(rodent) cage accessories

23 products

  • Sitz- und Ecksitzbretter - Purrfect Petsℱ Sitz- und Ecksitzbretter - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Seat & corner seat boards

    61 in stock

    The seat and corner boards made of fir wood are delivered with dismantled feet. The assembly is easy to handle and a welcome change in the rodent house for your rodents.

    61 in stock

    CHF 16.90

  • Swisspet Meerschweinchen- und KaninchenhĂ€user - Purrfect Petsℱ Swisspet Meerschweinchen- und KaninchenhĂ€user - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Guinea pig & rabbit houses

    105 in stock

    The plywood guinea pig and rabbit houses are great houses for your animals. Whether for sleeping or simply relaxing - your rodents will feel comfortable. The natural plywood is simple and beautiful. It is also safe, even if animals gnaw on it.

    105 in stock

    CHF 19.95

  • Nager-EckhĂ€user - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Rodent corner houses

    107 in stock

    Beautiful, simple wooden rodent house. Your rodent can hide there and build a nest. Available in two sizes. The house impresses with its simplicity. Natural wood with half logs complete the look. The natural wood is pleasant and safe for your animals, even if they gnaw on it.

    107 in stock

    CHF 29.90

  • NagerhĂ€user - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Rodent houses

    188 in stock

    These are Swiss quality products. The houses are available for hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits. Due to its shape, it can be placed in the corner of the cage to save space. There is plenty of space in the houses to hide, sleep or build a nest. The natural, simple material is harmless, even if animals gnaw on it.

    188 in stock

    CHF 16.50

  • Hamster-Penthouse - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Hamster Penthouse

    64 in stock

    The hamster penthouse is a great playful change for your hamster. The 2-story house, which is made of bark wood, has plenty of space for playing, building nests, hiding or sleeping. The rodents can reach the upper floor through the ladder. The natural wood looks great and is harmless, even if animals gnaw on it.

    64 in stock

    CHF 36.90

  • Hamster-Schiff - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Hamster ship

    263 in stock

    The hamster ship offers great playful opportunities for your hamster to be creative. The adventure ship is made of bark wood and offers plenty of space for playing, building nests, hiding or sleeping. The natural wood looks great and is harmless, even if animals gnaw on it.

    263 in stock

    CHF 38.50

  • Hamster Blockhaus - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Hamster log house

    40 in stock

    The hamster blockhouse is a wonderful opportunity for your hamster to keep himself occupied in a playful way. The two-story rodent house is made of bark wood. It not only provides hiding places but is also an eye-catcher and not only makes your rodent happy. The natural wood is very beautiful and harmless, even if animals gnaw on it.

    40 in stock

    CHF 15.90

  • Edelstahlnapf Eco - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Stainless steel bowl

    731 in stock

    Exclusive stainless steel bowl for hamsters and mice. The bowl has a beautifully curved edge. Stainless steel is resistant and indestructible. Also very hygienic and easy to care for. This is why the timeless stainless steel bowl is very popular.

    731 in stock

    CHF 7.50

  • KeramiknĂ€pfe Roby - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Roby ceramic bowls

    270 in stock

    The Roby ceramic bowl is ideal for your rodents. It is light brown on the outside with a red border and beige on the inside. It has funny hamster and food motifs printed on it. Ceramic is hygienic and easy to care for. Because it is timeless, it is very popular.

    270 in stock

    CHF 6.90

  • Keramiknapf fĂŒr alle Kleinnager und Vögel - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Ceramic bowl for all small rodents and birds

    2048 in stock

    Ceramic eating dishes for all small rodents and birds. Ceramic is hygienic and easy to care for. Because it is timeless, it is very popular.

    2048 in stock

    CHF 4.90

  • Kegel-Napf aus Keramik flach beige - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Cone bowl made of flat beige ceramic

    1946 in stock

    The beige, cone-shaped ceramic bowl is simple and very popular; is suitable for birds and rodents.

    1946 in stock

    CHF 4.90

  • KeramiknĂ€pfe fĂŒr Nager - Purrfect Petsℱ KeramiknĂ€pfe fĂŒr Nager - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Corner ceramic bowl

    1913 in stock

    Corner ceramic bowl Beige outside, blue inside. The square shape is particularly suitable for placing in a corner. This makes them space-saving. Ceramic is hygienic and easy to care for. Because it is timeless, it is very popular.

    1913 in stock

    CHF 6.90

  • Keramiknapf Hamstero - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Hamstero ceramic bowl

    1558 in stock

    Beautiful ceramic bowl for hamsters. It is white on the outside and white on the inside with a hamster motif. Ceramic is hygienic and easy to care for. Because it is timeless, it is very popular.

    1558 in stock

    CHF 5.90

  • Keramiknapf Flower div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Keramiknapf Flower div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Ceramic bowl Flower beige

    563 in stock

    Ceramic bowl Flower beige Ø=10x4.5cm

    563 in stock

    CHF 5.90

  • Keramiknapf Uno - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Ceramic bowl Uno

    640 in stock

    Beautiful, simple ceramic bowl for your rodents. It is dark blue on the outside and cream on the inside. Ceramic is hygienic and easy to care for. Because it is timeless, it is very popular.

    640 in stock

    CHF 7.50

  • WeidenbrĂŒcken Nager - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Willow Bridges

    1125 in stock

    The willow bridges are an ideal pastime for your rodents. Play and excitement promote creativity. You can enrich every cage with bridges made of willow. This means the animals can play and have more fun and stay healthy and in shape. The natural material is harmless, even if animals gnaw on it.

    1125 in stock

    CHF 4.50

  • Trinkflaschen aus Kunststoff - Purrfect Petsℱ Trinkflaschen aus Kunststoff - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Plastic drinking bottles

    1201 in stock

    The drinking bottles are made of plastic with a metal tube including a ball valve. They are suitable for rodents. The ball valve prevents annoying dripping. Note: Since the vacuum has to form first, a few drops are normal at the beginning. With the wire holder you can easily attach to the cage.

    1201 in stock

    CHF 4.90

  • Keramiknapf braun/beige - Purrfect Petsℱ Keramiknapf braun/beige - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Ceramic bowl brown/beige

    1117 in stock

    This clay bowl is suitable for birds and rodents. This light brown clay bowl is timeless. Clay is easy to care for and extremely hygienic, which is why it is very popular. The clay bowl is available in 4 sizes. 2 x round and 2 x as a rectangular double bowl.

    1117 in stock

    CHF 5.77

  • Melamin-Nagernapf 200ml - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Melamine bowl 200ml Ăž14cm/

    122 in stock

    The melamine bowl is ideal for rodents. It is made of hygienic melamine. Melamine is easy to maintain and therefore very popular. The round shape is practical and the green color is refreshingly beautiful.

    122 in stock

    CHF 8.95

  • Keramik Hamsternapf Deko S - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Ceramic hamster bowl decoration S

    249 in stock

    The ceramic hamster bowl with decoration is a beautiful bowl for your hamster. It is light brown on the outside with a red border and beige on the inside. It has funny hamster and food motifs printed on it. Ceramic is hygienic and easy to care for. Because it is timeless, it is very popular.

    249 in stock

    CHF 6.50

  • Thermowindschutz Ivan 120 - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Thermal windbreak Ivan 120 116x61.5x100cm

    111 in stock

    Thermal windbreak Ivan 120, 116x61.5x100cm

    111 in stock

    CHF 89.00

  • Thermowindschutz Ivan 150 XL - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Thermal windbreak Ivan 150 XL 155x62x105cm

    85 in stock

    Thermal windbreak Ivan 150 XL, 155x62x105cm

    85 in stock

    CHF 99.00

  • Ersatz Abdecknetz 126x126cm - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Ersatz Abdecknetz 126x126cm

    Out of stock

    Ersatz-Abdecknetz fĂŒr das Swisspet Freilaufgehege Bunny Ranch Das Ersatz-Abdecknetz fĂŒr das Swisspet Freilaufgehege Bunny Ranch ist die ideale Lösung, um Ihr Freilaufgehege zu vervollstĂ€ndigen oder zu aktualisieren. Entwickelt, um perfekt auf das Swisspet Bunny Ranch Freilaufgehege zu passen, bietet dieses Netz zusĂ€tzlichen Schutz und Sicherheit fĂŒr Ihre Haustiere im Freien. Hergestellt aus hochwertigem und strapazierfĂ€higem Material, bietet das Abdecknetz eine zuverlĂ€ssige Barriere gegen unerwĂŒnschte Eindringlinge wie Vögel oder Raubtiere. Gleichzeitig ermöglicht es eine optimale BelĂŒftung und schĂŒtzt Ihre Haustiere vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung und Regen. Das Netz ist einfach zu installieren und sicher zu befestigen, sodass Sie sich keine Sorgen um das Wohlergehen Ihrer Haustiere machen mĂŒssen. Mit einer GrĂ¶ĂŸe von 126x126cm bietet dieses Ersatz-Abdecknetz ausreichend Platz fĂŒr Ihre pelzigen Freunde, um sicher zu spielen und zu entspannen. Sorgen Sie fĂŒr zusĂ€tzliche Sicherheit und Komfort fĂŒr Ihre pelzigen Freunde mit dem Ersatz-Abdecknetz fĂŒr das Swisspet Freilaufgehege Bunny Ranch.

    Out of stock

    CHF 24.50

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