(Reptile) decoration

47 products

  • Repti Fantasy Plant 008 Kunstpflanze - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Repti Fantasy Plant 008 artificial plant

    1420 in stock

    Realistic copies of real plants create natural hiding places for reptiles and amphibians, including suction cups for attaching to terrarium glass panes.

    1420 in stock

    CHF 9.90

  • Repti Fantasy Plant 030 Kunstpflanze - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Repti Fantasy Plant 030 artificial plant

    1488 in stock

    Realistic copies of real plants create natural hiding places for reptiles and amphibians, including suction cups for attaching to terrarium glass panes.

    1488 in stock

    CHF 9.90

  • Repti Fantasy Plant 037 Kunstpflanze - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Repti Fantasy Plant 037 artificial plant

    277 in stock

    Realistic copies of real plants create natural hiding places for reptiles and amphibians, including suction cups for attaching to terrarium glass panes.

    277 in stock

    CHF 12.90

  • Repti Fantasy Plant 028 Kunstpflanze - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Repti Fantasy Plant 028 artificial plant

    2586 in stock

    Realistic copies of real plants create natural hiding places for reptiles and amphibians, including suction cups for attaching to terrarium glass panes.

    2586 in stock

    CHF 9.90

  • Repti Fantasy Plant 009 Kunstpflanze - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Repti Fantasy Plant 009 artificial plant

    1666 in stock

    Realistic copies of real plants create natural hiding places for reptiles and amphibians, including suction cups for attaching to terrarium glass panes.

    1666 in stock

    CHF 9.90

  • Repti Fantasy Plant 029 Kunstpflanze - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Repti Fantasy Plant 029 artificial plant

    2608 in stock

    Realistic copies of real plants create natural hiding places for reptiles and amphibians, including suction cups for attaching to terrarium glass panes.

    2608 in stock

    CHF 9.90

  • Deko-Comb Rock M - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Dohse Decorative Comb Skirt M

    34 in stock

    The Comb Rock is ideal for the natural design of your aquarium or terrarium. E is easy to clean and does not affect water quality. These are beautiful natural stones where every single stone is unique. Therefore, please see our photo as an example image! Ideal decoration and a great eye-catcher in any aquarium. Decorative rock that reveals its full color splendor under water. Without influence on water chemistry. Each piece labeled with EAN code. For aquariums and terrariums Does not affect water chemistry or clarity ATTENTION: Clean thoroughly under running water before use!

    34 in stock

    CHF 9.95

  • Dohse Deko-Madeira Rock M - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Dohse Deco Madeira Skirt M

    37 in stock

    With the Madeira Rock you can design your aquarium or terrarium in a natural way. It is easy to clean and does not affect the water quality. These are beautiful natural stones where every single stone is unique. Therefore, please see our photo as an example image! For aquariums and terrariums Natural appearance Does not affect water chemistry or clarity ATTENTION: Clean thoroughly under running water before use!

    37 in stock

    CHF 9.95

  • Deko-Pagodenstein - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Dohse Decorative pagoda stone

    51 in stock

    Ideal for the natural design of aquariums and terrariums. Ideal decoration and a great eye-catcher. They are easy to clean and do not affect water quality. Decorative item is very durable and looks beautiful in any aquarium and terrarium. Ideal for building partitions, stairs, caves, steps and much more. When using several stones, please ensure that the individual stones are bonded so that they do not collapse! You will receive a single stone. Since it is a purely natural product, the picture is of course only an example. For aquariums and terrariums Natural appearance Looks deceptively real Does not affect water chemistry or clarity ATTENTION: Clean thoroughly under running water before use!

    51 in stock

    CHF 8.95

  • Water Dish - Purrfect Petsℱ Water Dish - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Water Dish

    59 in stock

    The Exo Terra water bowls are made from harmless resin; very stable, not easy to tip over by larger reptiles. They have a very natural and realistic rock processing on the outside and a soft, non-grainy, porous surface on the inside. The bowls are coated to prevent the development of harmful bacteria and allow for easy cleaning. The natural color allows for easy integration into desert, tropical or other types of terrariums. Smaller reptiles, amphibians and insects can use the “security levels” Easily escape from the water bowl on the inside of the bowl and drowning is prevented.

    59 in stock

    CHF 9.95

  • Kork Tronchos - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Cork tronchos

    31 in stock

    About 90 cm long, branched tronchos, as grown. Thickness and branching are natural. Natural, stable decoration for larger reptiles and snakes. Climbing and retreat options are important in order to offer your pet safety and security. This prevents stress and aggressive behavior.

    31 in stock

    CHF 24.90

  • Wasser- & FutternĂ€pfe - Purrfect Petsℱ Wasser- & FutternĂ€pfe - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Water & food bowls

    66 in stock

    This natural-looking bowl made of synthetic resin integrates perfectly into your natural cutout in the terrarium thanks to its rock-like appearance. The smooth surface does not absorb harmful bacteria and is easy to clean. The flat shape gives the bowl a good footing and is not tipped over by the animals.

    66 in stock

    CHF 11.95

  • Wasserfall mit Kieselsteinen - Purrfect Petsℱ Wasserfall mit Kieselsteinen - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra waterfall

    2 in stock

    Due to its unique design, the Exo Terra waterfall can be installed anywhere in the terrarium. The pebble design of the Exo Terra Waterfall brings the natural look of a small, falling stream of water to your living room. These small waterfalls and streams are often used by reptiles and amphibians to get water, making them an important feature in any tropical environment. The waterfall stimulates the natural drinking behavior of lizards (such as: chameleons, anole lizards, water dragons, etc...) Maintenance is easy because the waterfall can be dismantled into different parts. An Exo Terra Repti Flo pump is included to ensure water circulation. As a safety measure, smaller stones or pebbles can also be placed in the collection tank for smaller chaleons and frogs. Organic waste should be removed from the collection tank at regular intervals so that the water remains clean. Tap water should be treated with Aquatize to remove chlorine and heavy metals. The addition of Biotize will help the water stay clean for longer, encourage the colonization of necessary beneficial bacteria and reduce the odor caused by decaying waste.

    2 in stock

    CHF 59.95

  • Reptile Caves NatĂŒrliche Höhlen - Purrfect Petsℱ Reptile Caves NatĂŒrliche Höhlen - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Reptile Caves Natural caves

    7 in stock

    Natural appearance; Can be integrated into any type of terrarium Provides a safe hiding place Prevents stress Very stable, will not be easily tipped over by larger reptiles A is an often underestimated feature of a natural terrarium. Without a safe place to hide and sleep, reptiles and amphibians will easily develop stress, which will affect their activities and appetite. With a realistic pebble design and an enlarged hiding space, the Exo Terra reptile cave mimics the natural hiding places of reptiles and amphibians. The Exo Terra reptile cave provides protection and a cooler and wetter microclimate in your terrarium.

    7 in stock

    CHF 29.95

  • Skelettverstecke - Purrfect Petsℱ Skelettverstecke - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Saurus skeleton 15.5x17cm

    505 in stock

    Can be easily integrated into any terrariumProvides a safe hiding placePrevents stressIdeal for a moist microclimate The Exo Terra skull hiding places are extremely Realistic and give any terrarium - desert, rainforest or Aquaterrarium – an exciting touch. Provide for easy access These hiding places provide multiple entrances and give the terrarium one additional dimension. Dinosaurs ruled the earth for more than 140 million years and are considered the ancestors of our modern reptiles. Tyrannosaurus Rex was one of the largest land-living, meaty eating creature that has ever lived on earth. fossil skulls, found at archaeological sites have extremely large teeth and large, weight-reducing holes. The ExoTerra T-Rex skull looks very realistic and looks great in any terrarium - Desert, rainforest or aquatic terrarium – a prehistoric accent. For easy access, this fossil skull cache features multiple entrances and it gives the terrarium an additional Dimension. The humid microclimate inside the Exo Terra T-Rex skull promotes thermoregulation and hydration and contributes to the reptiles' natural molting process.

    505 in stock

    CHF 16.95

  • Last stock! Exo Terra Reptilien Eckhöhle Bark - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Exo Terra Reptile Corner Cave Bark

    1 in stock

    Ideal retreat and hiding place for terrarium animals.

    1 in stock

    CHF 69.95

  • Crystal Cave - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Crystal Cave

    314 in stock

    Exo Terra Crystal Cave Die Exo Terra Crystal Cave ist eine herausragende ErgĂ€nzung fĂŒr jedes Terrarium, sei es ein WĂŒsten- oder Regenwaldterrarium. Diese extrem realistisch aussehenden Kristallhöhlen verleihen dem Terrarium eine aufregende Note und bieten gleichzeitig einen sicheren RĂŒckzugsort fĂŒr Ihre Reptilien und Amphibien. Eigenschaften: Sicherer RĂŒckzugsort fĂŒr Reptilien und Amphibien Ideal fĂŒr sowohl WĂŒsten- als auch Regenwaldterrarien Einfache Platzierung am Vorder- oder Seitenfenster des Terrariums Sehr realistisches Aussehen, das die natĂŒrliche Umgebung des Terrariums ergĂ€nzt Die Exo Terra Crystal Cave bietet Ihren Tieren nicht nur einen sicheren Ort zum Verstecken, sondern trĂ€gt auch zur Schaffung einer natĂŒrlichen und ansprechenden Umgebung in Ihrem Terrarium bei.

    314 in stock

    CHF 29.95

  • Dekorstein Elafon - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Elafon decorative stone

    1350 in stock

    A suitable hiding area is an often underestimated feature of a natural terrarium. Without a safe place to hide and sleep, reptiles easily develop stress, which affects their activity and appetite. Hiding places often also provide protection or a cooler area in the terrarium. Decor for reptiles Safe hiding place in 4 sizes.

    1350 in stock

    CHF 6.50

  • Aqua+Terra Dekor Stein beige - Purrfect Petsℱ Aqua+Terra Dekor Stein beige - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Aqua+Terra decor stone beige

    362 in stock

    Compact decorative stone. Our aquarium decoration range has the right thing for every aquarium style. Let your creativity run wild and design your aquarium individually with our decorative products. A decoration should blend inconspicuously into the aquarium environment and enrich the fish's habitat. A well-equipped aquarium reduces stress and enables the fish to behave in a species-appropriate manner. High-quality and visually interesting decorative items are fascinating and can be a real eye-catcher in your aquarium. Aquarium stones must be cleaned thoroughly with lukewarm water before being placed in the aquarium!

    362 in stock

    CHF 12.95

  • Finger-Wurzel - Purrfect Petsℱ Finger-Wurzel - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Finger root

    492 in stock

    Our finger root is obtained naturally and originally comes from China. The root has unique thin branches that give your aquarium inhabitants the opportunity to let off steam or hide. Roots play an important role for aquarium animals because they are also found in natural biotopes and they can offer the animals the feeling of a natural home. However, the finger root also provides an attractive look and can be ideally used throughout the aquarium. It is available in five sizes and can be found in a light brown natural color. ATTENTION: The root should be watered for a few days before being placed in the aquarium. If the root does not sink immediately, you can initially weigh it down with a stone or another heavy object so that it stays under water.

    492 in stock

    CHF 10.95

  • Drachenstein Dekor - Purrfect Petsℱ Drachenstein Dekor - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Dragonstone decor

    428 in stock

    Asian stone with a surface like a dragon's skin, greenish color with parallel arranged holes and depressions. In our aquarium decoration range you will find the right thing for every aquarium style. Let your creativity run wild and design your aquarium individually with our decorative products. A decoration should blend inconspicuously into the aquarium environment and enrich the fish's habitat. A well-equipped aquarium reduces stress and enables the fish to behave in a species-appropriate manner. High-quality and visually interesting decorative items are fascinating and can be a real eye-catcher in your aquarium. Aquarium stones must be cleaned thoroughly with lukewarm water before being placed in the aquarium!

    428 in stock

    CHF 26.50

  • Savannenholz Dekor - Purrfect Petsℱ Savannenholz Dekor - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Savannah wood decor

    150 in stock

    Beautify your aquarium with these beautiful savanna roots. In our aquarium decoration range you will find the right thing for every aquarium style. Let your creativity run wild and design your aquarium individually with our decorative products. A decoration should blend inconspicuously into the aquarium environment and enrich the fish's habitat. A well-equipped aquarium reduces stress and enables the fish to behave in a species-appropriate manner. High-quality and visually interesting decorative items are fascinating and can be a real eye-catcher in your aquarium. Aquarium wood must be cleaned thoroughly with lukewarm water before being placed in the aquarium!

    150 in stock

    CHF 72.50

  • Aqua+Terra Dekor Stein Mountain - Purrfect Petsℱ Aqua+Terra Dekor Stein Mountain - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Aqua+Terra Decor Stone Mountain

    106 in stock

    Decorative stone shaped like a mountain range. Our aquarium decoration range has the right thing for every aquarium style. Let your creativity run wild and design your aquarium individually with our decorative products. A decoration should blend inconspicuously into the aquarium environment and enrich the fish's habitat. A well-equipped aquarium reduces stress and enables the fish to behave in a species-appropriate manner. High-quality and visually interesting decorative items are fascinating and can be a real eye-catcher in your aquarium. Aquarium stones must be cleaned thoroughly with lukewarm water before being placed in the aquarium!

    106 in stock

    CHF 19.95

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