(Reptiles) Setup & Care
Exo Terra Desert sand
Exo Terra substrate for desert terrariums is desert sand without added dyes or chemicals. Creates an environment that encourages the animal's natural behavior supports. Good heat conduction when using a heating mat. Excellent heat conductor. The sand was sifted to remove impurities remove and to obtain a uniform sand grain size. Natural desert sand, without added dyes or chemicalsCreates a natural and attractive desert environmentExcellent heat conductorStimulates natural digging and burrowing behaviorUsable as an egg-laying substrate
CHF 16.50
Exo Terra Boxwood Bush
Exo Terra Boxwood Bush Der Exo Terra Boxwood Bush ist eine hochrealistische Kunstpflanze, die eine natĂŒrliche Umgebung im Terrarium schafft. Hier sind einige Merkmale und Vorteile im Ăberblick: Extrem realistisch: Diese Kunstpflanze ist eine tĂ€uschend echte Nachbildung von echten Pflanzen. Sie trĂ€gt zur Schaffung einer natĂŒrlichen Umgebung im Terrarium bei und bietet Ihren Reptilien und Amphibien natĂŒrliche Verstecke. Einfach zu reinigen und zu pflegen: Im Gegensatz zu echten Pflanzen erfordert der Boxwood Bush keine spezielle Pflege. Er ist leicht zu reinigen und kann einfach mit Wasser und mildem Reinigungsmittel gereinigt werden. Vielseitige Verwendung: Der Boxwood Bush kann sowohl allein als auch in Kombination mit echten Pflanzen verwendet werden. Dadurch eignet er sich ideal fĂŒr Terrarien, in denen echte Pflanzen nicht wachsen oder gedeihen können, sowie fĂŒr 'sterilere' Terrarien wie QuarantĂ€ne-Terrarien. NatĂŒrliche Verstecke: Diese Kunstpflanze schafft natĂŒrliche Verstecke und RĂŒckzugsmöglichkeiten fĂŒr Ihre Terrarienbewohner. Sie bietet ihnen Sicherheit und trĂ€gt zur Reduzierung von Stress bei. Insgesamt ist der Exo Terra Boxwood Bush eine praktische und Ă€sthetisch ansprechende Lösung, um eine natĂŒrliche Umgebung im Terrarium zu schaffen und Ihren Reptilien und Amphibien einen sicheren RĂŒckzugsort zu bieten.
CHF 21.95
Amazonas Marble Cave
Decoration for aquariums and terrariums Can be decorated with real moss and plants Very natural look, modeled on nature Resin art decor Does not affect water quality or water clarity Ideal as a breeding and living cave for dwarf cichlids, catfish and shrimp. Offers protection and refuge for shy species. This can also be planted with real plants and mosses for a more natural look. Thanks to their particularly natural appearance, the Marble Caves fit well into any aquarium. The small caves in terrariums can also be used as hiding places. With a little silicone, the Marble Caves can also be easily attached to the side walls of aquariums or terrariums. Marble Cave 1: 12.5x9x6cmMarble Cave 2: 9.5x8.5x5.5cmMarble Cave 3: 7.5x6.5x5cm
CHF 9.95
Amazonas Decorative stone Papo 7.5x18cm
A suitable area to hide is an often underestimated feature a natural terrarium. Without a safe place to hide and sleeping, reptiles easily develop stress that affects their activity and affects their appetite. Hiding places often also offer protection or a cooler area in the terrarium.
CHF 12.50
Hobby Cork boards
Flat pressed 100% natural product Thickness: 2cm.
CHF 29.95
Hobby Terrano terrarium base natural
Ideal substrate for keeping lizards, snakes and Turtles. It is for all desert and sand dwellers. Stimulates the Egg laying and natural digging activity. Ideal heat dissipator. Dust free and non-staining. When consumed, the product is not only harmless, but also promotes bone development! The calcium is 100% organic origin. It can be made entirely from 100% organic material be dismantled. The shades are food coloring and therefore also harmless.
CHF 69.00
Amazonas Jungle Beeding terrarium substrate
Thanks to its moisture-regulating properties, this terrarium substrate is ideal for all types of forest and rainforest terrariums. The substrate stores moisture and neutralizes odors, even dry substrate can absorb moisture, increasing the humidity in terrariums. Of course, no fertilizer additives or pesticides are used in production. Absolutely harmless for the terrarium animals.
CHF 39.95
Amazonas Desert Bedding brown
This clay-rich terrarium soil is ideal for burrowing reptiles like leopard gecko etc. Ie it is ideal for deserts and Savannah terrariums. Due to the high clay content it is diggable and This allows the animals to fulfill their natural urge to build burrows consequences. It also stimulates egg laying and is an ideal one Heat dissipator and retains moisture. This is particularly important for Reptiles that absorb moisture through their skin, such as: b. Thorny-tailed agamas.
CHF 16.50
Amazonas Repti moss light
Amazon Repti Moss, Tropical Terrarium Substrate Tropical terrarium substrate that is ideal for wetland reptiles and amphibians. It is ideal for moistening protective caves. Also excellent for use in egg laying or incubation containers. The substrate is used to create natural habitats. It is available in light or dark. Very economical, makes 4.5 liters.
CHF 8.50
Exo Terra Forest bark substrate
in and are not just for decorative purposes. They play an important role in determining the microclimate in the terrarium. Burrowing and hiding reptiles and amphibians have different needs than tree-dwelling species, while desert animals prefer a different type of substrate. Thermal conductivity is important when using a substrate heater such as the Heat Wave and the absorption capacity contributes to overall humidity. Exo Terra has developed a range of substrates for natural dry, wet and aquatic terrariums, all made from natural materials. Substrate made from 100% natural Douglas spruce fir bark. It binds moisture, absorbs easily and releases moisture. The substrate is perfect for reptiles that love moisture. Controls humidity. Stimulates natural digging and hiding behavior. Absorbs waste. In addition, it is decorative.
CHF 15.95
Exo Terra Terrarium substrate Forest Moss 2x7l
Coco Husk: The Coco Husk from Exo Terra is a made from pressed pieces of coconut shell Terrarium substrate and comes from the plantations of tropical Asia. This ecological substrate is ideal for keeping the humidity in Increase terrariums and is completely safe for frogs, salamanders and animals that like to dig or hide. Stimulates natural Burying and hiding behavior. 100% natural substrateIdeal for natural terrariumsIncreases the humidity in terrariumsStimulates natural digging and hiding behavior Forest Moss: The Exo Terra forest moss is a real, compressed moss from tropical Asia. This Environmentally friendly substrate is ideal for increasing humidity in the terrarium and is completely safe for frogs, salamanders and yourself hiding or burrowing animals. The Exo Terra forest moss is very absorbent and is used to moisten protective caves such as the Exo Terra Snake cave or the reptile cave is recommended. Besides, it is an ideal medium for egg laying or incubation. 100% natural forest moss (without dyes or chemicals!)Ideal for wetland reptiles and amphibiansIdeal for moistening shelter burrowsExcellent for use in egg-laying or incubation containers
CHF 4.95
Exo Terra Plantation Soil Substrate
Plantation soil — Brick / tropical terrarium substrate. The plantation soil was made from and comes from the plantations of tropical Asia. This ecological substrate is ideal for use in terrariums and is completely safe for frogs, salamanders and animals that like to dig or hide. This substrate can be used for laying eggs during the breeding season thanks to its moisture-binding properties. This 100% natural substrate can also be used as a nutrient substrate for live plants in terrariums. 100% natural substrate Ideal for natural terrariums Increases the humidity in terrariums Stimulates natural digging and hiding behavior Nutrient substrate for living plants
CHF 3.65
Copacabana Coco Dream 20l
Coconut reptile bedding. Coconut chips are a tried and tested substrate for terrariums; their ability to bind water well means they naturally increase the humidity in the terrarium. In addition, coconut chips are germ-inhibiting and do not mold. Due to their lightness, they can be moved very easily and therefore have excellent digging properties. 100% plant-based Made from renewable raw materials
CHF 13.95
Hobby Vermiculite
Special substrate for hatching reptile eggs. The ideal storage of moisture and with a maximum grain size of 4mm, suitable for even the smallest eggs.
CHF 8.95
Amazonas Terrarium sand 5kg moist
Terrarium sand moist red 5kg Low-dust substrate for reptiles, invertebrates and small mammals that live in deserts, savannahs and steppes. Its grain size supports the natural digging behavior of many species. The roundness of the particles reduces a closing effect on the animals' skin. Reptiles, amphibians, insects and other invertebrates are ectothermic*. Since they do not have a constant body temperature, it is important for them to absorb heat from their surroundings. Our terrarium sand has a high heat storage capacity and is therefore particularly pleasant for your animals. *Ectopic organisms are organisms that produce little or no heat. This is the case, for example, with insects, reptiles and fish. These organizations are opposed to the endothermic organisms that produce them significant amounts of heat (mammals and birds for example). The majority of ectothermic organisms undergo significant changes in their body temperature. We then speak of poikilothermal organisms. This is the case with many snakes, for example. If these organisms want to increase their temperature, they have to find external heat sources such as solar radiation. Therefore, the choice of terrarium sand is very important. The Amazon terrarium sand is available in 5kg and 15kg bags and in many colors.
CHF 18.50
CHF 16.50
Exo Terra Rain Forest substrate
Exo Terra substrates are dust-free and heat treated in our state-of-the-art European manufacturing facility. The Exo Terra substrate for rainforest terrariums is a 100% natural, biodegradable terrarium substrate made from a mixture of maritime pine & Peat moss is made from sustainable cultivation. The Exo Terra substrate for rainforest terrariums is the ideal, decorative substrate in naturally planted terrariums for moisture-loving reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates from tropical forests. The substrate for rainforest terrariums regulates the moisture in the terrarium in a natural way: it absorbs and then slowly releases the moisture again. Hygroscopic properties are maximized by adding natural peat moss to the mix. Adequate humidity levels support molting and help prevent respiratory infection. The unique size and shape of the bark particles in combination with the natural peat moss enable frequent watering of the plants and ensure healthy root growth with good aeration in the substrate. Exo Terra Rain Forest is heat treated to avoid bacterial contamination. Instructions for use: Spread a 5-10 cm thick layer of bark on the terrarium floor. Moisten the substrate as needed to achieve the required moisture level and use an Exo Terra hygrometer to check. To increase the humidity in well-ventilated terrariums or in terrariums where very high humidity is required, a substrate heater should be installed under the terrarium. Remove heavily soiled substrate selectively every day. Replace the substrate completely as needed.
CHF 11.95
Amazonas 24 hour timer
The 24 hour timer is for simple, recurring switching tasks. Mechanically.
CHF 9.95
Amazonas Repti Fantasy Plant 007 artificial plant
Realistic copies of real plants create natural hiding places for reptiles and amphibians, including suction cups for attaching to terrarium glass panes.
CHF 9.90
Amazonas Repti Fantasy Plant 007D artificial plant
Realistic copies of real plants create natural hiding places for reptiles and amphibians, including suction cups for attaching to terrarium glass panes.
CHF 16.90
Amazonas Repti Fantasy Plant 008 artificial plant
Realistic copies of real plants create natural hiding places for reptiles and amphibians, including suction cups for attaching to terrarium glass panes.
CHF 9.90
Amazonas Repti Fantasy Plant 030 artificial plant
Realistic copies of real plants create natural hiding places for reptiles and amphibians, including suction cups for attaching to terrarium glass panes.
CHF 9.90
Amazonas Repti Fantasy Plant 037 artificial plant
Realistic copies of real plants create natural hiding places for reptiles and amphibians, including suction cups for attaching to terrarium glass panes.
CHF 12.90
Amazonas Repti Fantasy Plant 028 artificial plant
Realistic copies of real plants create natural hiding places for reptiles and amphibians, including suction cups for attaching to terrarium glass panes.
CHF 9.90