locked 4) Free entry and exit
CHF 64.45
Staywell Pet Safe cat door No. 932 4-way
Pet Safe cat door No. 932, 4-way cat flap for cats up to 7kg body weight and max. shoulder width up to 16.2cm. With 4-way closure and magnetic operation.The practical Pet Safe 932 cat flap is suitable for medium-sized cats and is designed so that strays have to stay outside.You can install the Pet Safe 932 in doors, windows or walls. The cat flap also has a transparent rigid flap. Thanks to the magnetic operation, stray cats have no chance of getting into your house to get. Your cat will come with the magnetic collar key Access to your home is granted at any time. Additionally, this offers 4-way lock various setting options for the "in and out".The 4-way closure can be used as just pure just get out in or out : 22.4 x 22.4cm, cutout dimensions: 16.9 x 16.9cm, cutout dimension in the glass ø210mm, for maximum shoulder width: 16.2cm, cat flap opening: 13.4 x 16.2cm : only yours has magnetic keys cat access; for cats up to 7kg body weight; with transparent, rigid flap; Includes tunnel (6 cm) for hollow/thick doors, windows or Walls; different settings possible; 1 magnet included; Spare parts can be purchased separately.
CHF 84.95
SureFlap XXL cat door brown
SureFlap XXL cat door, brownSureFlap recognizes cats by their unique microchip. She opens is only for your pet and prevents strays or cats come into the house from the neighborhood. Detects the existing one Animal microchip (no collar required), compatible with all common microchip formats, stores up to 32 microchip numbers, Works with 4 x AA batteries for up to 12 months, 2 pieces for Easy installation, fits doors up to 6cm thick without accessories. The Cat flap can also be installed in glass - 3mm to 6cm thick – A mounting adapter is necessary for all glass installations. For not The RFID collar tag can be used for chipped animals.
CHF 265.00
SureFlap Cat door
SureFlap cat door, whiteThe SureFlap cat door from Sure is a revolutionary, battery-operated cat flap that reads your cat's chip and as uses electronic key. The animal chip is a tiny one Glass tube with a microchip that has a unique Contains identification number. This chip will be sent to your animal Shoulder implanted. You should not microchip your cat If you want to have it implanted, you can use the SureFlap microchip You can also use the cat flap with an RFID collar tag. This Collar tags can be purchased separately and are not included The cat door is included in delivery. With just the push of a button, the SureFlap stores your cat's chip number. It is possible to program up to 32 different chip numbers. Once saved, the SureFlap cat flap only opens for you Cat; Strays or other unwanted visitors can no longer enter Invade your apartment. The special design of the frame also allows Strange cats don't stand a chance because the flap is opened by force Claw use is not possible. The antenna that reads the chip is located in the tunnel, so that an exceptional reach is given. Even if the chip If the cat should move if necessary, this will still be the case recognized easily. The cat flap with chip opens within one Fractions of seconds and closes automatically within one second after your cat has passed through the tunnel. Additionally owns the SureFlap microchip cat flap has a manual 4-way closure, which disables the automatic shutter and simply without it Effort is required. The SureFlap from Sure Petcare is easy to install. Due to its dimensions, this flap fits into many prefabricated holes in other cat flaps. An optional mounting adapter for glass panes, consisting of 2 Parts, serves as a fitting piece and can be used for installation in Glass windows must be purchased separately; furthermore is suitable This fitting is also good for covering larger holes. Accurate Instructions for installation can be found in the instructions. The SureFlap cat flap can be easily installed in any type of area Install doors. For doors that contain a metal plate, Please follow the installation instructions in the manual, as metal may cause damage The reading area of the cat flap can be reduced. If correct However, this does not play any role in the installation. Specific instructions for installation in doors with metal layers or cores can be found in Manual. It is also recommended to use the mounting adapter for this Use glass panes. Dimensions: Total dimensions: W 21 x H 21 cm, Passage size: W 14 x H 12 cm, tunnel depth: 7 cm. Required Cutout size: W 16.5 x H 17.1 cm
CHF 179.00
Ferplast Cat Door Swing Microchips
Ferplast Cat Door Swing MicrochipsCat flap with microchip opening. Innovative Reading system of implanted microchips for door opening. Universal Suitable for wooden and glass doors or walls. Complete with Direction indicators and 4-way locking system. Innovative wind stopper - System protects against drafts.Collar with microchip included. Easy to clean with a dry and soft cloth.: 22.5 x 16.2 xh 25.2cm The cat door Swing Microchip can store up to 32 standard microchips. (ISO) The Code is saved by pressing the memory button. Thanks to a new, The cat door can be used by the implanted cat door with a special receiving unit ISO11784 microchip recognizes your cat and allows the door to close open. Battery operated, with low power indicator. IN/OUT continuity indicator.The new Swing-Microchip cat flap has one special antenna that reads and recognizes your cat's microchip, like this that the door will be unlocked when your pet approaches. The Saving the microchip code is quick and easy: Approach your Cat the door from the outside and press the appropriate one Memory button to save the code.Swing Microchip can be installed on wooden and glass doors or in walls become. This new model, like the others, has swing doors Windstopper system and the special 4-way opening system: You can decide whether to let your cat in and out only want to go in, only go out, or lock the door completely. This cat flap also has a practical Continuity indicator: A small plastic flag shows you whether your Pet is indoors or outdoors. The swing microchip is Battery operated and has a low battery indicator. At When the battery is changed, the stored data remains a matter of course completely preserved. If your cat does not have an implanted microchip you can use the included collar with an integrated chip use. For cleaning, it is enough to open the door from time to time Wipe with a soft, dry cloth and the sensors inside Inside the tunnel to the right and left of the door.
CHF 199.00