(Rodent) Rodent home

39 products

  • Hamster Blockhaus - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Hamster log house

    40 in stock

    The hamster blockhouse is a wonderful opportunity for your hamster to keep himself occupied in a playful way. The two-story rodent house is made of bark wood. It not only provides hiding places but is also an eye-catcher and not only makes your rodent happy. The natural wood is very beautiful and harmless, even if animals gnaw on it.

    40 in stock

    CHF 15.90

  • Keramik Hamsternapf Deko S - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Ceramic hamster bowl decoration S

    249 in stock

    The ceramic hamster bowl with decoration is a beautiful bowl for your hamster. It is light brown on the outside with a red border and beige on the inside. It has funny hamster and food motifs printed on it. Ceramic is hygienic and easy to care for. Because it is timeless, it is very popular.

    249 in stock

    CHF 6.50

  • Windschutz fĂŒr Freilauf-Scheune und Stall Benno - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Windbreak for freewheel barn Benno

    110 in stock

    Windbreak for freewheel barn Benno

    110 in stock

    CHF 79.00

  • Windschutz fĂŒr Nagerstall Benno - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Windbreak for Benno rodent hutch

    110 in stock

    Windbreak for Benno rodent hutch

    110 in stock

    CHF 99.00

  • Sale -17% Nagerstall und Scheune Benno im Set! - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Rodent hutch & barn Benno 220x97.6x150cm

    32 in stock

    This Benno rodent hutch from swisspet consists of two floors and can be easily combined with a connecting bridge to form an outdoor barn. The stable and barn are suitable for guinea pigs and rabbits. The free-range barn can be easily separated from the stable using a separating grille. The Benno rodent hutch has a sleeping compartment and a plastic tray that can be pulled out for easier cleaning. This barn from swisspet is already a pleasant place to sleep on its own, but in combination with the Benno barn it becomes a dream home for your pets.External dimensions of the Benno rodent barn: 96.4x97.6x150cmBenno barn: 123.2x97.6x120cmBarn & Combined stable: 220x97.6x150cmInner dimensionsBenno rodent hutch: 75x75x129.6-147cmBenno barn: 74.8x75x99.5-117cmInner floor area Benno rodent hutch: 0.56m2Benno barn: 0.85m2Internal volume: Benno rodent hutch: 0.725m3Benno barn: 0. 846m3IMPORTANT! When purchasing a rodent home, rodent hutch and outdoor enclosure, please note the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance. In the Animal Welfare Ordinance section you will find the excerpt including a species table.

    32 in stock

    CHF 599.00CHF 495.00

  • Freilauf Scheune Benno - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Freewheel barn Benno 123.2x97.6x120cm

    66 in stock

    This Benno rodent hutch from swisspet consists of two floors and can be easily combined with a connecting bridge to form an outdoor barn. The stable and barn are suitable for guinea pigs and rabbits. The free-range barn can be easily separated from the stable using a separating grille. The Benno rodent hutch has a sleeping compartment and a plastic tray that can be pulled out for easier cleaning. This stable from swisspet is a pleasant place to sleep on its own, but in combination with the Benno barn it becomes a dream home for your pets. External dimensions: 123.2x97.6x120cm Internal dimensions: 74.8x75x99.5-117cm Internal floor area: 0.85m2 Internal volume: 0.846m3

    66 in stock

    CHF 197.00

  • Nagerstall Benno - Purrfect Petsℱ Nagerstall Benno - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Rodent hutch Benno 96.4x97.6x150cm

    32 in stock

    This Benno rodent hutch from swisspet consists of: two floors and can be easily converted into one with a connecting bridge Combine outdoor barn. The stable and the barn are suitable for Guinea pigs and rabbits. The free range barn is easy to do separate from the stable using a divider. The Benno rodent hutch has: a sleeping compartment and a plastic tub that can be used for easier can be pulled out for cleaning. This stable from swisspet is on its own a pleasant place to sleep, but in combination with the Benno barn it will be a dream home for your pets. Rodent stable Benno: 96.4x97.6x150cmBarn Benno: 123.2x97.6x120cmBarn & Stall combined: 220x97.6x150cm Rodent stable Benno: 75x75x129.6-147cmBarn Benno: 74.8x75x99.5-117cm Rodent stable Benno: 0.56m2Barn Benno: 0.85m2 Rodent stable Benno: 0.725m3Barn Benno: 0.846m3 Consider this when purchasing one Rodent shelters, rodent stables and outdoor enclosures comply with the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance. You can find it in the Animal Welfare Ordinance section Excerpt including a species table.

    32 in stock

    CHF 298.00

  • Thermowindschutz 150x64x108cm - Purrfect Petsℱ Thermowindschutz 150x64x108cm - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Thermal wind protection 150x64x108cm

    72 in stock

    swisspet thermal wind protection, 150x64x108cm

    72 in stock

    CHF 149.00

  • Winterstall Roberto 150 W - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Winter stable Roberto 150 W

    47 in stock

    The Roberto 150 winter stable from Swisspet is thanks its insulation material in the wooden walls and the plexiglass panes also suitable for colder days. The hutch is suitable for rabbits and guinea pigs. The facility consists of 2 floors Passage, a connecting bridge, sleeping compartment and a pull-out Plastic tray for easy cleaning! With this equipment Give your rodent a hutch that will give him fun and joy. The Roberto 150 winter stable from Swisspet measures 150x63x120cm. External dimensions: 150x63x120cmInner dimensions above: 135.5x52x46.5cmInternal dimensions below: 135.5x52x50.6cmInner floor area: 1.232m2Internal volume: 0.708m3 Tips/recommendations for keeping rodents: Be concerned about providing your rodent(s) with enough water Provide and note that in midsummer water flows quickly can evaporate. Be concerned about providing your rodent(s) with a place in the shade Make it available, because even if the outdoor enclosure is initially in the There is shade, the sun is moving and there may be a place in the shade no longer guaranteed. Be concerned that you provide your rodent(s) with a safe environment Provide night space. Wild animals, especially foxes and martens can break into even the safest enclosures, causing major damage arrange. swisspet therefore recommends a lockable sleeping pen or taking the pet into the house at night. Wooden products should, if possible, not be exposed to the weather get abandoned. Constant moisture or standing directly in the snow leads to rapid wood aging/decomposition. We recommend the Regular protective varnishing of the external wooden surfaces (e.g. with Blenda-Sur Wood stain item no. 400820). We recommend installing under a protective canopy. With the thermal wind protection you can Additionally protect animals from drafts and cold. Consider this when purchasing one Rodent shelters, rodent stables and outdoor enclosures comply with the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance. You can find it in the Animal Welfare Ordinance section Excerpt including a species table.

    47 in stock

    CHF 769.00

  • Freilaufgehege gedeckt Ivan 150 XL - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Outdoor enclosure covered Ivan 150 XL 154x146.5x50cm

    82 in stock

    The Ivan 120 outdoor enclosure is suitable for guinea pigs and rabbits. This swisspet enclosure offers space to romp around or go for a walk. External dimensions: 154x146.5x50cmInternal dimensions: 141.5x149x47.2cmInternal floor area: 1.953m2Internal volume: 0.922m3

    82 in stock

    CHF 245.00

  • Freilaufgehege gedeckt Ivan 120 - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Outdoor enclosure covered Ivan 120

    79 in stock

    The Ivan 120 outdoor enclosure is suitable for guinea pigs and rabbits. This swisspet enclosure offers space to romp around or go for a walk. Dimensions:External dimensions: 108.5x116x50cmInternal dimensions: 103.5x111x47.2cmInner floor area: 1.15m2Internal volume: 0.54m3

    79 in stock

    CHF 179.00

  • Nagerstall Ivan 120 - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Nagerstall Ivan 120

    144 in stock

    Swisspet Nagerstall Ivan 120 Diese gerĂ€umigen NagerstĂ€lle bieten Ihren Meerschweinchen und Kaninchen ein komfortables Zuhause auf zwei Etagen. Zur Ausstattung gehören ein Verbindungssteg, Bodenauslauf, ein Schlafabteil und eine Kunststoffwanne. Tipps und Empfehlungen zur Nagerhaltung: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihren Nagern immer ausreichend Wasser zur VerfĂŒgung steht, insbesondere an heißen Tagen, wenn das Wasser schnell verdunstet. Bieten Sie Ihren Nagern einen schattigen Platz im Freigehege, da sich die Sonne im Laufe des Tages bewegt und der Schattenplatz verschwinden kann. Sorgen Sie fĂŒr einen sicheren Schlafplatz fĂŒr Ihre Nagetiere, da auch in scheinbar sicheren Gehegen Raubtiere wie FĂŒchse oder Marder eindringen können. Ein abschließbarer Schlafstall oder das Hineinnehmen der Tiere ins Haus wĂ€hrend der Nacht ist empfehlenswert. Holzprodukte sollten nicht dauerhaft der Witterung ausgesetzt werden, da Feuchtigkeit und direkter Kontakt mit Schnee zu schneller Holzalterung und -zersetzungs fĂŒhren können. Eine regelmĂ€ĂŸige Schutzlackierung der HolzaußenflĂ€chen wird empfohlen. Eine Installation unter einem schĂŒtzenden Vordach wird empfohlen. Der Thermo-Windschutz bietet zusĂ€tzlichen Schutz vor Zugluft und KĂ€lte. GrĂ¶ĂŸen: Nagerstall Ivan 120: 116x61x100cm Beachten Sie beim Kauf eines Nagerheims, Nagerstalles und Freilaufgeheges die Bestimmungen der Tierschutzverordnung. In der Rubrik Tierschutzverordnung finden Sie den Auszug inklusive einer Arten-Tabelle.

    144 in stock

    CHF 269.00

  • Nagerstall Ivan 150 XL - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Rodent hutch Ivan 150 XL

    30 in stock

    This rodent hutch extends over 2 floors. Its features include a connecting bridge, floor outlet, a sleeping compartment and a plastic tub. The hutch is suitable for guinea pigs and rabbits. Tips/recommendations for keeping rodents: • Be careful to provide your rodent(s) with enough water and be aware that water can evaporate quickly in midsummer. • Be careful to provide your rodent(s) with a place in the shade, because even if the outdoor enclosure is initially in... There is shade, the sun moves and a place in the shade may no longer be guaranteed. • Be concerned about providing your rodent(s) with a safe place to spend the night. Wild animals, especially foxes and martens, can break into even the safest enclosures and thus cause great damage. swisspet therefore recommends a lockable sleeping pen or taking the pet into the house at night. If possible, wooden products should not be left exposed to the weather without protection. Constant moisture or standing directly in the snow leads to rapid wood aging/decomposition. We recommend regular protective varnishing of the external wooden surfaces (e.g. with Blenda-Sur wood stain item no. 400820). Installation under a protective canopy is recommended. With the thermal windbreak you can also protect the animals from drafts and cold. Rodent stable IVAN 150: 154x61x104cmOutdoor enclosure IVAN 150: 154x146.5x50cm Rodent stable IVAN 150: 140.5x52x98-101.7cmOutdoor enclosure IVAN 150: 141.5x149x47.2cm When purchasing a rodent home, rodent hutch and outdoor enclosure, please note the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance. In the Animal Welfare Ordinance section you will find the excerpt including a species table.

    30 in stock

    CHF 395.00

  • Freilaufgehege Bunny Ranch - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Bunny Ranch outdoor enclosure

    Out of stock

    The outdoor enclosure including a green cover net protects your pets aerial predators. It should be noted that foxes, martens or... Similar animals can still enter the enclosure. 6 grid elements of 60x60cm each, 1 of which has a door made of galvanized metal. Incl. green cover net. Dimensions: Ăž145cm. Consider this when purchasing one Rodent shelters, rodent stables and outdoor enclosures comply with the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance. You can find it in the Animal Welfare Ordinance section Excerpt including a species table.

    Out of stock

    CHF 69.00

  • Freilaufgehege Emil 50 und 66 - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Swisspet Outdoor enclosure Emil 50 & 66

    268 in stock

    The metal outdoor enclosure (black mesh cover) offers guinea pigs and rabbits enough space to have fun outside. The 2-part grid cover with hinges provides extra protection for your rodents. IMPORTANT! When purchasing a rodent home, rodent hutch and outdoor enclosure, please note the provisions of the Animal Welfare Ordinance. In the Animal Welfare Ordinance section you will find the excerpt including a species table. Always make sure that your rodent has enough water available. There should always be a place in the shade in the stable or outdoor enclosure so that the animals can stay protected. For example with the sun sail from our range. Make sure your rodent has a safe place to sleep, protected from wild animals. We recommend a lockable stable or taking the pet into the house at night.

    268 in stock

    CHF 129.00

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