
Hurtta Midlayer overall blackberry
The Hurtta company from Finland has been developing functional dog clothing for over 10 years. Hurtta dog clothing is made of breathable, windproof and waterproof material and therefore provides optimal protection against cold and wet conditions. All garments are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Thanks to the special fit and the availability of different sizes, the clothing not only protects the dog's back, but also the entire chest/abdomen area. Advantages: Warm and soft For city walks and day trips Highly visible reflectors Available in different sizes Available in the following sizes: Size 25S: Papillon, Toy Poodle Size 30S: Jack Russell Terrier, Havanese Size 30M: Bichon Frisé, Minature Pinscher Size 35S: Border Terrier, Mini Schnauzer Size 35M: Westie, American Cocker Spaniel Size 40M: Cocker Spaniel, Lagotto Size 45M: Pumi, Spanish Water Dog Size 50M: Schnauzer, Giant Poodle Size 55M: Collie, Labrador Retriever Size 60M: Golden Retriever, Dalmatian Size 65M: Giant Schnauzer, Flat-coated Retriever Customer note: We are pleased that you have found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, we are unable to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. We guarantee that the coat or sweater will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 68.00
Hurtta Extreme warmer Eco hedge
Hurtta Extreme warmer Eco hedge in grün – Maximale Wärme, Minimaler ökologischer Fussabdruck Der Extreme Warmer Eco in der trendigen Farbe hedge setzt neue Massstäbe für Hundethermojacken und ist sowohl für Spaziergänge als auch für Hundesportler geeignet. Hier sind die herausragenden Merkmale und Vorteile dieser Jacke: Eigenschaften: Wärmerückhaltung: Das Folienmuster reflektiert die körpereigene Wärme des Hundes, und das wasser- und winddichte Oberflächenmaterial macht die Jacke besonders warm. Hochgezogene Thermokapuze: Die Jacke verfügt über eine thermische Trikotkapuze, die hochgezogen werden kann, um Ohren und Kopf zu wärmen. Umfassender Schutz: Die Jacke schützt die wichtigsten Muskeln für die Wärmeproduktion, sowie Hals, Bauch und Brustkorb. Bewegungsfreiheit: Das angenehm weiche, leicht flexible Material schränkt die Bewegungsfreiheit nicht ein, selbst bei empfindlichen Hunden. Optimale Passform: Die Jacke ist so dimensioniert, dass der kälteempfindliche Bauch bestmöglich abgedeckt wird. Sichtbarkeit: 3M®-Reflexpaspeln und grosse Reflexdrucke verbessern die Sichtbarkeit des Hundes in der Dunkelheit. Neue Details für verbesserten Nutzen: Verstellbare Rückenlänge und Kapuze, Druckknöpfe am hinteren Saum für vielseitige Nutzung. Nachhaltige Materialien: Bei der ECO-Version sind Oberstoff, Wattierung und Gürtel aus 100 % recyceltem Material hergestellt. Das Futter besteht aus 50% recyceltem Polyester. Wasserdichtes Material: Das laminierte Material ist wasserdicht bis zu 10.000 mm. Verschweisste Nähte: Die Nähte sind verschweisst, was die Jacke wasserdicht macht. Fluorcarbonfreie Behandlung: Rudolf ECO wasserabweisende Behandlung ohne Fluorcarbone. Grössen: Grösse 25: Rückenlänge 25cm, Hals 31cm, Brust 30-50cm Grösse 30: Rückenlänge 30cm, Hals 39cm, Brust 36-62cm Grösse 35: Rückenlänge 35cm, Hals 52cm, Brust 43-67cm Grösse 40: Rückenlänge 40cm, Hals 54cm, Brust 45-72cm Grösse 45: Rückenlänge 45cm, Hals 60cm, Brust 50-82cm Grösse 50: Rückenlänge 50cm, Hals 65cm, Brust 54-85cm Grösse 55: Rückenlänge 55cm, Hals 73cm, Brust 56-91cm Grösse 60: Rückenlänge 60cm, Hals 76cm, Brust 58-96cm Grösse 65: Rückenlänge 65cm, Hals 75cm, Brust 58-106cm
CHF 94.00
Hurtta Extremely warm blackberry size 25
The Extreme Warmer Eco blackberry has taken the requirements of thermal dog jackets to a new level, for both dog walkers and dog athletes. The foil pattern, which reflects the dog's own body heat back to the dog, as well as the waterproof and windproof surface material make the jacket particularly warm but also comfortable to use. The Extreme Warmer is the warmest jacket in the Hurtta range. In addition to the high collar, the jacket has a thermal tricot hood that can be pulled up to warm the ears and head. The jacket protects the muscles most important for heat production, as well as the neck, stomach and chest. The pleasantly soft, slightly flexible material does not restrict freedom of movement, even for a sensitive dog. The abdominal area of the jacket was sized so that the cold-sensitive stomach is optimally covered. The effective 3M reflective piping and the large reflective prints on the front and back hem of the jacket improve the dog's visibility in the dark. In the renewed version of the Extreme Warmer, some details have been added that improve the utility of the jacket compared to before: The adjustable The back length and the adjustable area in the hood were inconspicuously attached to the inside of the jacket. Snaps have been attached to the back hem, allowing the protective back hem to be folded under the jacket if necessary. In addition, the warmth of the jacket has been renewed with softer, thicker padding. In the ECO version, the outer fabric, padding and belt are made from 100% recycled material. The lining is made from 50% recycled polyesterWaterproof laminated material: waterproof up to 10,000 mm100% PES technical 180g knit lining, with heat-reflecting aluminum foil pattern•Welded back and back seams•Fluorocarbon-free Rudolf ECO water-repellent treatment•Adjustable back lengthSize 25: back length 25cm, neck 31cm, Breast 30-50cm size 30: back length 30cm, neck 36-62cm size 35: back length 35cm, neck 52cm, chest 43-67cm size 40: back length 40cm, neck 54cm, chest 45-72cm size 30: back length 45cm, neck 50, chest 50 -82cmSize 30: back length 50cm, neck 65cm, chest 54-85cmSize 30: back length 55cm, neck 73cm, chest 56-91cmSize 30: back length 60cm, neck 76cm, chest 58-96cmSize 30: back length 65cm, neck 75cm, chest 58-106 cmWe We are pleased that you have found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. We guarantee that the coat or sweater will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 94.00
Hurtta Monsoon Coat bilberry size 20
The Monsoon raincoat is an essential outfit for every dog in rainy, windy or muddy weather. Thanks to the completely new technical structure of the collar, the seams can be taped even more extensively than before. In contrast to previous models, the collar seams on Monsoon are vertical, so that the collar can be taped completely waterproof. There is also a rain collar made of waterproof jersey on the edge of the collar, which prevents water from getting into the inside of the coat on the dog's neck. The pleasantly soft collar can be tightened around the dog's neck to protect the chest and neck area. The large, attractive reflective prints on the back hem of the coat and the 3M reflector piping on the back increase safety and visibility in the dark. The Monsoon coat's excellent sizing ensures a good fit for most breeds. The wide belly flap keeps the coat in place and ensures it stays on without restricting the dog's freedom of movement, even during playful play. The flap covers the dog's stomach and effectively protects it from mud and sand. Monsoon is made of an elastic and quiet fabric, making it comfortable to wear and quick to put on.• Weatherproof and breathable Houndtex® laminated outer material• The seams are welded, making the coat waterproof• Highly visible 3M® reflectors• Adjustable collar , waist and back length size. 20: Chihuahua, Yorkshire TerrierGr. 25: Maltese, miniature spaniel, small SpitzGr. 30: Pug, Pekingese, Boston TerrierGr. 35: Havanese, Lhasa Apso, English BulldogGr. 40: Beagle, Miniature Dachshund, English BulldogGr. 45: Drever, Welsh Corgi Cardigan, Dachshund Gr. 50: Chow Chow, Basset Hound, ElkhoundGr. 55: English Pointer, SalukiGr. 60: Bearded CollieGr. 65: RottweilerWe are pleased that you have found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. We guarantee that the coat or sweater will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 72.00
Hurtta Monsoon Coat Eco Rosehip
Hurtta Monsoon Coat Eco – Zuverlässiger Regenschutz in elegantem Rosehip Der Monsoon Regenmantel ist ein unverzichtbares Outfit für Hunde bei regnerischem, windigem oder schlammigem Wetter. Hier sind die herausragenden Merkmale und Vorteile dieses Mantels in der eleganten Rosehip-Farbe: Eigenschaften: Verbesserter Kragen: Der technisch verbesserte Kragen ermöglicht eine umfassendere Abdichtung der Nähte. Im Vergleich zu Vorgängermodellen sind die Kragennähte senkrecht angeordnet, was eine vollständige wasserdichte Abdeckung ermöglicht. Ein Regenkragen aus wasserdichtem Trikot am Kragen verhindert das Eindringen von Wasser am Hals des Hundes in den Mantel. Sicherheit im Dunkeln: Große, attraktive Reflexdrucke am hinteren Mantelsaum und 3M-Reflektorpaspel auf dem Rücken erhöhen die Sichtbarkeit und Sicherheit bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen. Optimale Passform: Die hervorragende Größenanpassung garantiert eine gute Passform für die meisten Hunderassen. Die breite Bauchklappe hält den Mantel an Ort und Stelle und schützt den Bauch vor Schlamm und Sand, ohne die Bewegungsfreiheit des Hundes einzuschränken. Elastisches und geräuscharmes Material: Der Mantel ist aus elastischem und geräuscharmem Stoff gefertigt, was einen bequemen Tragekomfort und ein einfaches An- und Ausziehen gewährleistet. Wetterfestes und atmungsaktives Material: Das mit Houndtex® laminierte Außenmaterial ist wetterfest und atmungsaktiv. Wasserdichte Nähte: Die Nähte sind verschweißt, was den Mantel wasserdicht macht. Verstellbarer Kragen, Taille und Rückenlänge: Individuelle Anpassung für eine optimale Passform. Erhältlich in den folgenden Grössen: Grösse 20: Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier Grösse 25: Malteser, Zwergspaniel, Kleinspitz Grösse 35: Havaneser, Lhasa Apso, Englische Bulldogge Grösse 40: Beagle, Zwergdackel, Englische Bulldogge Grösse 45: Drever, Welsh Corgi Cardigan, Dackel Grösse 50: Chow Chow, Basset Hound, Elchhund Grösse 55: Englischer Vorstehhund, Saluki Grösse 60: Bearded Collie Grösse 65: Rottweiler
CHF 54.00
Hurtta Expedition Parka bilberry size 20
The company has been developing functional dog clothing for over 10 years. Hurtta dog clothing is made of wind & waterproof material and therefore optimally protects against cold and wet. All garments are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Through the special fit and the availability of different sizes The clothing not only protects the back, but also the entire body Chest/abdomen area of the dog. Expedition Parka is an excellent choice for cold weather adventures large and small. The Expedition Parka was specially developed for short-haired dogs and dogs without an undercoat, but is also suitable for all other dogs in cold weather. He is suitable for additional warmth, for example for agility dogs after training or for dogs who, due to their age or their Health conditions require heat. The technical surface material of the easy-to-handle fur is ideal for even the toughest games. The protection model The Expedition Parka is designed to provide an extended Allows freedom of movement when the dog runs and plays. The waterproof and windproof, soft, elastic segments on the The front adapts flexibly to the dog's movements. The Neckline, back length and collar circumference Expedition parkas are adjustable. Breathable and water-repellent material Adjustable back length Resealable opening for dishes on the back in sizes 30-80cm Protects the chest and important muscle groups Integrated harness in small sizes 20-25cm Available in the following sizes: Size 20: Chihuahua, Yorkshire TerrierSize 25: Chihuahua, Bichon Frisé, AffenpinscherSize 30: Shih Tzu, Tibetan Spaniel, WestieSize 30XL: French Bulldog, PugSize 35: Australian Terrier, Cocker Spaniel Size 35 XL: Dwarf Bull Terrier, French BulldogSize 40: Beagle , Bedlington TerrierSize 40 XS: Miniature Dachshund, DachshundSize 45: American Water Spaniel, Welsh CorgiSize 45 Rottweilers, Weimaraners Customer note: We are pleased that you are in our Have found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our online shop! We At this point you would like to point out that you have ordered Cannot send dog clothing back. From hygienic For reasons it is not possible for us to sell coats that have already been tried on To take back the sweater.
CHF 82.00
Hurtta Razzle-Dazzle blackberry size 25
Hurtta Razzle-Dazzle The Hurtta company from Finland has been developing functional dog clothing for over 10 years. Hurtta dog clothing is made of breathable, windproof & waterproof material and therefore optimally protects against cold and wet. All garments are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Due to the special fit and the availability of different sizes, the clothing not only protects the back, but also the entire chest/abdomen area of the dog. Available in the following sizes: Size 20: Chihuahua, Russian Toy Size 25: Chihuahua, Toy Poodle, Silky Terrier size 30: Jack Russell Terrier, Lhasa ApsoSize 35: Border Terrier, Spitz, Bichon FriséSize 40: Shetland Sheepdog, Cocker SpanielSize 45: Pumi, Schnauzer, Pyrenean ShepherdSize 50: Spanish Water Dog, Border CollieSize 55: Golden Retriever, Australian ShepherdSize 60: Labrador Retriver , Bearded CollieSize 65: Bernese Mountain Dog, Giant SchnauzerWe are pleased that you have found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. We guarantee that the coat or sweater will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 54.00
Hurtta Razzle-Dazzle beetroot size 25
Hurtta Razzle-Dazzle The Hurtta company from Finland has been developing functional dog clothing for over 10 years. Hurtta dog clothing is made of breathable, windproof & waterproof material and therefore optimally protects against cold and wet. All garments are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Due to the special fit and the availability of different sizes, the clothing not only protects the back, but also the entire chest/abdomen area of the dog. Available in the following sizes: Size 20: Chihuahua, Russian Toy Size 25: Chihuahua, Toy Poodle, Silky Terrier size 30: Jack Russell Terrier, Lhasa ApsoSize 35: Border Terrier, Spitz, Bichon FriséSize 40: Shetland Sheepdog, Cocker SpanielSize 45: Pumi, Schnauzer, Pyrenean ShepherdSize 50: Spanish Water Dog, Border CollieSize 55: Golden Retriever, Australian ShepherdSize 60: Labrador Retriver , Bearded CollieSize 65: Bernese Mountain Dog, Giant SchnauzerWe are pleased that you have found a nice piece of clothing for your dog in our web shop! We would like to point out at this point that you cannot return dog clothing that you have ordered. For hygiene reasons, it is not possible for us to take back coats and sweaters that have already been tried on. We therefore recommend that you first try on the model you want in one of our branches. Our expert staff will be happy to help you find the perfect item of clothing for your dog. We guarantee that the coat or sweater will fit your dog perfectly and will also be comfortable for your pet. We thank you for your understanding!
CHF 54.00
PawCare PawCare food bowl with lid
This modern feeding bowl from PawCare is ideal for frozen food (barf food) so that it can be thawed slowly and hygienically. The lid protects against flies and other pests. Dry food can also be pre-portioned, for example for a car trip, a trip or when going out to eat. This prevents you from having to carry around too much food. As soon as the dog gets his meal, the lid can be removed and your four-legged friend can start eating immediately. In addition, leftover food can be easily resealed and stored. The feeding bowl is made of plastic, which makes it particularly light and therefore easy to transport. It is also dishwasher safe and is therefore easy to clean. Thanks to the rubber coating on the lower edge of the bowl, it ensures that the bowl is stable at the feeding place and cannot tip or slip so easily. The feeding bowl is available in two sizes: Small (pink/pink): 300ml Medium (white/green): 600ml
CHF 9.95
Swisspet Ceramic bowl MR. RED
Beautiful timeless ceramic bowls from swisspet. The bowl has a beige base color with motifs on the outside and inside. Bones are printed on red squares on the outside and a dog is printed on the inside of the bowl with the word DOG written all over it. Ceramic is very hygienic, easy to maintain, modern and durable and therefore very popular. Available in two sizes. Size S: 300ml, ø12.5x4.5cm Size M: 500ml, ø15.1x6cm
CHF 6.95
WOW Adult salmon with meat 800g
WOW Adult salmon with meat, 800g
CHF 20.90
Ferplast Rollen Kit L 388 4er Set. zu Atlas 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, Maxi.
Rollen Kit L 388 4er Set. zu Atlas 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, Maxi. Das Rollen-Kit L 388 ist ein praktisches Zubehör für die Atlas-Transportboxen von Ferplast und ermöglicht es, die Box leicht zu bewegen. Hier sind einige wichtige Informationen zum Rollen-Kit: Kompatibilität: Das Rollen-Kit L 388 ist speziell für die Atlas-Modelle 50, 60, 70, 80, 100 und Maxi von Ferplast konzipiert. Es ist darauf ausgerichtet, eine einfache Montage auf diesen Transportboxen zu ermöglichen. Einfache Installation: Die Installation des Rollen-Kits ist einfach und erfordert keine komplizierten Werkzeuge. In der Regel wird das Kit direkt an der Unterseite der Transportbox angebracht. Beweglichkeit: Mit den angebrachten Rollen können Sie die Transportbox leichter bewegen, insbesondere wenn Sie sie im Auto, Zuhause oder anderswo transportieren müssen. Vierer-Set: Das Rollen-Kit wird in einem Set mit vier Rollen geliefert. Dies gewährleistet eine gleichmässige Gewichtsverteilung und erleichtert das Manövrieren. Zubehör für Komfort: Das Rollen-Kit ist ein nützliches Zubehör, um den Transport der Atlas-Boxen komfortabler zu gestalten, insbesondere wenn sie schwer beladen sind. Vor dem Kauf sollten Sie sicherstellen, dass das Rollen-Kit speziell für die von Ihnen verwendete Atlas-Box-Grösse (50, 60, 70, 80, 100 oder Maxi) geeignet ist, um eine optimale Passform zu gewährleisten.
CHF 0.00
Ferplast Trennwand zu Atlas 80/100/Maxi
Ferplast Trennwand zu Atlas 80/100/Maxi Die Trennwand für die Atlas-Modelle 80, 100 und Maxi ermöglicht es, den Innenraum der Transportbox in zwei separate Abteile zu unterteilen. Dies ist besonders praktisch, wenn Sie mehrere Tiere gleichzeitig transportieren und sicherstellen möchten, dass sie getrennt voneinander untergebracht sind. Die Trennwand schafft eine klare Abgrenzung und verhindert den direkten Kontakt zwischen den Tieren während der Fahrt. Hier sind die wichtigsten Merkmale der Trennwand: Kompatibilität: Die Trennwand ist speziell für die Atlas-Modelle 80, 100 und Maxi von Ferplast konzipiert. Sie lässt sich in diesen Transportboxen sicher befestigen. Material: Die Trennwand ist aus hochwertigem Material gefertigt und bietet eine stabile Trennung zwischen den beiden Abteilen. Einfache Installation: Die Montage der Trennwand ist einfach und ermöglicht eine schnelle Unterteilung des Innenraums der Transportbox. Praktisches Zubehör: Besonders für Tierbesitzer, die mehrere Hunde oder Katzen haben, ist die Trennwand eine praktische Ergänzung, um den Transport sicher und komfortabel zu gestalten. Bevor Sie die Trennwand erwerben, stellen Sie sicher, dass sie speziell für die von Ihnen verwendete Atlas-Box-Grösse geeignet ist (Atlas 80, 100 oder Maxi). Dies gewährleistet eine optimale Passform und Funktionalität.
CHF 0.00
Ferplast Atlas Carboxes
Traveling with your loved one in the car has never been so comfortable and safe! The Atlas Car Box is both light and robust. It is made of thermoplastic and is closed with a plastic-coated metal mesh door. The Atlas Car is designed to transport your pet in the trunk and is available in different sizes. Depending on the car model and size of the animal. All models are provided with one and one that can be opened in both directions. The generous ventilation slots ensure sufficient air circulation and the matching drainage mat keeps the interior of the box dry. The side accesses on the top make it easier to move the box or remove it from the car. The box can be easily disassembled for cleaning or space-saving storage and the drainage mat can also be easily removed. A roller kit can also be purchased. We also recommend buying a suitable pillow for the animal's comfort, for example from the Ferplast Jolly line. The larger boxes Atlas Car 80, 100 and Maxi also have practical ones in the lid. For example, a leash, hygiene wipes or a brush are in good hands there. To transport two dogs, the Atlas Car 80 and 100 can be divided into two independent compartments using a separately available partition; this partition is already included in the Atlas Car Maxi model.
CHF 129.00
Swisspet Car seat Randy
With the Randy car seat you can give your dog a safe car ride with a view. Offer your dog a comfortable seat in the car with the safety seat from swisspet. The safety shell of the high seat can be easily attached to the seat belt. For attachment, there are two handles on the back of the shell through which the strap can be passed through. The shell also contains a strap that can easily be tied around the headrest of the back seat. The bowl can also be folded and can therefore be easily packed into a transport bag. For additional safety for your dog, we recommend the swisspet Dogsafe safety harness. On the outer wall, the shell has one or two utensil pockets (1 for model S, 2 for model M). The shell is black/beige and can be washed at 30°C. As just mentioned, the bowl is available in two sizes: S=37x40x35cm, M=75x40x35cm
CHF 98.00
Ferplast Transportboxe Atlas Deluxe 10/20 Open div. Faarben
Ferplast Transportbox Atlas Deluxe Open - Komfortabler Transport für Ihr Haustier Die Ferplast Transportbox Atlas Deluxe Open bietet eine ideale Lösung für den sicheren und komfortablen Transport von kleinen Hunden und Katzen. Hier sind die wichtigsten Eigenschaften und Informationen zu den verfügbaren Größen: Allgemeine Merkmale: Perfekt für Reisen: Die Atlas Deluxe Open Transportbox ist ideal für Reisen mit kleinen Hunden und Katzen geeignet. Ob mit dem Zug, Auto oder Flugzeug, Ihr Haustier reist sicher und komfortabel. Optimale Luftzirkulation: Die kunststoffummantelte Stahltür und die Seitenluftlöcher sorgen für eine optimale Luftzirkulation im Inneren der Box. Dachöffnung: Das Dach der Box kann geöffnet werden, was eine bessere Belüftung ermöglicht. Sie können jederzeit einen Blick auf Ihr Tier werfen. Ergonomischer Griff: Der ergonomische Griff gewährleistet einen sicheren Halt und erleichtert den Transport der Box. Schnelles Befestigungssystem: Die Seitenclips ermöglichen einen schnellen Auf- und Abbau der Transportbox. Doppelöffnung: Die Doppelöffnung an der Vorderseite und der Oberseite bietet einfachen Zugang zum Inneren, sodass Sie Futter und Wasser bequem nachfüllen können. Inklusive Zubehör: Die Transportbox wird mit einem waschbaren Baumwollkissen und einem Futternapf aus Kunststoff geliefert. Verfügbare Grössen: Atlas Deluxe Open 10: Maximale Traglast 5kg, Nettogewicht 1,68kg Atlas Deluxe Open 20: Maximale Traglast 8kg, Nettogewicht 2,06kg Platzsparend: Die Transportbox benötigt wenig Platz, wenn sie nicht in Gebrauch ist. Die Ferplast Transportbox Atlas Deluxe Open bietet eine sichere und komfortable Lösung für den Transport Ihrer kleinen Haustiere während Ihrer Reisen.
CHF 0.00
Swisspet Transport box Atlas EL 10 open
swisspet transport boxes Atlas EL, open The practical transport cage with lots of fresh air and all-round visibility. For cats and small dogs. The box can be halved: the top can be unlatched. The lower half can be used as a bed at home. The lower part is black, the upper part is available in three colors. Delivery without cushion and without food bowl. Atlas 10 EL: 48x33x29cm, maximum load: 5kg Atlas 20 EL: 58x37x32cm, maximum load: 8kg Please note: If you are away for a longer period of time, you should always take your animal with you and never leave it in a car parked in the sun!
CHF 38.50
Swisspet Transport box Atlas EL 10 open purple
Atlas EL is the basic version of our transport boxes for small dogs and cats. Atlas EL is easy to transport thanks to the solid carrying handle and is ideal for traveling with your pet. No matter whether by car, train, ship or plane. This transport box comes complete with the plastic-covered steel mesh door. Thanks to the spring clips on the side, the box is very stable. Good air circulation is ensured by the side air holes. It is delivered without a cushion or food bowl. Available in three sizes: Atlas 10 EL, 48x33x29cm, Atlas 20 EL, 58x37x32cm and Atlas 30 EL, 60x40x39cm. Maximum load: Atlas 10 = 5kg, Atlas 20 = 8kg, Atlas 30 =15kg.
CHF 38.50
Ferplast Transport box Atlas 10 Open brown
The Atlas Open transport box is intended for small dogs and cats and is easy to lift thanks to the practical carrying handle on the lid. Whether in the car, train, ship or plane, your loved one is in good hands when traveling in the Atlas Open, which is made of sturdy plastic.
CHF 49.95
Ferplast Transport box Atlas 10 tbsp
The practical transport box with a closed top. For cats and small dogs. The box can be halved: the top can be unlatched.
CHF 26.90
Trendline Amiro dog and cat bed
The Trendline dog bed and cat bed Amiro is made of soft plush. The bed offers enough space and warmth for your loved ones. The comfortable bed is black and dotted with gold paint. The soft plush and fashionable colors make this bed the ideal place to sleep. In addition to the bed, you will receive a pillow that can be removed. Don't worry about stains because the reversible cushion can be washed at 30°C. The bed measures 45x45x17cm.
CHF 69.00
Swisspet Saxa ortho pet pad
swisspet ortho pet pad Saxa pad, top made of light gray plush, bottom made of dark gray fabric, with Zipper, washable at 30°C. The Ortho-Pet foam adapts ideal for the body, therefore particularly gentle on the joints.
CHF 79.90
Swisspet Locki ortho pet bed
swisspet Ortho pet bed LockiThe Ortho Pet foam adapts ideally to the body, making it particularly special gentle on the joints. Exterior fabric in gray, reversible cushion in fabric in gray and Plush beige, cushion with zipper, anti-slip, washable at 30°C.
CHF 89.00
Swisspet Dog & cat hygiene bed Ova
Easy-care hygienic bed made of nylon. The Ortho-Pet foam adapts ideally to the body, making it particularly gentle on the joints. Removable reversible cushion. Anti-slip, washable at 30°C. S: 58x50x23cmM: 68x59x24cmL: 77x64x27cmXL: 93x67x28cm
CHF 69.00