

21 products

  • Trixie - Napf, Keramik, div. Farben Trixie - Napf, Keramik, div. Farben

    Trixie Trixie - Napf, Keramik, div. Farben

    61 in stock

    Trixie Keramiknapf – Robuster & Stilvoller Fressnapf in Verschiedenen Farben Der Trixie Keramiknapf ist die perfekte Wahl für Haustierbesitzer, die einen hygienischen, langlebigen und stilvollen Fressnapf suchen. Gefertigt aus hochwertiger Keramik, überzeugt dieser Napf mit seiner kratzfesten und glasierten Oberfläche, die sich leicht reinigen lässt und Futterreste nicht haften bleiben. Dank seines schweren Eigengewichts bietet der Napf einen stabilen Stand und verhindert ein Verrutschen während des Fressens oder Trinkens. Die klassische Optik in verschiedenen Farben passt sich harmonisch an jede Umgebung an. Erhältlich in vier verschiedenen Grössen, ist der Trixie Keramiknapf für kleine, mittelgrosse und grosse Haustiere bestens geeignet. Produktmerkmale: Hochwertige Keramik – langlebig, robust und hygienisch Schwer & stabil – verhindert Verrutschen beim Fressen oder Trinken Glasierte Oberfläche – leicht zu reinigen und besonders pflegeleicht Vielseitig nutzbar – für Wasser, Trocken- oder Nassfutter geeignet Erhältlich in verschiedenen Farben – stilvolle Auswahl passend zu jeder Einrichtung Verfügbare Grössen: 0,25 l / ø 15 cm – ideal für kleine Hunde oder Katzen 0,4 l / ø 13 cm – perfekt für mittelgrosse Haustiere 0,9 l / ø 16 cm – optimal für grössere Haustiere 1,6 l / ø 20 cm – ideal für grosse Hunde Verfügbare Farben: Blau Braun Schwarz Pflegehinweise: Spülmaschinengeeignet für eine einfache Reinigung Kratzfest & langlebig für langanhaltenden Gebrauch

    61 in stock

    CHF 7.50

  • Trixie - Bett Marley, eckig, hellbraun Trixie - Bett Marley, eckig, hellbraun

    Trixie Trixie - Bett Marley, eckig, hellbraun

    15 in stock

    Trixie - Bett Marley Das Trixie Bett Marley aus der HOME Edition bietet eine perfekte Kombination aus Komfort und Stil für Ihr Haustier. Es ist ideal für Hunde und Katzen, die einen gemütlichen Platz zum Entspannen suchen. Material: Bezug: Hergestellt aus Canvas mit einem gerafften Baumwoll-Bezug, der robust und angenehm ist. Füllung: Aus Polyestervlies, das für eine bequeme Polsterung sorgt. Design: Fest integriertes Kissen: Das Bett enthält ein fest integriertes Kissen, das zusätzlichen Komfort bietet. Boden: Der rutschfeste Boden verhindert, dass das Bett verrutscht, wenn Ihr Haustier sich darin bewegt. Grössenoptionen: 60 × 50cm 80 × 60cm 100 × 70cm Farbe: Hellbraun Das Trixie Bett Marley ist die ideale Wahl für Haustiere, die einen stilvollen und bequemen Rückzugsort in Ihrem Zuhause suchen!

    15 in stock

    CHF 53.50

  • Dharma Karma - DDKC Katzenkorb mit Griffen, div. Farben Dharma Karma - DDKC Katzenkorb mit Griffen, div. Farben

    Dharma Karma Dharma Karma - DDKC Katzenkorb mit Griffen, div. Farben

    7 in stock

    Dharma Karma - DDKC Katzenkorb mit Griffen, div. Farben Der Dharma Karma DDKC Katzenkorb bietet Ihrem Haustier einen komfortablen, temperaturregulierenden Rückzugsort aus 100% lanolinreicher Wolle. Diese Wolle pflegt das Fell und hält es geschmeidig. Der Korb ist nicht nur ein gemütlicher Ruheplatz, sondern auch ein idealer Spielbereich für Ihre Katze oder kleine Hunde. Dank der praktischen seitlichen Griffe lässt sich der Korb einfach transportieren, sodass Ihr Haustier seinen Lieblingsplatz überall geniessen kann. Produktmerkmale: Material: 100% lanolinreiche Wolle – für eine natürliche Fellpflege und Temperaturregulierung. Vielseitig: Perfekt als Ruhe- und Spielplatz für Ihr Haustier, geeignet für Katzen und kleine Hunde. Grössenoptionen: S: 36x36x10cm – Ideal für Katzen und kleine Hunde. M: 50x50x15cm – Für grössere Haustiere bis 12kg oder kleine Tiergruppen. Farbauswahl: Hellbraun Weiss Schwarz Braun Lila Hellblau Navy Vorteile: Komfort & Pflege: Die lanolinreiche Wolle sorgt für ein angenehmes Gefühl und pflegt das Fell Ihres Haustiers. Praktisch & Mobil: Dank der seitlichen Griffe lässt sich der Korb einfach bewegen und überall verwenden. Stilvolle Farben: Wählen Sie aus einer Reihe von Farben, die zu Ihrem Zuhause passen.

    7 in stock

    CHF 77.80

  • Jack and Vanilla - JV Bon Appetit Bambusnapf rutschfest, div. Farben Jack and Vanilla - JV Bon Appetit Bambusnapf rutschfest, div. Farben

    Jack and Vanilla Jack and Vanilla - JV Bon Appetit Bambusnapf rutschfest, div. Farben

    Out of stock

    Jack and Vanilla - JV Bon Appetit Bambusnapf rutschfest Der Jack and Vanilla JV Bon Appetit Bambusnapf ist die perfekte Wahl für Haustierbesitzer, die Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit, Stil und Funktionalität legen. Dieser rutschfeste Napf aus hochwertigem Bambus sorgt dafür, dass Ihr Haustier seine Mahlzeiten in aller Ruhe geniessen kann, ohne dass der Napf wegrutscht. Mit seiner robusten Konstruktion und modernen Optik ist der Napf ideal für Hunde, Katzen und andere Haustiere. Produktvorteile: Rutschfeste Unterseite: Der Napf bleibt sicher an seinem Platz, selbst wenn Ihr Haustier während des Fressens aktiv wird. Nachhaltiges Bambusmaterial: Hergestellt aus natürlichem Bambus, einem umweltfreundlichen und strapazierfähigen Material. Pflegeleicht: Der Napf ist leicht zu reinigen und behält seine Form sowie Farbe auch bei regelmässigem Gebrauch. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Perfekt für Futter oder Wasser, geeignet für Haustiere aller Grössen. Grösse: ø12 cm | 350 ml: Ideal für kleine Hunde und Katzen. Farboptionen: Beige Blau Braun

    Out of stock

    CHF 5.60

  • XXL Katzentüre - Purrfect Pets™ XXL Katzentüre - Purrfect Pets™

    SureFlap XXL cat door brown

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    SureFlap XXL cat door, brownSureFlap recognizes cats by their unique microchip. She opens is only for your pet and prevents strays or cats come into the house from the neighborhood. Detects the existing one Animal microchip (no collar required), compatible with all common microchip formats, stores up to 32 microchip numbers, Works with 4 x AA batteries for up to 12 months, 2 pieces for Easy installation, fits doors up to 6cm thick without accessories. The Cat flap can also be installed in glass - 3mm to 6cm thick – A mounting adapter is necessary for all glass installations. For not The RFID collar tag can be used for chipped animals.

    Out of stock

    CHF 265.00

  • Katzenangel Brasilia Spielzeug - Purrfect Pets™ Katzenangel Brasilia Spielzeug - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Cat fishing rod Brasilia toy brown

    370 in stock

    Cat toy Brasilia. Cat fishing rod made from a long plastic rod with a length of 90cm and different colored feathers on a string. Anything that moves stimulates your cat's hunting instinct. Catch your cat's attention with new things all the time interesting cat games. Cats love searching and finding more than anything and always motivates you to have new gaming experiences. The nice one swisspet cat fishing rod Brasilia is ideal for this Interaction with your loved one. Playing greatly promotes bonding between humans and animals.

    370 in stock

    CHF 8.50

  • Hunde- & Katzenhöhle Mia div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenhöhle Mia div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat cave Mia

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    Small dogs and cats love hiding places and places to retreat. The elegant Mia dog and cat sleeping cave fits into any living room and will appeal to your four-legged friend. Inner base (not removable) is filled for a soft lie. Tip: Place an additional cozy blanket in the cave so that your animal quickly gets used to it and immediately makes it his favorite place.

    Out of stock

    CHF 69.00

  • Hunde- & Katzenhöhle Cedro div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenhöhle Cedro div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Cedro Cave

    411 in stock

    swisspet cave Cedro, giraffe

    411 in stock

    CHF 39.00

  • Hunde- & Katzendonut Kessy div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzendonut Kessy div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat donut Kessy

    125 in stock

    The dog and cat donut Kessy from swisspet is a particularly cozy bed for your cat or dog thanks to the long-haired plush. There is an anti-slip material on the bottom to prevent the bed from slipping. The donut is also washable at 30°C. Diameter: 50cm Height: 20cm

    125 in stock

    CHF 39.90

  • Soft Katzenbett Pfote div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Soft Katzenbett Pfote div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Soft cat bed paw

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    swisspet soft cat bed paw, blue/greyWith the versatile swisspet cat bed “paw” your cat take a break and recover. Because our cat bed comes with it Equipped with four snap fasteners, it can be used as a bed or blanket be used. The soft cuddly bed can be washed at 30°C and is easy to clean. It can also be a whole day for your cat can sometimes be tiring and tiring, which is why we recommend ours swisspet soft cat bed “paw” where your cat can breathe deeply and relax can relax. The cat bed is available in five colors.

    Out of stock

    CHF 29.90

  • Bett Richmond div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Bett Richmond div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Bed Richmond

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    Dog & Cat bed RichmondThe dog & The Richmond cat bed from swisspet consists of a basket made of high-quality imitation leather, which is shaped like a bone. The shape and material give the bed a chic look, so that it fits perfectly into your office or household. The accompanying soft cushion is particularly comfortable thanks to its structure, which means that your darling can also use the dog & Cat lounger will love.The cushion is washable at 30°C.The dog & Cat bed is available in black and brown. Size: 55x38x14 cm

    Out of stock

    CHF 49.90

  • Bett Lounge div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Bett Lounge div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Brown lounge bed

    123 in stock

    swisspet bed lounge, brownThe dog & Cat bed lounge impresses with its simple yet chic look. The basket is made of high-quality imitation leather, which is in the Colors brown and black are available. Inside there is a beige soft pillow, due to its material it is particularly soft, which makes it very popular with dogs and cats. The cushion is removable and can be washed at 30°C.

    123 in stock

    CHF 49.90

  • Liegedonut Sano - Purrfect Pets™ Liegedonut Sano - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Liegedonut Sano

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    Swisspet Liegedonut Sano – Gemütlicher Rundumschlafplatz Der Swisspet Liegedonut Sano ist der ideale Ort für gemütliches Anschmiegen und entspanntes Ausruhen. Die runde Form des Hundebetts schafft ein Gefühl der Geborgenheit, das Hunde und Katzen gleichermassen lieben werden. Das Bettchen ist mit weichem Soft-Plüsch bezogen, um einen besonders hohen Kuschelfaktor zu bieten. Mit ausreichender Füllung ist der Sano Donut nicht nur gemütlich, sondern auch gesund für Knochen und Gelenke. Er ist in den Farben Grau und Braun erhältlich und kann bei Bedarf einfach bei 30°C gewaschen werden. Grösse: 45x45x25cm Farben: Braun Weiss Gönnen Sie Ihrem Haustier den Luxus des Swisspet Liegedonuts Sano für entspannte und kuschelige Momente.

    Out of stock

    CHF 39.95

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Leoni div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Leoni div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed Leoni various colors

    470 in stock

    Swisspet dog and cat bed Leoni – stylish comfort for your pet The Swisspet Leoni dog and cat bed combines comfort and style to offer your pet a luxurious place to sleep. Available in three different sizes, this bed is perfect for small to medium sized dogs and cats. The outer faux leather with edge gives the bed an elegant look, while the inner plush material offers maximum comfort. Characteristics: Material: The bed is made of high-quality faux leather on the outside with a border and soft plush on the inside. Reversible Pillows: Included are reversible faux leather and plush pillows so you can change the look of the bed as you wish. Anti-slip bottom: The bed bottom is equipped with anti-slip to prevent slipping and ensure your pet's safety. Washable: The entire bed can be washed at 30°C for easy cleaning. Sizes: S: 45x40x20cm M: 55x50x21cm L: 65x60x22cm Colors: Light brown Brown Black Add a touch of style and maximum comfort to your pet's sleeping space with the Swisspet Leoni dog and cat bed.

    470 in stock

    CHF 49.00

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Vino div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Vino div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed Vino various colors

    367 in stock

    Swisspet dog and cat bed Vino – stylish comfort for your pets The Vino dog and cat bed from Swisspet offers design-conscious dog owners a simple yet elegant design. Made from high-quality imitation linen, the bed is available in brown and blue, which means it can be effortlessly integrated into any interior. Characteristics: Material: imitation linen Colors: brown, blue Reversible cushion: plush or imitation linen Anti-slip bottom: ensures a secure grip, even on smooth surfaces Care: Washable at 30 degrees Sizes: S: 45x40x19cm M: 55x50x20cm L: 65x60x21cm Give your pet a stylish and cozy resting place with the Swisspet Vino dog and cat bed that meets both your and your animal companion's needs.

    367 in stock

    CHF 49.00

  • Geschirr, Leine Classic Plain div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Geschirr, Leine Classic Plain div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    RedDingo Harness, leash Classic Plain various colors

    24 in stock

    RedDingo Harness & Leash Plain - Stylish and durable RedDingo's Plain harnesses and leashes are specifically designed for adult cats and are available in various colors and patterns. All cat collars are equipped with the secure fish clip closure, which opens at a load of 2kg to prevent entanglement. Characteristics: Fabric: Finely woven nylon for a comfortable surface, tightly woven edges for less wear. Design band: Special weaving technique for low-wear band, high-gloss thread for intense colors. Fish clip closure: Fashionable closure that opens with a load of 2kg. Size harness: width 12mm, neck 21-35cm, chest circumference 27-48cm Size leash: 12mm x 120cm Give your cat a safe and fashionable look with the stylish and durable RedDingo Harness & Leash Plain.

    24 in stock

    CHF 19.90

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Überzug Cota28 div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Überzug Cota28 div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed cover Cota28 various colors

    1456 in stock

    Swisspet dog & cat bed cover, Cota28 - versatile comfort in three colors The Swisspet dog and cat bed cover Cota28 not only offers a comfortable place to sleep for your pet, but also the opportunity to design the look of the bed according to your wishes. The cover is available in the three popular colors turquoise, brown and copper red and can be filled with the separately available white filling material. Characteristics: Variety of colors: Choose between the colors turquoise, brown and copper red to adapt the cover to your interior or to vary it regularly. Air-permeable mesh: The cover is particularly suitable for changeable seasons such as spring and autumn. The air-permeable mesh provides sufficient ventilation on warm days, while at the same time being easy to care for and low-knit. Reversible pillow with plush: The reversible pillow offers cozy plush on one side for warmth on cooler days and air-permeable mesh on the other side for warm days. Versatile sizes: The bed is available in four different sizes to suit your pet's individual needs. The Swisspet dog and cat bed cover Cota28 allows you to regularly change your four-legged friend's sleeping place and adapt it to different seasons. The cozy and soft bed not only offers a cozy place to retreat, but also the opportunity to vary the color of the sleeping environment. Sizes: S: 50x40x15cm  M: 60x50x18cm  L: 80x60x20cm  XL: 120x80x34cm  Other color variants and designs: Nio28 coating: Black Blue petrol Pluo28 cover: Rotting Black petrol Cota28 cover: Turquoise Brown beige Please note that the filling material must be purchased separately.

    1456 in stock

    CHF 43.00

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Überzug Pluo28 div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Überzug Pluo28 div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed cover Pluo28 various colors

    313 in stock

    Swisspet dog & cat bed cover, Pluo28 - cozy warmth in three colors The Swisspet dog and cat bed cover Pluo28 not only offers a comfortable sleeping place for your pet, but also the opportunity to design the look of the bed according to your wishes. The cover is available in the three popular colors red, black and petrol and can be filled with the separately available white filling material. Characteristics: Variety of colors: Choose between the colors red, black and petrol to adapt the cover to your furnishings or to vary it regularly. Cozy plush fabric: The cover is particularly suitable for the cold winter season. The soft plush fabric on the inside of the bed and on one side of the pillow provides warmth and comfort. Stable and easy-care fabric: The outside of the bed and the other side of the reversible cushion are made of a sturdy and easy-care fabric. Versatile Size: The bed is available in four different sizes to suit your pet's individual needs. The Swisspet dog and cat bed cover Pluo28 allows you to regularly change your four-legged friend's sleeping place and adapt it to different seasons. The cozy and soft bed not only offers your pet a cozy place to retreat, but also the opportunity to vary the color of the sleeping environment. Sizes: S: 50x40x15cm M: 60x50x18cm L: 80x60x20cm XL: 120x80x34cm Other color variants and designs: Nio28 coating: Black Blue petrol Pluo28 cover: Rot Black petrol Cota28 cover: Turquoise Brown beige Please note that the filling material must be purchased separately.

    313 in stock

    CHF 32.00

  • Hunde- & Katzenbett Überzug Nio28 div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Hunde- & Katzenbett Überzug Nio28 div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Dog & cat bed cover Nio28 various colors

    1134 in stock

    Swisspet dog & cat bed cover, Nio28 - versatile comfort in three colors The Swisspet dog and cat bed cover Nio28 not only offers a comfortable place to sleep for your pet, but also the opportunity to design the look of the bed according to your wishes. The cover is available in the three popular colors black, blue and petrol and can be filled with the separate white filling material, which is also available. Characteristics: Variety of colors: Choose between the colors black, blue and petrol to adapt the cover to your furnishings or to vary it regularly. Breathable nylon: The cover is made of durable nylon, which is particularly suitable for hot summer. Nylon promotes good ventilation, moisture retention and provides a cooling effect. Versatile sizes: The bed is available in four different sizes to suit your pet's individual needs. The Swisspet Nio28 dog and cat bed cover allows you to regularly change your four-legged friend's sleeping place and adapt it to different seasons. Thanks to the breathable nylon and durable workmanship, the bed is also ideal for your pet's lively play attacks. Also discover the other color variants of the Pluo28 and Cota28 covers for even more choice. Sizes: S: 50x40x15cm M: 60x50x18cm L: 80x60x20cm XL: 120x80x34cm Other color variants and designs: Nio28 coating: Black Blue petrol Pluo28 cover: Rot Black petrol Cota28 cover: Turquoise Brown beige Please note that the filling material must be purchased separately.

    1134 in stock

    CHF 27.00

  • Bett Harris div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™ Bett Harris div. Farben - Purrfect Pets™

    Ferplast Bed Harris various colors

    Out of stock

    Ferplast Harris Bed – Luxurious relaxation for pets The Ferplast Harris bed combines elegant design with first-class comfort for dogs and cats. With gentle curves, padded side rails and a cozy cushion, it offers an inviting retreat for your furry companion to spend relaxing moments. The double-sided cushion with fabric and velvet side is easy to remove and washable. The lowered entrance at the front allows your pet easy access. The bed is made from durable tweed-effect fabric, decorated with elegant velvet and finished with a lovely decorative bow. Available in different sizes, it is particularly suitable for small and medium-sized animals, especially during colder seasons. The bed can be machine washed at a maximum of 30°C. Sizes: S: 50x35x15cm M: 64x48x17cm L: 81x55x20 cm Colors: beige Brown Give your pet a piece of luxury and a cozy place to rest and relax with the Ferplast Harris bed.

    Out of stock

    CHF 49.00

  • Katzenspielangel Butterfly - Purrfect Pets™ Katzenspielangel Butterfly - Purrfect Pets™

    Swisspet Cat toy rod Butterfly

    620 in stock

    Cat toy rod Butterfly: Interactive fun for your cat The Butterfly cat toy is the ideal toy to entertain your cat and encourage its natural hunting instincts. The fishing rod has a sturdy black plastic rod with a length of 90 cm. A tuft of feathers that is approximately 20 cm long is attached to the 95 cm long nylon cord. Characteristics: Stable plastic rod for safe play Interactive toy to encourage hunting instincts Long nylon cord for sufficient freedom of movement Colors: Red, Brown, Beige With the Butterfly cat toy rod you can keep your cat entertained in a playful way and enable him to spend his free time in a healthy and active way. The different color options allow you to choose the toy according to your taste and your cat's preferences.

    620 in stock

    CHF 7.90

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