Coco Husk: The Coco Husk from Exo Terra is a
made from pressed pieces of coconut shell
Terrarium substrate and comes from the plantations of tropical Asia.
This ecological substrate is ideal for keeping the humidity in
Increase terrariums and is completely safe for frogs, salamanders
and animals that like to dig or hide. Stimulates natural
Burying and hiding behavior.
100% natural substrateIdeal for natural terrariumsIncreases the humidity in terrariumsStimulates natural digging and hiding behavior
Forest Moss: The Exo Terra forest moss is a
real, compressed moss from tropical Asia. This
Environmentally friendly substrate is ideal for increasing humidity
in the terrarium and is completely safe for frogs, salamanders and yourself
hiding or burrowing animals. The Exo Terra forest moss is very
absorbent and is used to moisten protective caves such as the Exo Terra
Snake cave or the reptile cave is recommended. Besides, it is
an ideal medium for egg laying or incubation.
100% natural forest moss (without dyes or chemicals!)Ideal for wetland reptiles and amphibiansIdeal for moistening shelter burrowsExcellent for use in egg-laying or incubation containers