The Scott PLUS outdoor enclosure is suitable for guinea pigs and
Rabbits. Due to a kit system, this enclosure is lightweight
expandable or expandable. The enclosure can be expanded
through additional Scott Plus enclosures. A Scott PLUS outdoor enclosure
has the dimensions 116x116x60cm. This enclosure from Swisspet offers space
to romp around and is an ideal enclosure for your pets
to offer outlet. Optionally you can have one that can be extended as required
Order a sun protection sail.
For the better well-being of your pets, we would be happy to refer you to this
Scott EXTRA outdoor enclosure, with the extra of a sun cover
Weather protection. The enclosure also has a sun roof
External dimensions: 116x116x60cmInternal dimensions: 111x111x57.5cmInternal floor area: 1.23 m2Internal volume: 0.71m3
IMPORTANT! When purchasing a rodent home, please note:
Rodent stables and outdoor enclosures comply with the provisions of
Animal Welfare Ordinance. You can find it in the Animal Welfare Ordinance section
Excerpt including a species table.