With the Randy car seat you can give your dog a safe car ride with a view. Offer your dog a comfortable seat in the car with the safety seat from swisspet. The safety shell of the high seat can be easily attached to the seat belt. For attachment, there are two handles on the back of the shell through which the strap can be passed through. The shell also contains a strap that can easily be tied around the headrest of the back seat.
The bowl can also be folded and can therefore be easily packed into a transport bag. For additional safety for your dog, we recommend the swisspet Dogsafe safety harness.
On the outer wall, the shell has one or two utensil pockets (1 for model S, 2 for model M). The shell is black/beige and can be washed at 30°C. As just mentioned, the bowl is available in two sizes: S=37x40x35cm, M=75x40x35cm