(Reptile) terrarium accessories

18 products

  • Sera - LED Chip 2W / 12V Sera - LED Chip 2W / 12V

    Sera Sera - LED Chip 2W / 12V

    7 in stock

    Sera LED Chip 2W / 12V Die Sera LED Chips bieten eine spezialisierte und energieeffiziente Beleuchtungslösung fĂŒr Aquarien und Terrarien. Mit jeweils 2W Leistung und einer Betriebsspannung von 12V eignen sich diese LED Chips perfekt fĂŒr eine prĂ€zise Beleuchtung und das Hervorheben spezifischer Farben und Funktionen in Ihrem Unterwasser- oder Terrarienhabitat. Jeder Chip wurde entwickelt, um bestimmte Lichtspektren abzudecken und so die natĂŒrliche Umgebung Ihrer Tiere und Pflanzen zu unterstĂŒtzen. Produktmerkmale: Energieeffizient: Nur 2W Leistung, ideal fĂŒr Dauerbetrieb. Spezialisiert: Auswahl an Lichtfarben und Spektren, um verschiedene BedĂŒrfnisse in Aquarien und Terrarien zu erfĂŒllen. Kombinationsmöglichkeiten: Perfekt kombinierbar mit anderen Sera LED Chips wie daylight oder blue light. FlexibilitĂ€t: Geeignet fĂŒr SĂŒss- und Meerwasseraquarien sowie Terrarien. Farbspektren: UV-A: Reines UV-A Licht zur Steigerung der Fluoreszenz. Azur: Kaltes Tageslicht, betont blaugrĂŒne Lichtanteile. Blue Light: Blaues Riff- oder Mondlicht fĂŒr Meerwasseraquarien. Cardinal Red: Rötlich warmes Tageslicht, ideal fĂŒr rote und blaue Farben. Daylight: Tageslicht mit Betonung des blauen Spektrums (cool white). Orange Sunset: Reines orangefarbenes Licht fĂŒr Akzente und nĂ€chtliche Beobachtungen. Plantcolor Bright: Tageslicht mit hohem rosa Anteil zur Steigerung des Pflanzenwachstums. Plantcolor Dual Peak: Intensives Wachstumslicht fĂŒr Pflanzen und Korallen. Geeignet fĂŒr SĂŒss- und Meerwasseraquarien. Perfekt kombinierbar mit daylight. Red Vision: Reines Rotlicht fĂŒr Akzente und nĂ€chtliche Beleuchtung. Tropic Sun: Sonnenwarmes Tageslicht, betont rote, gelbe und grĂŒne Farben. Ultra Blue: Blaues Rifflicht mit UV-A, ideal fĂŒr Meerwasseraquarien. Anwendungsbereiche: Aquarien: SĂŒss- und Meerwasser, zur UnterstĂŒtzung von Pflanzenwachstum, Farbgebung und Fischwohlbefinden. Terrarien: Als Akzentlicht fĂŒr Reptilien und Amphibien. Spezialanwendungen: Nachtbeleuchtung, FluoreszenzverstĂ€rkung und Farbintensivierung.

    7 in stock

    CHF 36.90

  • Sera - Heizmatte Reptil Thermo Comfort Mat, mit Schuco

    Sera Sera - Heizmatte Reptil Thermo Comfort Mat, mit Schuco

    10 in stock

    Sera - Heizmatte Reptil Thermo Comfort Mat mit Schuco Die Sera Heizmatte bietet eine effektive WĂ€rmequelle fĂŒr Reptilien, Amphibien und Wirbellose in Terrarien. Sie erhöht flĂ€chig die Boden- oder RĂŒckwandtemperatur und sorgt fĂŒr ein optimales Klima. Die einfache Montage erfolgt durch eine einseitige Klebefolie. Um Stauhitze zu vermeiden, sind vier DistanzfĂŒsschen im Lieferumfang enthalten. Grössen: S: 28 x 28cm M: 28 x 42cm

    10 in stock

    CHF 31.90

  • Trixie - Infrarot WĂ€rmespotlamp - Purrfect Petsℱ Trixie - Infrarot WĂ€rmespotlamp - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Trixie Trixie - Infrarot WĂ€rmespotlamp

    12 in stock

    Trixie - Infrarot WĂ€rmespotlampe Die Trixie Infrarot WĂ€rmespotlampe ist ideal fĂŒr die Schaffung benötigter WĂ€rmeregionen im Terrarium. Sie nutzt infrarote Strahlung, die wesentlich zur WĂ€rmeregulierung beitrĂ€gt und das Wohlbefinden fördert. Zudem unterstĂŒtzt sie den Verdauungsprozess und ist als DauerwĂ€rmequelle in Terrarien geeignet. Grösse: 50W 100W 150W

    12 in stock

    CHF 10.70

  • Trixie - Keramik Infrarot WĂ€rmestahler - Purrfect Petsℱ Trixie - Keramik Infrarot WĂ€rmestahler - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Trixie Trixie - Keramik Infrarot WĂ€rmestahler

    13 in stock

    Trixie - Keramik Infrarot WĂ€rmestahler Der Keramik Infrarot WĂ€rmestahler von Trixie ist ideal, um die erforderlichen WĂ€rmeregionen im Terrarium zu schaffen. Er nutzt infrarote Strahlung, die zur WĂ€rmeregulierung beitrĂ€gt und als DauerwĂ€rmequelle fungiert. Der WĂ€rmestahler unterstĂŒtzt den Verdauungsprozess, fördert das Wohlbefinden und die AktivitĂ€t der Tiere und hat eine beeindruckende Lebensdauer von bis zu 10.000 Stunden. Grösse: 50W 75W 100W

    13 in stock

    CHF 26.70

  • ZooMed - Turtle Tuff WĂ€rmestrahler 50-90W - Purrfect Petsℱ ZooMed - Turtle Tuff WĂ€rmestrahler 50-90W - Purrfect Petsℱ

    ZooMed ZooMed - Turtle Tuff WĂ€rmestrahler 50-90W

    38 in stock

    ZooMed - Turtle Tuff WĂ€rmestrahler (50-90W) Der Turtle Tuff WĂ€rmestrahler von ZooMed ist ideal fĂŒr die Beheizung von Terrarien und bietet eine gezielte WĂ€rmequelle fĂŒr Reptilien und Amphibien. Die langlebigen Strahler sind in verschiedenen Wattagen erhĂ€ltlich, um den individuellen BedĂŒrfnissen von Schildkröten und anderen Tieren gerecht zu werden. Grössenoptionen: 50W 75W 90W Diese Auswahl ermöglicht eine flexible Anpassung an die Grösse und WĂ€rmebedĂŒrfnisse des jeweiligen Terrariums.

    38 in stock

    CHF 20.00

  • Hobby Bubble Air Spot colour & moon - Purrfect Petsℱ Hobby Bubble Air Spot colour & moon - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Hobby Hobby Bubble Air Spot colour & moon

    2 in stock

    The new underwater bubble air spot color & moon is equipped with a particularly high-quality, high-performance LED. The versatile LED spot is suitable for a variety of applications. The multicolored LED can also be used as a moonlight thanks to the memory function. By pressing a button on the button included, you can also choose any other color to suit your mood. A total of 16 colors and different variants such as a slight flashing of the LED are available to you. A special effect also occurs when you use the air flow function. This allows the LED spot to be placed easily and effortlessly in many places in the aquarium or terrarium.

    2 in stock

    CHF 36.95

  • Repti Meter Mini Digital Thermometer - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Repti Meter Mini Digital Thermometer

    406 in stock

    Measuring temperature is of fundamental importance for the health and well-being of reptiles living in the terrarium. Reptiles cannot regulate their own body temperature and are dependent on the conditions that their owner offers them in the terrarium. In addition to the right temperature in the terrarium, regulating the humidity is one of the central issues when keeping reptiles. Each species of reptile has its own individual requirements and for reptiles the humidity in the terrarium plays a very important role because, in contrast to humans, reptiles get most of their fluid needs through their skin and Lungs and incorrect humidity in the terrarium can have fatal consequences. For example, many species of reptiles very quickly become ill with dangerous pneumonia if the air surrounding them in the terrarium is too dry. Skin problems and the constant risk of dehydration are also the consequences of too low humidity. The Amazonas Repti Meter Mini combines the measurement of temperature and humidity in one device. Thanks to its sensitive sensor, the measurements are particularly accurate, deviations of +/- 1°C and +/- 5% humidity. It is between -20° and 50°C, respectively. between 20% and 90% humidity. Thanks to the display, reading the temperature and humidity is child's play. Installation is also easy: The Repti Meter can be attached to any smooth surface using the suction cup, and it can be quickly removed or placed elsewhere to clean the terrarium. Do not place the thermometer too close to heat sources, otherwise the measurements may be distorted. Installation in a central location without major fluctuations is ideal.

    406 in stock

    CHF 29.95

  • Repti Meter, Digitales Thermometer und Hygrometer - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Repti Meter Digital Thermometer & Hygrometer

    735 in stock

    Measuring temperature is of fundamental importance for the health and well-being of reptiles living in the terrarium. Reptiles cannot regulate their own body temperature and are dependent on the conditions that their owner offers them in the terrarium. In addition to the right temperature in the terrarium, regulating the humidity is one of the central issues when keeping reptiles. Each species of reptile has its own individual requirements and for reptiles the humidity in the terrarium plays a very important role because, in contrast to humans, reptiles get most of their fluid needs through their skin and Lungs and incorrect humidity in the terrarium can have fatal consequences. For example, many species of reptiles very quickly become ill with dangerous pneumonia if the air surrounding them in the terrarium is too dry. Skin problems and the constant risk of dehydration are also the consequences of too low humidity. The digital Repti Meter from Amazonas is a 2-in-1 precision instrument and is equipped for precise measurements of air and relative humidity. This precision instrument features a minimum/maximum temperature-humidity storage setting, programmable with just one button. The digital Repti Meter is stable and easy to use, its indoor temperature measuring range is from -10°C to 50°C and the outside temperature measuring range is from -50°C to 70°C. The humidity measurement range is between 20% and 99% RH Installation is also very easy: the sensor can be mounted with a suction cup where the measurement should take place. The instrument, on the other hand, can be attached with a (included) Velcro fastener so that you have a good view of it. The device comes without batteries and has a 2-year guarantee. Do not place the thermometer too close to heat sources, otherwise the measurements may be distorted. Installation in a central location without major fluctuations is ideal.

    735 in stock

    CHF 36.95

  • Thermometer - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas thermometer

    446 in stock

    Measuring temperature is of fundamental importance for the health and well-being of reptiles living in the terrarium. Reptiles cannot regulate their own body temperature and are dependent on the conditions that their owner offers them in the terrarium. There are many different types of thermometers for measuring temperature in the terrarium. Infrared thermometers are a good solution for quickly and easily checking the habitat of reptiles and other creatures. Infrared thermometers measure the temperature of any animal and allow you to measure the temperature of animals without disturbing the animals' usual routine. The use of the infrared thermometer from is: At the push of a button, the device measures the temperature of the targeted area, and the result is available in less than a second. Fast and contactless measurement of any surface Animals are not disturbed during the measurement Helpful for measuring hotspots

    446 in stock

    CHF 46.50

  • Light Dome - Purrfect Petsℱ Light Dome - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Light Dome

    16 in stock

    The high-gloss mirrored aluminum reflector increases the output of light, UVB and UVA rays by up to 100%! The ceramic socket can accommodate either compact fluorescent lamps or incandescent bulbs.

    16 in stock

    CHF 49.50

  • Kompakt Leuchtstofflampe Reptile UVB 100 - Purrfect Petsℱ Kompakt Leuchtstofflampe Reptile UVB 100 - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Kompakt Leuchtstofflampe Reptile UVB 100

    24 in stock

    UVB lamps in a compact, space-saving size. Self-starting: a regular threaded socket is sufficient for use. The spiral shape allows vertical and horizontal use without limiting performance.

    24 in stock

    CHF 32.95

  • Halogen Basking Spot 150W - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Halogen basking spot

    19 in stock

    Highly energy-efficient broadband daylight lamp. Optimizes heat radiation thanks to the increased infrared level. Enhances the splendor of colors with neodymium.

    19 in stock

    CHF 26.95

  • Intense Basking Spot - Purrfect Petsℱ Intense Basking Spot - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Intense basking spot

    105 in stock

    A lamp specifically designed as. The concentrated beam can be directed precisely to an area to create a warming spot. The heat and light in the beam is increased by 35%, allowing for greater distances between the bulb and the heat space. The UVA light contributes to the physiological well-being of the reptiles.

    105 in stock

    CHF 9.95

  • Infrared Basking Spot - Purrfect Petsℱ Infrared Basking Spot - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Infrared Basking Spot

    22 in stock

    The light bulb emits infrared heat waves and is a typical. The spot lamp has a specially built-in reflector so that the heat can be directed in any desired direction. The red glass transmits infrared waves produced by the bulb's special filament. The reddish light does not interrupt the normal activity cycle of day and night, making it a perfect one

    22 in stock

    CHF 12.95

  • Leuchtstoffröhren Natural Light - Purrfect Petsℱ Leuchtstoffröhren Natural Light - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Fluorescent tubes Natural Light

    53 in stock

    Ideal daylight spectrum for all reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates and plants. Stimulates appetite, activity and reproductive behavior through UVA radiation. The animals perceive their surroundings better. Stimulates plant growth.

    53 in stock

    CHF 17.95

  • Leuchtstoffröhren UVB - Purrfect Petsℱ Leuchtstoffröhren UVB - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Fluorescent tubes UVB

    45 in stock

    Ideal for all tropical and subtropical reptiles. Optimal amount of UVB. Ensures optimal calcium metabolism for the necessary UVB rays. The UVA rays stimulate appetite, activity and reproductive behavior.

    45 in stock

    CHF 26.95

  • Daylight Basking Spot - Purrfect Petsℱ Daylight Basking Spot - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Daylight basking spot

    35 in stock

    A broad spectrum daylight lamp with a neodymium casing. The spectrum is ideal for photosynthesis in plants and the UVA light contributes to the physiological well-being of reptiles. The spot allows the heat and light to be directed in a specific direction to create warm spots in the terrarium.

    35 in stock

    CHF 12.95

  • Compact Top Terrarienabdeckung - Purrfect Petsℱ Compact Top Terrarienabdeckung - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Exo Terra Compact top terrarium cover

    36 in stock

    With built-in reflector. Easy to install. Without bulbs. Suitable for Exo Terra terrariums or all commercial terrariums. With built-in reflector. Easy to install. Without bulbs. Suitable for Exo Terra terrariums or all commercial terrariums. Compact top terrarium cover, 20x9x15cm: For 1 terrarium or light bulb up to 26W Compact top terrarium cover, 30x9x15cm: For 1 terrarium or light bulb up to 26W Compact top terrarium cover, 45x9x20cm: For 2 terrarium or light bulbs up to 26W Compact top terrarium cover, 60x9x20cm: For 3 terrarium or light bulbs up to 26W Compact top terrarium cover, 90x9x20cm: For 4 terrarium or light bulbs up to 26W The Exo Terra Compact Top is a compact terrarium lamp cover designed for the Exo Terra glass terrarium. The easy-to-install cover accommodates terrarium lamps or low-wattage incandescent lamps. You can use a combination of different Exo Terra Repti Glo terrarium lights to achieve the ideal levels of ultraviolet and visible light. A light bulb like the Daytime Heat Lamp increases the ambient air temperature. Additional accessories such as the digital Exo Terra thermometer or hygrometer and the Exo Terra thermostat or hygrostat can be pushed into a special recess on the cover. Delivered without lighting.

    36 in stock

    CHF 39.00

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