(Pisces) Furnishings & Accessories

101 products

  • Natural Gravel Bairaman 0.1-0.3mm, 500g - Purrfect Petsℱ Natural Gravel Bairaman 0.1-0.3mm, 500g - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Dennerle Natural Gravel Bairaman 0.1-0.3mm, 500g

    Out of stock

    Dennerle Natural Gravel Bairaman: NatĂŒrlicher Sand fĂŒr Ihr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarium Der Dennerle Natural Gravel Bairaman ist ein natĂŒrlicher Sand, der speziell fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien entwickelt wurde. Mit einer Körnung von 0,1-0,3mm bietet er eine feine Textur und eignet sich perfekt fĂŒr natĂŒrliche und kreative Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten in Ihrem Aquarium. Eigenschaften: NatĂŒrlicher Sand fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien Ideal fĂŒr natĂŒrliche und kreative Akzente Licht- und CO2-bestĂ€ndig Passt gut zu: Kieselsteinen, Mini-Landschaft, Heller Pagode, Seegebirge Inhalt: 500g

    Out of stock

    CHF 11.90

  • Natural Gravel Kongo 500g - Purrfect Petsℱ Natural Gravel Kongo 500g - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Dennerle Natural Gravel Kongo 500g

    Out of stock

    Dennerle Natural Gravel Kongo: NatĂŒrlicher Kies fĂŒr Ihr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarium Der Dennerle Natural Gravel Kongo ist ein natĂŒrlicher Kies, der sich ideal fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien eignet. Mit einer Körnung von 3-8mm oder 10-30mm bietet er eine natĂŒrliche und kreative Gestaltungsmöglichkeit fĂŒr Ihr Aquarium. Eigenschaften: NatĂŒrlicher Kies fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien Ideal fĂŒr natĂŒrliche und kreative Akzente Licht- und CO2-bestĂ€ndig Passt gut zu: Grauem Schiefer, Mini-Landschaft, Drachensteinen, Seegebirge Inhalt: 500g

    Out of stock

    CHF 9.90

  • Natural Gravel Rio Branco 0.1-0.3mm, 500g - Purrfect Petsℱ Natural Gravel Rio Branco 0.1-0.3mm, 500g - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Dennerle Natural Gravel Rio Branco 0.1-0.3mm, 500g

    Out of stock

    Dennerle Natural Gravel Rio Branco: NatĂŒrlicher Kies fĂŒr Ihr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarium Der Dennerle Natural Gravel Rio Branco ist ein natĂŒrlicher Kies, der sich ideal fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien eignet. Mit einer Körnung von 0,1-0,3mm bietet er eine natĂŒrliche und kreative Gestaltungsmöglichkeit fĂŒr Ihr Aquarium. Eigenschaften: NatĂŒrlicher Kies fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien Ideal fĂŒr natĂŒrliche und kreative Akzente Licht- und CO2-bestĂ€ndig Passt gut zu: Schwarzer Lava, Mini-Landschaft, grauem Schiefer, Seegebirge Inhalt: 500g

    Out of stock

    CHF 9.90

  • Natural Gravel Mekong 0.1-0.6mm, 500g - Purrfect Petsℱ Natural Gravel Mekong 0.1-0.6mm, 500g - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Dennerle Natural Gravel Mekong 0.1-0.6mm, 500g

    Out of stock

    Dennerle Natural Gravel Mekong: NatĂŒrlicher Sand fĂŒr Ihr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarium Der Dennerle Natural Gravel Mekong ist ein natĂŒrlicher Sand, der sich ideal fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien eignet. Mit einer Körnung von 0,1-0,6mm bietet er eine natĂŒrliche und kreative Gestaltungsmöglichkeit fĂŒr Ihr Aquarium. Eigenschaften: NatĂŒrlicher Sand fĂŒr SĂŒsswasser-Aquarien Ideal fĂŒr natĂŒrliche und kreative Akzente Licht- und CO2-bestĂ€ndig Passt gut zu: Schwarzer Lava, Mini-Landschaft, grauem Schiefer, Seegebirge Inhalt: 500g

    Out of stock

    CHF 9.90

  • Rock Pebbles div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Rock Pebbles div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Orbit Rock Pebbles div. Farben

    43 in stock

    The glass nuggets are well suited as decoration. They are about 19mm tall. Rinse before use. The substrate can be designed with sand, gravel or a mixture of both. The needs of the fish must be taken into account. The average gravel should be rounded and have a maximum grain size of 2-3mm. A height of 6-8cm is recommended as a gravel layer so that the plants can form sufficient roots. Amazonas Gravel offers fair and natural substrate for all fish species and their habitat. You can use the following formula to calculate how much gravel you need for your aquarium: (length x width x gravel height x 1.6) / 1000

    43 in stock

    CHF 12.95

  • Glas-Nuggets div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Glas-Nuggets div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Orbit Orbit glass nuggets 0.75kg

    63 in stock

    The glass nuggets are well suited as decoration. They are about 19mm tall. Rinse before use. The substrate can be designed with sand, gravel or a mixture of both. The needs of the fish must be taken into account. The average gravel should be rounded and have a maximum grain size of 2-3mm. A height of 6-8cm is recommended as a gravel layer so that the plants can form sufficient roots. Amazonas Gravel offers fair and natural substrate for all fish species and their habitat. You can use the following formula to calculate how much gravel you need for your aquarium: (length x width x gravel height x 1.6) / 1000

    63 in stock

    CHF 12.95

  • Kristall Quarzkies 1-2mm, 10Kg div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Kristall Quarzkies 1-2mm, 10Kg div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Dennerle Crystal quartz gravel

    22 in stock

    Dennerle quartz gravel is suitable for bottom fish. Since they are through their sensitive barbels while foraging on sharp edges The fine gravel grains that could cause serious injury are the gravel grains from Dennerle suitable. The gravel grains are hardness-free; Grain: 1-2mm; in the ball mill rounded; and colored with food coloring. Before Rinse clear for use.

    22 in stock

    CHF 25.00

  • Nano Garnelenkies Sunda 2kg - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Dennerle Nano shrimp gravel Sunda 2kg

    10 in stock

    The nano shrimp gravel Sunda from Dennerle is hardness-free. It also reacts neutrally to water and is lightfast. The shrimp gravel is also CO2-resistant. The grains are rounded and their diameter is between 0.7mm and 1.2mm. The edges are deliberately rounded so that there is no risk of bottom fish injuring themselves.

    10 in stock

    CHF 13.95

  • Nano Garnelenkies 2Kg div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Nano Garnelenkies 2Kg div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Dennerle Nano Shrimp Gravel Sulawesi 2 Kg

    11 in stock

    Excellent optics – perfect biofunction. Grains rounded, grain size 0.7 - 1.2 mm 2kg is enough for 10 liters

    11 in stock

    CHF 13.95

  • Edelquarzkies 2-4mm, 5kg Weiss - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Precious quartz gravel 2-4mm

    203 in stock

    The precious quartz gravel is a natural product and lime-free. White or beautiful, colorful stones with a grain size of 2-4mm or 3-5mm. Before Rinse use. The substrate can be sand, gravel or a mixture of both be designed. The needs of the fish must be taken into account. The average gravel should be rounded and have a grain size of Have a maximum of 2-3mm. A height of . is recommended as a gravel layer 6-8cm so that the plants can form enough roots. Amazon gravel offers fair conditions for all types of fish and their habitat and natural substrate. You can use the following formula to calculate how much gravel you need for your Aquarium need: (length x width x gravel height x 1.6) / 1000

    203 in stock

    CHF 11.50

  • Quarzsand div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Quarzsand div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Quartz sand

    58 in stock

    The quartz sand is a natural product and lime-free. With a grain size of only 0-1mm it is very fine. Available in three colors. The substrate can be sand, gravel or a mixture of both be designed. The needs of the fish must be taken into account. The average gravel should be rounded and have a grain size of Have a maximum of 2-3mm. A height of . is recommended as a gravel layer 6-8cm so that the plants can form enough roots. Amazon gravel offers fair conditions for all types of fish and their habitat and natural substrate. You can use the following formula to calculate how much gravel you need for your Aquarium need: (length x width x gravel height x 1.6) / 1000

    58 in stock

    CHF 11.50

  • Floating Qualle div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Floating Qualle div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Floating jellyfish

    1912 in stock

    This great, colorful aquarium decoration floats and floats in the water. This makes you see them even better. Made of non-toxic resin, in different colors.

    1912 in stock

    CHF 7.50

  • Juwel Conexo Aquarienkleber - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Conexo aquarium glue

    37 in stock

    JEWEL Conexo. The JUWEL Conexo aquarium glue is the perfect glue, for example, to permanently attach motif back walls in a 3-D structure or JUWEL skimmers to aquarium panes, as well as for filter panels in a 3-D structure. The JUWEL Conexo aquarium glue consists of a hybrid sealant and is extremely adhesive. JUWEL Conexo sticks easily to damp and wet surfaces or even in water. Tube content: 80ml, color: black

    37 in stock

    CHF 17.90

  • Juwel 3D MotivrĂŒckwand div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel 3D MotivrĂŒckwand div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Stone Granite motif back wall

    92 in stock

    JUWEL motif back wall Stone Granite. The Juwel motif back wall Stone Granite is a back wall with a 3-D structure. It is a lifelike replica of a granite-colored rock wall and, with a shallow installation depth of 1-3 cm, gives the aquarium an incredibly fascinating depth effect. Made from specially compacted polyurethane and coated with an epoxy resin surface, it still allows the back wall to be cut to size particularly easily while maintaining an extremely resistant and colorfast surface. The Juwel motif back wall Stone Granite and the matching Juwel terrace module Stone Granite give your aquarium the perfect, holistic and very real-looking underwater structure. The rest of the design with sand, gravel, possibly other decorations and plants and turns your aquarium into a gem. Size: 60x55x1-3cmSuitable for fresh and sea water. The JUWEL Conexo aquarium glue is the perfect glue for attaching the Juwel Stone Granite motif back wall to your aquarium.

    92 in stock

    CHF 89.00

  • Dekoration Finding Dory div. Modelle - Purrfect Petsℱ Dekoration Finding Dory div. Modelle - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Penn Plax Decoration Finding Dory - Hank

    Out of stock

    Resin decoration for aquariums or simple decoration. Our comic figures Hank Mini, Hank S and Hank M are the eye-catchers in every aquarium. The characters from the film Finding Dory are a varied aquarium decoration. Aquarium decoration can be used as a room divider in the aquarium or as a hiding place, spawning place and nursery, your fish will thank you. Make yourself and your fish happy! Resin decorations are popular because the material is non-toxic. It does not stain or release any substances. Before use, the decorations should be washed with lukewarm water.

    Out of stock

    CHF 16.50

  • Dekoration aus Kunstharz TempelsĂ€ulen div. Madelle - Purrfect Petsℱ Dekoration aus Kunstharz TempelsĂ€ulen div. Madelle - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Temple column 2 pieces 30.3x9.5x46cm

    337 in stock

    Resin decorations in the shape of temple pillars for aquariums and more. Imaginative and playful Amazon aquarium decoration. Her Pisces will have a great time and you can use your creativity to a high degree. A wonderful way to decorate your aquarium to give a special look. Aquarium decorations must be in front of the Be sure to thoroughly wash it with lukewarm water when placing it in the aquarium getting cleaned!

    337 in stock

    CHF 69.95

  • Mini Dekorationen aus Kunstharz div. Modelle - Purrfect Petsℱ Mini Dekorationen aus Kunstharz div. Modelle - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Mini decor cancer 7x4.5x8cm

    323 in stock

    Small resin decorations for aquariums or as simple ones Decoration. The funny characters embellish and amuse everyone Aquarium. They are made of non-toxic synthetic resin in bright colors manufactured. Always popular outside of the aquarium too Decoration. Resin decorations are popular because of the material is non-toxic. It does not stain or release any substances. Before Before use, the decorations should be washed with lukewarm water become.

    323 in stock

    CHF 5.95

  • Juwel Poster Fix - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Juwel Poster Fix

    6 in stock

    JEWEL Poster Fix. Mounting posters can have its pitfalls, but our JUWEL Poster Fix product guarantees that you can attach your foil back wall to the aquarium back wall without any air bubbles. With Poster Fix you avoid unsightly refractions of light and the colors and structures of your motif are enhanced and therefore appear stronger. Tube content: 30ml

    6 in stock

    CHF 6.90

  • Juwel FotorĂŒckwand Motiv 1 - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel FotorĂŒckwand Motiv 1 - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Photo background motif 1

    14 in stock

    JUWEL photo backgrounds. With the Juwel photo background motif 1 you have 2 options to further embellish your aquarium with a decorative underwater landscape. One side represents a rocky aquatic plant underworld, the other side is a large rocky underwater world. The film can be easily attached to the outside of the aquarium back wall - ideally with JUWEL Poster Fix. The film is absolutely insensitive to water. Available in 3 sizes: 60x30cm, 100x50cm, 150x60cm

    14 in stock

    CHF 12.90

  • Juwel FotorĂŒckwand Motiv 4 - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel FotorĂŒckwand Motiv 4 - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Photo background 4 sizes L 100x50cm

    3 in stock

    Juwel photo background 4, size. L (100x50cm)

    3 in stock

    CHF 12.90

  • Juwel FotorĂŒckwand Motiv 2 - Purrfect Petsℱ Juwel FotorĂŒckwand Motiv 2 - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Juwel Photo background motif 2

    13 in stock

    JUWEL photo backgrounds. With the Juwel photo background motif 2 you have 2 options to further beautify your aquarium with a simple, blue water surface. One side represents a surface of water with light coming in from above, the other side a large, slightly wavy surface of water. The film can be easily attached to the outside of the aquarium back wall - ideally with JUWEL Poster Fix. The film is absolutely insensitive to water. Available in 3 sizes: 60x30cm, 100x50cm, 150x60cm

    13 in stock

    CHF 12.90

  • Arc de Triomphe - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Arc de Triomphe

    295 in stock

    Imaginative and playful Amazon aquarium decoration. Your fish will have a great time and you can express your creativity to a great extent. A wonderful way to give your aquarium a special look. Resin decorations are popular because the material is non-toxic. It does not stain or release any substances. Before use, the decorations should be washed with lukewarm water.

    295 in stock

    CHF 14.50

  • Dekoration aus Kunstharz Wurzel - Purrfect Petsℱ Dekoration aus Kunstharz Wurzel - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Decoration made of resin root

    103 in stock

    Resin decorations for aquariums and more. Chic decoration for aquariums and terrariums. Resin decorations are popular because the material is non-toxic. It does not stain or release any substances. Before use, the decorations should be washed with lukewarm water.

    103 in stock

    CHF 36.95

  • Marble Cave - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Marble Cave

    20 in stock

    Decoration for aquariums and terrariums Can be decorated with real moss and plants Very natural look, modeled on nature Resin art decor Does not affect water quality or water clarity Ideal as a breeding and living cave for dwarf cichlids, catfish and shrimp. Offers protection and refuge for shy species. This can also be planted with real plants and mosses for a more natural look. Thanks to their particularly natural appearance, the Marble Caves fit well into any aquarium. The small caves in terrariums can also be used as hiding places. With a little silicone, the Marble Caves can also be easily attached to the side walls of aquariums or terrariums. Marble Cave 1: 12.5x9x6cmMarble Cave 2: 9.5x8.5x5.5cmMarble Cave 3: 7.5x6.5x5cm

    20 in stock

    CHF 9.95

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