(Pisces) Furnishings & Accessories

101 products

  • Amazonas Kunststoffpflanzen FLUO Lotus div. Optionen - Purrfect Petsℱ Amazonas Kunststoffpflanzen FLUO Lotus div. Optionen - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Plastic plants FLUO Lotus R4 10x7x3.5cm

    1000 in stock

    Colorful artificial plants as decoration. Brings color to her Aquarium! Easy to care for, available in different colors. Before the for the first use or for removing algae simply under warm water Rinse off water. Tip: Combine different sizes, models and colors.

    1000 in stock

    CHF 8.95

  • Amazonas Kunststoffpflanzen FLUO Farn div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Amazonas Kunststoffpflanzen FLUO Farn div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Plastic plants FLUO fern orange

    1029 in stock

    Colorful plastic plants as decoration. Brings color to her Aquarium. They are easy to care for and available in different colors. These models are for everyone who likes it trendy. Aquarium plants are an important part of decorating an aquarium. Of course you want to design as true to life as possible. It However, it is not always possible to use real aquarium plants some species of fish like to eat them. Also high pH values ​​and hard Water prevents aquatic plants from growing normally. Bid here Artificial aquarium plants are a nice alternative. Artificial plants can also be a useful addition to your real plants. More intensively colored artificial plants can be used alongside the green natural ones Plants bring a nice change to your aquarium design. Before the first use or to remove algae, simply put it under rinse with warm water. Tip: Combine different sizes, models and colors.

    1029 in stock

    CHF 14.95

  • Deko-Comb Rock M - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Dohse Decorative Comb Skirt M

    34 in stock

    The Comb Rock is ideal for the natural design of your aquarium or terrarium. E is easy to clean and does not affect water quality. These are beautiful natural stones where every single stone is unique. Therefore, please see our photo as an example image! Ideal decoration and a great eye-catcher in any aquarium. Decorative rock that reveals its full color splendor under water. Without influence on water chemistry. Each piece labeled with EAN code. For aquariums and terrariums Does not affect water chemistry or clarity ATTENTION: Clean thoroughly under running water before use!

    34 in stock

    CHF 9.95

  • Dohse Deko-Madeira Rock M - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Dohse Deco Madeira Skirt M

    37 in stock

    With the Madeira Rock you can design your aquarium or terrarium in a natural way. It is easy to clean and does not affect the water quality. These are beautiful natural stones where every single stone is unique. Therefore, please see our photo as an example image! For aquariums and terrariums Natural appearance Does not affect water chemistry or clarity ATTENTION: Clean thoroughly under running water before use!

    37 in stock

    CHF 9.95

  • Deko-Pagodenstein - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Dohse Decorative pagoda stone

    51 in stock

    Ideal for the natural design of aquariums and terrariums. Ideal decoration and a great eye-catcher. They are easy to clean and do not affect water quality. Decorative item is very durable and looks beautiful in any aquarium and terrarium. Ideal for building partitions, stairs, caves, steps and much more. When using several stones, please ensure that the individual stones are bonded so that they do not collapse! You will receive a single stone. Since it is a purely natural product, the picture is of course only an example. For aquariums and terrariums Natural appearance Looks deceptively real Does not affect water chemistry or clarity ATTENTION: Clean thoroughly under running water before use!

    51 in stock

    CHF 8.95

  • Amphoren aus Keramik div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Amphoren aus Keramik div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Ceramic amphoras

    28 in stock

    Ideal decorative rock for aquariums, a great eye-catcher in any aquarium. In our aquarium decoration range you will find the right thing for every aquarium style. Let your creativity run wild and design your aquarium individually with our decorative products. Decoration should blend unobtrusively into the aquarium environment and enrich the fish's habitat. A well-equipped aquarium reduces stress and enables the fish to behave in a species-appropriate manner. High-quality and visually interesting decorative items are fascinating and can be a real eye-catcher in your aquarium.

    28 in stock

    CHF 17.50

  • Fantasy Plant Plant LP div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Fantasy Plant Plant LP div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Fantasy Plant Plant LP div. Farben

    995 in stock

    Aquarium plants are an important part of decorating an aquarium. Of course you want to design as true to life as possible. However, it is not always possible to use real aquarium plants as some fish species like to eat them. High pH values ​​and hard water also prevent aquatic plants from growing normally. Artificial aquarium plants offer a nice alternative here. Artificial plants can also be a useful addition to your real plants. Artificial plants with more intense colors can bring a nice change to your aquarium design alongside the green natural plants. Before first use or to remove algae, simply rinse under warm water. Tip: Combine different sizes, models and colors.

    995 in stock

    CHF 19.95

  • Floating Rock Pandora - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Floating Rock Pandora

    1631 in stock

    Imaginative and playful Amazon aquarium decoration. floating stone. A show effect in every aquarium. Your fish will have a great time and you can express your creativity to a great extent. A wonderful way to give your aquarium a special look.

    1631 in stock

    CHF 8.90

  • Quarzkies 2-3mm, 15kg Schwarz - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Quartz gravel Africa 1-1.8mm

    214 in stock

    Amazonas quartz gravel Africa, 1-1.8mm, 5kg

    214 in stock

    CHF 18.00

  • Quarzkies 1-1.8mm, 5kg Afrika - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Quarzkies 1-1.8mm, 5kg Afrika

    Out of stock

    Amazonas farbiger Quarzkies Der Amazonas farbige Quarzkies verleiht Ihrem Aquarium eine lebendige und farbenfrohe Note. Diese einfarbigen, bunten Steinchen mit einer Körnung von 1-1.8mm sind mit Kunststoff ummantelt und bieten eine attraktive Alternative fĂŒr die Gestaltung des Aquariumbodens. Der Quarzkies ist CO2-bestĂ€ndig und lichtecht und in acht verschiedenen Farben erhĂ€ltlich. Vor Gebrauch sollte der Kies grĂŒndlich gespĂŒlt werden. Verwendung und Empfehlungen: Der Bodengrund kann mit Sand, Kies oder einer Mischung aus beiden gestaltet werden, wobei die BedĂŒrfnisse der Fische zu beachten sind. Der Durchschnittskies sollte abgerundet sein und eine maximale Korngrösse von 1-1.8mm haben. Eine Kiesschicht von 6-8cm wird empfohlen, damit die Pflanzen ausreichend Wurzeln bilden können. Der Amazonas Kies bietet eine natĂŒrliche und Habitat gerechte Grundlage fĂŒr alle Fischarten. Er eignet sich auch hervorragend zur Gestaltung farbenfroher Aquarien. Die hochwertige Kunststoffummantelung verhindert das Ausbleichen und macht den Kies CO2-bestĂ€ndig und lichtecht. Hinweise zur Verwendung: Vor Gebrauch muss der farbige Kies grĂŒndlich mit lauwarmem Wasser gespĂŒlt werden. Nicht mit heissem Wasser waschen oder ĂŒber Aquarientemperatur erwĂ€rmen. Der Kies ist pH-neutral und gibt keine toxischen Stoffe an das Wasser ab, da er mit einem Spezialharz ummantelt ist. Berechnung der benötigten Menge: Mit der folgenden Formel können Sie berechnen, wie viel Kies Sie fĂŒr Ihr Aquarium benötigen: (LĂ€nge x Breite x Kieshöhe x 1.6) / 1000 Eigenschaften: Kunststoff ummantelter Quarzkies CO2-bestĂ€ndig Lichtecht Nicht toxisch Körnung: 1-1.8mm Pack Ă  5kg Farbe: Afrika Bringen Sie mit dem Amazonas farbigen Quarzkies eine bunte Vielfalt in Ihr Aquarium und schaffen Sie eine lebendige Unterwasserlandschaft fĂŒr Ihre Fische.

    Out of stock

    CHF 0.00

  • Quarzkies 1-2mm, 5kg Grau-Mix - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Quarzkies 1-2mm, 5kg Grau-Mix

    Out of stock

    Amazonas farbiger Quarzkies Der Amazonas farbige Quarzkies verleiht Ihrem Aquarium eine lebendige und farbenfrohe Note. Diese einfarbigen, bunten Steinchen mit einer Körnung von 1-2mm sind mit Kunststoff ummantelt und bieten eine attraktive Alternative fĂŒr die Gestaltung des Aquariumbodens. Der Quarzkies ist CO2-bestĂ€ndig und lichtecht und in acht verschiedenen Farben erhĂ€ltlich. Vor Gebrauch sollte der Kies grĂŒndlich gespĂŒlt werden. Verwendung und Empfehlungen: Der Bodengrund kann mit Sand, Kies oder einer Mischung aus beiden gestaltet werden, wobei die BedĂŒrfnisse der Fische zu beachten sind. Der Durchschnittskies sollte abgerundet sein und eine maximale Korngrösse von 1-2mm haben. Eine Kiesschicht von 6-8cm wird empfohlen, damit die Pflanzen ausreichend Wurzeln bilden können. Der Amazonas Kies bietet eine natĂŒrliche und Habitat gerechte Grundlage fĂŒr alle Fischarten. Er eignet sich auch hervorragend zur Gestaltung farbenfroher Aquarien. Die hochwertige Kunststoffummantelung verhindert das Ausbleichen und macht den Kies CO2-bestĂ€ndig und lichtecht. Hinweise zur Verwendung: Vor Gebrauch muss der farbige Kies grĂŒndlich mit lauwarmem Wasser gespĂŒlt werden. Nicht mit heissem Wasser waschen oder ĂŒber Aquarientemperatur erwĂ€rmen. Der Kies ist pH-neutral und gibt keine toxischen Stoffe an das Wasser ab, da er mit einem Spezialharz ummantelt ist. Berechnung der benötigten Menge: Mit der folgenden Formel können Sie berechnen, wie viel Kies Sie fĂŒr Ihr Aquarium benötigen: (LĂ€nge x Breite x Kieshöhe x 1.6) / 1000 Eigenschaften: Kunststoff ummantelter Quarzkies CO2-bestĂ€ndig Lichtecht Nicht toxisch Körnung: 1-2mm Pack Ă  5kg Farbe: Grau-Mix Bringen Sie mit dem Amazonas farbigen Quarzkies eine bunte Vielfalt in Ihr Aquarium und schaffen Sie eine lebendige Unterwasserlandschaft fĂŒr Ihre Fische.

    Out of stock

    CHF 0.00

  • Quarzkies 2-3mm, 5kg div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Quarzkies 2-3mm, 5kg div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Quartz gravel 5kg

    210 in stock

    Amazonas quartz gravel, 5kg, white, 2-3mm

    210 in stock

    CHF 18.00

  • Kunststoffpflanzen FLUO Sea-Anemone orange - Purrfect Petsℱ Kunststoffpflanzen FLUO Sea-Anemone orange - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Plastic plants FLUO Sea-Anemone orange

    999 in stock

    The Amazon plastic plant Fluo Sea-Anemone is an artificial one aquarium plant. Aquarium plants are an important part of the Decoration of an aquarium. Of course you want it that way make it as natural as possible. However, it is not always possible Use real aquarium plants, as some fish species like them eat. High pH values ​​and hard water also hinder aquatic plants to grow normally. Artificial aquarium plants offer one here nice alternative. Artificial plants can also be useful Be an addition to your real plants. More intense in color Artificial plants can be beautiful alongside the green natural plants Bring variety to your aquarium design. Before the first use or to remove algae, simply rinse under warm water. Tip: Combine different sizes, models and colors.

    999 in stock

    CHF 14.95

  • Kunststoffpflanzen FLUO Sea-Anemone - Purrfect Petsℱ Kunststoffpflanzen FLUO Sea-Anemone - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Plastic plants FLUO Sea Anemone

    971 in stock

    The Amazon plastic plant Fluo Sea-Anemone is one artificial aquarium plant. Aquarium plants are an important one Part of decorating an aquarium. Of course you want to make it as true to life as possible. However, it is not It is always possible to use real aquarium plants, as some species of fish like to eat them. High pH values ​​and hard water also prevent this Aquatic plants to grow normally. Here artificial ones offer Aquarium plants are a nice alternative. Artificial plants can can also be a useful addition to your real plants. In terms of color More intensive artificial plants can be used alongside the green natural plants bring a nice change to your aquarium design. Before the for the first use or for removing algae simply under warm water Rinse off water. Tip: Combine different sizes, models and colors.

    971 in stock

    CHF 14.95

  • Fantasy Plant PP div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Fantasy Plant PP div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Fantasy Plant PP div. Farben

    580 in stock

    When decorating an aquarium, this is an important part of making your fish's home as natural as possible. However, it is quite difficult to use real plants to decorate a complete aquarium set as they are eaten by many species of fish and produce algae that makes cleaning the aquarium tedious and annoying. That's why our Amazonas Fantasy Plant PP in green offers the perfect alternative for a natural design of the complete aquarium set. With our Amazon Fantasy Plant PP, the underwater landscape of your fish takes on a natural appearance in which your fish are guaranteed to feel comfortable. In addition, cleaning our artificial Amazon Fantasy Plant is very easy and time-saving.

    580 in stock

    CHF 9.95

  • Aqua+Terra Dekor Stein beige - Purrfect Petsℱ Aqua+Terra Dekor Stein beige - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Aqua+Terra decor stone beige

    362 in stock

    Compact decorative stone. Our aquarium decoration range has the right thing for every aquarium style. Let your creativity run wild and design your aquarium individually with our decorative products. A decoration should blend inconspicuously into the aquarium environment and enrich the fish's habitat. A well-equipped aquarium reduces stress and enables the fish to behave in a species-appropriate manner. High-quality and visually interesting decorative items are fascinating and can be a real eye-catcher in your aquarium. Aquarium stones must be cleaned thoroughly with lukewarm water before being placed in the aquarium!

    362 in stock

    CHF 12.95

  • Aqua+Terra Dekor Stein Mountain - Purrfect Petsℱ Aqua+Terra Dekor Stein Mountain - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Aqua+Terra Decor Stone Mountain

    106 in stock

    Decorative stone shaped like a mountain range. Our aquarium decoration range has the right thing for every aquarium style. Let your creativity run wild and design your aquarium individually with our decorative products. A decoration should blend inconspicuously into the aquarium environment and enrich the fish's habitat. A well-equipped aquarium reduces stress and enables the fish to behave in a species-appropriate manner. High-quality and visually interesting decorative items are fascinating and can be a real eye-catcher in your aquarium. Aquarium stones must be cleaned thoroughly with lukewarm water before being placed in the aquarium!

    106 in stock

    CHF 19.95

  • Kunststoffpflanzen FLUO Tree div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ Kunststoffpflanzen FLUO Tree div. Farben - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Plastic plants FLUO Tree

    2907 in stock

    Colorful plastic plants as decoration. Brings color to her Aquarium. They are easy to care for and available in different colors. These models are for everyone who likes it trendy. Aquarium plants are an important part of decorating an aquarium. Of course you want to design as true to life as possible. It However, it is not always possible to use real aquarium plants some species of fish like to eat them. Also high pH values ​​and hard Water prevents aquatic plants from growing normally. Bid here Artificial aquarium plants are a nice alternative. Artificial plants can also be a useful addition to your real plants. More intensively colored artificial plants can be used alongside the green natural ones Plants bring a nice change to your aquarium design. Before the first use or to remove algae, simply put it under rinse with warm water. Tip: Combine different sizes, models and colors.

    2907 in stock

    CHF 16.95

  • Savannenholz Dekor - Purrfect Petsℱ Savannenholz Dekor - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Savannah wood decor

    150 in stock

    Beautify your aquarium with these beautiful savanna roots. In our aquarium decoration range you will find the right thing for every aquarium style. Let your creativity run wild and design your aquarium individually with our decorative products. A decoration should blend inconspicuously into the aquarium environment and enrich the fish's habitat. A well-equipped aquarium reduces stress and enables the fish to behave in a species-appropriate manner. High-quality and visually interesting decorative items are fascinating and can be a real eye-catcher in your aquarium. Aquarium wood must be cleaned thoroughly with lukewarm water before being placed in the aquarium!

    150 in stock

    CHF 72.50

  • Drachenstein Dekor - Purrfect Petsℱ Drachenstein Dekor - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Dragonstone decor

    428 in stock

    Asian stone with a surface like a dragon's skin, greenish color with parallel arranged holes and depressions. In our aquarium decoration range you will find the right thing for every aquarium style. Let your creativity run wild and design your aquarium individually with our decorative products. A decoration should blend inconspicuously into the aquarium environment and enrich the fish's habitat. A well-equipped aquarium reduces stress and enables the fish to behave in a species-appropriate manner. High-quality and visually interesting decorative items are fascinating and can be a real eye-catcher in your aquarium. Aquarium stones must be cleaned thoroughly with lukewarm water before being placed in the aquarium!

    428 in stock

    CHF 26.50

  • Dekor Wood Tunnel - Purrfect Petsℱ Dekor Wood Tunnel - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Decor Wood Tunnel

    2426 in stock

    Decorative wood from Amazonas. Real appearance, made of resin. Funny, old diving helmet from Amazonas. Real appearance, made of resin. Imaginative and playful Amazon aquarium decoration. Your fish will have a great time and you can express your creativity to a great extent. A wonderful way to give your aquarium a special look. Aquarium decorations must be thoroughly cleaned with lukewarm water before being placed in the aquarium!

    2426 in stock

    CHF 8.95

  • Welshöhle - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Welshöhle

    Out of stock

    Amazonas Welshöhle Die Amazonas Welshöhle ist die ideale Lösung fĂŒr Welsliebhaber, die ihren Aquarienbewohnern optimale Brut- oder VersteckplĂ€tze bieten möchten. Diese Höhlen dienen nicht nur als sichere Behausung fĂŒr Welse, sondern sind auch perfekt fĂŒr Krebse und Garnelen geeignet. Mit ihrem flachen Eingang bieten sie einen bequemen Zugang fĂŒr Ihre Tiere und sollten in keinem gut eingerichteten Aquarium fehlen. Hergestellt aus gebranntem Ton, beeinflussen sie weder die WasserqualitĂ€t noch die Klarheit des Wassers und bieten eine optimale Umgebung fĂŒr die Zucht und das Verstecken von Welsen. Legende fĂŒr Eigenschaften: Ideal fĂŒr Welse: Bietet optimale Brut- oder VersteckplĂ€tze fĂŒr Welse aller Arten. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Auch geeignet fĂŒr Krebse und Garnelen, die eine sichere Behausung suchen. Flacher Eingang: Ermöglicht einen einfachen Zugang fĂŒr Ihre Aquarienbewohner. WasserqualitĂ€t: Beeinflusst weder die WasserqualitĂ€t noch die Klarheit des Wassers. Grössen: M: (4x12cm) Die Amazonas Welshöhle bietet die ideale Brut- und Versteckhöhle fĂŒr Ihre Unterwasserfreunde und trĂ€gt zur Schaffung einer natĂŒrlichen und sicheren Umgebung in Ihrem Aquarium bei.

    Out of stock

    CHF 9.95

  • Welshöhle - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Welshöhle

    71 in stock

    Ideally suited as breeding or hiding places for catfish Serve as optimal housing for crabs and shrimps Flat entrance Shouldn't be missing in any aquarium Does not affect water quality or water clarity Optimal breeding and hiding cave made of fired clay for catfish. Catfish Cave S, red: 2.7x10cmCatfish Cave S, dark: 3x10cmCatfish Cave M, red: 4x12cmCatfish Cave M, dark: 5x12cm Catfish Cave L, dark: 7x16cm

    71 in stock

    CHF 9.95

  • Finger-Wurzel - Purrfect Petsℱ Finger-Wurzel - Purrfect Petsℱ

    Amazonas Finger root

    492 in stock

    Our finger root is obtained naturally and originally comes from China. The root has unique thin branches that give your aquarium inhabitants the opportunity to let off steam or hide. Roots play an important role for aquarium animals because they are also found in natural biotopes and they can offer the animals the feeling of a natural home. However, the finger root also provides an attractive look and can be ideally used throughout the aquarium. It is available in five sizes and can be found in a light brown natural color. ATTENTION: The root should be watered for a few days before being placed in the aquarium. If the root does not sink immediately, you can initially weigh it down with a stone or another heavy object so that it stays under water.

    492 in stock

    CHF 10.95

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